550 resultados para Fusarium verticilloides


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The banana industry worldwide is under threat from a fungal disease known as Fusarium wilt, a disease for which there is no chemical control. Conventional breeding approaches to generate resistant banana varieties are lengthy and very difficult. As such, genetic engineering for disease resistance is considered the most viable control option. In this PhD thesis, genetically modified banana plants were generated using several different stress tolerance genes. When challenged with Fusarium wilt in glasshouse trials, some lines showed increased resistance to the disease. The promising elite lines generated in this study will now require testing in field trials.


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Displacement of the fungus Fusarium pseudograminearum from stubble by antagonists is a potential means of biocontrol of crown rot in cereals. The role of carbon and nitrogen nutrition in interactions between the pathogen and the antagonists Fusarium equiseti, Fusarium nygamai, Trichoderma harzianum and the non-antagonistic straw fungus Alternaria infectoria was investigated. Sole carbon source utilization patterns on Biolog plates were similar among the three Fusarium species, suggesting a possible role for competition. However, carbon niche overlap was unlikely to be important in antagonism by T. harzianum. Straw medium supplemented with sugars generally reduced the inhibitory effect of antagonists on growth of F. pseudograminearum in dual culture, indicating that availability of simple carbon sources does not limit antagonism. Adding nitrogen as urea, nitrate or ammonium to straw medium had little effect on antagonism by F. equiseti and F. nygamai, but ammonium addition removed the inhibitory effect of T. harzianum on growth of F. pseudograminearum. Displacement of F. pseudograminearum from straw by all fungi in a Petri dish assay was greater when urea or nitrate was used as a nitrogen source than with ammonium. All forms of nitrogen significantly increased displacement of F. pseudograminearum from straw under simulated field conditions when straws were either inoculated with T. harzianum or exposed to resident soil microbes. However, in 2 out of 3 experiments urea and nitrate were more effective than ammonium. The results suggest that availability of nitrogen, but not carbon, is limiting the activities of antagonists of F. pseudograminearum in straw, and the way nitrogen is applied can influence the rate of displacement and mortality of the pathogen in host residues.


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Conduct research that will increase our knowledge in managing Fusarium wilt of cotton.


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Genetic approaches to resistance of bread wheat to crown rot and common root rot.


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This project provided information on the genetics of crown rot (CR) resistance to help breeding work, located new parent lines in wheat and barley, and provided an insight into yield losses that occur in commercial varieties with increasing levels of CR for risk management. Genetic experiments found some highly resistant lines were poor parents, and CR resistance was complex. Best parent lines and many specific crosses were identified for further work. New potential parent lines were identified in wheat and barley, some now used in breeding programs. Yield loss can be severe even with low levels of CR when combined with drought stress. CR can reduce yield even with a wet finish.


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Development of management strategies for fusarium wilt of cotton.


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Wheat crops in southeast Queensland (Qld) and northern New South Wales (NSW) were infected with fusarium head blight (FHB)-like symptoms during the 201011 wheat growing season. Wheat crops in this region were surveyed at soft dough or early maturity stage to determine the distribution, severity, aetiology and toxigenicity of FHB. FHB was widespread on bread wheat and durum, and Fusarium graminearum and/or F.pseudograminearum were diagnosed from 42 of the 44 sites using species-specific PCR primers directly on spikelets or from monoconidial cultures obtained from spikelets. Stem base browning due to crown rot (CR) was also evident in some samples from both states. The overall FHB and CR severity was higher for NSW than Qld. Deoxynivalenol (DON) concentration of immature grains was more than 1 mg kg-1 in samples from 11 Qld and 14 NSW sites, but only 13 of 498 mature grain samples sourced from the affected areas had more than 1 mg kg-1 DON. DON concentration in straw also exceeded 1 mg kg-1 in eight Qld and all but one NSW sites but this was not linked to DON concentration of immature grains. The proportion of spikelets with positive diagnosis for F.graminearum and/or F.pseudograminearum and weather-related factors influenced DON levels in immature grains. The average monthly rainfall for AugustNovember during crop anthesis and maturation exceeded the long-term monthly average by 10150%. Weather played a critical role in FHB epidemics for Qld sites but this was not apparent for the NSW sites, as weather was generally favourable at all sites.


