999 resultados para Fulminant Hepatic-failure
The aim of this study was to test the application and value of electrocorticography (ECG) in the early diagnosis and characterization of electrocorticograms changes on experimental fulminant hepatic failure (FHF). Our material was composed of two groups of guinea pigs: a) ethanolamine group--42 animals with FHF induced by intrabiliary injection of 2.5 ml of monoethanolamine oleate; b) control group--10 animals submitted to intrabiliary injection of 2.5 ml of saline. Electrocorticograms recordings were taken in both groups with the electrodes implanted on the parieto-occipital regions of the skull. The hepatic failure was characterized by clinical manifestations, serum biochemical tests and histopathological findings. In the early hepatic coma the electrocorticograms could not be unequivocally distinguished from normal pattern, and alpha rhythm was recognizable in most animals. With further deterioration of the clinical condition the tracing showed progressive slowness of the normal rhythm, increased voltage and triphasic waves followed by suppression of electrical activity preceding the animal death. The electrocorticography was not suitable for the early diagnosis of hepatic coma, since the ECG alterations became evident only in overt coma. However the method could be useful for the characterization of cerebral disorders and the study of the pathogenesis of fulminant hepatic failure.
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy is a rare disease that affects women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Although infrequent, the disease can cause maternal mortality. The diagnosis is not always clear until the pregnancy is terminated, and significant complications, such as acute pancreatitis, can occur. Pancreatic involvement typically only occurs in severe cases after the development of hepatic and renal impairment. To date, little knowledge is available regarding how the disease causes pancreatitis. Treatment involves supportive measures and pregnancy interruption. In this report, we describe a case of a previously healthy 26-year-old woman at a gestational age of 27 wk and 6 d who was admitted with severe abdominal pain and vomiting. This case illustrates the clinical and laboratory overlap between acute fatty liver of pregnancy and pancreatitis, highlighting the difficulties in differentiating each disease. Furthermore, the hypothesis for this overlapping is presented, and the therapeutic options are discussed.
Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a functional disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) associated with liver failure, either end-stage chronic liver disease or fulminant hepatic failure. Its pathogenesis remains complex and poorly understood. In view of recent advances in the management of HE, the Brazilian Society of Hepatology endorsed a monothematic meeting regarding HE in order to gather experts in the field to discuss related data and to draw evidence-based recommendations concerning: management of HE and intracranial hypertension in FHF, treatment of episodic HE in cirrhosis, controversies in the management of EH including difficult to treat cases and diagnostic and treatment challenges for minimal HE. The purpose of this review is to summarize the lectures and recommendations made by the panel of experts of the Brazilian Society of Hepatology.
Chronic liver inflammation during viral hepatitis is a major health problem worldwide. The role of proinflammatory cytokines, like IL-12, in breaking hepatic immune tolerance, and inducing acute liver inflammation and virus clearance is not clear. Nor is clear its role in uncontrolled severe inflammatory response, leading to fulminant hepatitis and hepatic failure. This work, focused in the study of the role of endogenous produced IL-12 in inducing hepatic inflammatory responses, demonstrates: In vitro, using adenovirus coding for IL-12, that hepatocytes stimulate CD4+ T cells in a tolerogenic manner, and that endogenous IL-12 is able to switch the immune response into Th1; and in vivo, that endogenous IL-12 induces hepatocyte damage and virus elimination in mice infected with adenovirus. In addition, and in order to study in vivo the relevance of IL-12 in acute inflammation, conditional IL-12 transgenic mice expressing IL-12 in the liver after cre-recombinase mediated induction were generated. For this purpose, an IL-12 fusion protein was created, which demonstrated high levels of bioactivity. Induction of IL-12 expression during embryonic development was achieved by crossbreeding with Act-Cre transgenic mice; induction of IL-12 expression in adult mice was achieved by a plasmid coding for the cre-recombinase. This study demonstrates that after induction, IL-12 is expressed in the liver of the transgenic mice. It also demonstrates that hepatic expression of IL-12 induces splenomegaly and liver inflammation, characterized by large infiltrations in portal tracts and veins, associated with hepatic damage, necrosis areas and lethality. Furthermore, constitutive hepatic IL-12 expression does not lead to abortion, but to total lethality, short after delivery. In conclusion, in this study, a transgenic mouse model has been generated, in which the expression of active IL-12 in the liver can be induced at any time; this model will be very helpful for studying hepatic pathologies. This study has also demonstrated that hepatic produced IL-12 is able of breaking liver tolerance inducing inflammation, virus elimination, severe hepatocyte damage, and lethality. These findings suggest IL-12 as a key cytokine in acute liver inflammation and fulminant hepatic failure. 