994 resultados para Forest seed


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This study was conducted in an area of restinga in the municipality of Silo Vicente (SP). The study aimed to evaluate the seed rain in three different conditions of regeneration. Was selected the following conditions: High Forest of Restinga in the middle stage of regeneration, an area of clearing in the same condition mentioned above and a third in early stages of regeneration. hi each condition were installed 10 seed collectors made of wood and screen with 80% of shade, supported to a height of 20cm of soil. They were evaluated monthly for one yew; the densities of seed deposited in the collector these seedlings are identified and categorized based on their dispersion syndrome and successional classes. The Area of High Forest area was carried out a phytosociological survey to identify which seedlings present in the rain could be from these areas. It was found that the densities of seedlings are relatively low compared to other formations of the Atlantic rain forest, but consistent with other studies of the same type of vegetation used in the study. Regarding dispersal syndromes and successional classes, there was prevalence of the zoocoric syndrome and species of secondary successional classes. The results indicate that the area has good ability to maintain their succession dynamics.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As normas oficiais para análise de sementes não estabelecem critérios para a execução de testes de germinação da maioria das espécies florestais. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi a determinação do substrato, da temperatura e da necessidade de superação da dormência das sementes para o teste de germinação de Stryphnodendron adstringens. Foram avaliados o tratamento de escarificação com ácido sulfúrico por 60 min, os substratos vermiculita, rolo de papel, areia e solo e as temperaturas constantes de 20, 25, 30 e 35 ºC e alternadas de 15-35 ºC e 20-30 ºC, utilizando-se a primeira contagem de germinação (7 dias) e a porcentagem de plântulas normais, anormais, sementes mortas e dormentes (42º dia após a semeadura) com quatro repetições de 50 sementes. As sementes de S. adstringens devem ser submetidas ao teste de germinação, após superação da dormência, em substrato papel e nas temperaturas constantes de 25, 30 ou 35 ºC ou alternadas de 20-30 ºC.


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A embaúba é considerada uma espécie pioneira que ocorre na mata Atlântica, principalmente em borda da mata ou em matas secundárias. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a análise da influência da temperatura e do modo de ação da luz através de curva de fluência resposta, para a melhor compreensão do comportamento das sementes desta espécie. Através de incubações isotérmicas foi determinada que a temperatura ótima de germinação de sementes de Cecropia glaziovi, situa-se entre 25 e 30ºC e a saturação da indução da germinação com luz branca mediada pelo fitocromo ocorreu com 1W.m-2. Embora as sementes de embaúba necessitem de luz de alta razão de V:VE para a indução do processo, a germinação ocorreu em fluência baixa de luz branca, indicando alta sensibilidade dessas sementes ao ambiente aberto, como borda de matas e pequenas clareiras. Estas características indicam a participação do fitocromo B no controle da germinação de sementes nesta espécie.


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O teste de condutividade elétrica tem sido excelente ferramenta para avaliar a qualidade de sementes de diversas espécies e, mais recentemente, estudos têm sido conduzidos visando verificar sua aplicabilidade em sementes florestais. Assim este trabalho objetivou estabelecer metodologia específica do teste de condutividade elétrica para sementes de branquilho. Foram usados três lotes de sementes resultantes do armazenamento em embalagens de vidro (Lote I), pano (Lote II) e papel (Lote III), em câmara fria (10ºC e 60% UR), por cinco meses, os quais foram submetidos ao teste de germinação, avaliando-se a porcentagem e o índice de velocidade de germinação. No teste de condutividade elétrica foram estudadas três quantidades de sementes por repetição (25, 50 e 75 sementes), três volumes de água deionizada (50, 75 e 100mL) e 11 tempos de embebição das sementes (2, 4, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48 e 72h), a 25ºC. O lote I apresentou maior porcentagem e velocidade de germinação. O teste de condutividade elétrica possibilitou a mesma discriminação dos lotes que o teste de germinação, em combinações variadas dos fatores estudados. Foi possível separar o lote de melhor qualidade fisiológica (Lote I) dos demais lotes, já a partir de 2 horas de embebição, utilizando-se amostras de 75 sementes embebidas em 50, 75 ou 100mL de água; ou amostras de 50 sementes embebidas em 50mL de água, a partir de 18 horas de embebição. Desta forma, pode-se recomendar o uso de 75 sementes, embebidas em 75mL de água, por 24 horas à temperatura de 25ºC, para a condução do teste de condutividade elétrica.


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Poecilanthe parviflora (coração-de-negro) é uma planta arbórea com potencial para uso em áreas degradadas e no paisagismo. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar condições de temperatura para condução do teste de germinação para as sementes de P. parviflora. Foram realizados dois experimentos paralelos. No experimento 1 foi utilizado o lote denominado de JABOTICABAL que foi submetido à germinação em diferentes temperaturas constantes (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40 ºC) e alternadas (20-30, 25-35 e 20-35 ºC), totalizando 10 tratamentos. No experimento 2 foram utilizados os lotes denominados de USM, SEMEX e JABOTICABAL que foram submetidos à germinação a 25ºC e a 20-30ºC com fotoperíodo de 12 horas, totalizando seis tratamentos. em cada experimento, foram utilizadas quatro repetições de 25 sementes por tratamento. A protrusão da raiz primária (> 0,5 cm) foi adotada como critério para considerar a semente germinada. Foram analisados os seguintes parâmetros: porcentagem de germinação e de plântulas normais, índice de velocidade de germinação, comprimento de plântulas, matéria fresca e seca de plântulas. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Scott-Knott a 5% de probabilidade. Concluiu-se que o teste de germinação pode ser conduzido a 25 e a 25-35 ºC, com fotoperíodo de 12 horas, por 21 dias.


