996 resultados para Froude number


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The flow resistance of an alluvial channel flow is not only affected by the Reynolds number and the roughness conditions but also the Froude number. Froude number is the most basic parameter in the case of the alluvial channel, thus effect of Froude number on resistance to flow should be considered in the formulation of the friction factor, which is not in the case of present available resistance equations. At present, no generally acceptable quantitative description of the effects of the Froude number on hydraulic resistance has been developed. Metamodeling technique, which is particularly useful in modeling a complex processes or where knowledge of the physics is limited, is presented as a tool complimentary to modeling friction factor in alluvial channels. Present work uses, a radial basis metamodel, which is a type of neural network modeling, to find the effect of Froude number on the flow resistance. Based on the experimental data taken from different sources, it has been found that the predicting capability of the present model is on acceptable level. Present work also tries in formulating an empirical equation for resistance in alluvial channel comprising all the three majorm, parameters, namely, roughness parameter, Froude number and Reynolds number. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present work is based on four static molds using nozzles of different port diameter, port angle, and immersion depth. It has been observed that the meniscus is wavy. The wave amplitude shows a parabolic variation with the nozzle exit velocity. The dimensionless amplitude is found to vary linearly with the Froude number. Vortex formation and bubble entrainment by the wave occurs at the meniscus beyond a critical flow rate, depending upon the nozzle configuration, immersion depth, and the mold aspect ratio.


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The flow of a stratified fluid in a channel with small and large deformations is investigated. The analogy of this flow with swirling flow in tubes with non-uniform cross-sections is studied. The flow near the wall is blocked when the Froude number takes certain critical values. The possibility of preventing the stagnation zones in the flow field is also discussed


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Film flows on inclined surfaces are often assumed to be of constant thickness, which ensures that the velocity profile is half-Poiseuille. It is shown here that by shallow water theory, only flows in a portion of Reynolds number-Froude number (Re-Fr) plane can asymptotically attain constant film thickness. In another portion on the plane, the constant thickness solution appears as an unstable fixed point, while in other regions the film thickness seems to asymptote to a positive slope. Our simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations confirm the predictions of shallow water theory at higher Froude numbers, but disagree with them at lower Froude numbers. We show that different regimes of film flow show completely different stability behaviour from that predicted earlier. Supercritical decelerating flows are shown to be always unstable, whereas accelerating flows become unstable below a certain Reynolds number for a given Froude number. Subcritical flows on the other hand are shown to be unstable above a certain Reynolds number. In some range of parameters, two solutions for the base flowexist, and the attached profile is found to be more stable. All flows except those with separation become more stable as they proceed downstream. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4758299]


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Buoyant jets in natural ventilation of a model room with water as the fluid medium have been studied. A constant heat flux has been maintained on the bottom surface of the room. The buoyancy causes flow to enter through the bottom opening and leave through the top opening. The shadowgraph technique is used for visualization. At the inlet, a negatively buoyant jet is observed, whereas a positively buoyant jet is observed at the outlet. The theoretical results for the centerline trajectories of these buoyant jets using both Gaussian and top-hat profiles are discussed considering the variation of the entrainment coefficient with the local Froude number and the variation of the spreading ratio of buoyancy to velocity profile with the distance from the source. The shape of the profiles is found to evolve from top-hat to Gaussian geometry.


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The study of a film falling down an inclined plane is revisited in the presence of imposed shear stress. Earlier studies regarding this topic (Smith, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 217, 1990, pp. 469-485; Wei, Phys. Fluids, vol. 17, 2005a, 012103), developed on the basis of a low Reynolds number, are extended up to moderate values of the Reynolds number. The mechanism of the primary instability is provided under the framework of a two-wave structure, which is normally a combination of kinematic and dynamic waves. In general, the primary instability appears when the kinematic wave speed exceeds the speed of dynamic waves. An equality criterion between their speeds yields the neutral stability condition. Similarly, it is revealed that the nonlinear travelling wave solutions also depend on the kinematic and dynamic wave speeds, and an equality criterion between the speeds leads to an analytical expression for the speed of a family of travelling waves as a function of the Froude number. This new analytical result is compared with numerical prediction, and an excellent agreement is achieved. Direct numerical simulations of the low-dimensional model have been performed in order to analyse the spatiotemporal behaviour of nonlinear waves by applying a constant shear stress in the upstream and downstream directions. It is noticed that the presence of imposed shear stress in the upstream (downstream) direction makes the evolution of spatially growing waves weaker (stronger).


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We solve the two-dimensional, planar Navier-Stokes equations to simulate a laminar, standing hydraulic jump using a Volume-of-Fluid method. The geometry downstream of the jump has been designed to be similar to experimental conditions by including a pit at the edge of the platform over which liquid film flows. We obtain jumps with and without separation. Increasing the inlet Froude number pushes the jump downstream and makes the slope of the jump weaker, consistent with experimental observations of circular jumps, and decreasing the Reynolds number brings the jump upstream while making it steeper. We study the effect of the length of the domain and that of a downstream obstacle on the structure and location of the jump. The transient flow which leads to a final steady jump is described for the first time to our knowledge. In the moderate Reynolds number regime, we obtain steady undular jumps with a separated bubble underneath the first few undulations. Interestingly, surface tension leads to shortening of wavelength of these undulations. We show that the undulations can be explained using the inviscid theory of Benjamin and Lighthill (Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 1954). We hope this new finding will motivate experimental verification.