5.1 Future studies Once the importance of IL-12 in inducing hepatic inflammation and virus elimination was demonstrated in this study, understanding the mechanisms of the IL-12 induced liver damage, and more important, how to avoid it will be the main focus in the future. It is very important to achieve hepatic inflammation for a more effective and faster viral elimination, but avoiding the toxicity of IL-12, which leads to massive liver injury and lethality is obviously necessary to allow IL-12 as therapy. For that purpose, future studies will be mainly base on three different points: 1. The determination of different cell populations present in the hepatic infiltration, which of them are responsible for liver injury, and as well their state of activation. 2. The measure of other pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, which can play a role in IL-12-induced liver inflammation and hepatocyte damage. For these purposes, specific blocking antibodies (anti TNF-alpha, anti IL-12, anti IFN-g) will be used. The study with different transgenic mice: TNF-alpha Receptor knockout, TGF-b, will also help in determining the role of those cytokines during IL-12-induced liver damage and lethality. 3. The establishing of liver pathology models (viral infection, tumours, auto-antigens) in mice. Induction of IL-12 at any time of the pathology development will help in clarifying the role of IL-12 in those models. Finally, the transgenic mice expressing IL-23 in the liver will be generated.
INTRODUCTION: Acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia (AFOP) is a recently described histologic pattern of diffuse pulmonary disease. In children, all cases reported to date have been fatal. In this study, we describe the first nonfatal AFOP in a child and review the literature. DESCRIPTION: A 10-year-old boy developed very severe aplastic anemia (VSAA) after being admitted to our hospital with a fulminant hepatic failure of unknown origin. A chest computed tomography scan revealed multiple lung nodules and a biopsy of a pulmonary lesion showed all the signs of AFOP. Infectious workup remained negative. We started immunosuppressive therapy with antithymocyte globulin and cyclosporine to treat VSAA. Subsequent chest computed tomography scans showed a considerable diminution of the lung lesions but the VSAA did not improve until we performed hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 5 months later. CONCLUSIONS: Aplastic anemia is associated with a variety of autoimmune syndromes. The sequence of events in our patient suggests that the hepatic failure, AFOP, and the VSAA may all have been part of an autoimmune syndrome. AFOP could be the result of immune dysregulation in this pediatric case with favorable outcome after immunosuppressive therapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Hepatitis E is an inflammatory liver disease caused by hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection, which is endemic in China, India, Nepal, and in several Asian and African countries, where the prevalence can be as high as 50%. In non-endemic countries, an increasing number of non-travel associated HEV has been reported in recent years, particularly in Europe. The authors describe the clinical case of a puerperal 24-year-old woman from Pakistan admitted to our Tertiary Care Medical Center with acute hepatic failure developed during the third trimester of her pregnancy. She was icteric with grade III encephalopathy and hypothermia. Laboratory values showed significant AST, ALT and LDH elevations of twelve times the upper normal limit, and total bilirubin was significantly elevated (41.20 mg/dL). Prothrombin time was prolonged (4 s) and factor V activity was diminished (15.1%). Extracorporeal albumin dialysis was initiated, but clinical deterioration occurred within 48 h, so she underwent OLT at day 4 post-admission. Severe forms of HEV are known to be more pronounced in pregnant women. Even though most of the described cases of acute hepatic failure associated to HEV during pregnancy had a favorable clinical course, some cases of fulminant liver failure and death are described. It is unknown whether liver transplant outcomes in this setting are different from other causes of acute liver failure. To our knowledge, this is the first case report in Portugal from a pregnant woman who developed hepatic failure due to fulminant hepatitis E that underwent successful liver transplantation.
