950 resultados para Functional feeding groups


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A colonização por invertebrados aquáticos no detrito de Salvinia herzogii foi estudada em dois lagos rasos subtropicais de diferentes estados tróficos (eutrófico e oligotrófico) localizados no campus Carreiros da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, extremo sul do Brasil. Aproximadamente 6g (peso úmido) de S. herzogii foram incubados em experimentos com litter bags (30 X 20 cm com 10 mm de malha) e a decomposição do detrito acompanhada durante 110 dias (entre setembro de 2008 e janeiro de 2009), período no qual o detrito decompôs-se cerca de 95%. Quatro réplicas foram retiradas após os intervalos de 1, 30, 60, 90 e 110 dias de incubação e o detrito foi limpo em água corrente sob peneira de 250µm de malha para que fossem retidos os organismos e depois fixados em álcool 80%. As plantas depois de limpas foram secas à 60ºC por 72 horas para obtenção do peso seco, depois trituradas, para as análises de nitrogênio e fósforo total e para obtenção do peso seco livre de cinzas, equivalente a porcentagem de massa remanescente (%R). Os invertebrados foram identificados até o menor nível taxonômico possível e depositados na coleção de Invertebrados Límnicos – ICB - FURG. Para cada amostra foram calculadas a riqueza e a densidade de táxons, os índices de diversidade de Shannon - Wiener (H’), homogeneidade de Pielou (J). Para determinar qual grupo de invertebrados foi mais importante para a estruturação da comunidade em cada lago, foi realizada a análise de espécies indicadoras (indicator especies analysis). Um total de 32.399 organismos distribuídos em 38 táxons foram registrados para os lagos estudados. Dezoito táxons foram comuns entre os lagos em cada experimento. Um total de 1.449.612 ind. 100g PS no ambiente eutrófico e 372.380 ind. 100g PS para o ambiente oligotrófico foi registrado (p=0,4771). O táxon mais abundante encontrado para o lago eutrófico foi Goeldichironomus (Chironomidae; 81% de todos os organismos coletados), enquanto queno lago oligotrófico, o táxon mais abundante foi Caenis (Caenidae; 29,1% de todos os organismos coletados). A colonização do detrito foi rápida, nas primeiras 24 horas foram registrados 10 táxons nos lagos eutrófico e oligotrófico, sendo os predadores o grupo dominante (52 e 70%, respectivamente) neste período. Durante o período do experimento,no lago eutrófico, os coletores-catadores foram os mais abundantes (91,2 % do número total de organismos), seguido de coletores-filtradores (4,7 %) e predadores (3,5 %). No lago oligotrófico, os coletores-catadores foram os mais abundantes (34,1 % do número total de organismos), seguido de predadores (26,8 %), raspadores (24,9 %) e fragmentadores (10,5 %). O Índice de diversidade acompanhou os aumentos de densidade durante os experimentos, sendo que o valor máximo observado foi no lago oligotrófico(H’=2,31) no 60º dia de incubação, enquanto que o menor valor foi registrado para o lago eutrófico (H’=0,19) no 110º dia de incubação. A taxa de decomposição de S. herzogii foi diferente no lago eutrófico (k = 0,019; R2 = 0,88) e oligotrófico (k = 0,021; R2 = 0,81),porém essa diferença não foi significativa (ANCOVA; F = 6,38 e p = 0,6755).


