976 resultados para Fronts of mud


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The thermal characteristics of mud nests of Polybia spinifex were investigated by measuring internal and surface temperatures of the nests. The nests had a layer of mud envelope and consisted of mud with fine sand particles. The envelope had a vertically long slit-like entrance hole. The mud nests had high thermal conductivities (0.51-0.67 W/(m degrees C)) comparable to brick, rather than insulation materials of wasps` nests such as paper and wood. It was revealed that the long entrance radiated more heat from the thereto-image. The rate of thermal radiation (emissivity) of the nest surface was 0.80, and the value was similar to that of sand. The internal temperatures of the nests were high from top (T(n1), temperature difference between ambient temperature (T(a)) was 10 degrees C) to bottom (T(n3), difference, 5 degrees C) at noon. On the other hand, the temperature distributions were reversed during the night. Temperature T(n1) was lower by 1 degrees C than T(a), possibly from nightly dew on the top surface, whereas, at the middle point (T(n2),) and T(n3), temperatures were higher by 1 degrees C compared to T(a). Temperature fluctuations (ranges between maximum and minimum temperature) at T(n2) and T(n3) were similar to that of T(a), whereas the values at T(n1) and T(s) were higher than that of T(a).


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde.


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A detailed survey of the present knowledge on the physical aspects of the mud banks has been presented in chapter 1.The physical geographical and geological aspects of the kerala coast, the shore-line and the sea bed and the various views on the formation,movements and dissipation of the mud banks have been discussed.The scope of the present work and a description of the area of study have also been given in this chapter. The horizontal and vertical distribution and the seasonal variations of the concentration of suspended matter in the mud bank region are discussed in chapter 3.it is seen that the mud bank reses above the bottom in the form of a ridged ,irregular,solid come with a flat top. Chapter vi deals with waves and currents in the region of the mud bank. The orientation of the breakers on either side of the mud bank suggests the possibility of formation of opposing alongshore currents and convergence of energy caused by wave refraction.The distribution of currents during the formative nature and dissipating stages of the mud bank show that the converging alongshore currents give rise to offshore flows


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There is very little information on the subtidal bottom fauna of the shelf regions in the seas around India. What little is known is restricted to macro benthos. The paucity of the work on bottom fauna and the importance of mud banks in the fishery of the South West Coast of India has initiated the present study. Attempts have been made to obtain a picture of the bottom fauna of a mud bank region of the Kerala Coast. The difficulties involved in the sampling and analysis, especially the availability of a suitable vessel during the S.W. Monsoon, resulted in the work being restricted mainly to the Narakal mud bank region 6 Km. north of Cochin Detailed sampling is conducted using grab, dredge and to a small extent beam trawl, to assess the qualitative and quantitative nature of the macro benthos. Important species contributing to the fauna are identified and the standing crop estimated for different seasons. The meiobenthos was studied using core samples taken from the grab. Animals were identified to the major taxa. Standing crop of meiobenthos and the quantitative importance of different groups were also studied. The data collected have been interpreted and discussed. As an understanding of the physico-chemical aspects of the environment is essential in order to obtain a true picture of the benthos, attempts were made in this direction. Environmental parameters such as temperature of the sediment, salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen in the overlying water were studied .during the period of benthos investigation. Monthly observations on the dissolved inorganic and organic phosphorus in the area of investigation have been made. The physico-chemical nature of the sediment was also studied. Influence of these ecological variables on the bottom fauna is discussed.


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This thesis is an attempt to Provenence, Sedimentetion and Geochemistry of the Modern Sediments of the Mud Banks off the Central Kerela Coast, India. In the present doctoral work, an attempt has been made to study in detail the mud banks of central Kerala, i.e. of Narakkal, Saudi and Purakkad areas which are reported as permanent mud banks, since olden days. The studies have been conducted during the years 1985 and 1986. The important findings of the study is stated as clay mineralogical studies of the rivers, lake and mud bank sediments reveal that the dominant clay mineral is kaolinite followed by montmorillonite, illite and gibbsite. Geochemical analysis of the Vembanad lake and mud bank sediments show that the iron and manganese are widely distributed both in the lake and mud bank sediments


