982 resultados para Free-surface flows


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A numerical study of mass conservation of MAC-type methods is presented, for viscoelastic free-surface flows. We use an implicit formulation which allows for greater time steps, and therefore time marching schemes for advecting the free surface marker particles have to be accurate in order to preserve the good mass conservation properties of this methodology. We then present an improvement by using a Runge-Kutta scheme coupled with a local linear extrapolation on the free surface. A thorough study of the viscoelastic impacting drop problem, for both Oldroyd-B and XPP fluid models, is presented, investigating the influence of timestep, grid spacing and other model parameters to the overall mass conservation of the method. Furthermore, an unsteady fountain flow is also simulated to illustrate the low mass conservation error obtained.


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In this paper we present a finite difference MAC-type approach for solving three-dimensional viscoelastic incompressible free surface flows governed by the eXtended Pom-Pom (XPP) model, considering a wide range of parameters. The numerical formulation presented in this work is an extension to three-dimensions of our implicit technique [Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 166 (2011) 165-179] for solving two-dimensional viscoelastic free surface flows. To enhance the stability of the numerical method, we employ a combination of the projection method with an implicit technique for treating the pressure on the free surfaces. The differential constitutive equation of the fluid is solved using a second-order Runge-Kutta scheme. The numerical technique is validated by performing a mesh refinement study on a pipe flow, and the numerical results presented include the simulation of two complex viscoelastic free surface flows: extrudate-swell problem and jet buckling phenomenon. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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This work is concerned with numerical simulation of axisymmetric viscoelastic free surface flows using the Phan-Thien-Tanner (PTT) constitutive equation. A finite difference technique for solving the governing equations for unsteady incompressible flows written in Cylindrical coordinates on a staggered grid is described. The fluid is modelled by a Marker-and-Cell type method and an accurate representation of the fluid surface is employed. The full free surface stress conditions are applied. The numerical method is verified by comparing numerical predictions of fully developed flow in a pipe with the corresponding analytic solutions. To demonstrate that the numerical method can simulate axisymmetric free surface flows governed by the PTT model, numerical results of the flow evolution of a drop impacting on a rigid dry plate are presented. In these simulations, the rheological effects of the parameters epsilon and xi are investigated.


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The numerical simulation of flows of highly elastic fluids has been the subject of intense research over the past decades with important industrial applications. Therefore, many efforts have been made to improve the convergence capabilities of the numerical methods employed to simulate viscoelastic fluid flows. An important contribution for the solution of the High-Weissenberg Number Problem has been presented by Fattal and Kupferman [J. Non-Newton. Fluid. Mech. 123 (2004) 281-285] who developed the matrix-logarithm of the conformation tensor technique, henceforth called log-conformation tensor. Its advantage is a better approximation of the large growth of the stress tensor that occur in some regions of the flow and it is doubly beneficial in that it ensures physically correct stress fields, allowing converged computations at high Weissenberg number flows. In this work we investigate the application of the log-conformation tensor to three-dimensional unsteady free surface flows. The log-conformation tensor formulation was applied to solve the Upper-Convected Maxwell (UCM) constitutive equation while the momentum equation was solved using a finite difference Marker-and-Cell type method. The resulting developed code is validated by comparing the log-conformation results with the analytic solution for fully developed pipe flows. To illustrate the stability of the log-conformation tensor approach in solving three-dimensional free surface flows, results from the simulation of the extrudate swell and jet buckling phenomena of UCM fluids at high Weissenberg numbers are presented. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The theoretical formulation of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method deserves great care because of some inconsistencies occurring when considering free-surface inviscid flows. Actually, in SPH formulations one usually assumes that (i) surface integral terms on the boundary of the interpolation kernel support are neglected, (ii) free-surface conditions are implicitly verified. These assumptions are studied in detail in the present work for free-surface Newtonian viscous flow. The consistency of classical viscous weakly compressible SPH formulations is investigated. In particular, the principle of virtual work is used to study the verification of the free-surface boundary conditions in a weak sense. The latter can be related to the global energy dissipation induced by the viscous term formulations and their consistency. Numerical verification of this theoretical analysis is provided on three free-surface test cases including a standing wave, with the three viscous term formulations investigated.


