986 resultados para Friction, self-ligating bracket, sliding mechanics


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Introduction: The objective of this experimental research was to evaluate the slot’s vertical dimension and profile of four different 0.018″ self-ligating brackets and to identify the level of tolerance accepted by manufacturers during the fabrication process. It was then possible to calculate and compare the torque play of those brackets using the measured values and the nominal values. Material and Methods: Twenty-five 0.018″ self-ligating brackets of upper left central incisors from the following manufacturers, Speed® (Strite Industries, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada), InOvationR® (GAC, Bohemia, NY, USA), CarriereLX® (Ortho Organizers, Carlsbad, CA, USA) and SmartClip® (3M Unitek, Monrovia, CA, USA), were evaluated using electron microscopy with 150X images. The height of each bracket was measured at every 100 microns of depth from the lingual wall at five different levels. A Student T test was then used to compare our results with the manufacturer’s stated value of 0.018″. To determine if there was a significant difference between the four manufacturers, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed at the significance level of p<0.05. The torque play was then calculated using geometrical formulas. Results: On average, Speed brackets were oversized by 2.7%[MV 0.0185″ (SD:0.002)], InOvationR by 3.7% [MV 0.0187″ (SD:0.002)], CarriereLX by 3.2% [MV 0.0186″ (SD:0.002)] and SmartClipSL by 5.0% [MV 0.0189″ (SD:0.002)]. The height of all brackets was significantly higher than the nominal value of 0.018″ (p<0.001). The slot of SmartClip brackets was significantly larger than those of the other three manufacturers (p<0.001). None of the brackets studied had parallel gingival and occlusal walls; some were convergent and others divergent. These variations can induce a torque play up to 4.5 degrees with a 0.017″x0.025″ wire and 8.0 degrees with a 0.016″x0.022″ wire. Conclusion: All studied brackets were oversized. None of the brackets studied had parallel gingival and occlusal walls and there was no standard between manufacturers for the geometry of their slots. These variations can cause a slight increase of the torque play between the wire and the bracket compared with the nominal value.


