878 resultados para GA-FACE


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Human sulfotransferase SULT1A1 is an important phase II xenobiotic metabolizing enzyme that is highly expressed in the liver and mediates the sulfonation of drugs, carcinogens, and steroids. Until this study, the transcriptional regulation of the SULT1A subfamily had been largely unexplored. Preliminary experiments in primary human hepatocytes showed that SULT1A mRNA levels were not changed in response to nuclear receptor activators, such as dexamethasone and 3-methylcolanthrene, unlike other metabolizing enzymes. Using HepG2 cells, the high activity of the TATA-less SULT1A1 promoter was shown to be dependent on the presence of Sp1 and Ets transcription factor binding sites (EBS), located within - 112 nucleotides from the transcriptional start site. The homologous promoter of the closely related SULT1A3 catecholamine sulfotransferase, which is expressed at negligible levels in the adult liver, displayed 70% less activity than SULT1A1. This was shown to be caused by a two-base pair difference in the EBS. The Ets transcription factor GA binding protein (GABP) was shown to bind the SULT1A1 EBS and could transactivate the SULT1A1 promoter in Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells. Cotransfection of Sp1 could synergistically enhance GABP-mediated activation by 10-fold. Although Sp1 and GABP alone could induce SULT1A3 promoter activity, the lack of the EBS on this promoter prevented a synergistic interaction between the two factors. This study reports the first insight into the transcriptional regulation of the SULT1A1 gene and identifies a crucial difference in regulation of the closely related SULT1A3 gene, which accounts for the two enzymes' differential expression patterns observed in the adult liver.


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The present study investigated the influence of wrinkles on facial age judgments. In Experiment 1, preadolescents, young adults, and middle-aged adults made categorical age judgments for male and female faces. The qualitative (type of wrinkle) and quantitative (density of wrinkles and depth of furrows) contributions of wrinkles were analyzed. Results indicated that the greater the number of wrinkles and the depth of furrows, the older a face was rated. The roles of the gender of the face and the age of the participants were discussed. In Experiment 2, participants performed relative age judgments by comparing pairs of faces. Results revealed that the number of wrinkles had more influence on the perceived facial age than the type of wrinkle. A MDS analysis showed the main dimensions on which participants based their judgments, namely, the number of wrinkles and the depth of furrows. We conclude that the quantitative component is more likely to increase perceived facial age. Nevertheless, other variables, such as the gender of the face and the age of the participants, also seem to be involved in the age estimation process.


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PURPOSE. This article evaluates the comparability of the telephone and in-person Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) interviews in assessing patients with social anxiety disorder (SAD) as an independent anxiety diagnosis. DESIGN AND METHODS. One hundred subjects were randomly selected and interviewed with the SCID, once by telephone and once in person (1-3 months later). FINDINGS. The prevalence of SAD assessed with the telephone interviews was 56%, whereas the in-person prevalence was 52%, with no statistically significant difference. The test-retest kappa for the 200 interviews was .84, indication of excellent agreement. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. These findings, along with the existing evidence of their validity, should encourage the use of SCID by telephone for SAD diagnostic interviews.


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Ciguatera is a global disease caused by the consumption of certain warm-water fish (ciguateric fish) that have accumulated orally effective levels of sodium channel activator toxins (ciguatoxins) through the marine food chain. Symptoms of ciguatera include a range of gastrointestinal, neurological and cardiovascular disturbances. This review examines progress in our understanding of ciguatera from the work of Banner in the late 1950s to the present. Similarities and differences in ciguatera in the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Caribbean Sea are highlighted, and future research directions are suggested. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study integrated the research streams of computer-mediated communication (CMC) and group conflict by comparing the expression of different types of conflict in CMC groups and face-to face (FTF) groups over time. The main aim of the study was to compare the cues-filtered-out approach against the social information processing theory A laboratory study was conducted with 39 groups (19 CMC and 20 FTF) in which members were required to work together over three sessions. The frequencies of task, process, and relationship conflict were analyzed. Findings supported the social information processing theory. There was more process and relationship conflict in CMC groups compared to FTF groups on Day 1. However, this difference disappeared on Days 2 and 3. There was no difference between CMC and FTF groups in the amount of task conflict expressed on any day.


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Background: The aim of this study was to examine minor physical anomalies and quantitative measures of the head and face in patients with psychosis vs healthy controls. Methods: Based on a comprehensive prevalence study of psychosis, we recruited 310 individuals with psychosis and 303 controls. From this sample, we matched 180 case-control pairs for age and sex. Individual minor physical anomalies and quantitative measures related to head size and facial height and depth were compared within the matched pairs. Based on all subjects, we examined the specificity of the findings by comparing craniofacial summary scores in patients with nonaffective or affective psychosis and controls. Results: The odds of having a psychotic disorder were increased in those with wider skull bases (odds ratio [OR], 1.40; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.02-1.17), smaller lower-facial heights (glabella to subnasal) (OR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.44-0.75), protruding ears (OR, 1.72; 95% CI, 1.05-2.82), and shorter (OR, 2.29; 95% CI, 1.37-3.82) and wider (OR, 2.28; 95% CI, 1.43-3.65) palates. Compared with controls, those with psychotic disorder had skulls that were more brachycephalic. These differences were found to distinguish patients with nonaffective and affective psychoses from controls. Conclusions: Several of the features that differentiate patients from controls relate to the development of the neuro-basicranial complex and the adjacent temporal and frontal lobes. Future research should examine both the temporal lobe and the middle cranial fossa to reconcile our anthropomorphic findings and the literature showing smaller temporal lobes in patients with schizophrenia. Closer attention to the skull base may provide clues to the nature and timing of altered brain development in patients with psychosis.


