69 resultados para Foraminíferos


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O sistema estuarino do Rio Curimataú, uma planície lamosa amplamente coberta por vegetação de mangue e relativamente pouco impactada, foi estudado quanto à distribuição espacial da microfauna de foraminíferos e suas condicionantes. Vinte e cinco gêneros e quarenta espécies foram identificadas a partir dos sedimentos superficiais, considerando-se os indivíduos vivos e mortos presentes em 10 pontos ao longo do estuário, dos quais se extraíram ao menos 100 espécimes por amostra. O sistema pôde ser compartimentado em quatro sub-ambientes halínicos (hiperhalino, mesohalino, polihalino e euhalino), correspondentes, respectivamente, a quatro ecofácies de foraminíferos designadas de Ammotium spp., Miliammina fusca, Arenoparrella mexicana e Ammonia spp. Cada um destes segmentos ambientais foi caracterizado segundo os padrões de riqueza, diversidade e equitatividade das espécies. Os resultados deste estudo poderão servir para comparações a serem feitas com outros estuários tropicais modernos (impactados antropicamente ou não) e antigos. Tem aplicação, portanto, no setor de petróleo e gás, sendo de interesse às atividades de gestão ambiental de áreas litorâneas e de investigação da história geológica das bacias sedimentares


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Los foraminíferos bentónicos representan un excelente proxy geológico, ya que sus caparazones son incorporados en el sedimento y pasan a comportarse como granos sedimentares durante los eventos de transporte y erosión, permitiendo así, el registro de condiciones y eventos que ocurren en los océanos. De este modo, son usados para describir patrones de hidrodinámica y evaluar índices de deposición, erosión y retrabajamiento del sedimento en los ambientes marinos. Concretamente, las regiones costeras representan zonas de alta complejidad ambiental, debido a que en ellas se da la mezcla de agua tanto de origen continental como marino, y a su vez, al efecto de la descarga fluvial que aporta material particulado del continente para el océano. El Río de la Plata (RdLP) representa el cuarto mayor estuario del mundo y el segundo del continente americano, lo cual convierte al sistema RdLP-Océano Atlántico en un complejo gradiente estuarino de interés en estudios sedimentológicos con posteriores aplicaciones paleo-climáticas y paleo-ecológicas del Cuaternario Superior. En el presente estudio, se registra a partir de las asociaciones muertas, para la región del estuario entrada de agua marina hasta la zona del frente termohalino. Dichas asociaciones se caracterizaron por especies típicas de plataforma y aguas frías. La región marina del RdlP registró los mayores porcentajes de abrasión y fragmentación de caparazones, indicando una zona de alta energía. Por otro lado, en la región más oceánica las asociaciones muertas reflejaron un transporte en dirección norte, influenciado por la pluma del RdlP. Cabe resaltar la presencia en esta región de una isla barrera, vestigio de una paleo-costa producto de una regresión Holocénica. Este local se caracterizó por un aumento de la abrasión y fragmentación mostrando la gran hidrodinámica presente. En todos los casos existió correlación entre las señales tafonómicas y los datos geo-químicos (sedimentología, pH, oxígeno disuelto, carbono orgánico y nitrógeno total)


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Los foraminíferos bentónicos representan un excelente proxy geológico, ya que sus caparazones son incorporados en el sedimento y pasan a comportarse como granos sedimentares durante los eventos de transporte y erosión, permitiendo así, el registro de condiciones y eventos que ocurren en los océanos. De este modo, son usados para describir patrones de hidrodinámica y evaluar índices de deposición, erosión y retrabajamiento del sedimento en los ambientes marinos. Concretamente, las regiones costeras representan zonas de alta complejidad ambiental, debido a que en ellas se da la mezcla de agua tanto de origen continental como marino, y a su vez, al efecto de la descarga fluvial que aporta material particulado del continente para el océano. El Río de la Plata (RdLP) representa el cuarto mayor estuario del mundo y el segundo del continente americano, lo cual convierte al sistema RdLP-Océano Atlántico en un complejo gradiente estuarino de interés en estudios sedimentológicos con posteriores aplicaciones paleo-climáticas y paleo-ecológicas del Cuaternario Superior. En el presente estudio, se registra a partir de las asociaciones muertas, para la región del estuario entrada de agua marina hasta la zona del frente termohalino. Dichas asociaciones se caracterizaron por especies típicas de plataforma y aguas frías. La región marina del RdlP registró los mayores porcentajes de abrasión y fragmentación de caparazones, indicando una zona de alta energía. Por otro lado, en la región más oceánica las asociaciones muertas reflejaron un transporte en dirección norte, influenciado por la pluma del RdlP. Cabe resaltar la presencia en esta región de una isla barrera, vestigio de una paleo-costa producto de una regresión Holocénica. Este local se caracterizó por un aumento de la abrasión y fragmentación mostrando la gran hidrodinámica presente. En todos los casos existió correlación entre las señales tafonómicas y los datos geo-químicos (sedimentología, pH, oxígeno disuelto, carbono orgánico y nitrógeno total).