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This paper deals with a new approach to study the nonlinear inviscid flow over arbitrary bottom topography. The problem is formulated as a nonlinear boundary value problem which is reduced to a Dirichlet problem using certain transformations. The Dirichlet problem is solved by applying Plemelj-Sokhotski formulae and it is noticed that the solution of the Dirichlet problem depends on the solution of a coupled Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. These integral equations are solved numerically by using a modified method. The free-surface profile which is unknown at the outset is determined. Different kinds of bottom topographies are considered here to study the influence of bottom topography on the free-surface profile. The effects of the Froude number and the arbitrary bottom topography on the free-surface profile are demonstrated in graphical forms for the subcritical flow. Further, the nonlinear results are validated with the results available in the literature and compared with the results obtained by using linear theory. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Wave-soil-pipe coupling effect on the untrenched pipeline stability on sands is for the first time investigated experimentally. Tests are conducted in the U-shaped water tunnel, which generates an oscillatory how, simulating the water particle movements with periodically changing direction under the wave action. Characteristic times and phases during the instability process are revealed. Linear relationship between Froude number and non-dimensional pipe weight is obtained. Effects of initial embedment and loading history are observed. Test results between the wavesoil-pipe interaction and pipe-soil interaction under cyclic mechanical loading are compared. The mechanism is briefly discussed. For applying in the practical design, more extensive and systematic investigations are needed.


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Experimental studies have been performed for horizontal two-phase air-water flows at normal and reduced gravity conditions in a square cross-section channel. The experiments at reduced gravity are conducted on board the Russian IL-76 reduced gravity airplane. Four flow patterns, namely bubble, slug, slug-annular transition and annular flows, are observed depending on the liquid and gas superficial velocities at both conditions. Semi-theoretical Weber number model is developed to include the shape influence on the slug-annular transition. It is shown that its prediction is in reasonable agreement with the experimental slug-annular transition under both conditions. For the case of two-phase gas-liquid flow with large value of the Froude number, the drift-flux model can predict well the observed boundary between bubble and slug flows.


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Wave-induced instability of untrenched pipeline on sandy seabed is a `wave-soil-pipeline' coupling dynamic problem. To explore the mechanism of the pipeline instability, the hydrodynamic loading with U-shaped oscillatory flow tunnel is adopted, which is quite different from the previous experiment system. Based on dimensional analysis, the critical conditions for pipeline instability are investigated by altering pipeline submerged weight, diameter, soil parameters, etc. Based on the experimental results, different linear relationships between Froude number (Fr) and non-dimensional pipeline weight (G) are obtained for two constraint conditions. Moreover, the effects of loading history on the pipeline stability are also studied. Unlike previous experiments, sand scouring during the process of pipe's losing stability is detected in the present experiments. In addition, the experiment results are compared with the previous experiments, based on Wake II model for the calculation of wave-induced forces upon pipeline. It shows that the results of two kinds of experiments are comparable, but the present experiments provide better physical insight of the wave-soil-pipeline coupling effects.


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Unlike previous mechanical actuator loading methods, in this study, a hydrodynamic loading method was employed in a flow flume for simulating ocean currents induced submarine pipeline stability on a sandy seabed. It has been observed that, in the process of pipeline losing lateral stability in currents, there usually exist three characteristic times: (1) onset of sand scour; (2) slight lateral displacement of pipeline; and (3) breakout of pipeline. An empirical linear relationship is established between the dimensionless submerged weight of pipeline and Froude number for describing pipeline lateral stability in currents, in which the current-pipe-soil coupling effects are reflected. Scale effects are examined with the method of "modeling of models," and the sand particle size effects on pipeline stability are also discussed. Moreover, the pipeline stability in currents is compared with that in waves, which indicates that the pipeline laid directly upon the sandy seabed is more laterally stable in currents than in waves.


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Ocean-current-induced pipeline stability on sandy seabed was simulated physically in a flow flume. The process of pipeline losing onbottom stability in currents was recorded and analyzed. Experimental data show that, for a pipeline directly laid on sandy seabed, there exists a linear relationship between the dimensionless submerged weight of pipeline and Froude number, in which the current-pipe-soil coupling effects are reflected. The sand-particle size effects on pipeline onbottom stability are further discussed. The new established empirical relationship may provide a guide for the engineering practice of current-induced on-bottom stability design of a submarine pipeline.


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Experimental particle dispersion patterns in a plane wake flow at a high Reynolds number have been predicted numerically by discrete vortex method (Phys. Fluids A 1992; 4:2244-2251; Int. J. Multiphase Flow 2000; 26:1583-1607). To address the particle motion at a moderate Reynolds number, spectral element method is employed to provide an instantaneous wake flow field for particle dynamics equations, which are solved to make a detail classification of the patterns in relation to the Stokes and Froude numbers. It is found that particle motion features only depend on the Stokes number at a high Froude number and depend on both numbers at a low Froude number. A ratio of the Stokes number to squared Froude number is introduced and threshold values of this parameter are evaluated that delineate the different regions of particle behavior. The parameter describes approximately the gravitational settling velocity divided by the characteristic velocity of wake flow. In order to present effects of particle density but preserve rigid sphere, hollow sphere particle dynamics in the plane wake flow is investigated. The evolution of hollow particle motion patterns for the increase of equivalent particle density corresponds to that of solid particle motion patterns for the decrease of particle size. Although the thresholds change a little, the parameter can still make a good qualitative classification of particle motion patterns as the inner diameter changes.


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The siltation of an experimental gravel bed, with three grades of sand moving in suspension and as bedload, was examined. The rate of infiltration of sand into the void space of the gravel was determined under differing conditions of discharge, water depth, and velocity (jointly expressed as variation in the Froude Number) and suspended sediment concentration. The downstream reduction in siltation from the point source was also examined.