955 resultados para Formation and seed viability
Adhesion of uredospores of Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean seeds and their viability during storage
To study adhesion and viability of uredospores of the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean seeds during storage, suspension tests of those uredospores were carried out by washing seeds at each 30 days interval. Furthermore, germination and inoculation tests of uredospores on soybean plants were performed with uredospores collected from seeds of two soybean production areas, located in the municipalities "Chapada dos Guimarães" and "Tangará da Serra", State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. High levels of uredospores infestation were detected before storage [249.31 and 85.18 uredospores/100 seeds (U/100)] on seeds collected in both localities, respectively. After 30 days storage, these figures were 46.12 and 122.5 U/100; at 60 days were 14.62 and 26.62 U/100; and at 90 days were only 2.87 and 3,68 U/100, respectively; dropping to zero after 120 days storage. The percentage of germinated uredospores decreased with increasing storage periods and at 120 days germination percentage was nil. When uredospores were inoculated on soybean plants, rust symptoms were only observed for uredospores collected from freshly harvested seeds. Uredospores associated to soybean seed germinate until 90 days after storage, but are not viable after this time span. Infection of plants only occurs with inoculation of uredospores obtained from freshly harvested seeds.
The developmental anatomy and morphology of the ovule and seed in several species of Heliconia were investigated as part of an embryological study of the Heliconiaceae and to provide a better understanding of their relationships with the other families of the Zingiberales. Heliconia species have an ovule primordium with an outer integument of both dermal and subdermal origin. The archesporial cell is divided into a megasporocyte and a single parietal cell, which in turn are divided only anticlinally to form a single parietal layer, disintegrating later during gametogenesis. The embryo sac was fully developed prior to anthesis. In the developing seed, the endosperm was nuclear, with wall formation in the globular stage; a nucellar pad was observed during embryo development, but later became compressed. The ripe fruit contained seeds enveloped by a lignified endocarp that formed the pyrenes, with each pyrene having an operculum at the basal end; the embryo was considered to be differentiated. Most of these characteristics are shared with other Zingiberales, although the derivation of the operculum from the funicle and the formation of the main mechanical layer by the endocarp are unique to the Heliconiaceae.
The embryology and the seed development of Syngonanthus caulescens are presented. This species possesses: a bithecous and tetrasporangiate anther, with a four-layered wall, a conspicuous endothecium of the baseplate type, a secretory tapetum formed by uninucleate cells, successive microsporogenesis resulting in isobilateral microspore tetrads, spiraperturate and binucleate pollen grains, an orthotropous, pendulous, bitegmic and terminucellate ovule, with a micropyle formed only by the inner integument, a megagametophyte of the Polygonum type, with formation of an antipodal cyst, free-nuclear and starchy endosperm, a broad and bell-shaped embryo, operculate and endotestal seeds, a seed coat derived from the inner layers of both integuments, and tanniniferous endotegmen. These embryological aspects are characteristic not only for Syngonanthus, but for the whole family, with few differences between genera. Furthermore, the pollen grain of the spiraperturate type and the cystic arrangement of the antipodals in the megagametophyte are peculiar and very distinctive features of Eriocaulaceae within the other Poales (commelinids). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tropical rain forest conservation requires a good understanding of plant-animal interactions. Seed dispersal provides a means for plant seeds to escape competition and density-dependent seed predators and pathogens and to colonize new habitats. This makes the role and effectiveness of frugivorous species in the seed dispersal process an important topic. Northern pigtailed macaques (Macaca leonina) may be effective seed dispersers because they have a diverse diet and process seeds in several ways (swallowing, spitting out, or dropping them). To investigate the seed dispersal effectiveness of a habituated group of pigtailed macaques in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand, we examined seed dispersal quantity (number of fruit species eaten, proportion in the diet, number of feces containing seeds, and number of seeds processed) and quality (processing methods used, seed viability and germination success, habitat type and distance from parent tree for the deposited seeds, and dispersal patterns) via focal and scan sampling, seed collection, and germination tests. We found thousands of seeds per feces, including seeds up to 58 mm in length and from 88 fruit species. Importantly, the macaques dispersed seeds from primary to secondary forests, via swallowing, spitting, and dropping. Of 21 species, the effect of swallowing and spitting was positive for two species (i. e., processed seeds had a higher % germination and % viability than control seeds), neutral for 13 species (no difference in % germination or viability), and negative (processed seeds had lower % germination and viability) for five species. For the final species, the effect was neutral for spat-out seeds but negative for swallowed seeds. We conclude that macaques are effective seed dispersers in both quantitative and qualitative terms and that they are of potential importance for tropical rain forest regeneration. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Microfluidic devices can be used for many applications, including the formation of well-controlled emulsions. In this study, the capability to continuously create monodisperse droplets in a microfluidic device was used to form calcium-alginate capsules.Calcium-alginate capsules have many potential uses, such as immunoisolation of cells and microencapsulation of active drug ingredients or bitter agents in food or beverage products. The gelation of calcium-alginate capsules is achieved by crosslinking sodiumalginate with calcium ions. Calcium ions dissociated from calcium carbonate due to diffusion of acetic acid from a sunflower oil phase into an aqueous droplet containing sodium-alginate and calcium carbonate. After gelation, the capsules were separated from the continuous oil phase into an aqueous solution for use in biological applications. Typically, capsules are separated bycentrifugation, which can damage both the capsules and the encapsulated material. A passive method achieves separation without exposing the encapsulated material or the capsules to large mechanical forces, thereby preventing damage. To achieve passiveseparation, the use of a microfluidic device with opposing channel wa hydrophobicity was used to stabilize co-laminar flow of im of hydrophobicity is accomplished by defining one length of the channel with a hydrogel. The chosen hydrogel was poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate, which adheres to the glass surface through the use of self-assembled monolayer of 3-(trichlorosilyl)-propyl methacrylate. Due to the difference in surface energy within the channel, the aqueous stream is stabilized near a hydrogel and the oil stream is stabilized near the thiolene based optical adhesive defining the opposing length of the channel. Passive separation with co-laminar flow has shown success in continuously separating calcium-alginatecapsules from an oil phase into an aqueous phase. In addition to successful formation and separation of calcium alginate capsules,encapsulation of Latex micro-beads and viable mammalian cells has been achieved. The viability of encapsulated mammalian cells was determined using a live/dead stain. The co-laminar flow device has also been demonstrated as a means of separating liquid-liquidemulsions.