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Variation in the reaction of cereal cultivars to crown rot caused by Fusarium spp., in particular Fusarium pseudograminearum, was identified over 50 yrs ago, however the parameters and pathways of infection by F. pseudograminearum remain poorly understood. Seedlings of wheat, barley and oat genotypes that differ in susceptibility to crown rot were inoculated with a mixture of F. pseudograminearum isolates. Seedlings were harvested from 7 to 42 days after inoculation and expanded plant parts were rated for severity of visible disease symptoms. Individual leaf sheaths were placed onto nutrient media and fungal colonies emerging from the leaf sheathes were counted to estimate the degree of fungal spread within the host tissue. Significant differences in both the timing and the severity of disease symptoms were observed in the leaf sheath tissues of different host genotypes. Across all genotypes and plant parts examined, the development of visible symptoms closely correlated with the spread of the fungus into that tissue. The degree of infection of the coleoptile and sub-crown internode varied between genotypes, but was unrelated to the putative resistance of the host. In contrast leaf sheath tissues of the susceptible barley cv. Tallon and bread wheat cv. Puseas scored higher disease ratings and consistently showed faster, earlier spread of the fungus into younger tissues than infections of the oat cv. Cleanleaf or the wheat lines 2-49 and CPI 133814. While initial infections usually spread upwards from near the base of the first leaf sheath, the pathogen did not appear to invade younger leaf sheaths only from the base, but rather spread laterally across from older leaf sheaths into younger, subtended leaf sheaths, particularly as disease progressed. Early in the infection of each leaf sheath, disease symptoms in the partially resistant genotypes were less severe than in susceptible genotypes, however as infected leaf sheaths aged, differences between genotypes lessened as disease symptoms approached maximum values. Hence, while visual scoring of disease symptoms on leaf sheaths is a reliable comparative measure of the degree of fungal infection, differences between genotypes in the development of disease symptoms are more reliably assessed using the most recently expanded leaf sheaths.


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Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), causal agent of fusarium wilt of banana, is among the most destructive pathogens of banana and plantain. The development of a molecular diagnostic capable of reliably distinguishing between the various races of the pathogen is of key importance to disease management. However, attempts to distinguish isolates using the standard molecular loci typically used for fungal phylogenetics have been complicated by a poor correlation between phylogeny and pathogenicity. Among the available alternative loci are several putative effector genes, known as SIX genes, which have been successfully used to differentiate the three races of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. In this study, an international collection of Foc isolates was screened for the presence of the putative effector SIX8. Using a PCR and sequencing approach, variation in Foc-SIX8 was identified which allowed race 4 to be differentiated from race 1 and 2 isolates, and tropical and subtropical race 4 isolates to be distinguished from one another.


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Many banana producing regions around the world experience climate variability as a result of seasonal rainfall and temperature conditions, which result in sub-optimal conditions for banana production. This can create periods of plant stress which impact on plant growth, development and yields. Furthermore, diseases such as Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, can become more predominant following periods of environmental stress, particularly for many culturally significant cultivars such as Ducasse (synonym Pisang Awak) (Musa ABB). The aim of this experiment was to determine if expression of symptoms of Fusarium wilt of bananas in a susceptible cultivar could be explained by environmental conditions, and if soil management could reduce the impact of the disease and increase production. An experiment was established in an abandoned commercial field of Ducasse bananas with a high incidence of Fusarium wilt. Vegetated ground cover was maintained around the base of banana plants and compared with plants grown in bare soil for changes in growth, production and disease symptoms. Expression of Fusarium wilt was found to be a function of water stress potential and the heat unit requirement for bananas. The inclusion of vegetative ground cover around the base of the banana plants significantly reduced the severity and incidence of Fusarium wilt by 20 % and altered the periods of symptom development. The growth of bananas and development of the bunch followed the accumulated heat units, with a greater number of bunched plants evident during warmer periods of the year. The weight of bunches harvested in a second crop cycle was increased when banana plants were grown in areas with vegetative ground cover, with fewer losses of plants due to Fusarium wilt.


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Fusarium wilt of strawberry, incited by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae (Fof), is a major disease of the cultivated strawberry (Fragaria xananassa) worldwide. An increase in disease outbreaks of the pathogen in Western Australia and Queensland plus the search for alternative disease management strategies place emphasis on the development of resistant cultivars. In response, a partial incomplete diallel cross involving four parents was performed for use in glasshouse resistance screenings. The resulting progeny were evaluated for their susceptibility to Fof. Best-performing progeny and suitability of progenies as parents were determined using data from disease severity ratings and analyzed using a linear mixed model incorporating a pedigree to produce best linear unbiased predictions of breeding values. Variation in disease response, ranging from highly susceptible to resistant, indicates a quantitative effect. The estimate of the narrow-sense heritability was 0.49 +/- 0.04 (SE), suggesting the population should be responsive to phenotypic recurrent selection. Several progeny genotypes have predicted breeding values higher than any of the parents. Knowledge of Fof resistance derived from this study can help select best parents for future crosses for the development of new strawberry cultivars with Fof resistance.


