874 resultados para Fs pulses


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We demonstrate generation of sub-100 fs pulses at 1.5 μm in a mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser using a 45°-tilted fiber grating element. The laser features a genuine all-fiber configuration. Based on the unique polarization properties of the 45°-tilted fiber grating, we managed to produce sub-100 fs laser pulses through proper dispersion management. To the best of our knowledge, this is the shortest pulse generated from modelocked lasers with fiber gratings. The output pulse has an average power of 8 mW, with a repetition rate of 47.8 MHz and pulse energy of 1.68 nJ. The performance of laser also matches well the theoretical simulations. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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Important issues related to femtosecond (fs) pulses and its relevance to this thesis are discussed. A fundamental characteristic, like the timebandwidth product for fs pulses is decribed in detail. A brief review of generation of ultrashort pulses and its propagation through an optically transparent media are presented. Interaction of strong pulses with matter and different ionization processes are also described. An overview of the thesis is presented at the end


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Background: In molecular medicine, the manipulation of cells is prerequisite to evaluate genes as therapeutic targets or to transfect cells to develop cell therapeutic strategies. To achieve these purposes it is essential that given transfection techniques are capable of handling high cell numbers in reasonable time spans. To fulfill this demand, an alternative nanoparticle mediated laser transfection method is presented herein. The fs-laser excitation of cell-adhered gold nanoparticles evokes localized membrane permeabilization and enables an inflow of extracellular molecules into cells. Results: The parameters for an efficient and gentle cell manipulation are evaluated in detail. Efficiencies of 90% with a cell viability of 93% were achieved for siRNA transfection. The proof for a molecular medical approach is demonstrated by highly efficient knock down of the oncogene HMGA2 in a rapidly proliferating prostate carcinoma in vitro model using siRNA. Additionally, investigations concerning the initial perforation mechanism are conducted. Next to theoretical simulations, the laser induced effects are experimentally investigated by spectrometric and microscopic analysis. The results indicate that near field effects are the initial mechanism of membrane permeabilization. Conclusion: This methodical approach combined with an automated setup, allows a high throughput targeting of several 100,000 cells within seconds, providing an excellent tool for in vitro applications in molecular medicine. NIR fs lasers are characterized by specific advantages when compared to lasers employing longer (ps/ns) pulses in the visible regime. The NIR fs pulses generate low thermal impact while allowing high penetration depths into tissue. Therefore fs lasers could be used for prospective in vivo applications.


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Pristine and molybdenum filled double walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs) suspended in D2O show excellent ultrafast optical switching properties investigated through femtosecond Z-scan and degenerate pump-probe method using 50 fs pulses with central photon energy of 1.57 eV. For pristine-DWNT, the two photon absorption coefficient, beta and nonlinear refraction coefficient, n2 are 4.9×10−8 cm/W, and 9.5×10−11 cm2/W, respectively, which yield one photon figure of merit, W=133 and two photon figure of merit, T=0.4. The degenerate pump-probe measurements show strong photoinduced bleaching with biexponential decay with time constants ~150 and 600 fs. ©2009 American Institute of Physics


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Nonlinear optical properties and carrier relaxation dynamics in graphene, suspended in three different solvents, are investigated using femtosecond (80 fs pulses) Z-scan and degenerate pump-probe spectroscopy at 790 nm. The results demonstrate saturable absorption property of graphene with a nonlinear absorption coefficient, beta of (similar to 2-9) x 10(-8) cm/W. Two distinct time scales associated with the relaxation of photoexcited carriers, a fast one in the range of 130-330 fs (related to carrier-carrier scattering) followed by it slower one in 3.5-4.9 ps range (associated with carrier-phonon scattering) are observed. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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A compact multiterawatt laser system based on optical parametric chirped pulse amplification is demonstrated. Chirped pulses are amplified from 20 pJ to 900 mJ by two lithium triborate optical parametric preamplifiers and a final KDP optical parametric power amplifier with a pump energy of 5 J at 532 nm from Nd:YAG-Nd: glass hybrid amplifiers, After compression, we obtained a final output of 570-mJ-155-fs pulses with a peak power of 3.67 TW, which is the highest output power from an optical parametric chirped pulse amplification laser, to the best of our knowledge. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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We have experimentally demonstrated pulses 0.4 mJ in duration smaller than 12 fs; with an excellent spatial beam profile by self-guided propagation in argon. The original 52 fs pulses from the chirped pulsed amplification laser system are first precompressed to 32 fs by inserting an acoustic optical programmable dispersive filter instrument into the laser system for spectrum reshaping and dispersion compensation, and the pulse spectrum is subsequently broadened by filamentation in an argon cell. By using chirped mirrors for post-dispersion compensation, the pulses are successfully compressed to smaller than 12 fs.