INTRODUCTION: ABO-incompatible liver transplantation (ABOi LT) is considered to be a rescue option in emergency transplantation. Herein, we have reported our experience with ABOi LT including long-term survival and major complications in these situations. PATIENT AND METHODS: ABOi LT was performed in cases of severe hepatic failure with imminent death. The standard immunosuppression consisted of basiliximab, corticosteroids, tacrolimus, and mycophenolate mofetil. Pretransplantation patients with anti-ABO titers above 16 underwent plasmapheresis. If the titer was above 128, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) was added at the end of plasmapheresis. The therapeutic approach was based on the clinical situation, hepatic function, and titer evolution. A rapid increase in titer required five consecutive plasmapheresis sessions followed by administration of IVIG, and at the end of the fifth session, rituximab. RESULTS: From January 2009 to July 2012, 10 patients, including 4 men and 6 women of mean age 47.8 years (range, 29 to 64 years), underwent ABOi LT. At a mean follow-up of 19.6 months (range, 2 days to 39 months), 5 patients are alive including 4 with their original grafts. One patient was retransplanted at 9 months. Major complications were infections, which were responsible for 3 deaths due to multiorgan septic failure (2 during the first month); rejection episodes (4 biopsy-proven of humoral rejections in 3 patients and 1 cellular rejection) and biliary. CONCLUSION: The use of ABOi LT as a life-saving procedure is justifiable in emergencies when no other donor is available. With careful recipient selection close monitoring of hemagglutinins and specific immunosuppression we have obtained acceptable outcomes.
Multiple exposures to parasitic agents are considered an important factor in the genesis of the most severe forms of the diseases they cause. Capillaria hepatica-induced septal fibrosis of the liver in rats usually runs without signs of portal hypertension or hepatic failure. After determining the hepatic profile of 15 animals during the course of a single infection, we submitted 20 rats to multiple Capillaria hepatica infections to determine whether repeated exposures would augment fibrosis production, transforming septal hepatic fibrosis into a true cirrhosis. Ten single-infection rats served as controls. A total of 5 exposures, with 45-day intervals, were made. Histological changes were followed by means of surgical liver biopsies, collected prior to infection and to each re-infection. Functional changes were minimal and transient. Although a slight recrudescence of fibrosis was observed after the first two re-infections and when the single-infected control group was re-infected at the end of the experiment, subsequent re-infections failed to increase the amount of fibrosis. On the contrary, there occurred quantitative and qualitative evidence of collagen degradation and suppression of parasite development. These paradoxical results are in keeping with the hypothesis that a complex immunological modulation participates in the mechanism of hepatic fibrosis induced by Capillaria hepatica infection in rats.
La maladie de Wilson est une maladie héréditaire due à un déficit du transporteur du cuivre, l’ATP7B. Cette maladie se présente sous forme d’insuffisance hépatique aiguë ou chronique, pour lesquels le traitement médical actuel consiste en l’administration d’agents chélateurs, ce qui ne résulte cependant pas en une guérison complète de la maladie. La transplantation orthotopique du foie est le seul traitement définitif actuellement, avec tous les désavantages qu’elle comporte. Un traitement alternatif à cette option est donc souhaitable. Cette étude porte sur la faisabilité de la transplantation d’hépatocytes chez le modèle animal de la maladie de Wilson, le rat Long Evans Cinnamon (LEC), avec pour buts d’en déterminer la sécurité et l’efficacité tant sur le plan clinique (amélioration de la survie, prévention de l’hépatite) que pathologique. Douze rats LEC ont reçu une injection intrasplénique de 2,6 x 105 – 3,6 x 107 hépatocytes prélevés chez des rats donneurs de souche LE. Ils ont été suivis durant 6 mois puis sacrifiés. Ils ont ensuite été comparés à un groupe contrôle de douze autres rats LEC. Aucune différence significative n’a été notée au niveau du poids, du bilan hépatique et des concentrations de cuivre biliaire et hépatique. Cependant, une amélioration de l’activité oxydase de la céruloplasmine post-transplantation a été démontrée chez le groupe de rats transplantés (49,6 ± 31,5 versus 8,9 ± 11,7). Les rats transplantés ont aussi eu une amélioration sur tous les critères histologiques étudiés. Enfin, l’ARNm de l’atp7b a été retrouvé chez 58% des rats transplantés avec un taux d’expression de 11,9% ± 13,6 par rapport à un rat LE normal. L’immunohistochimie a quant à elle démontré la présence de l’atp7b chez tous les rats transplantés. Les résultats obtenus sont considérés favorables à ce traitement alternatif, et indiquent que la transplantation d’hépatocytes est une technique sécuritaire qui peut contribuer à renverser le processus pathologique en cours dans la maladie de Wilson.