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1. The establishment of grassy strips at the margins of arable fields is an agri-environment scheme that aims to provide resources for native flora and fauna and thus increase farmland biodiversity. These margins can be managed to target certain groups, such as farmland birds and pollinators, but the impact of such management on the soil fauna has been poorly studied. This study assessed the effect of seed mix and management on the biodiversity, conservation and functional value of field margins for soil macrofauna. 2. Experimental margin plots were established in 2001 in a winter wheat field in Cambridgeshire, UK, using a factorial design of three seed mixes and three management practices [spring cut, herbicide application and soil disturbance (scarification)]. In spring and autumn 2005, soil cores taken from the margin plots and the crop were hand-sorted for soil macrofauna. The Lumbricidae, Isopoda, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Carabidae and Staphylinidae were identified to species and classified according to feeding type. 3. Diversity in the field margins was generally higher than in the crop, with the Lumbricidae, Isopoda and Coleoptera having significantly more species and/or higher abundances in the margins. Within the margins, management had a significant effect on the soil macrofauna, with scarified plots containing lower abundances and fewer species of Isopods. The species composition of the scarified plots was similar to that of the crop. 4. Scarification also reduced soil- and litter-feeder abundances and predator species densities, although populations appeared to recover by the autumn, probably as a result of dispersal from neighbouring plots and boundary features. The implications of the responses of these feeding groups for ecosystem services are discussed. 5. Synthesis and applications. This study shows that the management of agri-environment schemes can significantly influence their value for soil macrofauna. In order to encourage the litter-dwelling invertebrates that tend to be missing from arable systems, agri-environment schemes should aim to minimize soil cultivation and develop a substantial surface litter layer. However, this may conflict with other aims of these schemes, such as enhancing floristic and pollinator diversity.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever a organização funcional da fauna de peixes de riachos do nordeste do estado do Pará, Brasil, com base em observações comportamentais das táticas alimentares das espécies. Sete igarapés foram amostrados entre junho e novembro de 2010 por técnicas de observações diretas durante sessões de mergulho livre, totalizando 91h 51min de observação, nos períodos diurno, crepuscular vespertino e noturno. Foram observadas 73 espécies distribuídas em seis ordens, 26 famílias e 63 gêneros, com predomínio de Characiformes, seguidos por Siluriformes. A partir de informações coligidas por observações ad libitum, as espécies foram organizadas em 18 grupos tróficos funcionais (GTFs), de acordo com duas características principais: (1) a tática alimentar observada com maior frequência; e (2) sua distribuição espacial no riacho, considerando suas dimensões lateral (margens e canal central) e vertical (coluna d'água). Os GTFs mais frequentes foram Catadores noturnos de invertebrados (9 espécies), Coletores diurnos de canal (8 spp.), Catadores diurnos de superfície (7 spp.), e Predadores de tocaia e emboscada (6 spp.). Os GTFs aqui definidos possibilitam uma análise comparativa da estrutura e composição da ictiofauna, que representa uma abordagem alternativa ao uso da estrutura taxonômica em estudos ecológicos. A classificação da ictiofauna baseada em GTFs proposta neste trabalho é comparada com outras três classificações, propostas por Sazima (1986), Sabino & Zuanon (1998) e Casatti et al. (2001).


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The functional polystyrene, (Cl-PS)(2)-CHCOOCH2CH2OH ( designated as XPSt and coded P2) was prepared by ATRP at 130(0)C using CuCl and bipyridine as catalysts, 2,2-dichloro acetate-ethylene glycol (DCAG) as multifunctional initiator and THF as solvent. 4-Nitoroaniline azomethine-4' phenol (P1) as chromophores were covalently linked to the functional end groups of the polymer by using simple displacement reaction. The functional polystyrenes, namely XPSt (P2) and (PS)(2)-CHCOOCH2CH2OH, designated as X-PSt and coded P3 and their post-derivatives, namely, DXPSt (P4) and DX-PSt (P5) respectively were characterized by IR, NMR and UV spectroscopies, gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), polarising optical microscopy (POM) and XRD studies. DSC showed that incorporation of chromophores in the side chains of polymers towards the polystyrene moiety increases the rigidity of the polymer and subsequently, its glass transition temperature; however the incorporation of side chain towards the alcoholic functional group decreases the glass transition temperature. The post derivatives do not play any significant role to increase the thermal stability ( TGA).


