975 resultados para Forensic Investigation
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A Geofísica é uma ferramenta útil no estudo da contaminação de água provocada por cemitérios, assim como na investigação criminalística. A contaminação provocada por cemitérios é um tema ainda pouco estudado. Por outro lado, Geofísica forense é quase desconhecida no Brasil. Para estudar esses dois temas – cemitérios e alvos forenses – foram eleitos dois cemitérios públicos: o cemitério do Bengui, já desativado, e o cemitério do Tapanã. A investigação geofísica nos dois Cemitérios foi realizada por meio dos métodos eletromagnéticos ground penetrating radar (GPR) e Slingram de baixo número de indução (low induction number – LIN). No Cemitério do Bengui, testou-se o GPR na detecção do nível hidrostático, visto que, na implantação de um Cemitério, a informação mais importante é a profundidade do aquífero. No Cemitério do Tapanã, onde foi implantado o Campo de Testes controlados para Geofísica Forense, Ambiental e de Resgate, denominado FORAMB, utilizou-se GPR e Slingram em levantamentos mensais a fim de detectar o nível hidrostático, monitorar o desenvolvimento da contaminação e, especialmente, encontrar alvos forenses (um cadáver, uma caixa simulando um túnel e uma caixa com ferros simulando armas). O GPR mostrou-se eficaz em todos os estudos, especialmente na delineação dos alvos forenses. O Slingram não forneceu informações úteis.
Facial reconstruction is a method that seeks to recreate a person's facial appearance from his/her skull. This technique can be the last resource used in a forensic investigation, when identification techniques such as DNA analysis, dental records, fingerprints and radiographic comparison cannot be used to identify a body or skeletal remains. To perform facial reconstruction, the data of facial soft tissue thickness are necessary. Scientific literature has described differences in the thickness of facial soft tissue between ethnic groups. There are different databases of soft tissue thickness published in the scientific literature. There are no literature records of facial reconstruction works carried out with data of soft tissues obtained from samples of Brazilian subjects. There are also no reports of digital forensic facial reconstruction performed in Brazil. There are two databases of soft tissue thickness published for the Brazilian population: one obtained from measurements performed in fresh cadavers (fresh cadavers' pattern), and another from measurements using magnetic resonance imaging (Magnetic Resonance pattern). This study aims to perform three different characterized digital forensic facial reconstructions (with hair, eyelashes and eyebrows) of a Brazilian subject (based on an international pattern and two Brazilian patterns for soft facial tissue thickness), and evaluate the digital forensic facial reconstructions comparing them to photos of the individual and other nine subjects. The DICOM data of the Computed Tomography (CT) donated by a volunteer were converted into stereolitography (STL) files and used for the creation of the digital facial reconstructions. Once the three reconstructions were performed, they were compared to photographs of the subject who had the face reconstructed and nine other subjects. Thirty examiners participated in this recognition process. The target subject was recognized by 26.67% of the examiners in the reconstruction performed with the Brazilian Magnetic Resonance Pattern, 23.33% in the reconstruction performed with the Brazilian Fresh Cadavers Pattern and 20.00% in the reconstruction performed with the International Pattern, in which the target-subject was the most recognized subject in the first two patterns. The rate of correct recognitions of the target subject indicate that the digital forensic facial reconstruction, conducted with parameters used in this study, may be a useful tool. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Come risposta positiva alle richieste provenienti dal mondo dei giuristi, spesso troppo distante da quello scientifico, si vuole sviluppare un sistema solido dal punto di vista tecnico e chiaro dal punto di vista giurico finalizzato ad migliore ricerca della verità. L’obiettivo ci si prefigge è quello di creare uno strumento versatile e di facile utilizzo da mettere a disposizione dell’A.G. ed eventualmente della P.G. operante finalizzato a consentire il proseguo dell’attività d’indagine in tempi molto rapidi e con un notevole contenimento dei costi di giustizia rispetto ad una normale CTU. La progetto verterà su analisi informatiche forensi di supporti digitali inerenti vari tipi di procedimento per cui si dovrebbe richiedere una CTU o una perizia. La sperimentazione scientifica prevede un sistema di partecipazione diretta della P.G. e della A.G. all’analisi informatica rendendo disponibile, sottoforma di macchina virtuale, il contenuto dei supporti sequestrati in modo che possa essere visionato alla pari del supporto originale. In questo modo il CT diventa una mera guida per la PG e l’AG nell’ambito dell’indagine informatica forense che accompagna il giudice e le parti alla migliore comprensione delle informazioni richieste dal quesito. Le fasi chiave della sperimentazione sono: • la ripetibilità delle operazioni svolte • dettare delle chiare linee guida per la catena di custodia dalla presa in carico dei supporti • i metodi di conservazione e trasmissione dei dati tali da poter garantire integrità e riservatezza degli stessi • tempi e costi ridotti rispetto alle normali CTU/perizie • visualizzazione diretta dei contenuti dei supporti analizzati delle Parti e del Giudice circoscritte alle informazioni utili ai fini di giustizia
Bite mark analysis offers the opportunity to identify the biter based on the individual characteristics of the dentitions. Normally, the main focus is on analysing bite mark injuries on human bodies, but also, bite marks in food may play an important role in the forensic investigation of a crime. This study presents a comparison of simulated bite marks in different kinds of food with the dentitions of the presumed biter. Bite marks were produced by six adults in slices of buttered bread, apples, different kinds of Swiss chocolate and Swiss cheese. The time-lapse influence of the bite mark in food, under room temperature conditions, was also examined. For the documentation of the bite marks and the dentitions of the biters, 3D optical surface scanning technology was used. The comparison was performed using two different software packages: the ATOS modelling and analysing software and the 3D studio max animation software. The ATOS software enables an automatic computation of the deviation between the two meshes. In the present study, the bite marks and the dentitions were compared, as well as the meshes of each bite mark which were recorded in the different stages of time lapse. In the 3D studio max software, the act of biting was animated to compare the dentitions with the bite mark. The examined food recorded the individual characteristics of the dentitions very well. In all cases, the biter could be identified, and the dentitions of the other presumed biters could be excluded. The influence of the time lapse on the food depends on the kind of food and is shown on the diagrams. However, the identification of the biter could still be performed after a period of time, based on the recorded individual characteristics of the dentitions.