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In this paper we investigate the concepts of 'face' and 'politeness'. We introduce a metalanguage which we believe is a framework for simplifying the analysis of 'face' and 'politeness'. This metalanguage is based on the observation that both 'face' and 'politeness' involve external evaluations of people. This common element is represented in the metalanguage as B what A shows A thinks of B and what B thinks A thinks of B. The implications of the metalanguage for the analysis of Chinese mian and lion ('face') and English face are then discussed. This is followed by an analysis of examples of politeness in English and teineisa ('politeness') in Japanese. We conclude that the metalanguage may be further developed for use in comparisons of 'face' and 'politeness' across cultures. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As reflex??es sobre a transpar??ncia do Estado no Brasil encontram espa??o particularmente nos anos oitenta, no bojo da conjuntura pol??tica referente aos projetos de democratiza????o do pa??s. No marco de tais reflex??es, o direito ?? informa????o e o direito ?? privacidade face ?? a????o do Estado passam a freq??entar assiduamente o discurso pol??tico. Tais an??lises n??o se expressam ainda em tentativas de formula????o de pol??ticas p??blicas na ??rea de informa????o durante o mesmo per??odo.


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Os métodos de análise de estruturas de contenção de solo reforçado sob condições de trabalho, em geral, desconsideram a contribuição da face para o equilíbrio da estrutura. Visando estudar a influência do peso específico da face e das propriedades relacionadas à rigidez da mesma sobre o desempenho das estruturas de solo reforçado, são realizadas simulações numéricas de diversas estruturas, utilizando a versão de dupla precisão do programa CRISP92-SC. Avalia-se, também, o emprego de diferentes tipos de elementos para a representação da face. Verifica-se que a face rígida impõe redução significativa das solicitações máximas de tração nos reforços e dos deslocamentos das estruturas de solo reforçado. A influência do peso específico da face sobre a estabilidade interna dos maciços reforçados mostrase desprezível e constata-se que a rigidez à flexão e a rigidez axial da face, função da sua geometria e do seu módulo de Young, são parâmetros influentes no comportamento das estruturas de contenção de solo reforçado. As variações da tração no reforço e da resultante de força cortante na face, em decorrência do enrijecimento da face, são analisadas e propõe-se uma relação entre elas. Quanto à forma de representação de uma face com rigidez expressiva, na simulação de uma estrutura de solo reforçado com o CRISP92-SC, é observado que a representação da face, seja por elementos de viga, seja por elementos quadriláteros, não altera os resultados da análise.


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Como em toda interação há o desejo de construir perante os outros uma imagem favorável de si próprio (Goffman, 1967), as entrevistas constituem-se em um espaço de confronto, já que é impossível controlar a imagem que um participante faz do outro. Sendo assim, neste trabalho, faz-se uma análise discursivo-pragmática de entrevistas impressas, tendo como base a noção de face, elaborada por Goffman (1967); a Teoria da Polidez, de Brown e Levinson (1987) e a noção de tópico discursivo como princípio de organização textual-discursiva, Koch (1992), Jubran (1992) e Lins (2008). Deste modo, focaliza-se o contexto de interação verbal em entrevistas a figuras do cenário político estadual/nacional realizadas pelo Jornal A Gazeta, publicadas nos anos de 2004, 2006 e 2008. Nas entrevistas, observa-se como acontecem os atos de ameaça às faces positiva e negativa na relação entrevistador-entrevistado, bem como quais estratégias de polidez eles utilizam para salvar e preservar as suas faces a partir do gerenciamento do tópico discursivo, tendo em vista que os atos de ameaça às faces positiva e negativa podem ser minimizados a partir de estratégias de manipulação do tópico. As principais questões que norteiam este estudo são: a necessidade de construção de face positiva é situação sine qua non para convivência social? É característico no gênero Entrevista a manipulação do tópico como estratégia de preservação de face? Quais estratégias de manipulação de tópico discursivo caracterizam a preservação de face? Dessa forma, esta pesquisa se põe relevante no interior das pesquisas sobre linguagem, uma vez que nela são tecidas reflexões sobre questões muito discutidas pela academia ultimamente, porém de forma separada: manipulação do tópico discursivo, no âmbito da Linguística Textual, e preservação de face, no âmbito da Pragmática.