La transplantation hépatique est le seul traitement définitif des enfants ayant une hépatite fulminante sans résolution spontanée. L’évolution de cette maladie dans la population pédiatrique diffère de celle adulte, particulièrement en regard de l’encéphalopathie. Pour définir les indications de transplantation hépatique, plusieurs indicateurs précoces de pronostic furent étudiés chez les adultes. Ces indicateurs n’ont pu être transposés à la population pédiatrique. Objectif primaire : Déterminer les marqueurs de risque de mortalité des enfants recevant une transplantation hépatique pour une hépatite fulminante, se définissant par une insuffisance hépatique sévère sans antécédent au cours des huit semaines précédentes. Méthode : Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective incluant tous les enfants ayant reçu une transplantation hépatique pour une hépatite fulminante à l’hôpital Sainte-Justine entre 1985 et 2005. Le score PELOD (Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction) est une mesure de sévérité clinique d’un enfant aux soins intensifs. Il fut calculé à l’admission et avant la transplantation hépatique. Résultats : Quatorze enfants (cinq mois à seize ans) reçurent une transplantation hépatique pour une hépatite fulminante. Neuf enfants (64%) survécurent et cinq (36%) décédèrent. L’utilisation de la ventilation mécanique fut associée à un mauvais pronostic (p = 0,027). Entre l’admission et la transplantation hépatique, 88% des enfants ayant eu une variation du score PELOD inférieure à cinq survécurent. Tous ceux ayant eu une variation supérieure à cinq décédèrent. (p = 0,027) Conclusion : La variation du score PELOD pourrait aider à définir un indicateur précoce de l’évolution d’un enfant après une transplantation hépatique pour une hépatite fulminante.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an increasingly common condition, strongly associated with the metabolic syndrome, that can lead to progressive hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatic failure. Subtle inter-patient genetic variation and environmental factors combine to determine variation in disease progression. A common non-synonymous polymorphism in TM6SF2 (rs58542926 c.449 C>T, p.Glu167Lys) was recently associated with increased hepatic triglyceride content, but whether this variant promotes clinically relevant hepatic fibrosis is unknown. Here we confirm that TM6SF2 minor allele carriage is associated with NAFLD and is causally related to a previously reported chromosome 19 GWAS signal that was ascribed to the gene NCAN. Furthermore, using two histologically characterized cohorts encompassing steatosis, steatohepatitis, fibrosis and cirrhosis (combined n=1,074), we demonstrate a new association, independent of potential confounding factors (age, BMI, type 2 diabetes mellitus and PNPLA3 rs738409 genotype), with advanced hepatic fibrosis/cirrhosis. These findings establish new and important clinical relevance to TM6SF2 in NAFLD.
A 12 y old girl was admitted 24 days after start a WHO multidrug therapy scheme for multibacillary leprosy (dapsone, clofazimine and rifampicin) with intense jaundice, generalized lymphadenopathy, hepatoesplenomegaly, oral erosions, conjunctivitis, morbiliform rash and edema of face, ankles and hands. The main laboratory data on admission included: hemoglobin, 8.4 g/dL; WBC, 15,710 cells/mm³; platelet count, 100,000 cells/mm³; INR = 1.49; increased serum levels of aspartate and alanine aminotransferases, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, alkaline phosphatase, direct and indirect bilirubin. Following, the clinical conditions had deteriorated, developing exfoliative dermatitis, shock, generalized edema, acute renal and hepatic failure, pancytopenia, intestinal bleeding, pneumonia, urinary tract infection and bacteremia, needing adrenergic drugs, replacement of fluids and blood product components, and antibiotics. Ten days after admission she started to improve, and was discharged to home at day 39th, after start new supervised treatment for leprosy with clofazimine and rifampicin, without adverse effects. This presentation fulfils the criteria for the diagnosis of dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome (fever, generalized lymphadenopathy, exfoliative rash, anemia and liver involvement with mixed hepatocellular and cholestatic features). Physicians, mainly in geographical areas with high prevalence rates of leprosy, should be aware to this severe, and probably not so rare, hypersensitivity reaction to dapsone.
