735 resultados para Fusarium proliferatum
Myceliar growth of 90 Fusarium strains os F. acuminatum, F. chlamydosporum, F. culmorum, F. equiseti, F.verticillioides, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum, F. solani an F. sambucinum isolated from fluvial channels and sea beds of the south-eastern coast of Spain was tested on potato-dextrose-agar adjusted to different matric potentials with either KCl or NaCl (from - 1.50 to - 144.54 bars).
Germination of macroconidia and/or microconidia of 24 strains of Fusarium solani, F. chlamydosporum, F. culmorum, F. equiseti, F. verticillioides, F. sambucinum, F. oxysporum and F. proliferatum isolated from fluvial channels and sea beds of the south-eastern coast of Spain, and three control strains (F. oxysporum isolated from affected cultures) was studied in distilled water in response to a range of water potentials adjusted with NaCI. (0, -13.79, -41.79, -70.37, -99.56 and -144.54 bars). The vialibility (UFC/ml) of suspension was also tested in three time periods (0,24 and 48h). Conidia always germinated in distilled water. The pattern of conidial germination obseved of F. verticillioides, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum, F. chlamydosporum and F. culmorum was similar. A great diminution of spore germination was found in -13.79 bars solutions. Spore germination percentage for F. solani isolates was maximal at 48 h. and -13.79 bars with 21.33% spore germination, 16% higher than germination in distilled water. F. equiseti shows the maximum germination percentage in -144.54 bars solution in 24 h time with 12.36% germination. These results did not agree with those obtained in the viability test where maximum germination was found in distilled water. The viability analysis showed the great capacity of F. verticilloides strains to form viable colonies, even in such extreme conditions as -144,54 bars after 24 h F. proliferatum colony formation was prevented in the range of -70.37 bars. These results show the clear affectation of water potential to conidia germination of Fusaria. The ability of certain species of Fusarium to develop a saprophytic life in the salt water of the Mediterraneam Sea could be certain. Successful germination, even under high salty media conditions, suggests taht Fusarium spp. could have a competitive advantage over other soil fungi in crops irrigated with saline water. In the specific case of F. solani, water potential of -13.79 bars affected germination positively. It could indicate that F. solani has an special physiological mechanism of survival in low water potential environments.
Este trabajo es continuación de una serie de estudios sobre la biogeografía de Fusarium que se están realizando desde hace 5 años en España. En él se presentan los resultados analíticos para el género Fusarium de muestras de aguas del cauce del río Andarax y de fondos del mar Mediterráneo en las provincias de Granada y Almería (Sureste de España). Se analizan un total de 18 muestras de agua del río Andarax. De ellas se aislaron 10 especies de Fusarium: F. anthophilum, F. acuminatum, F. chlamydosporum, F. culmorum, F. equiseti, F. verticillioides, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum, F. solani y F. sambucinum. De las 23 muestras del mar Mediterráneo se aislaron 5 especies: F. equiseti,F. moliniforme, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum y F. solani. Sobre el total de muestras analizadas, un 27,45% de las muestras de aguas del río y un 29,41% de muestras de procedencia marina presentaron como mínimo una especie de Fusarium a lo largo de casi 12 meses de muestreo. Considerando las muestras según sus orígenes se encuentra que en las de origen aguas del río un 77,77% presentaron alguna especie de Fusarium; en el caso de los fondos marinos un 45,45% de las muestras presentó alguna especie de Fusarium. La mayor presencia de especies en las aguas del río puede ser debida a los contenidos en el agua de partículas de suelo y materia orgánica, después de los arrastres producidos en las orillas por las lluvias. La presencia de especies encontradas en el mar puede ser consecuencia de las aguas de los cauces que desembocan en éste. Sin embargo, no pueden excluirse otras vías.
En este artículo se estudia la patogenicidad de las especies de Fusarium aisladas de muestras de fondos marinos del Mediterráneo y de aguas del cauce del río Andarax en las provincias de Granada y Almería (Sureste de España) sobre plántulas de cebada, colirrábano, melón y tomate. La evaluación del poder patógeno se hizo para 41 aislados de 9 especies de Fusarium aisladas de agus de mar y de río: F. acuminatum, F. chlamydosporum, F.culmorum, F. equiseti, F. verticillioides, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum, F. sambucinum y F. solani. Todos los aislados de las diferentes especies mostraron patogenicidad tanto en preemergencia como en postemergencia de plántulas. No fue posible distiguir a los aislados según su procedencia: aguas marinas o de río.
