877 resultados para Freshwater Turtle
Notopronocephalus peekayi gen, et sp, n. is described from the intestine of Elseya latisternum Gray, 1867, E. dentata (Gray, 1863) and Emydura signata Ahl, 1932 from rivers in Queensland. The new genus is distinguished by the absence of ventral glands, simple (neither diverticulate nor sinuous) caeca terminating at the anterior margin of the testes, excretory arms not uniting in forebody, single ovary, two opposite testes close to the posterior end of the body, intracaecal genital pore, vitelline follicles anterior to the testes, cirrus-sac orientated obliquely and not divided into two portions, and the uterus intracaecal. This is the first pronocephalid to be described from an Australian freshwater turtle and the first from the family Chelidae.
The aim of this paper is to compare three different methods for counting white blood cells [WBC] (Natt and Herrick method, estimation with 1,000 and 2,000 erythrocytes) and three methods for counting total thrombocytes [TT] (Wojtaszek method, estimation with 1,000 and 2,000 erythrocytes) in a South American freshwater turtle species, Podocnemis expansa, Schweigger 1812 (Reptilia, Pelomedusidae). Direct WBC counts using the Natt and Herrick method showed limitations, which are discussed here. The WBC and TT counts using 1,000 erythrocytes from blood smears are not recommended for Amazon turtles nor other reptilian species, since wide variation in counts can be observed. Estimation methods for determining WBC and TT based on 2,000 erythrocytes of blood smears were most acceptable because they allow a differentiation between leukocytes and thrombocytes and also had a smaller variation. The methods investigated here for the Amazon turtle, which have been widely used in other reptile species, provided evidence that the most acceptable method is not that of using diluted stains and a hemocytometer.
Neopolystoma fentoni n. sp. is described from the conjunctival sac of Kinosternon leucostomum (Duméril, Bibron, and Duméril 1851) and Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima (Gray 1855) from the Guanacaste Conservation Area in Costa Rica. The new species differs from all other species of Neopolystoma, except N. elizabethae Platt 2000 in possessing a circle of eight genital spines that are recurved and possess a crescent-shaped base. N. fentoni n. sp. differs from N. elizabethae in lacking cecal diverticula and in a number of morphometric criteria.
The physiological control to support the absence of O2 for long periods of diving, and oxidative damage impact caused by the whole process of hypoxia/reperfusion in freshwater turtles is well known. However, effects of contaminants may act as co-varying stressors and cause biological damage, disrupting the hypoxia/reperfusion oxidative damage control. In order to investigate the action of environmental stressors present in domestic or industrial wastewater effluent, we performed a biochemical analysis of biotransformation enzymes, oxidative stress, as well as neuromuscular, physiological and morphological parameters in Phrynops geoffroanus, an hypoxic-tolerant freshwater turtle endemic of South America, using animals sampled in urban area, contaminated by sewage and industrial effluents and animals sampled in control area. Here we demonstrate the physiological and biochemical impact caused by pollution, and the effect that these changes cause in antioxidant activity. Animals from the urban area exhibited higher EROD (ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase, CYP1A1), GST (glutathione S-transferase), G6PDH (glucose-6-phosphate deshydrogenase), AChE (acetilcholinesterase) activities and also TEAC (trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity) and TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) values. We examined whether two morphometric indices (K - condition factor and HIS - hepatosomatic index) which help in assessing the general condition and possible liver disease, respectively, were modified. The K of the urban animals was significantly decreased compared to the control animals, but the HIS value was increased in animals from the urban area, supporting the idea of an impact in physiology and life quality in the urban freshwater turtles. We propose that this freshwater turtle specie have the ability to enhance its antioxidants defenses in order to protect from tissue damage caused by hypoxia and reperfusion, but also that caused by environmental contamination and that the oxidative damage control in hypoxic conditions has resulted in an adaptive condition in hypoxic-tolerant freshwater turtle species, in order to better tolerate the release of contaminated effluents resulting from human activity. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Seasonal changes in the diel surfacing behaviour of the bimodally respiring turtle Rheodytes leukops