We describe a case of exhumation, performed to investigate the circumstances and cause of death, one year after burial. Post mortem computed tomography (PMCT) revealed a mass in the pharynx. Imaging directed the subsequent forensic autopsy to careful retrieval of a foreign body. Histological analysis revealed a non-cellular composition. The detection of foreign material in the pharynx and its composition indicated accidental, rather than natural death, secondary to choking on food. This unusual case illustrates how post mortem imaging can significantly contribute to forensic investigation and stresses the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration between forensic pathologists and radiologists.
A comprehensive forensic investigation of sensitive ecosystems in the Everglades Area is presented. Assessing the background levels of contamination in these ecosystems represents a vital resource to build up forensic evidence required to enforce future environmental crimes within the studied areas. This investigation presents the development and validation of a fractionation and isolation method for two families of herbicides commonly applied in the vicinity of the study area, including phenoxy acids like 2,4-D, MCPA, and silvex; as well as the most common triazine-based herbicides like atrazine, prometyne, simazine and related metabolites like DIA and DEA. Accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) and solid phase extraction (SPE) were used to isolate the analytes from abiotic matrices containing large amounts of organic material. Atmospheric-pressure ionization (API) with electrospray ionization in negative mode (ESP-), and Chemical Ionization in the positive mode (APCI+) were used to perform the characterization of the herbicides of interest.
Com o presente trabalho pretende-se discutir a importância do DNA na resolução de casos de investigação forense. O Homem, desde os tempos mais remotos tem revelado interesse na confirmação da identidade dos seus semelhantes, pelo desenvolvimento e prática de diversas técnicas de identificação. A partir de uma revisão da literatura, fez-se o estudo dos métodos de identificação humana, sendo este mais aprofundado no que diz respeito ao DNA. Frequentemente são encontrados corpos em que a única peça disponível para o processo de identificação é o dente. As peças dentárias são as estruturas mais resistentes e estáveis do corpo humano, mantendo as suas características e propriedades por longos períodos de tempo pós-morte. A análise do DNA contribui de forma muito importante para os processos de reconhecimento humano, principalmente em casos em que outros métodos de identificação falham devido a decomposição, fragmentação, incineração ou inexistência de dados comparativos ante-morte. Para a obtenção de um perfil genético é necessário executar as seguintes etapas: extração do DNA, sua quantificação e amplificação seguida de análise de determinadas regiões do genoma. Nos dias de hoje, muitos casos de identificação necessitam de uma abordagem multidisciplinar, isto porque em algumas situações existe falta de material padrão ou, por outro lado, pode haver mais do que uma evidência a ser examinada.
Nowadays there is almost no crime committed without a trace of digital evidence, and since the advanced functionality of mobile devices today can be exploited to assist in crime, the need for mobile forensics is imperative. Many of the mobile applications available today, including internet browsers, will request the user’s permission to access their current location when in use. This geolocation data is subsequently stored and managed by that application's underlying database files. If recovered from a device during a forensic investigation, such GPS evidence and track points could hold major evidentiary value for a case. The aim of this paper is to examine and compare to what extent geolocation data is available from the iOS and Android operating systems. We focus particularly on geolocation data recovered from internet browsing applications, comparing the native Safari and Browser apps with Google Chrome, downloaded on to both platforms. All browsers were used over a period of several days at various locations to generate comparable test data for analysis. Results show considerable differences not only in the storage locations and formats, but also in the amount of geolocation data stored by different browsers and on different operating systems.