Renal dysfunction often complicates the course of orthotopic liver transplant recipients and is associated with increased morbid -mortality. The aims of this study were to determine the incidence of chronic renal disease and its impact on patient survival. Clinical data included age, gender and weight,aetiology of hepatic failure, presence of diabetes,hypertension, hepatitis B and C infection, renal dysfunction pretransplant and immunosuppression. Laboratory data included serum creatinine at days 1, 7, 21, month 6, 12 and yearly. The glomerular filtration rate was determined by Cockcroft-Gault equation. We studied retrospectively from September 1992 to March 2007 708 orthotopic liver transplant recipients. Mean age 44±12.6 years, 64% males, 17% diabetic, 18.8% hypertensive, 19.9% with hepatitis C and 3.8% hepatitis B. Renal dysfunction pretransplant was known in 21.6%. Mean follow-up was 3.6 years. Mean transplant survival 75% at 12 months. 154 patients died. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed and a p<0.05 was considered significant. Acute kidney injury occurred in 33.2%. Chronic kidney disease stage 3 was observed in 34.3%,stage 4 in 6.2% and stage 5 in 5.1%. At the time of this study, 46.4% were on Cyclosporine A, 44.7% on tacrolimus and 8.9% on sirolimus. Using multivariate analysis, renal dysfunction was correlated with renal dysfunction pre -orthotopic liver transplant (p<0.001), acute kidney injury (p<0.001), haemodialysis development (p<0.001), and inversely correlated with the use of mycophenolate mophetil (p<0.001); mortality was positively correlated with renal dysfunction pretransplant (p=0.03),chronic kidney disease stage 4 (p=0.001), chronic kidney disease stage 5 (p<0.001) and inversely correlated with the use of tacrolimus (p=0.006). In conclusion orthotopic liver transplant recipients are disposed to renal complications that have a negative impact on survival of these patients.
RESUMO:Desde a declaração de Bethesda em 1983, a transplantação hepática é considerada um processo válido e aceite na prática clínica para muitos doentes com doença hepática terminal, relativamente aos quais não houvesse outra alternativa terapêutica. Em 1991, por proposta de Holmgren, professor de genética, o cirurgião sueco Bo Ericzon realizou em Huntingdon (Estocolmo) o primeiro transplante hepático num doente PAF (Polineuropatia Amilloidótica Familiar), esperando que a substituição do fígado pudesse frenar a evolução da doença. Nesta doença hereditária autossómica dominante, o fígado, apesar de estrutural e funcionalmente normal, produz uma proteína anormal (TTR Met30) responsável pela doença. A partir de então, a transplantação hepática passou a ser a única terapêutica eficaz para estes doentes. Portugal é o país do mundo com mais doentes PAF, tendo sido o médico neurologista português Corino de Andrade quem, em 1951, identificou e descreveu este tipo particular de polineuropatia hereditária, também conhecida por doença de Andrade. Com o início da transplantação hepática programada em Setembro de 1992, o primeiro doente transplantado hepático em Portugal, no Hospital Curry Cabral, foi um doente PAF. Desde logo se percebeu que a competição nas listas de espera em Portugal, entre doentes hepáticos crónicos e doentes PAF viria a ser um problema clínico e ético difícil de compatibilizar. Em 1995, Linhares Furtado, em Coimbra, realizou o primeiro transplante dum fígado dum doente PAF num doente com doença hepática metastática, ficando este tipo de transplante conhecido como transplante sequencial ou “em dominó”. Fê-lo no pressuposto de que o fígado PAF, funcional e estruturalmente normal, apesar de produzir a proteína mutada causadora da doença neurológica, pudesse garantir ao receptor um período razoável de vida livre de sintomas, tal como acontece na história natural desta doença congénita, cujas manifestações clínicas apenas se observam na idade adulta. A técnica cirúrgica mais adequada para transplantar o doente PAF é a técnica de “piggyback”, na qual a hepatectomia é feita mantendo a veia cava do doente, podendo o transplante ser feito sem recorrer a bypass extracorporal. Antes de 2001, para fazerem o transplante sequencial, os diferentes centros alteraram a técnica de hepatectomia no doente PAF, ressecando a cava com o fígado conforme a técnica clássica, recorrendo ao bypass extracorporal. No nosso centro imaginámos e concebemos uma técnica original, com recurso a enxertos venosos, que permitisse ao doente PAF submeter-se à mesma técnica de hepatectomia no