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Along the southern Brazilian coast, Tijucas Bay is known for its unique muddy tidal flats associated with chenier plains. Previous field observations pointed to very high suspended sediment concentrations (SSCs) in the inner parts of the bay, and in the estuary of the Tijucas River, suggesting the presence of fluid mud. In this study, the occurrences of suspended sediments and fluid mud were examined during a larger-scale, high-resolution 2-day field campaign on 1-2 May 2007, encompassing survey lines spanning nearly 80 km, 75 water sampling stations for near-bottom density estimates, and ten sediment sampling stations. Wave refraction modeling provided qualitative wave energy estimates as a function of different incidence directions. The results show that SSC increases toward the inner bay near the water surface, but seaward near the bottom. This suggests that suspended sediment is supplied by the local rivers, in particular the Tijucas. Near-surface SSCs were of the order of 50 mg l(-1) close to the shore, but exceeded 100 mg l(-1) near the bottom in the deeper parts of the bay. Fluid mud thickness and location given by densimetry and echo-sounding agreed in some places, although being mostly discordant. The best agreement was observed where wave energy was high during the campaign. The discrepancy between the two methods may be an indication for the existence of fluid mud, which is recorded by one method but not the other. Agreement is considered to be an indication of fluidization, whereas disagreement indicates more consolidation. Wave modeling suggests that waves from the ENE and SE are the most effective in supplying energy to the inner bay, which may induce the liquefaction of mud deposits to form fluid mud. Nearshore mud resuspension and weak horizontal currents result in sediment-laden offshore flow, which explains the higher SSCs measured in the deeper parts of the bay, besides providing a mechanism for fine-sediment export to the inner shelf.


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We report on newly discovered mud volcanoes located at about 4500 m water depth 90 km west of the deformation front of the accretionary wedge of the Gulf of Cadiz, and thus outside of their typical geotectonic environment. Seismic data suggest that fluid flow is mediated by a >400-km-long strike-slip fault marking the transcurrent plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia. Geochemical data (Cl, B, Sr, 87Sr/86Sr, Delta18O, DeltaD) reveal that fluids originate in oceanic crust older than 140 Ma. On their rise to the surface, these fluids receive strong geochemical signals from recrystallization of Upper Jurassic carbonates and clay-mineral dehydration in younger terrigeneous units. At present, reports of mud volcanoes in similar deep-sea settings are rare, but given that the large area of transform-type plate boundaries has been barely investigated, such pathways of fluid discharge may provide an important, yet unappreciated link between the deeply buried oceanic crust and the deep ocean.


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Large serpentinite seamounts are common in the forearc regions between the trench axis and the active volcanic fronts of the Mariana and Izu-Bonin intraoceanic arcs. The seamounts apparently form both as mud volcanoes, composed of unconsolidated serpentine mud flows that have entrained metamorphosed ultramafic and mafic rocks, and as horst blocks, possibly diapirically emplaced, of serpentinized ultramafics partially draped with unconsolidated serpentine slump deposits and mud flows. The clayand silt-sized serpentine recovered from three sites on Conical Seamount on the Mariana forearc region and from two sites on Torishima Forearc Seamount on the Izu-Bonin forearc region is composed predominantly of chrysotile, brucite, chlorite, and clays. A variety of accessory minerals attest to the presence of unusual pore fluids in some of the samples. Aragonite, unstable at the depths at which the serpentine deposits were drilled, is present in many of the surficial cores from Conical Seamount. Sjogrenite minerals, commonly found as weathering products of serpentine resulting from interaction with groundwater, are found in most of the samples. The presence of aragonite and carbonate-hydroxide hydrate minerals argues for interaction of the serpentine deposits with fluids other than seawater. There are numerous examples of sedimentary serpentinite deposits exposed on land that are very similar to the deposits recovered from the serpentine seamounts drilled on ODP Leg 125. We suggest that Conical Seamount may be a type locality for the study of in situ formation of many of these sedimentary serpentinite bodies. Further, we suggest that both the deposits drilled on Conical Seamount and on Torishima Forearc Seamount demonstrate that serpentinization can continue in situ within the seamounts through interaction of the serpentine deposits with both seawater and subduction-related fluids.


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Vodyanitskii mud volcano is located at a depth of about 2070 m in the Sorokin Trough, Black sea. It is a 500-m wide and 20-m high cone surrounded by a depression, which is typical of many mud volcanoes in the Black Sea. 75 kHz sidescan sonar show different generations of mud flows that include mud breccia, authigenic carbonates, and gas hydrates that were sampled by gravity coring. The fluids that flow through or erupt with the mud are enriched in chloride (up to 650 mmol L**-1 at 150-cm sediment depth) suggesting a deep source, which is similar to the fluids of the close-by Dvurechenskii mud volcano. Direct observation with the remotely operated vehicle Quest revealed gas bubbles emanating at two distinct sites at the crest of the mud volcano, which confirms earlier observations of bubble-induced hydroacoustic anomalies in echosounder records. The sediments at the main bubble emission site show a thermal anomaly with temperatures at 60 cm sediment depth that were 0.9 °C warmer than the bottom water. Chemical and isotopic analyses of the emanated gas revealed that it consisted primarily of methane (99.8%) and was of microbial origin (dD-CH4 = -170.8 per mil (SMOW), d13C-CH4 = -61.0 per mil (V-PDB), d13C-C2H6 = -44.0 per mil (V-PDB)). The gas flux was estimated using the video observations of the ROV. Assuming that the flux is constant with time, about 0.9 ± 0.5 x 10**6 mol of methane is released every year. This value is of the same order-of-magnitude as reported fluxes of dissolved methane released with pore water at other mud volcanoes. This suggests that bubble emanation is a significant pathway transporting methane from the sediments into the water column.


