998 resultados para Formality and urbanity


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The project, developed at the Health and Education Studies´ Center, in the Unity of the Science and Philosophy’s College, UNESP, Marilia´s campus, had as goal the development of a study about the appropriation of writing by children with Down ’s syndrome. Five children, from 10 to 13 years old, on different situations of scholar levels, were took part in the project. As research procedure, it was developed weekly pedagogical interventions, based on HistoricalCultural Theory. At the beginning, the group presented different dimensions of approximation with the writing universe. It was observed advances on the graphic representation and on the individual trials of writing. Two childrens began to build small texts, one of the children is on the beginning of the alphabetic writing and two other children continue to present difficulties, getting close of the writing in a very not confortable way, stuck on the scholar formality and a direct mediation to the words constitution is needed.


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The project, developed at the Health and Education Studies ́ Center, in the Unity of the Science and Philosophy’s College, UNESP, Marilia ́s campus, had as goal the development of a study about the appropriation of writing by children with Down ’s syndrome. Five children, from 10 to 13 years old, on different situations of scholar levels, were took part in the project. As research procedure, it was developed weekly pedagogical interventions, based on Historical-Cultural Theory. At the beginning, the group presented different dimensions of approximation with the writing universe. It was observed advances on the graphic representation and on the individual trials of writing. Two children began to build small texts, one of the children is on the beginning of the alphabetic writing and two other children continue to present difficulties, getting close of the writing in a very not comfortable way, stuck on the scholar formality and a direct mediation to the words constitution is needed.


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The language in use in a society is product of a culture and reflects the way a community thinks. Therefore, the lexical units, through the meanings assigned by a social group, establish a specific look of the universe. We intend to demonstrate that for the denomination of the sexual organs of the human body it usual to avoid the official anatomical terminology – relegated to contexts of great formalityand to adopt other lexical items during informal situations. We intend, with this research, to demystify some prejudices related to the erotic-obscene lexicon, its use and its creation, besides stimulating reflections, in Portuguese and Italian.


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The language in use in a society is product of a culture and reflects the way a community thinks. Therefore, the lexical units, through the meanings assigned by a social group, establish a specific look of the universe. We intend to demonstrate that for the denomination of the sexual organs of the human body it usual to avoid the official anatomical terminology – relegated to the contexts of great formalityand to adopt other lexical items during informal situations. This paper reflects about some sociocultural aspects of the forbidden language, that encloses the erogene zones. Using as theory the studies of Lexicology and the obscene lexicon, we intend to verify this lexical typology based in our corpus, and stimulate reflections about the use and the substitution of the official terminology, showing that there are variations in relation to the age and gender of the speakers. We intend, with this research, to demystify some prejudices related to the erotic-obscene lexicon, its use and its creation and to stimulate reflections.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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One of the major problems related to cancer treatment is its recurrence. Without knowing in advance how likely the cancer will relapse, clinical practice usually recommends adjuvant treatments that have strong side effects. A way to optimize treatments is to predict the recurrence probability by analyzing a set of bio-markers. The NeoMark European project has identified a set of preliminary bio-markers for the case of oral cancer by collecting a large series of data from genomic, imaging, and clinical evidence. This heterogeneous set of data needs a proper representation in order to be stored, computed, and communicated efficiently. Ontologies are often considered the proper mean to integrate biomedical data, for their high level of formality and for the need of interoperable, universally accepted models. This paper presents the NeoMark system and how an ontology has been designed to integrate all its heterogeneous data. The system has been validated in a pilot in which data will populate the ontology and will be made public for further research.