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Los ambientes marinos y estuarinos estuvieron gradualmente sujetos a impactos significativos durante el siglo XX, debido al incremento en el uso como sumideros de desechos antropogénicos, afectando a las comunidades acuáticas que las habitan. Varios estudios han demostrado que es posible determinar relaciones entre los foraminíferos y condiciones ambientales tanto naturales como antropogénicas. Los foraminíferos bentónicos pueden ser afectados por variables ambientales tales como: concentración de materia orgánica, niveles de oxígeno, cambios en la salinidad y la presencia de metales pesados en el sedimento. Variaciones en estas condiciones pueden influenciar su abundancia y diversidad, y resultar en la deformación de sus caparazones. Como regla general, los foraminíferos que son abundantes y tienen una distribución geográfica amplia son las especies tolerantes a la contaminación. Es el caso de Ammonia tepida, especie eurihalina y oportunista, que ha sido reportada como dominante cerca de efluentes de metales pesados, aguas residuales, efluentes químicos y térmicos, y fertilizantes. Bajo condiciones adversas, algunas especies oportunistas pueden mudar su estrategia reproductiva de sexuada a asexuada, generando organismos menores de ciclo de vida corto con una tasa de reproducción más elevada, por lo que la biometría de los caparazones puede ser una herramienta útil como indicador de tales condiciones.


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The Messinian and Pliocene stratigraphic record of the northern sector of the Bajo Segura Basin has been separated into three main allostratigraphic units (MI, MII and P). These units are composed of continental to marine depositional systems. The aim of this paper is study the foraminiferal assemblages belonging to lagoonal and marine systems. The distribution of these foraminiferal assemblages show two significantly paleoenvironmental changes: 1) an abrupt change from marine to lagoonal foraminifer assemblages at the MI/MII boundary, related with the beginning of the Lago Mare and Terminal Complex deposition; and 2) a significant marine foraminiferal repopulation at the beginning of the Pliocene as a consequence of the marine reflooding of the Mediterranean.


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In the composite section of San Miguel de Salinas the following synthems are represented: MI (preevaporitic Messinan), MII (syn-evaporitic Messinian) and P (post-evaporitic Pliocene). The foraminiferal assemblages of these synthems have been studied in order to reveal the palaeoenvironmental changes related to the Mediterranean Salinity Crisis. The change between MI and MII synthems is characterized by the reduction of the foraminiferal biodiversity. Synthem MII records palaeoenvironmental stress related to the evaporitic deposition during the Salinity Crisis. Synthem P marks an abrupt increase of the foraminiferal biodiversity in coincidence with the Pliocene reflooding of the Mediterranean Sea.


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The planktonic foraminifers biostratigraphy is crucial in order to precise the timing of the main tectonosedimentary and palaeogeographic events through the evolution of the Bajo Segura Basin. Our results indicates that the marine stratigraphic record of the basin spans from the earliest late Miocene to the early Pliocene. For this temporal interval, all the recent, astronomically calibrated, planktonic foraminifers biozones had been documented. The oldest depositional stage in the basin is marked by a regional-scale transgression in coincidence with the MMi9 biozone (early Tortonian). The youngest basin-wide marine episode occurs at the MPl4a biozone (Zanclean). The Messinian Salinity Crisis, as a specially noticeable event in the Mediterranean domain, is bracketed between the last Messinian biozone (MMi13c) and the first Pliocene biozone (MPl1).


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This study was conducted in the adjacent Brazilian equatorial inner shelf to Rio Grande do Norte, between the region of Porto do Mangue and Galinhos. The main objective is the characterization of biogenic sediments, especially foraminifera and ostracod collected on the surface of the seafloor. The methodology involved standard procedures including literature, surveys, processing of samples in the laboratory and identification of foraminifera and ostracods by genera or species under stereo microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Multivariate statistical analyzes and study of ecological indexes were also applied to the study of foraminifera. Three transects, from inner shelf to slope were sampled: profile 01 (east, near Galos), profile 02 (center, near the city of Macau) and profile 03 (west, near Ponta do Mel). Results indicated the predominance of benthic foraminifera and little plankton occurrence. Benthic foraminifera genera observed in abundance were Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Globigerina and Pyrgo, Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Pyrgo, Ammonia, Elphidium, Pseudononion, Peneroplis, Bolivina and Poroeponides, occurred more frequently. Less frequently been described Amphistegina, Archaias, Bigenerina, Cibicides, Cassidulina, Amphicorina, Cornuspira, Paterina, Hopkunsina, Oolina, Uvigerina, Fusenkoina, Nonionella, Amphisorus, Wiesrella, Reussella, Reophax, Nodosaria, Marginulina and Cyclogyra. Six genera of ostracods were also identified: Puriana variabilis / P. convoluted?, Loxoconcha sp, Bairdiidae, Xestoleberis sp, Hemicytheridae and Ruggiericythere sp. Groups of organisms found in the studied shelf presented chemical composition of Ca, C, O, Na, Cl, Al, Mg, and Si. The proportions of chemical elements may vary according to the type of biogenic sediment, with the highest values identified as Ca, C, Cl, Na and O. The absolute dating by carbon 14 method indicated sediments of different colors (light and dark), correspond to a single age from 3000 to 6000 years BP, related to the Quaternary. These data intend to complement information about biogenic sediments in the Brazilian continental shelf, especially in the Northeast, where there is a lack of such studies.