The purpose of this study was to determine whether a relationship existed between the diel surfacing trends of the bimodally respiring freshwater turtle Rheodytes leukops and daily fluctuations in specific biotic and abiotic factors: The, diel surfacing behaviour of adult R. leukops was recorded over four consecutive seasons (Austral autumn 2000 - summer 2001) within Marlborough Creek, central Queensland, Australia, using pressure-sensitive time-depth recorders. Additionally, diurnal variations in water temperature and aquatic Po-2 level, as well as the turtle's behavioural state (i.e., active versus resting), were monitored. In autumn and summer, surfacing frequency increased significantly during the daylight hours, with peak levels normally occurring around dawn (0500-0700) and. dusk (1700-1900). However, no consistent diel surfacing trend was recorded, for the turtles in winter or spring, owing to considerable variation among individual R. leukops. Diurnal surfacing trends recorded for R. leukops in, autumn and summer are attributed to periods of increased activity (possibly associated with foraging) during the daylight hours and not to daily variations in water temperature or aquatic Po-2 level. Turtles generally remained at a depth greater than 1 m throughout the day, where the effect of diel fluctuations in water temperature, (
Abundant material of turtles from the early Oligocene site of Boutersem-TGV (Boutersem, Belgium), is presented here. No information on the turtles found there was so far available. All the turtle specimens presented here are attributable to a single freshwater taxon that is identified as a member of Geoemydidae, Cuvierichelys. It is the first representative of the ‘Palaeochelys s. l.–Mauremys’ group recognized in the Belgian Paleogene record. This material, which allows to know all the elements of both the carapace and the plastron of the taxon, cannot be attributed to the only species of the genus Cuvierichelys so far identified in the Oligocene, the Spanish form Cuvierichelys iberica. The taxon from Boutersem is recognized as Cuvierichelys parisiensis. Thus, both the paleobiogeographic and the biostratigraphic distributions of Cuvierichelys parisiensis are extended, its presence being confirmed for the first time outside the French Eocene record. The validity of some European forms is refuted, and several characters previously proposed as different between Cuvierichelys iberica and Cuvierichelys parisiensis are recognized as subjected to intraspecific variability.
Pretestis laticaecum is described from the small intestine of the freshwater turtle Emydura krefftil. The new species can be distinguished from its congener P. australianus by the following characters; significantly smaller ovary, main lymph vessels reach anterior to posterior testis, genital atrium in mid-oesophageal region, small vitelline follicles clumped around the ovary and significantly larger caeca overlapping. The, position of this species and related genera in fish, the life cycle of P. australianus and the presence of P. laticaecum in turtles suggest that it is a relatively recent host capture.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The phagocytic process in cells depends on lysosomal enzymes, high-energy metabolism and cellular recognition. In this paper, we investigated the presence of energy and recognition factors in thrombocytes of turtle Phrynopys hilarii (a freshwater South American species). Turtle thrombocytes (P. hilarii) present glycogen - possibly β particles - dispersed in their cytoplasm and glycoproteins in the cell surface, as well as a large number of enzymes involved in the endocytic process (Pellizzon, 1996). The activity of these enzymes depends on high-energy metabolism and on cellular recognition provided by specific glycoconjugates (Alberts et al., 1994). This metabolic characterization is demonstrated by the large amount of glycogen particles observed in the cytoplasm by Thiéry's method. Glycogen labeling was also observed when concanavalin A-peroxidase was used as a marker for thrombocytes and for endocyted charcoal particles. Our results show that these cells have phagocytic ability, suggesting that their function in blood circulation is not limited to aggregation but may also involve a great potential for phagocytosis.
Rheodytes leukops is a bimodally respiring turtle that extracts oxygen from the water chiefly via two enlarged cloacal bursae that are lined with multi-branching papillae. The diving performance of R. leukops was compared to that of Emydura macquarii, a turtle with a limited ability to acquire aquatic oxygen. The diving performance of the turtles was compared under aquatic anoxia (0 mmHg), hypoxia (80 mmHg) and normoxia (155 mmHg) at 15, 23, and 30degreesC. When averaged across all temperatures the dive duration of R. leukops more than doubled from 22.4 +/- 7.65 min under anoxia to 49.8 +/- 19.29 min under normoxic conditions. In contrast, aquatic oxygen level had no effect on the dive duration of E. macquarii. Dive times for both species were significantly longer at the cooler temperature, and the longest dive recorded for each species was 538 min and 166 min for R. leukops and E. macquarii, respectively. Both species displayed a pattern of many short dives punctuated by occasional long dives irrespective of temperature or oxygen regime. Rheodytes leukops, on average, spent significantly less time (42 +/- 2 sec) at the surface per surfacing event than did E. macquarii (106 +/- 20 sec); however, surface times for both species were not related to either water temperature or oxygen level.