transplante, quer ele viesse a ser ou não dador. Essa técnica, por nós utilizada pela primeira vez a nível mundial em 2001, ficou conhecida por Transplante Sequencial em Duplo Piggyback. Este trabalho teve como objectivo procurar saber se a técnica por nós imaginada, concebida e utilizada era reprodutível, se não prejudicava o doente PAF dador e se oferecia ao receptor hepático as mesmas garantias do fígado de cadáver. A nossa série de transplantes realizados em doentes PAF é a maior a nível mundial, assim como o é o número de transplantes sequenciais de fígado. Recorrendo à nossa base de dados desde Setembro de 1992 até Novembro de 2008 procedeu-se à verificação das hipóteses anteriormente enunciadas. Com base na experiência por nós introduzida, a técnica foi reproduzida com êxito em vários centros internacionais de referência, que por si provaram a sua reprodutibilidade. Este sucesso encontra-se publicado por diversos grupos de transplantação hepática a nível mundial. Observámos na nossa série que a sobrevivência dos doentes PAF que foram dadores é ligeiramente superior àqueles que o não foram, embora sem atingir significância estatística. Contudo, quando se analisaram, apenas, estes doentes após a introdução do transplante sequencial no nosso centro, observa-se que existe uma melhor sobrevida nos doentes PAF dadores (sobrevida aos 5 anos de 87% versus 71%, p=0,047).Relativamente aos receptores observámos que existe um benefício a curto prazo em termos de morbi-mortalidade (menor hemorragia peri-operatória) e a longo prazo alguns grupos de doentes apresentaram diferenças de sobrevida, embora sem atingir significância estatística, facto este que pode estar relacionado com a dimensão das amostras parcelares analisadas. Estes grupos são os doentes com cirrose a vírus da hepatite C e os doentes com doença hepática maligna primitiva dentro dos critérios de Milão. Fora do âmbito deste trabalho ficou um aspecto relevante que é a recidiva da doença PAF nos receptores de fígado sequencial e o seu impacto no longo prazo. Em conclusão, o presente trabalho permite afirmar que a técnica por nós introduzida pela primeira vez a nível mundial é exequível e reprodutível e é segura para os doentes dadores de fígado PAF, que não vêem a sua técnica cirúrgica alterada pelo facto de o serem. Os receptores não são, por sua vez, prejudicados por receberem um fígado PAF, havendo mesmo benefícios no pós-operatório imediato e, eventualmente, alguns grupos específicos de doentes podem mesmo ser beneficiados.---------ABSTRACT: Ever since Bethesda statement in 1983, Liver Transplantation has been accepted as a clinical therapeutic procedure for many patients with advanced hepatic failure Holmgren, professor of genetics, suggested that one could expect that transplanting a new liver could lead to improve progressive neurological symptoms of Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy (PAF). Bo Ericzon, the transplant surgeon at Huddinge Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden, did in 1991 the first Liver Transplant on a FAP patient. FAP is an inherited autosomal dominant neurologic disease in which the liver, otherwise structural an functionally normal, produces more than 90% of an abnormal protein (TTR Met30) whose deposits are responsible for symptoms. Liver Transplantation is currently the only efficient therapy available for FAP patients. Portugal is the country in the world where FAP is most prevalent. The Portuguese neurologist Corino de Andrade was the first to recognize in 1951 this particular form of inherited polyneuropathy, which is also known by the name of Andrade disease. Liver Transplantation started as a program in Portugal in September 1992. The first patient transplanted in Lisbon, Hospital Curry Cabral, was a FAP patient. From the beginning we did realize that competition among waiting lists of FAP and Hepatic patients would come to be a complex problem we had to deal with, on clinical and ethical grounds. There was one possible way-out. FAP livers could be of some utility themselves as liver grafts. Anatomically and functionally normal, except for the inherited abnormal trace, those livers could possibly be transplanted in selected hepatic patients. Nevertheless the FAP liver carried with it the ability to produce the mutant TTR protein. One could expect, considering the natural history of the disease that several decades would lapse before the recipient could suffer symptomatic neurologic disease, if at all. In Coimbra, Portugal, Linhares Furtado performed in 1995 