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The aim of this paper Is lo discuss the influence of the selection of the interpolation kernel in the accuracy of the modeling of the internal viscous dissipation in Tree surface Hows, Simulations corresponding to a standing wave* for which an analytic solution available, are presented. Wendland and renormalized Gaussian kernels are considered. The differences in the flow pattern* and Internal dissipation mechanisms are documented for a range of Reynolds numbers. It is shown that the simulations with Wendland kernels replicate the dissipation mechanisms more accurately than those with a renormalized Gaussian kernel. Although some explanations are hinted we have Tailed to clarify which the core structural reasons for Mich differences are*


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Free surface flow of groundwater in aquifers has been studied since the early 1960s. Previous investigations have been based on the Boussinesq equation, derived from the non-linear kinematic boundary condition. In fact, the Boussinesq equation is the zeroth-order equation in the shallow-water expansion. A key assumption in this expansion is that the mean thickness of the aquifer is small compared with a reference length, normally taken to be the linear decay length. In this study, we re-examine the expansion scheme for free surface groundwater flows, and propose a new expansion wherein the shallow-water assumption is replaced by a steepness assumption. A comparison with experimental data shows that the new model provides a better prediction of water table levels than the conventional shallow-water expansion. The applicable ranges of the two expansions are exhibited. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The computational modeling of ocean waves and ocean-faring devices poses numerous challenges. Among these are the need to stably and accurately represent both the fluid-fluid interface between water and air as well as the fluid-structure interfaces arising between solid devices and one or more fluids. As techniques are developed to stably and accurately balance the interactions between fluid and structural solvers at these boundaries, a similarly pressing challenge is the development of algorithms that are massively scalable and capable of performing large-scale three-dimensional simulations on reasonable time scales. This dissertation introduces two separate methods for approaching this problem, with the first focusing on the development of sophisticated fluid-fluid interface representations and the second focusing primarily on scalability and extensibility to higher-order methods.

We begin by introducing the narrow-band gradient-augmented level set method (GALSM) for incompressible multiphase Navier-Stokes flow. This is the first use of the high-order GALSM for a fluid flow application, and its reliability and accuracy in modeling ocean environments is tested extensively. The method demonstrates numerous advantages over the traditional level set method, among these a heightened conservation of fluid volume and the representation of subgrid structures.

Next, we present a finite-volume algorithm for solving the incompressible Euler equations in two and three dimensions in the presence of a flow-driven free surface and a dynamic rigid body. In this development, the chief concerns are efficiency, scalability, and extensibility (to higher-order and truly conservative methods). These priorities informed a number of important choices: The air phase is substituted by a pressure boundary condition in order to greatly reduce the size of the computational domain, a cut-cell finite-volume approach is chosen in order to minimize fluid volume loss and open the door to higher-order methods, and adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) is employed to focus computational effort and make large-scale 3D simulations possible. This algorithm is shown to produce robust and accurate results that are well-suited for the study of ocean waves and the development of wave energy conversion (WEC) devices.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Free surface flows in inclined channels can develop periodic instabilities that are propagated downstream as shock waves with well-defined wavelengths and amplitudes. Such disturbances are called roll waves and are common in channels, torrential lava, landslides, and avalanches. The prediction and detection of such waves over certain types of structures and environments are useful for the prevention of natural risks. In this work, a mathematical model is established using a theoretical approach based on Cauchy's equations with the Herschel-Bulkley rheological model inserted into the viscous part of the stress tensor. This arrangement can adequately represent the behavior of muddy fluids, such as water-clay mixture. Then, taking into account the shallow water and the Rankine-Hugoniot's (shock wave) conditions, the equation of the roll wave and its properties, profile, and propagation velocity are determined. A linear stability analysis is performed with an emphasis on determining the condition that allows the generation of such instabilities, which depends on the minimum Froude number. A sensitivity analysis on the numerical parameters is performed, and numerical results including the influence of the Froude number, the index flow and dimensionless yield stress on the amplitude, the wavelength of roll waves and the propagation velocity of roll waves are shown. We show that our numerical results were in agreement with Coussot's experimental results (1994).