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Introduction : L’inconfort causé par les appareils orthodontiques peut significativement affecter la coopération des patients dans leur traitement. La douleur, ainsi que la détérioration de la fonction (mastication, élocution) sont reconnus comme les déterminants majeurs de la coopération des patients traités par appareils amovibles. Invisalign® se positionne comme une alternative esthétique aux multiples inconforts observés lors des traitements fixes avec boîtiers. À ce jour, peu d’études ont cherché à comparer la douleur (quantitativement et qualitativement) perçue entre cette technique et celle avec boîtiers fixes sur une longue période. Objectif : L’objectif de la présente étude est d’évaluer la douleur ressentie par les patients qui suivent un traitement orthodontique avec coquilles correctrices Invisalign® et de la comparer avec celle des patients qui suivent un traitement orthodontique conventionnel avec des boîtiers fixes. Matériels et Méthodes: L’étude compte 70 patients (29 garçons, 41 filles), moyenne d’âge de 16 ans [11 à 30]. Les trois sous-groupes sont Invisalign® (n=31), boîtiers Damon (n=19) et boîtiers Speed (n=20). Les groupes avec boîtiers (Damon et Speed) sont les 2 groupes de l’étude menée au sein de la clinique d’Orthodontie de l’Université de Montréal en 2011 qui comparait la perception de la douleur durant le traitement orthodontique entre boîtiers auto-ligaturants passifs et actifs. L’étude a été organisée en 4 phases correspondant à l’insertion des 4 premiers fils pour les groupes avec boîtiers (Phase 1: 0,016" Supercable, Phase 2: 0,016" CuNiTi, Phase 3: 0,016"x0,022" CuNiTi, Phase 4: 0,019"x0,025" CuNiTi) et à l’insertion des coquilles 1, 4, 7 et 10 pour le groupe Invisalign®. À l’aide d’un questionnaire, l’étude évalue pour chaque phase l’ampleur (grâce à une échelle visuelle analogue EVA), la durée et la localisation de la douleur à 6 différents points (T1: immédiatement après l’insertion, T2: 5h après, T3: 24h après, T4: 3 jours après, T5: une semaine après, T6: 2 semaines après). Résultats: À T1Ph3 le pourcentage de patients rapportant de la douleur était plus élevé avec Damon qu’avec Invisalign® (p=0,032) (Damon=55,6% ; Invisalign®=23,3%) mais il n’y avait pas de différence avec le groupe Speed (p=0,114). Les patients avec Invisalign® rapportaient significativement moins d’irritation des tissus mous (muqueuses, gencives) que les patients avec des boîtiers. Pour les résultats des EVA, les différences étaient statistiquement significatives à 2 temps : T3Ph1 (Médiane Invisalign®=33,31, Médiane Speed=49,47; p=0,025) et T3Ph4 (Médiane Invisalign®=13,15, Médiane Damon=27,28; p=0,014). Pour la majorité des patients la douleur ne nécessitait pas la prise de médicament et il n’y avait pas de différence significative entre les groupes sur ce point. La qualité de vie était légèrement affectée lors de la première phase et moindrement pour le groupe Invisalign® que pour les groupes avec boîtiers. Pour les patients Invisalign®, la douleur atteignait son niveau le plus élevé entre 5 et 24 heures après l’insertion de la première coquille, et diminuait en intensité et en durée à chaque phase. Conclusion: La perception de la douleur lors d’un traitement orthodontique avec Invisalign® est inférieure à celle ressentie lors d’un traitement avec des boîtiers fixes. Cette méthode de traitement est donc une thérapie attirante pour les patients désirant un traitement esthétique et relativement confortable.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this study was to assess the effect of bracket type on the labiopalatal moments generated by lingual and conventional brackets. Incognito™ lingual brackets (3M Unitek), STb™ lingual brackets (Light Lingual System; ORMCO), In-Ovation L lingual brackets (DENTSPLY GAC), and conventional 0.018 inch slot brackets (Gemini; 3M Unitek) were bonded on identical maxillary acrylic resin models with levelled and aligned teeth. Each model was mounted on the orthodontic measurement and simulation system and 10 0.0175 × 0.0175 TMA wires were used for each bracket type. The wire was ligated with elastomerics into the Incognito, STb, and conventional brackets and each measurement was repeated once after religation. A 15 degrees buccal root torque (+15 degrees) and then a 15 degrees palatal root torque (-15 degrees) were gradually applied to the right central incisor bracket. After each activation, the bracket returned to its initial position and the moments in the sagittal plane were recorded during these rotations of the bracket. One-way analysis of variance with post hoc multiple comparisons (Tukey test at 0.05 error rate) was conducted to assess the effect on bracket type on the generated moments. The magnitude of maximum moment at +15 degrees ranged 8.8, 8.2, 7.1, and 5.8 Nmm for the Incognito, STb, conventional Gemini, and the In-Ovation L brackets, respectively; similar values were recorded at -15 degrees: 8.6, 8.1, 7.0, and 5.7 Nmm, respectively. The recorded differences of maximum moments were statistically significant, except between the Incognito and STb brackets. Additionally, the torque angles were evaluated at which the crown torque fell well below the minimum levels of 5.0 Nmm, as well as the moment/torque ratio at the last part of the activation/deactivation curve, between 10 and 15 degrees. The lowest torque expression was observed at the self-ligating lingual brackets, followed by the conventional brackets. The Incognito and STb lingual brackets generated the highest moments.


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OBJECTIVES To identify the timing of significant arch dimensional increases during orthodontic alignment involving round and rectangular nickel-titanium (NiTi) wires and rectangular stainless steel (SS). A secondary aim was to compare the timing of changes occurring with conventional and self-ligating fixed appliance systems. METHODS In this non-primary publication, additional data from a multicenter randomised trial initially involving 96 patients, aged 16 years and above, were analysed. The main pre-specified outcome measures were the magnitude and timing of maxillary intercanine, interpremolar, and intermolar dimensions. Each participant underwent alignment with a standard Damon (Ormco, Orange, CA) wire sequence for a minimum of 34 weeks. Blinding of clinicians and patients was not possible; however, outcome assessors and data analysts were kept blind to the appliance type during data analysis. RESULTS Complete data were obtained from 71 subjects. Significant arch dimensional changes were observed relatively early in treatment. In particular, changes in maxillary inter-first and second premolar dimensions occurred after alignment with an 0.014in. NiTi wire (P<0.05). No statistical differences in transverse dimensions were found between rectangular NiTi and working SS wires for each transverse dimension (P>0.05). Bracket type had no significant effect on the timing of the transverse dimensional changes. CONCLUSIONS Arch dimensional changes were found to occur relatively early in treatment, irrespective of the appliance type. Nickel-titanium wires may have a more profound effect on transverse dimensions than previously believed. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE On the basis of this research orthodontic expansion may occur relatively early in treatment. Nickel-titanium wires may have a more profound effect on transverse dimensions than previously believed.