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We investigated the effects of the timing of first feeding (larvae in F0, F1, F2, F3 and S were first fed on day 3, 4, 5, 6 days after hatching (DAH) and unfed, respectively) on feeding, morphological changes, survival and growth in miiuy croaker larvae at 24A degrees C. The fed larvae initiated feeding on 3 DAH and reached point of no return (PNR) on 6 DAH. Larvae in F0 and F1 groups survived apparently better than F2 group at the end of the experiment on 36 DAH. High larval mortality occurred from 3 to 7 DAH in all feeding groups, accounting for 40% (F0, F1 and F2 groups) to 90% (F3 and S groups) of the total mortality. Larvae in F0 and F1 groups grew better than F2 group throughout the experiment. Eye diameter, body height, head height and mouth gape of the first feeding larvae were more sensitive to starvation than other morphometrics and could be used as indicators for evaluating their nutritional status. Results indicated that delayed first feeding over 1 day after yolk exhaustion could lead to poor larval survival and growth. To avoid starvation and obtain good growth in culturing, larvae feeding should be initiated within 1 day after yolk exhaustion at 24A degrees C.


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In 2012, the Western English Channel experienced an unusually large and long-lived phytoplankton spring bloom. When compared with data from the past 20 years, average phytoplankton biomass at Station L4 (part of the Western Channel Observatory) was approximately 3× greater and lasted 50% longer than any previous year. Regular (mostly weekly) box core samples were collected from this site before, during and after the bloom to determine its impact on macrofaunal abundance, diversity, biomass, community structure and function. The spring bloom of 2012 was shown to support a large and rapid response in the majority of benthic taxa and functional groups. However, key differences in the precise nature of this response, as well as in its timing, was observed between different macrofauna feeding groups. Deposit feeders responded almost instantly at the start of the bloom, primarily thorough an increase in abundance. Suspension feeders and opportunistic/predatory/carnivorous taxa responded slightly more slowly and primarily with an increase in biomass. At the end of the bloom a rapid decline in macrobenthic abundance, diversity and biomass closely followed the decline in phytoplankton biomass. With suspension feeders showing evidence of this decline a few weeks before deposit feeders, it was concluded that this collapse in benthic communities was driven primarily by food availability and competition. However, it is possible that environmental hypoxia and the presence of toxic benthic cyanobacteria could also have contributed to this decline. This study shows evidence for strong benthic–pelagic coupling at L4; a shallow (50 m), coastal, fine-sand habitat. It also demonstrates that in such habitats, it is not just planktonic organisms that demonstrate clear community phenology. Different functional groups within the benthic assemblage will respond to the spring bloom in specific manner, with implications for key ecosystem functions and processes, such as secondary production and bioturbation. Only by taking integrated benthic and pelagic observations over such fine temporal scales (weekly) was the current study able to identify the intimate structure of the benthic response. Similar studies from other habitats and under different bloom conditions are urgently needed to fully appreciate the strength of benthic–pelagic coupling in shallow coastal environments.


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Feeding on micro-algae is shown in the invasive Ponto-Caspian amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus. Compared with controls, males, females and juveniles of this species significantly reduced the concentration in suspension of unicellular micro-algae. Juveniles had higher concentrations of algae in the cardiac gut than adults. The presence of these algae in the mid- and hindgut was also recorded. This feeding behaviour was filmed and the mechanisms involved are described and discussed. We comment on the use of the Functional Feeding Group (FFG) concept to classify feeding in amphipods. The role of being a feeding-generalist in aiding the invasion process is also discussed.


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Gammarus spp. are traditionally viewed under the functional feeding group (FFG) concept as herbivorous 'shredders'. Although recent studies suggest that Gammarus should also be viewed as predators, this latter role remains contentious. Here, in a laboratory experiment, we objectively examine the balance between shredder and predator roles in a common freshwater species. Gammarus pulex preyed significantly on mayfly nymph, Baetis rhodani, in both the presence and absence of excess leaf material. There was no significant difference in predation where the alternative food, that is, leaf material, was present as compared to absent. Also, G. pulex shredded leaf material in the presence and absence of B. rhodani. However, shredding was significantly reduced where alternative food, that is, B. rhodani prey, was present as compared to absent. Further, G. pulex had a clear leaf species preference. Our results suggest that Gammarus function as both predators and shredders, with the balance of the two roles perhaps depending on food availability and quality. We discuss implications for the use of the FFG concept in assessing freshwater processes, and the role that Gammarus predation may play in structuring macroinvertebrate communities.