the first transplant of a FAP liver to a patient with metastatic malignant disease, as a sequential or “domino” transplant. FAP Liver Transplant patients, because of some dysautonomic labiality and unexpected reactions when they are subjected to surgery, take special advantage when piggyback technique is used for hepatectomy. This technique leaves the vena cava of the patient undisturbed, so that return of blood to the heart is affected minimally, so that veno-venous extracorporeal bypass will not be necessary. The advantages of piggyback technique could not be afforded to FAP patients who became donors for sequential liver transplantation, before we did introduce our liver reconstruction technique in 2001. The hepatectomy took the vena cava together with the liver, which is the classical technique, and the use of extracorporeal veno-venous bypass was of necessity in most cases. The reconstruction technique we developed in our center and used for the first time in the world in 2001 consists in applying venous grafts to the supra-hepatic ostia of piggyback resected FAP livers so that the organ could be grafted to a hepatic patient whose liver was itself resected with preservation of the vena cava. This is the double piggyback sequential transplant of the liver. It is the objective of this thesis to evaluate the results of this technique that we did introduce, first of all that it is reliable and reproducible, secondly that the FAP donor is not subjected to any additional harm during the procedure, and finally that the recipient has the same prospects of a successful transplant as if the liver was collected from a cadaver donor. Our series of liver transplantation on FAP patients and sequential liver transplants represent both the largest experience in the world. To achieve the analysis of the questions mentioned above, we did refer to our data-base from September 1992 to November 2008. The reconstructive technique that we did introduce is feasible: it could be done with success in every case ion our series. It is also reproducible. It has been adopted by many international centers of reference that did mention it in their own publications. We do refer to our data-base in what concerns the safety for the FAP donor.Five years survival of FAP transplanted patients that have been donors (n=190) has been slightly superior to those who were not (n=77), with no statistical significance. However, if we consider five year survival of FAP transplanted patients after the beginning of sequential transplant program in our center, survival is better among those patients whose liver was used as a transplant (87% survival versus 71%, p=0.047). In what concerns recipients of FAP livers: Some short-term benefit of less perioperative morbi-mortality mainly less hemorrhage. In some groups of particular pathologies, there is a strong suggestion of better survival, however the scarcity of numbers make the differences not statistically significant. Patients with cirrhosis HVC (83% versus73%) and patients with primitive hepatic cancer within Milan criteria (survival of 70% versus 58%) are good examples. There is one relevant problem we left beyond discussion in the present work: this is the long-term impact of possible recurrence of FAP symptoms among recipients of sequential transplants. In Conclusion: The reconstruction technique that we did develop and introduce is consistently workable and reproducible. It is safe for FAP donors with the advantage that removal of vena cava can be avoided. Hepatic patients transplanted with those livers suffer no disadvantages and have the benefit of less hemorrhage. There is also a suggestion that survival could be better in cirrhosis HVC and primary liver cancer patients.
Glioblastoma patients undergoing treatment with surgery followed by radiation and temozolomide chemotherapy often develop a state of immunosuppression and are at risk for opportunistic infections and reactivation of hepatitis and herpes viruses. We report the case of a 48-year-old glioblastoma patient who developed acute cholestatic hepatitis with hepatic failure during adjuvant treatment with temozolomide and the integrin inhibitor cilengitide. A viral hepatitis was excluded and valproic acid treatment was stopped. Upon normalisation of the liver tests, temozolomide treatment was resumed without perturbation of the liver tests. Valproic acid related idiosyncratic drug induced hepatotoxicity should be considered as a differential diagnosis in glioblastoma patients undergoing adjuvant therapy.