Elevated cholesterol in mid-life has been associated with increased risk of dementia in later life. We have previously shown that low density lipoprotein (LDL) is more oxidised in the plasma of dementia patients although total cholesterol levels remained unchanged [1]. We have investigated the hypothesis that amyloid beta production and neurodegeneration can be driven by oxidised lipids derived from LDL following the loss of blood brain barrier integrity with ageing. Therefore, we have investigated amyloid beta formation in SHSY5Y cells treated with LDL, minimally modified (ox) LDL, and lipids extracted from both forms of LDL. LDL-treated SHSY-5Y cell viability was not significantly decreased with up to 8 μg LDL/2 × 104 cells compared to untreated cells. However, 8 μg oxLDL protein/2 × 104 cells decreased the cell viability significantly by 33.7% (P < 0.05). A more significant decrease in cell viability was observed when treating cells with extracted lipids from 8 μg of LDL (by 32.7%; P < 0.01) and oxLDL (by 41%; P < 0.01). In parallel, the ratio of reduced to oxidised GSH was decreased; GSH concentrations were significantly decreased following treatment with 0.8 μg/ml oxLD-L (7.35 ± 0.58;P < 0.01), 1.6 μg/ml (5.27 ± 0.23; P < 0.001) and 4 μg/ml (5.31 ± 0.31; P < 0.001). This decrease in redox potential was associated with an increase acid sphingomyelinase activity and lipid raft formation which could be inhibited by desipramine; SHSY5Y cells treated with oxLDL, and lipids from LDL and oxLDL for 16 h showed significantly increased acid sphingomyelinase activity (5.32 ± 0.35; P < 0.05, 5.21 ± 0.6; P < 0.05, and 5.58 ± 0.44; P < 0.01, respectively) compared to control cells (2.96 ± 0.34). As amyloid beta production is driven by the activity of beta secretase and its association with lipid rafts, we investigated whether lipids from ox-LDL can influence amyloid beta by SHSY-5Y cells in the presence of oxLDL. Using ELISA and Western blot, we confirmed that secretion of amyloid beta oligomers is increased by SHSY-5Y cells in the presence of oxLDL lipids. These data suggest a mechanism whereby LDL, and more significantly oxLDL lipids, can drive amyloid beta production and cytotoxicity in neuronal cells. [1] Li L, Willets RS, Polidori MC, Stahl W, Nelles G, Sies H, Griffiths HR. Oxidative LDL modification is increased in vascular dementia and is inversely associated with cognitive performance. Free Radic Res. 2010 Mar; 44(3): 241–8.
Saurochory (seed dispersal by reptiles) among crocodilians has largely been ignored, probably because these reptiles are generally assumed to be obligate carnivores incapable of digesting vegetable proteins and polysaccharides. Herein we review the literature on crocodilian diet, foraging ecology, digestive physiology and movement patterns, and provide additional empirical data from recent dietary studies of Alligator mississippiensis. We found evidence of frugivory in 13 of 18 (72.2%) species for which dietary information was available, indicating this behavior is widespread among the Crocodylia. Thirty-four families and 46 genera of plants were consumed by crocodilians. Fruit types consumed by crocodilians varied widely; over half (52.1%) were fleshy fruits. Some fruits are consumed as gastroliths or ingested incidental to prey capture; however, there is little doubt that on occasion, fruit is deliberately consumed, often in large quantities. Sensory cues involved in crocodilian frugivory are poorly understood, although airborne and waterborne cues as well as surface disturbances seem important. Crocodilians likely accrue nutritional benefits from frugivory and there are no a priori reasons to assume otherwise. Ingested seeds are regurgitated, retained in the stomach for indefinite and often lengthy periods, or passed through the digestive tract and excreted in feces. Chemical and mechanical scarification of seeds probably occurs in the stomach, but what effects these processes have on seed viability remain unknown. Because crocodilians have large territories and undertake lengthy movements, seeds are likely transported well beyond the parent plant before being voided. Little is known about the ultimate fate of seeds ingested by crocodilians; however, deposition sites could prove suitable for seed germination. Although there is no evidence for a crocodilian-specific dispersal syndrome similar to that described for other reptiles, our review strongly suggests that crocodilians function as effective agents of seed dispersal. Crocodilian saurochory offers a fertile ground for future research.