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La Reabsorción radicular externa apical es un proceso inflamatorio común asociado con el tratamiento de ortodoncia. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la magnitud de la RREA de los incisivos y caninos superiores e inferiores en pacientes sometidos a la fase inicial del tratamiento de ortodoncia con tres diferentes tipos de brackets. La muestra consistió en 23 casos de pacientes con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 27 años, fueron divididos aleatoriamente en 3 grupos. Grupo I (n=9; 5 mujeres y 4 varones), utilizando brackets pasivos de autoligado Damon Q Grupo II (n= 8; 4 mujeres y 4 varones) utilizando brackets convencionales prescripción Roth y MBT. Grupo III (n=6; 4 mujeres y 2 varones) utilizando brackets Biofuncional QR. Se analizaron 264 dientes (caninos e incisivos superiores e inferiores) mediante el uso de tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (NewTom VGi Cone Beam 3D Imaging), con el escáner NNT Viewer (versión 4.6 NewTom). Los resultados obtenidos indican que la media de reabsorción se mostró distinta para los diferentes protocolos de tratamiento, así como diferente de acuerdo a la pieza analizada, sin embargo, la prueba de ANOVA no encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas al comparar la media de reabsorción de cada pieza por tipo de brackets empleados o tratamiento realizado (p >0,05). Se concluye que la RREA se ha producido en todos los dientes evaluados, durante los 6 primeros meses de tratamiento y el diseño del bracket (autoligado pasivo, convencional o QR) no influye en el grado de reabsorción radicular.


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Introduction: In premolar extraction cases, root parallelism is recommended to preserve the stability of space closures. The influence of the degree of root parallelism on relapse of tooth extraction spaces has been a controversial topic in the literature. The aim of this study was to compare the angle between the long axes of the canine and the second premolarin patients with and without stability of extraction-space closures. Methods: A sample of 56 patients, treated with 4 premolar extractions, was divided into 2 groups: group 1, consisting of 25 patients with reopening of extraction spaces; and group 2, consisting of 31 patients without reopening of extraction spaces. Panoramic radiographs of each patient were analyzed at the posttreatment and 1-year posttreatment stages. The data were statistically analyzed by using chi-square tests, t tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Pearson correlation coefficients. Results: The results showed that the groups did not differ regarding the angle between the canine and the second premolar, and there was no correlation between angular changes and reopening of extraction spaces, showing that dental angular changes are not determining factors for relapse, and other factors should be investigated. Conclusions: The final angle and the posttreatment changes observed in the angle between the long axes of the canine and the second premolar showed no influence on the relapse of extraction spaces. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011; 139: e505-e510)


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Introduction Cette recherche constitue une étude clinique descriptive, visant à évaluer la douleur durant le traitement orthodontique avec boîtiers auto-ligaturants passifs et actifs. Matériel et méthode L'étude a été effectuée chez 39 patients (18 garçons, 21 filles), âge moyen 14 (entre 11 et 19 ans). Deux types de boîtiers auto-ligaturants ont été utilisés (SPEED n=20 et Damon n=19). Pour évaluer la douleur, un questionnaire a été élaboré par l'équipe de recherche. L’étude comportait 4 phases, c’est-à-dire l’évaluation de la douleur suite à l’insertion des 4 premiers fils orthodontiques du traitement de chaque patient (0.016 Supercable, 016 CuNiTi, 016X022 CuNiTi, 019X025 CuNiTi). Le même questionnaire était utilisé lors de chaque phase et le questionnaire comprenait 6 différents temps (T0: avant l’insertion du fil orthodontique, T1: immédiatement suite à l’insertion du fil, T2: 5h après l’insertion, T3: 24h après l’insertion, T4: 3 jours après l’insertion, T5: une semaine après l’insertion, T6: 4 semaines après l’insertion) suite à l’insertion de chaque fil. L’échelle visuelle analogue (EVA) et la version courte du questionnaire de Saint-Antoine ont été utilisés afin d’évaluer la douleur. Les données des EVA entre les groupes ont été comparées en utilisant le U test Mann-Whitney. Résultats et discussion Pour les deux premiers fils et pour tous les temps étudiés, il n’y avait pas de différence statistiquement significative entre les deux groupes (SPEED et Damon). Cependant, au moment de l’insertion (T0) du troisième fil (016X022 CuNiTi), parmi les patients ayant rapporté de la douleur (SPEED 47.1%, Damon 55.6%), le groupe Damon a rapporté une douleur significativement plus élevée que le groupe SPEED (p=0.018), (EVA moyenne SPEED=14.14±8.55, Damon=33.85±19.64). Trois jours après l’insertion du troisième fil, toujours parmi les patients ayant rapporté de la douleur (SPEED 23.5%, Damon 33.4%), la douleur était significativement plus élevée chez le groupe Damon que chez le groupe SPEED (p=0.008), (EVA moyenne SPEED=8.74±4.87, Damon=25.15±9.69). La plupart des analgésiques ont été pris suite à la pose du premier fil au temps T2 (5h) et T3 (24h). Il n’y avait pas de différence statistiquement significative entre les groupes en ce qui a trait au nombre de patients qui prenaient des analgésiques. La douleur n’a pas affecté le style de vie pour la grande majorité des patients. Les mots descriptifs sensoriels « tiraillement », « étau » et « élancement » et le mot affectif « énervant » étaient le plus souvent utilisés. Conclusion Les patients du groupe Damon ont ressenti significativement plus de douleur que les patients du groupe SPEED à l’insertion du troisième fil et trois jours suite à l’insertion. Plus de patients ont pris des médicaments pour la douleur avec le premier fil et le style de vie n’était pas affecté pour une majorité de patients. « Tiraillement », « étau », « élancement » et « énervant » étaient les mots descriptifs les plus utilisés par les patients pour décrire leur douleur.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify the procedures adopted by Brazilian orthodontists in the following situations: extraction space closure, anchorage control in case of necessary anchorage for group A and frequency of skeletal anchorage use, especially in the upper jaw. METHOD: A questionnaire was sent to the e-mail address of all dentists registered in the Brazilian Federal Council of Dentistry. RESULTS: The results showed that most Brazilian orthodontists usually perform extraction space closure by means of sliding mechanics. The use of palatal bar, inclusion of second molars in the archwire and space closure performed in two phases are the most used techniques for anchorage control in the upper jaw. The skeletal anchorage is referenced by 36.5% of specialists as a routine practice for the upper jaw anchorage. CONCLUSIONS: There is a wide variety of procedures adopted by Brazilian orthodontists for orthodontic space closure and anchorage control.