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La tesis desvela el origen moderno del modo de afrontar el proyecto de arquitectura mediante métodos de ordenación. Estos procedimientos, fieles a la poética que los respalda, establecen unos principios que anteceden y constituyen la base del método y estos son técnicos, funcionales y sociales. Una cartografía de los principios propuestos por los arquitectos y los teóricos de la arquitectura nos aporta el medio de investigación de la tesis, los libros de arquitecto. La intelectualización y conceptualización que conlleva la arquitectura durante el siglo XX, favorecida por la asociación de los arquitectos, los historiadores y los críticos en encuentros y debates, fomentará la aparición de textos en los que el proyecto de arquitectura se contextualice en su entorno. De esta manera se deja de lado la resolución de un proyecto concreto, mediante la elección entre diversas posibilidades contingentes, para establecer que el acto de proyectar constituye un problema abstracto. Esta postura modifica la resolución del proyecto de arquitectura que ahora se acomete como un caso particular a resolver según los principios y métodos propuestos. Los libros de arquitecto se evidencian como el medio privilegiado para exponer los principios y los métodos de organización de estos, posicionándolos en el ambiente cultural y social. Los principios técnica, función y ciudad que fascinan a los arquitectos desde los años veinte, sufren un proceso de puesta en crisis entre el final de la II Guerra Mundial y la crisis del petróleo del año 1973. A partir de los años setenta pierden su vigencia y ya no deslumbran. Quedan relegados a un principio más, que afecta al proyecto de arquitectura, pero no lo determina. Este desplazamiento en vez de debilitarlos hace que se manifiesten en todo su poder creativo. Las herramientas que explicitan estos principios tales como, la seriación, la modulación, el cambio de escala, los métodos de organización jerarquizados o adaptables, las taxonomías, los diagramas y los relatos, pierden su carga de novedad y de certeza, y su poder metafórico alcanzando la contemporaneidad convertidas en una estructura conceptual sobre la que se organizan los proyectos de arquitectura. ABSTRACT This dissertation reveals the modernist origins of approaching architectural design through organizational methods. These procedures, true to the poetics that back them, establish certain principles that precede and constitute the foundations of the method, and they are technical, functional and social. A map of the principles proposed by architects and architecture theorists provides the means of research of this dissertation; architect’s books. The intellectualization and conceptualization regarding architecture during the 20th century, assisted by the association of architects, historians and critics through conferences and debates, encouraged the advent of texts in which the architectural project is contextualized in its surroundings. In this way, the issue of solving a specific design is set aside by choosing between a diverse set of possible contingencies, establishing that the act of designing constitutes an abstract problem. This stance changed the way the architectural project was carried out by becoming a specific case to be worked out according to the principles and methods proposed. Architect’s books become the privileged means to present the principles and organizational methods of architects, positioning them in cultural and social circles. The principles of technology, functionality and urbanity that had fascinated architects since the 1920s, were put into question between the end of World War II and the 1973 oil crisis. After the 1970s these principles were no longer valid and ceased to amaze. But this displacement, instead of debilitating them, made them appear in their full creative force. The tools that assert these principles, such as serial production, modulation, change of scales, hierarchical or adaptable organizational methods, taxonomies, diagrams and narratives, lose their novel and undisputed content as well as their metaphorical power, reaching us, nowadays, turned into a conceptual structure upon which we organize architectural design.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2015.


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5 Sentidos es un restaurante que se crea a partir de las expectativas que tienen las personas de encontrar un lugar novedoso, diferente y divertido, salido de lo común. Es un lugar fusión que contempla tanto de la gastronomía moderna como la clásica, donde se da cabida al público de experimentar el uso de todos sus sentidos en un recinto bañado de sorpresas desde el momento de cruzar la puerta, dando acogida a un gran sector demográfico el cual consideraba que no podía acceder a un sitio como este, para probar la magia culinaria que allí se ofrece. 5 Sentidos se aleja de la formalidad y elegancia de un sitio que se caracteriza por la comida que allí se ofrece para dar paso a la informalidad, donde las personas que allí acuden, son grupos de amigos o familiares que buscan encontrar un lugar casual y relajado. 5 Sentidos pretende inspirar a esas personas que consideran que hay cosas imposibles tanto de crear como de imaginar, para que se lancen a crear, hacer, construir; no construyan sueños, hagan sus sueños realidad.


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GPN3, by Peddle Thorp + Donovan Hill, is an accomplished building which seeks to have significant urban effects on the St Lucia campus of the University of Queensland.


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El Proyecto que se presenta en esta convocatoria está relacionado con el diseño y desarrollo de procesos de gestión intersectorial para la reconversión formal del hábitat en asentamientos de crecimiento espontáneo e ilegal a partir de la la revisión de marcos legales y normativos respecto del derecho al uso de suelo urbano y la seguridad jurídica en la tenencia (regulación dominial) bajo un enfoque sustentable de los Derechos Humanos (DDHH) como así también a partir de la innovación tecnológica de los recursos para el mejoramiento habitacional en el marco de los aportes relacionados con la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) .La originalidad, en este caso, se basa en la exploración de nuevos procesos de gestión mixta en los que intervienen diversos actores: ESTADO, SOCIEDAD, EMPRESA y COMUNIDAD CIENTIFICA, configurando un circuito intersectorial de gestión, capacitación y producción de hábitat que respondan al fortalecimiento del desarrollo comunitario, entendido como desarrollo económico con inclusión social y urbana.Los objetivos están relacionados con el fortalecimiento de la producción integral del hábitat social procurando el desarrollo genuino de las comunidades a partir de la expansión de sus capacidades y sus derechos.El presente proyecto de investigación explorará la producción de hábitat y de ciudad informal procurando reconvertirla hacia un modelo de gestión sustentable (normativo y tecnológico), basado en la necesidad de producir ciudadanía digna a partir de la construcción formal de hábitat.La propuesta del proyecto supone la participación intersectorial en la planificación formal y en la toma de decisiones para una inclusión social y económica, en el marco de un modelo de desarrollo de génesis inclusor, constituyéndose en un avance de conocimientos del propio campo disciplinar (hábitat) como así también de otros campos afines a los mismos (jurídico- social - económico- productivo- político ).