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Interaction with ecological models can improve stakeholder participation in fisheries management. Problems exist in efficiently communicating outputs to stakeholders and an objective method of structuring stakeholder differences is lacking. This paper aims to inform the design of a multi-user communication interface for fisheries management by identifying functional stakeholder groups. Intuitive categorisation of stakeholders, derived from survey responses, is contrasted with an Evidence-Based method derived from analysis of stakeholder literature. Intuitive categorisation relies on interpretation and professional judgement when categorising stakeholders among conventional stakeholder groups. Evidence-Based categorisation quantitatively characterises each stakeholder with a vector of four management objective interest-strength values (Yield, Employment, Profit and Ecosystem Preservation). Survey respondents agreed little in forming intuitive groups and the groups were poorly defined and heterogeneous in interests. In contrast the Evidence-Based clusters were well defined and largely homogeneous, so more useful for identifying functional relations with model outputs. The categorisations lead to two different clusterings of stakeholders and suggest unhelpful stereotyping of stakeholders may occur with the Intuitive categorisation method. Stakeholder clusters based on literature-evidence show a high degree of common interests among clusters and is encouraging for those seeking to maximise dialogue and consensus forming. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The composition of termite assemblages was analyzed at three Caatinga sites of the Seridó Ecological Station, located in the municipality of Serra Negra do Norte, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. These sites have been subjected to selective logging, and cleared for pasture and farming. A standardized sampling protocol for termite assemblages (30h/person/site) was conducted between September 2007 and February 2009. At each site we measured environmental variables, such as soil granulometry, pH and organic matter, necromass stock, vegetation height, tree density, stem diameter at ankle height (DAH) and the largest and the smallest crown width. Ten species of termites, belonging to eight genera and three families, were found at the three experimental sites. Four feeding-groups were sampled: wood-feeders, soil-feeders, wood-soil interface feeders and leaf-feeders. The wood-feeders were dominant in number of species and number of encounters at all sites. In general, the sites were not significantly different in relation to the environmental variables measured. The same pattern was observed for termite assemblages, where no significant differences in species richness, relative abundance and taxonomic and functional composition were observed between the three sites. The agreement between the composition of assemblages and environmental variables reinforces the potential of termites as biological indicators of habitat quality