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This work describes a methodology to simulate free surface incompressible multiphase flows. This novel methodology allows the simulation of multiphase flows with an arbitrary number of phases, each of them having different densities and viscosities. Surface and interfacial tension effects are also included. The numerical technique is based on the GENSMAC front-tracking method. The velocity field is computed using a finite-difference discretization of a modification of the NavierStokes equations. These equations together with the continuity equation are solved for the two-dimensional multiphase flows, with different densities and viscosities in the different phases. The governing equations are solved on a regular Eulerian grid, and a Lagrangian mesh is employed to track free surfaces and interfaces. The method is validated by comparing numerical with analytic results for a number of simple problems; it was also employed to simulate complex problems for which no analytic solutions are available. The method presented in this paper has been shown to be robust and computationally efficient. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The problem of steady subcritical free surface flow past a submerged inclined step is considered. The asymptotic limit of small Froude number is treated, with particular emphasis on the effect that changing the angle of the step face has on the surface waves. As demonstrated by Chapman & Vanden-Broeck (2006), the divergence of a power series expansion in powers of the square of the Froude number is caused by singularities in the analytic continuation of the free surface; for an inclined step, these singularities may correspond to either the corners or stagnation points of the step, or both, depending on the angle of incline. Stokes lines emanate from these singularities, and exponentially small waves are switched on at the point the Stokes lines intersect with the free surface. Our results suggest that for a certain range of step angles, two wavetrains are switched on, but the exponentially subdominant one is switched on first, leading to an intermediate wavetrain not previously noted. We extend these ideas to the problem of flow over a submerged bump or trench, again with inclined sides. This time there may be two, three or four active Stokes lines, depending on the inclination angles. We demonstrate how to construct a base topography such that wave contributions from separate Stokes lines are of equal magnitude but opposite phase, thus cancelling out. Our asymptotic results are complemented by numerical solutions to the fully nonlinear equations.


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Research carried out under Naval Ship Systems Command, General Hydromechanics Research Program, subproject SR 009 01 01, administered by the Naval Ship Research and Development Center, contract no. N00014-67-A-0220-0003.


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The steady problem of free surface flow due to a submerged line source is revisited for the case in which the fluid depth is finite and there is a stagnation point on the free surface directly above the source. Both the strength of the source and the fluid speed in the far field are measured by a dimensionless parameter, the Froude number. By applying techniques in exponential asymptotics, it is shown that there is a train of periodic waves on the surface of the fluid with an amplitude which is exponentially small in the limit that the Froude number vanishes. This study clarifies that periodic waves do form for flows due to a source, contrary to a suggestion by Chapman & Vanden-Broeck (2006, J. Fluid Mech., 567, 299--326). The exponentially small nature of the waves means they appear beyond all orders of the original power series expansion; this result explains why attempts at describing these flows using a finite number of terms in an algebraic power series incorrectly predict a flat free surface in the far field.


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An efficient numerical method to compute nonlinear solutions for two-dimensional steady free-surface flow over an arbitrary channel bottom topography is presented. The approach is based on a boundary integral equation technique which is similar to that of Vanden-Broeck's (1996, J. Fluid Mech., 330, 339-347). The typical approach for this problem is to prescribe the shape of the channel bottom topography, with the free-surface being provided as part of the solution. Here we take an inverse approach and prescribe the shape of the free-surface a priori while solving for the corresponding bottom topography. We show how this inverse approach is particularly useful when studying topographies that give rise to wave-free solutions, allowing us to easily classify eleven basic flow types. Finally, the inverse approach is also adapted to calculate a distribution of pressure on the free-surface, given the free-surface shape itself.