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A TAS (Técnica do Arco Segmentado) representa uma alternativa à mecânica de deslizamento, muitas vezes dificultada pela incerteza da quantidade de força de atrito envolvida em cada sistema de forças utilizado. Nesse contexto, sabe-se que poucos cursos de Ortodontia no Brasil têm ensinado efetivamente a filosofia e o modo de trabalhar com a TAS. Portanto, este trabalho procura elucidar a forma de raciocínio das relaçÕes entre força e momento manipuladas na TAS, bem como mostrar a forma de confecção e utilização de mola "T" do grupo B, onde objetiva-se a movimentação recíproca dos segmentos posterior e anterior e, por fim, apresentar um caso clínico tratado com esse tipo de mecânica.


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The aim of this study was to investigate potential occurrence of bacteremia in orthodontic patients after removal of miniscrews.The study group comprised 30 healthy subjects (17 males, 13 females) with a mean age of 24.1 years treated with self-ligating fixed appliances and mini-implant anchorage. Two 20 ml venous blood samples were obtained prior to and 30-60 seconds after miniscrew explantation following an aseptic technique. Blood culturing in aerobic and anaerobic conditions was carried out by means of the BACTEC blood culture analyzer. Microbiological analysis showed that none of the pre- and post-operative samples exhibited detectable bacteremia. Future research should be focused on determining the collective bacteremic effect of a sequence of orthodontic procedures including miniscrew placement or removal, typically performed during a single treatment session.


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Amundsenisen is an ice field, 80 km2 in area, located in Southern Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Radio-echo sounding measurements at 20 MHz show high intensity returns from a nearly flat basal reflector at four zones, all of them with ice thickness larger than 500m. These reflections suggest possible subglacial lakes. To determine whether basal liquid water is compatible with current pressure and temperature conditions, we aim at applying a thermo mechanical model with a free boundary at the bed defined as solution of a Stefan problem for the interface ice-subglaciallake. The complexity of the problem suggests the use of a bi-dimensional model, but this requires that well-defined flowlines across the zones with suspected subglacial lakes are available. We define these flow lines from the solution of a three-dimensional dynamical model, and this is the main goal of the present contribution. We apply a three-dimensional full-Stokes model of glacier dynamics to Amundsenisen icefield. We are mostly interested in the plateau zone of the icefield, so we introduce artificial vertical boundaries at the heads of the main outlet glaciers draining Amundsenisen. At these boundaries we set velocity boundary conditions. Velocities near the centres of the heads of the outlets are known from experimental measurements. The velocities at depth are calculated according to a SIA velocity-depth profile, and those at the rest of the transverse section are computed following Nye’s (1952) model. We select as southeastern boundary of the model domain an ice divide, where we set boundary conditions of zero horizontal velocities and zero vertical shear stresses. The upper boundary is a traction-free boundary. For the basal boundary conditions, on the zones of suspected subglacial lakes we set free-slip boundary conditions, while for the rest of the basal boundary we use a friction law linking the sliding velocity to the basal shear stress,in such a way that, contrary to the shallow ice approximation, the basal shear stress is not equal to the basal driving stress but rather part of the solution.