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We propose a miniature pulse compressor that can be used to compensate the group velocity dispersion that is produced by a commercial femtosecond laser cavity. The compressor is composed of two identical highly efficient deep-etched transmissive gratings. Compared with prism pairs, highly efficient deep-etched transmissive grating pairs are lightweight and small. With an optimized groove depth and a duty cycle, 98% diffraction efficiency of the -1 transmissive order can be achieved at a wavelength of 800 nm under Littrow conditions. The deep-etched gratings are fabricated in fused silica by inductively coupled plasma etching. With a pair of the fabricated gratings, the input positively chirped 73.9 fs pulses are neatly compressed into the nearly Fourier transform-limited 43.2 fs pulses. The miniature deep-etched grating-based pulse compressor should be of interest for practical applications. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America


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The morphology of materials resulting from laser irradiation of the single-layer and the multilayer amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films using 120 fs pulses at 800 nm was observed using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. For the single-layer film, the center of the irradiated spot is depression and the border is protrusion, however, for the multilayer film, the center morphology changes from a depression to a protrusion as the increase of the energy. The crystallization threshold fluence of the single-layer and the multilayer film is 22 and 23 mJ/cm(2), respectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We design and experimentally demonstrate some negative dispersion mirrors with optimized Gires-Tournois interferometers. The mirror structure is composed of 38 alternating Ta2O5 and SiO2 layers and could be regarded as two sections: high-reflectivity section consisting of a series of quarter-wavelength optical thickness stacks and negative-dispersion section consisting of only 13 layers. The designed mirrors exhibit the expected performance. These mirrors were fabricated by using ion beam sputtering. By adopting such mirrors, dispersion of a mode-locked femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser has been compensated for mostly. With two series of the mirrors, 32 fs and 15 fs pulses have been obtained respectively.


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We exfoliate graphite in both aqueous and non-aqueous environments through mild sonication followed by centrifugation. The dispersions are enriched with monolayers. We mix them with polymers, followed by slow evaporation to produce optical quality composites. Nonlinear optical measurements show similar to 5% saturable absorption. The composites are then integrated into fiber laser cavities to generate 630 fs pulses at 1.56 mu m. This shows the viability of solution phase processing for graphene based photonic devices. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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We report a 2 μm ultrafast solid-state Tm: Lu2O3 laser, mode-locked by single-layer graphene, generating transform-limited ∼ 410 fs pulses, with a spectral width ∼ 11.1 nm at 2067 nm. The maximum average output power is 270 mW, at a pulse repetition frequency of 110 MHz. This is a convenient high-power transform-limited ultrafast laser at 2 μm for various applications, such as laser surgery and material processing. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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We report an ultrafast fiber laser based on carbon nanotube saturable absorber. 84 fs pulses are generated directly from the fiber oscillator with 61.2 nm spectral width. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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We report mode-locking of an optically pumped VECSEL using a graphene-based saturable absorber mirror (GSAM). Self-starting and stable modelocked operation is demonstrated with 473 fs pulses at 1.5 GHz repetition rate and 949 nm center wavelength. Wavelength tuning is achieved over a 46 nm bandwidth. We discuss the mirror design, the fabrication of the GSAMs, and give an outlook on further optimization of the design, including dielectric top coatings to protect the graphene and to increase the flexibility in the design. © 2014 SPIE.