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Six tetraploid hybrids from Fundación Hondureña de Investigación Agrícola (FHIA) were evaluated in Australia over a five year period. They included three AAAA hybrids (FHIA-02, FHIA-17 and FHIA-23) and three AAAB hybrids (FHIA-01, FHIA-18 and SH-3640.10) and they were compared with industry standards, ‘Williams’ (AAA, Cavendish subgroup) and ‘Lady Finger’ (AAB, Pome subgroup). They were screened for their resistance to Fusarium wilt race 1 and subtropical race 4 caused by the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense and they were also grown for several cycles on farms not infested with Fusarium wilt to record their agronomic characteristics. The AAAB hybrids, all derived from female parent ‘Prata Anã’ (AAB, Pome subgroup) were the most resistant to both races of Fusarium wilt and were very productive in the subtropics. They were significantly more productive than ‘Lady Finger’, which was susceptible to both races of Fusarium wilt. The AAAA hybrids, with the exception of FHIA-02 which was very susceptible to Fusarium wilt and displayed the poorest agronomic traits of the six hybrids, produced bunch weights as good as Cavendish but were significantly slower to cycle. FHIA-17 and FHIA-23, both derived from the female parent ‘Highgate’ (AAA, Gros Michel subgroup), were also significantly more resistant to Fusarium wilt than ‘Gros Michel’, while FHIA-17 demonstrated a level of resistance similar to ‘Williams’ and FHIA-23 was intermediate between ‘Lady Finger’ and ‘Williams’


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Ambrosia beetle fungiculture represents one of the most ecologically and evolutionarily successful symbioses, as evidenced by the 11 independent origins and 3500 species of ambrosia beetles. Here we document the evolution of a clade within Fusarium associated with ambrosia beetles in the genus Euwallacea (Coleoptera: Scolytinae). Ambrosia Fusarium Clade (AFC) symbionts are unusual in that some are plant pathogens that cause significant damage in naive natural and cultivated ecosystems, and currently threaten avocado production in the United States, Israel and Australia. Most AFC fusaria produce unusual clavate macroconidia that serve as a putative food source for their insect mutualists. AFC symbionts were abundant in the heads of four Euwallacea spp., which suggests that they are transported within and from the natal gallery in mandibular mycangia. In a four-locus phylogenetic analysis, the AFC was resolved in a strongly supported monophyletic group within the previously described Cade 3 of the Fusarium solani species complex (FSSC). Divergence-time estimates place the origin of the AFC in the early Miocene similar to 21.2 Mya, which coincides with the hypothesized adaptive radiation of the Xyleborini. Two strongly supported clades within the AFC (Clades A and B) were identified that include nine species lineages associated with ambrosia beetles, eight with Euwallacea spp. and one reportedly with Xyleborus ferrugineus, and two lineages with no known beetle association. More derived lineages within the AFC showed fixation of the clavate (club-shaped) macroconidial trait, while basal lineages showed a mix of clavate and more typical fusiform macroconidia. AFC lineages consisted mostly of genetically identical individuals associated with specific insect hosts in defined geographic locations, with at least three interspecific hybridization events inferred based on discordant placement in individual gene genealogies and detection of recombinant loci. Overall, these data are consistent with a strong evolutionary trend toward obligate symbiosis coupled with secondary contact and interspecific hybridization. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), is one of the most destructive diseases of banana. One potential method to manage fusarium wilt of banana is by manipulating the nutrient status in the soil. This study was conducted to determine the quality of Foc suppressive and conducive soil, the influence of soil application of silica and manure on the incidence of fusarium wilt of banana. Surveys were conducted in five banana plantations in three provinces in Indonesia: Lampung-Sumatra, West Java and Central Java. From the five locations, one location (Sala-man-Central Java) was heavily infected by Foc, another location (NTF Lampung-Sumatera) was slightly infected by Foc, while the rest (Sarampad-West Java, Talaga-West Java and GGP Lampung-Sumatra) were healthy banana plantations without Foc infection. Labile carbon analysis showed that the Foc suppressive soil had greater labile carbon content than conducive soil. Also, the analysis of fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis (FDA) and ?-glucosidase showed greater microbial activity in suppressive soil than the conducive soil. Observations of the incidence of necrotic rhizome of Foc susceptible 'Ambon Kuning' (AAA) banana cultivar showed that in the suppressive soil taken from Sarampad West Java, the application of silica and manure helped suppress fusarium wilt disease development. In the conducive soil taken from Salaman-Central Java, silica and manure applications were not able to suppress disease incidence. The result of this study indicated that in suppressive soil, the application of silica can increase plant resistance to Foc infection, while manure application can increase soil microbial activity, and suppress Foc development.