We collected data on plasma levels of testosterone+5a-dihydrotestosterone (T+DHT) and corticosterone (CORT) from adult female green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) from southern Queensland during distinct stages of their reproductive cycle. Those females capable of breeding in a given year had elevated plasma steroid levels (T+DHT 0.91 +/- 0.08; CORT 1.05 +/- 0.29 ng/ml), associated with follicular development, until courtship began in October. At the beginning of the nesting season in November plasma levels of 2 CORT were related to when the female first nested (r(2) = 0.06; F = 10.45; P = 0.01). However, they were not correlated with the number of clutches a female laid in that season (F = 3.65; P = 0.08). We repeatedly sampled 23 turtles over the nesting season and profiled changes in steroids immediately following oviposition of each clutch. Levels of T+DHT (range 0.41-0.58 ng/ml) and CORT (range 2.13-2.81 ng/ml) were similar through the early stages of the nesting season and inter-nesting period, and declined to near basal levels (T+DHT 0.37 +/- 0.03 and CORT 1.85 +/- ng/ml) following the last clutch for the season. Steroid hormone levels were also low (T+DHT 0.38 +/- 0.16; CORT 0.46 +/- 0.21 ng/ml) in four independent post-breeding (atretic) females; samples for these females were taken at a time when body condition was presumably at the lowest for the season. Subtle changes in the nesting environment, such as variation in nesting habitat or the time of night that nesting occurred, were associated with a small and slow CORT increase. We suggest CORT is increased in nesting females to assist in lipid transfer to prepare the ovarian follicles and/or the reproductive organs for ovulation.
The metabolic responses of adult and young freshwater Kinosternon scorpioides turtles raised in captivity were evaluated. Two experiments were performed: a) blood metabolite changes caused by food deprivation, and b) liver and muscle glycogen and total lipid differences after fasting and refeeding. Blood glucose concentration of young animals was susceptible to food deprivation. In both groups this metabolite decreased after 30 days of fasting. Feeding for 15 days did not recover blood glucose. Total seric proteins were not affected by food deprivation. Fasting decreased blood urea nitrogen and the highest difference was found around 30 days. Uric acid increased in young animals after 60 days of fasting. Triacylglicerol decreased after 15 days of fasting and refeeding for 15 days recovered the pre-fasting levels. Free fatty acid plasma tended to increase around 15 days of fasting. Liver glycogen decreased at day 15 of fasting, being stable thereafter while muscle glycogen decreased at a slower rate. Total liver lipid stabilized after 30 days and then decreased 70% after 60 days of fasting. Muscle lipids remained stable throughout fasting. It could be concluded that fasting of Kinosternon scorpioides led to metabolic adaptations similar to the one reported from reptiles and fish.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The studies on the characterization of eosinophils and neutrophils/ heterophils of turtles are contradictory. Some authors have pointed out the existence of two distinct cell types: eosinophils and heterophils. Other authors have proposed that eosinophils and heterophils may be the same cells in different stages of maturation. These interpretations are based only on a morphological analysis. In the blood of the turtle (Chrysemys dorbignih), a South American freshwater species, there are two types of granulocytes with eosinophilic staining pattern: the first with round cytoplasmic granules and the second with ellipsoidal cytoplasmic granules. In the present study by using histoenzymological methods for the analyses of enzymological cellular content, we found that the cells with round cytoplasmic granules were positive for nonspecific esterase and the cells with ellipsoidal granules were positives for acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, nonspecific esterase and peroxidase. The results show that these cells are distinct cells and that the cells with ellipsoidal cytoplasmic granules have the same histoenzymological characteristics as the neutrophils/heterophils of mammalians and other vertebrates.