There are difficulties with utilising self- report and physiological measures of assessment amongst forensic populations. This study investigates implicit based measures amongst sexual offenders, nonsexual offenders and low risk samples. Implicit measurement is a term applied to measurement methods that makes it difficult to influence responses through conscious control. The test battery includes the Implicit Association Test (IAT), Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP), Viewing Time (VT) and the Structured Clinical interview for disorders. The IAT proposes that people will perform better on a task when they depend on well-practiced cognitive associations. The RSVP task requires participants to identify a single target image that is presented amongst a series of rapidly presented visual images. RSVP operates on the premise that if two target images are presented within 500milliseconds of each other, the possibility that the participant will recognize the second target is significantly reduced when the first target is of salience to the individual. This is the attentional blink phenomenon. VT is based on the principle that people will look longer at images that are of salience. Results showed that on the VT task, child sexual offenders took longer to view images of children than low risk groups. Nude over clothed images induced a greater attentional blink amongst low risk and offending samples on the RSVP task. Sexual offenders took longer than low risk groups on word pairing tasks where sexual words were paired with adult words on the IAT. The SCID highlighted differences between the offending and non offending groups on the sub scales for personality disorders. More erotic stimulus items on the VT and RSVP measures is recommended to better differentiate sexual preference between offending and non offending samples. A pictorial IAT is recommended. Findings provide the basis for further development of implicit measures within the assessment of sexual offenders.
We present the results of an initial investigation into the efficacy of using testate amoebae for the discrimination of soils from wet ground and puddles, as little attention has been given to these organisms in forensic science. The preservation of testate amoebae in these sediments is generally good, although test concentrations are low. Statistical analysis suggests that restate amoebae assemblages are somewhat spatially distinct and have potential to be used for soil discrimination. A case study is presented where mineralogical (X-ray diffraction) and restate amoebae analyses are used in conjunction to clarify the scene of crime in a 'cold case' murder enquiry. Testate amoebae were recovered from dried sediment residues on clothing 10 years after the murder. Despite these promising results, further experimental work is crucial to examine the spatial and temporal variation of amoebae assemblages in water films, wet ground and puddles before they can be added to the armoury of methods available to the forensic biologist.
Liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry is one of the most powerful tools in the toxicologist’s arsenal to detect a wide variety of compounds from many different matrices. However, the huge number of potentially abused substances and new substances especially designed as intoxicants poses a problem in a forensic toxicology setting. Most methods are targeted and designed to cover a very specific drug or group of drugs while many other substances remain undetected. High resolution mass spectrometry, more specifically time-of-flight mass spectrometry, represents an extremely powerful tool in analysing a multitude of compounds not only simultaneously but also retroactively. The data obtained through the time-of-flight instrument contains all compounds made available from sample extraction and chromatography, which can be processed at a later time with an improved library to detect previously unrecognised compounds without having to analyse the respective sample again. The aim of this project was to determine the utility and limitations of time-of-flight mass spectrometry as a general and easily expandable screening method. The resolution of time-of-flight mass spectrometry allows for the separation of compounds with the same nominal mass but distinct exact masses without the need to separate them chromatographically. To simulate the wide variety of potentially encountered drugs in such a general screening method, seven drugs (morphine, cocaine, zolpidem, diazepam, amphetamine, MDEA and THC) were chosen to represent this variety in terms of mass, properties and functional groups. Consequently, several liquid-liquid and solid phase extractions were applied to urine samples to determine the most general suitable and unspecific extraction. Chromatography was optimised by investigating the parameters pH, concentration, organic solvent and gradient of the mobile phase to improve data obtained by the time-of-flight instrument. The resulting method was validated as a qualitative confirmation/identification method. Data processing was automated using the software TargetAnalysis, which provides excellent analyte recognition according to retention time, exact mass and isotope pattern. The recognition of isotope patterns allows excellent recognition of analytes even in interference rich mass spectra and proved to be a good positive indicator. Finally, the validated method was applied to samples received from the A& E Department of Glasgow Royal Infirmary in suspected drug abuse cases and samples received from the Scottish Prison Service, which we received from their own prevalence study targeting drugs of abuse in the prison population. The obtained data was processed with a library established in the course of this work.
Digital forensics relates to the investigation of a crime or other suspect behaviour using digital evidence. Previous work has dealt with the forensic reconstruction of computer-based activity on single hosts, but with the additional complexity involved with a distributed environment, a Web services-centric approach is required. A framework for this type of forensic examination needs to allow for the reconstruction of transactions spanning multiple hosts, platforms and applications. A tool implementing such an approach could be used by an investigator to identify scenarios of Web services being misused, exploited, or otherwise compromised. This information could be used to redesign Web services in order to mitigate identified risks. This paper explores the requirements of a framework for performing effective forensic examinations in a Web services environment. This framework will be necessary in order to develop forensic tools and techniques for use in service oriented architectures.
Forensic analysis requires the acquisition and management of many different types of evidence, including individual disk drives, RAID sets, network packets, memory images, and extracted files. Often the same evidence is reviewed by several different tools or examiners in different locations. We propose a backwards-compatible redesign of the Advanced Forensic Formatdan open, extensible file format for storing and sharing of evidence, arbitrary case related information and analysis results among different tools. The new specification, termed AFF4, is designed to be simple to implement, built upon the well supported ZIP file format specification. Furthermore, the AFF4 implementation has downward comparability with existing AFF files.