Species of Fusarium were isolated from water samples collected from the Andarax River and coastal sea water of the Mediterranean in Granada and Almería provinces of southeastern Spain. In total, 18 water samples were analyzed from the Andarax River, and 10 species of Fusarium were isolated: Fusarium anthophilum, F. acuminatum, F. chlamydosporum, F. culmorum, F. equiseti, F. verticillioides, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum, F. solani, and F. solani. When considering the samples by their origins, 77.8% of the river water samples yielded at least one species of Fusarium , with F. oxysporum comprising 72.2% of the total isolates. In the case of marine water, 45.5% of the samples yielded at least one species of Fusarium, with F. solani comprising 36.3% of the total isolates. The pathogenicity of 41 isolates representing nine of the species collected from river an sea water during the study ws evluated on barley, kohlrabe, melon, and tomato. Inoculation with F. acuminatum, F. chlamydosporum, F. culmorum, F. equiseti, F. verticillioides, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum F. solani, and F. sambucinum resulted in pre-and post-emergence damping off. Pathogenicity of Fusarium isolates did not seem to be related to the origin of the isolates (sea water or fresh water). However, the presence of pathogenic species of Fusarium in river water flowing to the sea could indicate long-distance dispersal in natural water environments
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a worldwide cereal disease caused by a complex of Fusarium species resulting in high yield losses, reduction in quality and mycotoxin contamination of grain. A shift in Fusarium head blight community has been observed worldwide. The present work aimed to analyze the evolution of Italian FHB community focusing the attention on species considered “secondary” in the past years such as members of Fusarium tricinctum species complex (FTSC) and F. proliferatum. The first goal of the study was to analyze the fungal community associated with Italian durum wheat in two different years. F. poae, F. avenaceum and F. proliferatum were the main species detected on Italian durum kernels. A variable mycotoxins contamination was observed in the analyzed samples. Considering, the increased incidence of F. avenaceum and other members of FTSC in Italian FHB, the second aim was to investigate genetic diversity among the FTSC and estimate the mycotoxin risk related to these species. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that F. avenaceum (FTSC 4) was the most common species in Italy, followed by an unnamed Fusarium sp., F. tricinctum and F. acuminatum. In addition to these four phylospecies, five other F. tricinctum clade species were sampled. These included strains of four newly discovered species (Fusarium spp. FTSC 11, 13, 14, 15) and F. iranicum (FTSC 6). Most isolates tested for mycotoxin production on rice cultures were able to produce quantitative levels of enniatins and moniliformin. In addition, a preliminary study was conducted to evaluate the ability of a selected F. proliferatum isolate to produce fumonisins on wheat in open field and under natural climatic conditions. The three analogues (FB1, FB2 and FB3) were quantified by HPLC-FLD analysis on kernels, chaff and rachis. Fumonisins were detected in all the three investigated fractions without significant differences.
The pathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum is an ongoing threat to agriculture, causing losses in grain yield and quality in diverse crops. Substantial progress has been made in the identification of genes involved in the suppression of phytopathogens by antagonistic microorganisms; however, limited information regarding responses of plant pathogens to these biocontrol agents is available. Gene expression analysis was used to identify differentially expressed transcripts of the fungal plant pathogen F. graminearum under antagonistic effect of the bacterium Pantoea agglomerans. A macroarray was constructed, using 1014 transcripts from an F. graminearum cDNA library. Probes consisted of the cDNA of F. graminearum grown in the presence and in the absence of P. agglomerans. Twenty-nine genes were either up (19) or down (10) regulated during interaction with the antagonist bacterium. Genes encoding proteins associated with fungal defense and/or virulence or with nutritional and oxidative stress responses were induced. The repressed genes coded for a zinc finger protein associated with cell division, proteins containing cellular signaling domains, respiratory chain proteins, and chaperone-type proteins. These data give molecular and biochemical evidence of response of F. graminearum to an antagonist and could help develop effective biocontrol procedures for pathogenic plant fungi.
In order to verify the behavior of 30 genotypes of wheat in relation to the emergence and incidence of giberela in wheat seedlings from seeds contaminated with F graminearum, experiments were carried out under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. In the laboratory, seeds were analyzed for health using freezer blotter test. In the greenhouse, seeds were sowed in plastic boxes filled with sand treated with methyl bromide. Statistical design was randomized blocks with 30 treatments, four replications of 50 seeds (200 seeds/treatment). Emergence of seedlings and giberela incidence were evaluated at seven, 14 and 21 days after sowing. Symptomatic seedlings were removed and submitted to humid chambers for 24 hours under laboratory conditions. There was no significant difference in the incidence of the pathogen in the emergence of seedlings. There was no correlation between the incidence of F graminearum in the genotypes and incidence of giberela in seedlings, nor between the incidence of giberela in seedlings and the incidence of the pathogen in the seeds.