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This study describes the sperm morphology of the mayfly Hexagenia (Pseudeatonica) albivitta (Ephemeroptera). Its spermatozoon measures approximately 30 μm of which 9 μm corresponds to the head. The head is composed of an approximately round acrosomal vesicle and a cylindrical nucleus. The nucleus has two concavities, one in the anterior tip, where the acrosomal vesicle is inserted and a deeper one at its base, where the flagellum components are inserted. The flagellum is composed of an axoneme, a mitochondrion and a dense rod adjacent to the mitochondrion. A centriolar adjunct is also observed surrounding the axoneme in the initial portion of the flagellum and extends along the flagellum for at least 2 μm, surrounding the axoneme in a half-moon shape. The axoneme is the longest component of the flagellum, and it follows the 9+9+0 pattern, with no central pair of microtubules. At the posterior region of the flagellum, the mitochondrion has a dumb-bell shape in cross sections that, together with the rectangular mitochondrial-associated rod, is responsible for the flattened shape of the flagellum. An internal membrane is observed surrounding both mitochondrion and its associated structure.


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In this paper we study the existence and qualitative properties of travelling waves associated to a nonlinear flux limited partial differential equation coupled to a Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov type reaction term. We prove the existence and uniqueness of finite speed moving fronts of C2 classical regularity, but also the existence of discontinuous entropy travelling wave solutions.


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We derive analytical expressions for the propagation speed of downward combustion fronts of thin solid fuels with a background flow initially at rest. The classical combustion model for thin solid fuels that consists of five coupled reaction-convection-diffusion equations is here reduced into a single equation with the gas temperature as the single variable. For doing so we apply a two-zone combustion model that divides the system into a preheating region and a pyrolyzing region. The speed of the combustion front is obtained after matching the temperature and its derivative at the location that separates both regions.We also derive a simplified version of this analytical expression expected to be valid for a wide range of cases. Flame front velocities predicted by our analyticalexpressions agree well with experimental data found in the literature for a large variety of cases and substantially improve the results obtained from a previous well-known analytical expression


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Chaotic deposits are frequently reported in the geological literature and are commonly interpreted as olistostromes or tectonic melanges. A chaotic complex in the Cenozoic succession of Monferrato (NW Italy) consists of interbedded mud breccia and burrowed silty clays that are pierced by sheared mud breccias and embed carbonate-cemented blocks. These may be represented by microcrystalline limestones or strongly cemented matrix-supported breccias locally containing remains of chemosymbiotic organisms (lucinid bivalves). Moreover, cylindrical concretions, up to 15 cm in diameter and 1 m long, occur in the chaotic complex and crosscut bedding planes at high angles. The cement of all these lithified portions is mainly dolomite characterized by low delta(13)C values (from -10.3 to -23parts per thousand PDB) and delta(18)O values up to + 7parts per thousand PDB. The delta(13)C values testify to precipitation of carbonates induced by microbial oxidation of methane, whereas the markedly positive delta(18)C signature, ubiquitous in the cylindrical concretions, is the evidence for the presence and destabilization of gas hydrates. The studied section provides a well-exposed example of the geological record of the birth, life, and death of a mud volcano. Unsheared, soft mud breccias represent mud flows along the flanks of the volcano, whereas sheared mud breccias are the result of the injection of unconsolidated overpressured fine-grained sediments, both taking place during ``eruptive'' phases. They were followed by more quiet stages of hemipelagic sedimentation, burrowing, and CH4 seeping. The cylindrical concretions represent the first described ancient example of the chimneys observed in present-day mud-volcano settings. They are the remnants of a cold-seep plumbing network that crosscut the mud volcano edifice. The chimneys were the pathway for the expulsion toward the sea floor of gas- and sediment-charged fluids likely originated from destabilization of methane gas hydrates. The association of mud breccias and methane-derived carbonates may not be due to mass gravity flows but can be primary and, therefore, is a diagnostic criterion for recognizing chaotic deposits due to mud volcano activity in the geological record.