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Three experiments were conducted with juveniles of the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus to investigate the effect of intermittent feeding regimes on growth and the ability to tolerate the shortage of food. In experiment 1, stage III juveniles were assigned to one of seven intermittent feeding groups (from FS1: 1 day fed/1 day non-fed to FS7: 7 days fed/7 days non-fed) and two control groups, continuously fed (CF) and continuously starved (CS) animals; this experiment comprised a short-term intermittent feeding period until the first molt, followed by a continuous feeding period. In the experiment 2, stage III juveniles were assigned to one of three intermittent feeding groups (FS2 to FS4) and one control group (CF); it consisted of a prolonged intermittent feeding period, until the end of the experiment In the experiment 3, stage VI and VII juveniles were assigned to one of three intermittent feeding groups (FS2 to FS4) and one control (CF); it also consisted of a prolonged intermittent feeding period. The red claw crayfish juveniles were able to tolerate periods of intermittent feeding and underwent compensatory growth after continuous feed was re-established. The ability of crayfish to tolerate intermittent feeding was influenced by developmental stage and duration of the intermittent feeding period. Stage III juveniles survived, but decreased growth, when subjected to prolonged intermittent feeding. However, they showed full compensatory growth when the intermittent feeding period was short and followed by continuous feeding. on the other hand, stage VI-VII tolerated 60 days of prolonged intermittent feeding without any change in growth and survival. The hepatosomatic index (based on wet weight) values of the treatments and the control were similar, suggesting that intermittent feeding may not be considered a nutritional stress condition. The relative pleon weight (based on wet weight) values of the treatments and control were similar suggesting low use of nutrients from the muscle to increase the chance for survival. The juveniles of C quadricarinatus can tolerate relatively long periods of low food availability and this is an important adaptation for their survival in changing/unpredictable environments and an attribute favorable for the production of the species. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To measure and compare the activity of the masseter, temporalis and buccinator muscles in different infant feeding methods. Method: Cross-sectional study of 60 full-term infants with no intercurrent diseases, aged between two and three months, classified into the following groups: 1) exclusive breastfeeding; 2) breastfeeding plus bottle-feeding; and 3) exclusive breastfeeding plus cup feeding. Surface electromyography was performed during infant feeding. The Krushal-Wallis test was used, complemented by multiple paired comparisons of the groups. A 5% significance level was chosen for the tests. Results: Statistically higher results were verified in the breastfeeding group in relation to the bottle-feeding one, both in the range of movement and the mean contraction of the masseter. With regard to the temporalis muscle, statistically higher results were found in the breastfeeding group comparatively to the bottle-feeding one. As to the buccinator muscle, statistically higher results were observed in the breastfeeding group in relation to the bottle-feeding one, although in this case, the difference concerned only the range of contraction. Conclusion: The similarities between the muscle activity in the breastfeeding and in the cup-feeding groups suggests that cup-feeding can be used as an alternative infant feeding method, being better than bottle-feeding, due to the hyperactivity of the buccinator muscle, which could result in changes to the structural growth and development of the stomatognathic system functions. Copyright © 2006 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.


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Estradas cruzando riachos (ou igarapés) por estruturas mal planejadas podem ocasionar alagamentos em segmentos do canal à montante do cruzamento, transformando este trecho de um ambiente lótico em um lêntico. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a diversidade e a estrutura trófica funcional de comunidades de peixes em alagados de origem antrópica na região nordeste do Pará. Estes alagados são formados pelo cruzamento de estradas sobre a rede fluvial, com maiores ou menores impactos sobre sua conectividade hidrológica, assunto que é largamente ignorado em sistemas lóticos neotropicais. Foram amostrados dezoito trechos de canais em sete igarapés nas bacias dos rios Maracanã e Marapanim, sendo seis deles cruzados por estradas, e um não, como referência. Todos igarapés estão localizados na região nordeste do estado do Pará, sendo cinco nos municípios de Igarapé-Açu e Marapanim, inseridos em uma paisagem agrícola, e dois no município de São Francisco do Pará, inseridos em uma matriz florestal. Dos seis igarapés cruzados por estradas, cinco apresentaram a formação de amplas áreas alagadas. Nestes locais, foram selecionados três trechos do sistema fluvial para amostragem de peixes: um à montante do alagamento, um no próprio alagamento e outro à jusante. No igarapé que não apresentava alagamento, selecionou-se, apenas dois trechos: montante e jusante do cruzamento da estrada sobre o canal. Os ambientes selecionados foram amostrados uma vez, entre junho e novembro de 2010, por técnicas de censo visual, em segmentos de 200 metros de extensão. Foram registradas 73 espécies distribuídas em seis ordens, 26 famílias e 63 gêneros. Characiformes (38,4%) e Siluriformes (31,5%) foram as ordens mais representativas em números de espécies. Characidae, com 15 espécies (20,5%), e Cichlidae, com 10 (13,7%) foram as famílias mais representativas em número de espécies. Estas espécies foram organizadas em 18 grupos tróficos funcionais (GTF), formados de acordo com a tática alimentar observada com maior frequência para cada espécie e sua distribuição espacial observada durante as sessões de mergulho ad libitum. Os alagamentos impuseram modificações na estrutura biótica e física dos igarapés. Estes ambientes apresentaram menor número de espécies, maior abundância e menor diversidade de espécies e de GTF em relação aos trechos à jusante e à montante. Os alagamentos apresentaram maior largura, profundidade e temperatura; e menor velocidade e oxigênio de dissolvido quando comparados aos trechos de igarapés à montante e à jusante. O uso da abordagem de grupos tróficos funcionais facilitou na inferência de como o processo de fragmentação da rede fluvial interfere na estrutura da assembleia de peixes estudada.


