1000 resultados para Formalismo de Green-Schwarz


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In this note we describe the most general coupling of abelian vector and tensor multiplets to six-dimensional (1,0) supergravity. As was recently pointed out, it is of interest to consider more general Chern-Simons couplings to abelian vectors of the type H(r) = dB(r) - 1/2 c(rab)AadAb, with c(r) matrices that may not be simultaneously diagonalized. We show that these couplings can be related to Green-Schwarz terms of the form B(r)c(r)/abFaFb, and how the complete local Lagrangian, that embodies factorized gauge and supersymmetry anomalies (to be disposed of by fermion loops) is uniquely determined by Wess-Zumino consistency conditions, aside from an arbitrary quartic coupling for the gauginos. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.


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A manifestly super-Poincaré covariant formalism for the superstring has recently been constructed using a pure spinor variable. Unlike the covariant Green-Schwarz formalism, this new formalism is easily quantized with a BRST operator and tree-level scattering amplitudes have been evaluated in a manifestly covariant manner. In this paper, the cohomology of the BRST operator in the pure spinor formalism is shown to give the usual light-cone Green-Schwarz spectrum. Although the BRST operator does not directly involve the Virasoro constraint, this constraint emerges after expressing the pure spinor variable in terms of SO(8) variables.


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After reviewing the Green-Schwarz superstring using the approach of Siegel, the superstring is covariantly quantized by constructing a BRST operator from the fermionic constraints and a bosonic pure spinor ghost variable. Physical massless vertex operators are constructed and, for the first time, N-point tree amplitudes are computed in a manifestly ten-dimensional super-Poincaré covariant manner. Quantization can be generalized to curved supergravity backgrounds and the vertex operator for fluctuations around AdS 5 x S 5 is explicitly constructed.


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Recently, the superstring was covariantly quantized using the BRST-like operator Q = ∮ λαdα where λα is a pure spinor and dα are the fermionic Green-Schwarz constraints. By performing a field redefinition and a similarity transformation, this BRST-like operator is mapped to the sum of the Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz BRST operator and η0 ghost. This map is then used to relate physical vertex operators and tree amplitudes in the two formalisms. Furthermore, the map implies the existence of a b ghost in the pure spinor formalism which might be useful for loop amplitude computations.


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The ten-dimensional superparticle is covariantly quantized by constructing a BRST operator from the fermionic Green-Schwarz constraints and a bosonic pure spinor variable. This same method was recently used for covariantly quantizing the superstring, and it is hoped that the simpler case of the superparticle will be useful for those who want to study this quantization method. It is interesting that quantization of the superparticle action closely resembles quantization of the worldline action for Chern-Simons theory.


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After constructing a BRST operator from the fermionic Green-Schwarz constraints and a bosonic pure spinor ghost variable, the superstring is covariantly quantized and N-point tree amplitudes are computed in a manifestly ten-dimensional super-Poincaré covariant manner. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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It is proven that the classical pure spinor superstring in an AdS 5 × S5 back-ground has a flat current depending on a continuous parameter. This generalizes the recent result of Bena, et al. for the classical Green-Schwarz superstring. © SISSA/ISAS 2004.


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A relation is found between nonlocal conserved charges in string theory and certain ghost-number two states in the BRST cohomology. This provides a simple proof that the nonlocal conserved charges for the superstring in an AdS 5 × S5 background are BRST-invariant in the pure spinor formalism and are κ-symmetric in the Green-Schwarz formalism. © SISSA/ISAS 2005.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Deriglazov and Galajinsky have recently proposed a new covariant action for the Green-Schwarz superstring which can be constructed in any spacetime dimension. In this Comment, I show that their action contains extra on-shell degrees of freedom as compared with the standard action and is therefore inequivalent. ©1999 The American Physical Society.


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We consider a class of models with gauged U(1) R symmetry in 4D N=1 super-gravity that have, at the classical level, a metastable ground state, an infinitesimally small (tunable) positive cosmological constant and a TeV gravitino mass. We analyse if these properties are maintained under the addition of visible sector (MSSM-like) and hidden sector state(s), where the latter may be needed for quantum consistency. We then discuss the anomaly cancellation conditions in supergravity as derived by Freedman, Elvang and Körs and apply their results to the special case of a U(1) R symmetry, in the presence of the Fayet-Iliopoulos term (ξ) and Green-Schwarz mechanism(s). We investigate the relation of these anomaly cancellation conditions to the “naive” field theory approach in global SUSY, in which case U(1) R cannot even be gauged. We show the two approaches give similar conditions. Their induced constraints at the phenomenological level, on the above models, remain strong even if one lifted the GUT-like conditions for the MSSM gauge couplings. In an anomaly-free model, a tunable, TeV-scale gravitino mass may remain possible provided that the U(1) R charges of additional hidden sector fermions (constrained by the cubic anomaly alone) do not conflict with the related values of U(1) R charges of their scalar superpartners, constrained by existence of a stable ground state. This issue may be bypassed by tuning instead the coefficients of the Kahler connection anomalies (b K , b CK ).


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This study investigated Nrf2-activating properties of a coffee blend combining raw coffee bean constituents with 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid (CGA) as a lead component with typical roasting products such as N-methylpyridinium (NMP). In cell culture (HT29) the respective coffee extract (CN-CE) increased nuclear Nrf2 translocation and enhanced the transcription of ARE-dependent genes as exemplified for NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase and glutathione-S-transferase (GST)A1, reflected in the protein level by an increase in GST enzyme activity. In a pilot human intervention study (29 healthy volunteers), daily consumption of 750 mL of CN-coffee for 4 weeks increased Nrf2 transcription in peripheral blood lymphocytes on average. However, the transcriptional response pattern of Nrf2/ARE-dependent genes showed substantial interindividual variations. The presence of SNPs in the Nrf2-promoter, reported recently, as well as the detection of GSTT1*0 (null) genotypes in the study collective strengthens the hypothesis that coffee acts as a modulator of Nrf2-dependent gene response in humans, but genetic polymorphisms play an important role in the individual response pattern.


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Num regime balísstico e a baixas temperaturas, a fórmula de Landauer dá uma boa descrição do transporte de calor para nano-junções conectadas a dois fios acoplados a banhos térmicos a temperaturas diferentes. Partindo de um modelo microscópico e utilizando o método de funções de Green fora do equilíbrio, é possível obter uma expressão para a condutância térmica na nano-junção equivalente a fórmula de Landauer. Esta depende dos valores das constantes de acoplamento entre os modos de fônons da região central e dos fios, além do gradiente térmico. A expressão para a condutância térmica é muito semelhante aquela obtida para a condutância elétrica. Neste trabalho nós apresentamos o método para o cálculo de grandezas relacionadas ao transporte térmico em um regime onde não há um gradiente de temperatura entre os reservatórios mas o sistema sofre uma perturbação dependente do tempo. Ou seja, com uma escolha conveniente da parametrização temporal dos termos de acoplamento entre a nano-junção e os fios é possível produzir uma corrente de calor na ausência de diferença de temperaturas entre os banhos térmicos aos quais os fios estão conectados. Esse fenômeno caracteriza o bombeamento de calor. Desenvolvemos uma teoria de transporte dependente do tempo para descrever o bombeamento. A teoria é geral, dependendo da densidade de fônons, da intensidade e dependência temporal do acoplamento. Aplicamos o formalismo em um modelo simples demonstrando que, em princípio, é possível bombear calor através de uma cadeia linear de átomos sem gradiente térmico.