Genetic variation among Australian isolates of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), which causes Fusarium wilt in banana, was examined using DNA amplification fingerprinting (DAF). Ninety-four isolates which represented Races 1, 2, 3, and 4, and vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) 0120, 0124, 0125, 0128, 0129, 01211, 01213/16, and 01220 were analysed. The genetic relatedness among isolates within each VCG, and between the 8 different VCGs of Foc present in Australia was determined. The DNA fingerprint patterns were VCG-specific, with each VCG representing a unique genotype. The genetic similarity among isolates within each VCG ranged from 97% to 100%. Among the different VCGs of Foc, 3 major clusters were distinguished which corresponded with race. All Race 1 and 2 isolates (VCGs 0124, 0125, 0128, and 01220) were closely related and clustered together, the Race 3 isolates from Heliconia clustered separately, and all Race 4 isolates (VCGs 0120, 0129, 01211, and 01213/16) clustered together. Fifteen isolates from Alstonville, NSW, were characterised because although they were classified as Race 2 based on their recovery from cooking banana cultivars, they belonged in VCG 0124, which had previously contained only Race 1 isolates. The occurrence of more than one race within a VCG means that vegetative compatibility grouping cannot be used to assign pathotype to pathogenic race as previously thought. It was possible to distinguish the Race 1 and Race 2 isolates within VCG 0124 using DNA fingerprinting, as each race produced a unique DNA fingerprint pattern. Among the Australian isolates, DNA fingerprinting analysis identified 9 different VCGs and genotypes of Foc.
A foliar rating system was developed to assess the progress of Fusarium wilt ( Panama disease) caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense in seven banana cultivars differing in their resistance to race 1 of the pathogen. Plantlets were transplanted into unamended soil naturally infested with the pathogen, soil amended with urea and soil amended with aged chicken manure. A corm invasion score was also developed to assess the accuracy of the foliar symptom score as an indicator of cultivar resistance. On the basis of foliar symptom scores alone, the response of five of the seven cultivars in the chicken manure treatment corresponded to their known field response. However, the response of the other two cultivars, both susceptible to the pathogen in the field, fell into two categories. One had a high foliar symptom score and a correspondingly high corm invasion score, whereas the other had a low foliar symptom score and a high corm invasion score. Breeders need to be aware of the two categories of susceptible response, if inferior breeding material is to be rejected early on in a breeding program.
Despite extensive research since pathogenicity was first established in 1919, no cultural or chemical control strategy has proven effective against Fusarium wilt of bananas. The efficacy of cultural control is attributed to the suppression of pathogen activity. Yet, amending naturally infested soil with aged chicken manure has been shown to enhance disease severity, without any change in the activity of the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) in the soil. In this study, the effect of amending soil with composted sawdust, and of solarising soil, was compared with the effect of amending soil with chicken manure. Bioassays comparing the activity of Foc in the soil with the extent of invasion of banana pseudostem tissue by Foc were used to investigate why strategies targetting pathogen survival have not proven successful in controlling this disease. The enhancement of Foc invasion of the banana plantlets was reproduced with the addition of chicken manure to the naturally infested soil. However, changes in the activity of Foc in the soil were not associated with changes in the frequency of invasion of the plantlets. Invasion of banana pseudostems in the sawdust and solarisation treatments was not significantly different from invasion in the respective control treatments, despite a reduction in the activity of Foc in the sawdust-amended soil and an enhancement in the solarised soil. Moreover, the increase in Foc activity in the solarised soil recorded during the bioassays occurred despite the effectiveness of solarisation in reducing the survival of Foc in pre-colonised banana root tips buried in the soil. Changes in the frequency of invasion were associated with changes in the availability of mineral nitrogen, particularly ammonium N. These results suggest that the physiological response of banana cultivars to ammonium N may be associated with their susceptibility to Fusarium wilt. Accordingly, cultural strategies for controlling Panama disease will only be effective if they enhance the ability of the host to resist invasion.
A podridão vermelha da raiz de soja vem crescendo em importância, a cada ano, no Brasil, com aumento substancial de participação nas perdas de produtividade. Na região dos Cerrados, são escassos os dados de campo sobre a reação de cultivares à doença. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização, em campo, de uma série de genótipos de soja, quanto à resistência à podridão vermelha da raiz, em solos naturalmente infestados. Foram testados 71 genótipos de soja, sendo 16 do ciclo de maturação precoce, 28 do ciclo de maturação médio e 27 do ciclo de maturação tardio, em quatro localidades, no entorno do Distrito Federal. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. A caracterização foi realizada por meio dos níveis de incidência e severidade dos sintomas foliares. Genótipos com altos níveis de resistência à doença foram observados nos três grupos de maturação, em cultivares e linhagens em fase final de melhoramento.
A 36-year-old black man, without history of systemic disease or ocular trauma developed a corneal infection in his left eye. He was treated with antibacterial antibiotic and corticosteroids for one month prior to diagnosis. Fungal hyphae and chlamydospores were found in a KOH preparation of the corneal scrapings, and positive cultures for Fusarium solani were obtained in Sabouraud dextrose agar. It is emphasized the cautious use of antibiotics and steroids in corneal diseases, and the need of considering the involvement of opportunistic fungi in the etiology of these infections.