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Guazuma ulmifolia is as popular reforestation tree all over Latin America. It is characteristic of the initial stages of the secondary sucession and presents potential utility in the restoring of degraded areas. There is no information about fruit,seed and seedling morphology, which is of fundamental importance for identification, extraction, management and seed germination as well as for the characterization of post-seminal development and normal seedling pattern. To obtain such information, external fruit, and external and internal seed structures were studied considering shape, size, micropile and embryo localization; and tegumentar structures. All stages of this work were conduced in the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Campus of Jaboticabal city. The fruits were collected in a mixed plantation in Jaboticabal city, State of São Paulo, Brazil. For the bio metric study eight repetitions of ten fruits and eight repetitions of 100 seeds were utilized. For seed internal traits study, 50 seeds were drenched in a distiled water, cut, and observed with a scanning electron microscope and a stereomicroscope, For post-seminal study ten repetitions of seven seeds were scarificated chemically with sulphuric acid during 50 min, and placed to germinate ina culture medium, at 30 degrees C, and eight hours of photoperiod. We found elipsoid, woody, indehiscent, pentacarpelar fruits, with a mean lenght of 22.61 mm (diameter 24.88 mm) and 64.0 seeds per fruit. Seed shape varies, mean length is 3.07 mm (width of 2.36 mm). The seed is bitegumented, tegmic, with a continuous, axial and curved embryo. The germination is epigeal and the seedlings are fanerocotiledoneus. Drawings of all stages are included.


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Guazuma ulmifolia is as popular reforestation tree all over Latin America. It is characteristic of the initial stages of the secondary sucession and presents potential utility in the restoring of degraded areas. There is no information about fruit, seed and seedling morphology, which is of fundamental importance for identification, extraction, management and seed germination as well as for the characterization of post-seminal development and normal seedling pattern. To obtain such information, external fruit, and external and internal seed structures were studied considenng shape, size, micropile and embryo localization, and tegumentar structures. All stages of this work were conduced in the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Campus of Jaboticabal city. The fruits were collected in a mixed plantation in Jaboticabal city, State of São Paulo, Brazil. For the biometric study eight repetitions of ten fruits and eight repetitions of 100 seeds were utilized. For seed internal traits study, 50 seeds were drenched in a distiled water, cut, and observed with a scanning electron microscope and a stereomicroscope. For post-seminal study ten repetitions of seven seeds were scarificated chemically with sulphuric acid during 50 min, and placed to germinate in a culture medium, at 30°C, and eight hours of photoperiod. We found elipsoid, woody, indehiscent, pentacarpelar fruits, with a mean lenght of 22.61 mm (diameter 24.88 mm) and 64.0 seeds per fruit. Seed shape varies, mean length is 3.07 mm (width of 2.36 mm).The seed is bitegumented, tegmic, with a continuous, axial and curved embryo. The germination is epigeal and the seedlings are fanerocotiledoneus. Drawings of all stages are included.


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Sebastiania commersoniana (Euphorbiaceae) is a tree species of riparian forests in Brazil. Seeds of this species released from mature fruits have heteromorphy in coat colour: dark (dark-brown to black), striated (dark with light-grey stria) and clear (light-grey to whitish). In this work two experiments were carried out in order to study the effect of temperature on seed germination in interaction with coat colour. Germination final percentage and speed index were evaluated. In the first experiment seeds of the three colours were submitted to constant (30°C) and alternating (20-35°C) temperatures. For all the seed colours, best results were obtained at alternating temperature. Physiological quality of striated seeds was greater than those clear seeds and dark seeds were intermediate. In the second experiment striated and clear seeds were submitted to three amplitudes of alternating temperature: 5°C (20-25°C and 25-30°C), 10°C (20-30°C and 25-35°C) and 15°C (20-35°C). Both germination percentage and speed were higher in striated seeds and for the two seed colours, best results were obtained at 20-30°C and 20-35°C. These temperatures are recommended for the germination test.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The species Schizolobium amazonicum (Huber ex Ducke) commonly known as pinho-cuiabano or paricá, is one of the trees in Amazonian area used for plantings in degraded areas, reforestations and agroforestry systems. The present work evaluated the germinative behaviour of seeds of Schizolobium amazonicum in relation to the hydric stress, defining their levels of tolerance to those limitations in the environment. The seeds were collected from 30 trees in Alta Floresta-MT and submitted the dormancy treatment by submersion into water at 100°C for 1 minute; followed by treatment with fungicide Ridomil and Cercobin 0,25% each, then being left to germinate in a BOD camera at 30°C under a photoperiod of 12 hours. For evaluating the effect of different water potentials in the germinative process, polyethylene glicol (PEG 6000) was used and the salts NaCI and CaCl 2 used to simulate saline stress. The seeds were put to soak in potentials of 0 (control); -0.1 ; -0.2; -0.3; -0.4 and -0.5MPa. For each treatment 5 repetitions of 20 seeds were used in gerbox, placed between filter paper moistened with 20 mL of PEG, NaCI and CaCl 2 solutions. The solutions were changed at intervals of 24 hours for maintenance of the potential. The evaluations of percentages and germination speed were carry out daily for 8 days, being considered germinated the seeds that presented a 2mm root extension or longer. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and averages compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability. It was concluded that osmotic potentials between -0.4 and -0.5MPa inhibited the germination of seeds of Schizolobium amazonicum completely. The osmotic stress caused by CaCl 2, and PEG injured the germination more than did the stress caused by NaCl.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)