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A long-term study over 25 months was conducted to evaluate the effects of genetically modified corn on performance of lactating dairy cows. Thirty-six dairy cows were assigned to two feeding groups and fed with diets based on whole-crop silage, kernels and whole-crop cobs from Bt-corn (Bt-MON810) or its isogenic not genetically modified counterpart (CON) as main components. The study included two consecutive lactations. There were no differences in the chemical composition and estimated net energy content of Bt-MON810 and CON corn components and diets. CON feed samples were negative for the presence of Cry1Ab protein, while in Bt-MON810 feed samples the Cry1Ab protein was detected. Cows fed Bt-MON810 corn had a daily Cry1Ab protein intake of 6.0 mg in the first lactation and 6.1 mg in the second lactation of the trial. Dry matter intake (DMI) was 18.8 and 20.7 kg/cow per day in the first and the second lactation of the trial, with no treatment differences. Similarly, milk yield (23.8 and 29.0 kg/cow per day in the first and the second lactation of the trial) was not affected by dietary treatment. There were no consistent effects of feeding MON810 or its isogenic CON on milk composition or body condition. Thus, the present long-term study demonstrated the compositional and nutritional equivalence of Bt-MON810 and its isogenic CON.


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The extents of functional surfaces (villi, microvilli) have been estimated at different longitudinal sites, and in the entire small intestine, for three species of bats belonging to two feeding groups: insect- and fruit-eaters. In all species, surface areas and other structural quantities tended to be greatest at more cranial sites and to decline caudally. The entomophagous bat (Miniopterus inflatus) had a mean body mass (coefficient of variation) of 8.9 g (5%) and a mean intestinal length of 20 cm (6%). The surface area of the basic intestinal tube (primary mucosa) was 9.1 cm2 (10%) but this was amplified to 48 cm2 (13%) by villi and to 0.13 m2 (20%) by microvilli. The total number of microvilli per intestine was 4 x 10(11) (20%). The average microvillus had a diameter of 8 nm (10%), a length of 1.1 microns (22%) and a membrane surface area of 0.32 micron 2 (31%). In two species of fruit bats (Epomophorus wahlbergi and Lisonycteris angolensis), body masses were greater and intestines longer, the values being 76.0 g (18%) and 76.9 g (4%), and 73 cm (16%) and 72 cm (7%), respectively. Surface areas were also greater, amounting to 76 cm2 (26%) and 45 cm2 (8%) for the primary mucosa, 547 cm2 (29%) and 314 cm2 (16%) for villi and 2.7 m2 (23%) and 1.5 m2 (18%) for microvilli. An increase in the number of microvilli, 33 x 10(11) (19%) and 15 x 10(11) (24%) per intestine, contributed to the more extensive surface area but there were concomitant changes in the dimensions of microvilli. Mean diameters were 94 nm (8%) and 111 nm (4%), and mean lengths were 2.8 microns (12%) and 2.9 microns (10%), respectively. Thus, an increase in the surface area of the average microvillus to 0.83 micron 2 (12%) and 1.02 microns 2 (11%) also contributed to the greater total surface area of microvilli. The lifestyle-related differences in total microvillous surface areas persisted when structural quantities were normalised for the differences in body masses. The values for total microvillous surface area were 148 cm2g-1 (20%) in the entomophagous bat, 355 cm2g-1 (20%) in E. wahlbergi and 192 cm2g-1 (17%) in L. angolensis. This was true despite the fact that the insecteater possessed a greater length of intestine per unit of body mass: 22 mm g-1 (8%) versus 9-10 mm g-1 (9-10%) for the fruit-eaters.