Insulin was used as model protein to developed innovative Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLNs) for the delivery of hydrophilic biotech drugs, with potential use in medicinal chemistry. SLNs were prepared by double emulsion with the purpose of promoting stability and enhancing the protein bioavailability. Softisan(®)100 was selected as solid lipid matrix. The surfactants (Tween(®)80, Span(®)80 and Lipoid(®)S75) and insulin were chosen applying a 2(2) factorial design with triplicate of central point, evaluating the influence of dependents variables as polydispersity index (PI), mean particle size (z-AVE), zeta potential (ZP) and encapsulation efficiency (EE) by factorial design using the ANOVA test. Therefore, thermodynamic stability, polymorphism and matrix crystallinity were checked by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Wide Angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD), whereas the effect of toxicity of SLNs was check in HepG2 and Caco-2 cells. Results showed a mean particle size (z-AVE) width between 294.6 nm and 627.0 nm, a PI in the range of 0.425-0.750, ZP about -3 mV, and the EE between 38.39% and 81.20%. After tempering the bulk lipid (mimicking the end process of production), the lipid showed amorphous characteristics, with a melting point of ca. 30 °C. The toxicity of SLNs was evaluated in two distinct cell lines (HEPG-2 and Caco-2), showing to be dependent on the concentration of particles in HEPG-2 cells, while no toxicity in was reported in Caco-2 cells. SLNs were stable for 24 h in in vitro human serum albumin (HSA) solution. The resulting SLNs fabricated by double emulsion may provide a promising approach for administration of protein therapeutics and antigens.
Biofilm formation on reverse osmosis (RO) systems represents a drawback in the application of this technology by different industries, including oil refineries. In RO systems the feed water maybe a source of microbial contamination and thus contributes for the formation of biofilm and consequent biofouling. In this study the planktonic culturable bacterial community was characterized from a feed water of a RO system and their capacities were evaluated to form biofilm in vitro. Bacterial motility and biofilm control were also analysed using phages. As results, diverse Protobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes were identified. Alphaproteobacteria was the predominant group and Brevundimonas, Pseudomonas and Mycobacterium the most abundant genera. Among the 30 isolates, 11 showed at least one type of motility and 11 were classified as good biofilm formers. Additionally, the influence of non-specific bacteriophage in the bacterial biofilms formed in vitro was investigated by action of phages enzymes or phage infection. The vB_AspP-UFV1 (Podoviridae) interfered in biofilm formation of most tested bacteria and may represent a good alternative in biofilm control. These findings provide important information about the bacterial community from the feed water of a RO system that may be used for the development of strategies for biofilm prevention and control in such systems.
The influence of the golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) as a seed disperser was studied by monitoring two groups of tamarins from December 1998 to December 2000 (871.9 hours of observations) in a forest fragment in south-east Brazil. The tamarins consumed fruits of 57 species from at least 17 families. They ingested the seeds of 39 species, and 23 of these were put to germinate in the laboratory and/or in the field. L. rosalia is a legitimate seed disperser because the seeds of all species tested germinated after ingestion, albeit some in low percentages. These primates do not show a consistent effect in final seed germination, because they benefit some species while damaging others. Feces were examined for seeds that had been preyed upon or digested.
The identification of alternatively spliced transcripts has contributed to a better comprehension of developmental mechanisms, tissue-specific physiological processes and human diseases. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of alternatively spliced variants commonly leads to the formation of heteroduplexes as a result of base pairing involving exons common between the two variants. S1 nuclease cleaves single-stranded loops of heteroduplexes and also nicks the opposite DNA strand. In order to establish a strategy for mapping alternative splice-prone sites in the whole transcriptome, we developed a method combining the formation of heteroduplexes between 2 distinct splicing variants and S1 nuclease digestion. For 20 consensuses identified here using this methodology, 5 revealed a conserved splice site after inspection of the cDNA alignment against the human genome (exact splice sites). For 8 other consensuses, conserved splice sites were mapped at 2 to 30 bp from the border, called proximal splice sites; for the other 7 consensuses, conserved splice sites were mapped at 40 to 800 bp, called distal splice sites. These latter cases showed a nonspecific activity of S1 nuclease in digesting double-strand DNA. From the 20 consensuses identified here, 5 were selected for reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction validation, confirming the splice sites. These data showed the potential of the strategy in mapping splice sites. However, the lack of specificity of the S1 nuclease enzyme is a significant obstacle that impedes the use of this strategy in large-scale studies.