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This study was conducted in the adjacent Brazilian equatorial inner shelf to Rio Grande do Norte, between the region of Porto do Mangue and Galinhos. The main objective is the characterization of biogenic sediments, especially foraminifera and ostracod collected on the surface of the seafloor. The methodology involved standard procedures including literature, surveys, processing of samples in the laboratory and identification of foraminifera and ostracods by genera or species under stereo microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Multivariate statistical analyzes and study of ecological indexes were also applied to the study of foraminifera. Three transects, from inner shelf to slope were sampled: profile 01 (east, near Galos), profile 02 (center, near the city of Macau) and profile 03 (west, near Ponta do Mel). Results indicated the predominance of benthic foraminifera and little plankton occurrence. Benthic foraminifera genera observed in abundance were Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Globigerina and Pyrgo, Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Pyrgo, Ammonia, Elphidium, Pseudononion, Peneroplis, Bolivina and Poroeponides, occurred more frequently. Less frequently been described Amphistegina, Archaias, Bigenerina, Cibicides, Cassidulina, Amphicorina, Cornuspira, Paterina, Hopkunsina, Oolina, Uvigerina, Fusenkoina, Nonionella, Amphisorus, Wiesrella, Reussella, Reophax, Nodosaria, Marginulina and Cyclogyra. Six genera of ostracods were also identified: Puriana variabilis / P. convoluted?, Loxoconcha sp, Bairdiidae, Xestoleberis sp, Hemicytheridae and Ruggiericythere sp. Groups of organisms found in the studied shelf presented chemical composition of Ca, C, O, Na, Cl, Al, Mg, and Si. The proportions of chemical elements may vary according to the type of biogenic sediment, with the highest values identified as Ca, C, Cl, Na and O. The absolute dating by carbon 14 method indicated sediments of different colors (light and dark), correspond to a single age from 3000 to 6000 years BP, related to the Quaternary. These data intend to complement information about biogenic sediments in the Brazilian continental shelf, especially in the Northeast, where there is a lack of such studies.


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The Potengi River estuary has been affected by various anthropogenic factors over the years, as periodic dredging, industrial and domestic waste, traffic and other factors, causing various environmental disasters, including the notorious ecological accident in July 2007, which covered the municipalities of São Gonçalo do Amarante, Macaíba and Natal. Foraminifera serve as viable study tools in these environments; they are able to identify ecologically stressed environments, pointing out hydrographic changes and depositional environments in estuaries. The necessity to check the differences in environmental gradients in places anthropically impacted in Potengi River and adjacent inner shelf through species of foraminifera, and, the responses of these organisms to physical, chemical and geological factors is to provide baseline in the diagnosis of environments. The results show the dominance of opportunistic Ammonia tepida, Bolivina striatula, Quinqueloculina patagonica and Q. miletti especially in regions close to shrimp farms and Baldo Channel sewage in fine grain environments; and Q. lamarckiana indicates penetration of the saline waters in Potengi River. The occurrence of low-salinity tolerant foraminiferal species typical of mangrove environments as Trochammina inflata and T. squamata in Potengi River Channel suggest they probably could have been transported from mangrove area near the Potengi river mouth to the inner shelf regions. These findings suggest Potengi River is able to export mixohaline and mangrove organisms to inner shelf. Two distinct environments were observed, the outermost area is more influenced by marine influence and the innermost area is less influenced. Calcareous and agglutinated species dominate Potengi River, while mouth and inner shelf areas are dominated by calcareous, agglutinated and porcelaneous species, which are typical of highly saline and hydrodynamic environments and the contributive factors that controls foraminiferal distribution were balance of marine and freshwater currents, grain size, availability of CaCO3 and organic matter.


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The Potengi River estuary has been affected by various anthropogenic factors over the years, as periodic dredging, industrial and domestic waste, traffic and other factors, causing various environmental disasters, including the notorious ecological accident in July 2007, which covered the municipalities of São Gonçalo do Amarante, Macaíba and Natal. Foraminifera serve as viable study tools in these environments; they are able to identify ecologically stressed environments, pointing out hydrographic changes and depositional environments in estuaries. The necessity to check the differences in environmental gradients in places anthropically impacted in Potengi River and adjacent inner shelf through species of foraminifera, and, the responses of these organisms to physical, chemical and geological factors is to provide baseline in the diagnosis of environments. The results show the dominance of opportunistic Ammonia tepida, Bolivina striatula, Quinqueloculina patagonica and Q. miletti especially in regions close to shrimp farms and Baldo Channel sewage in fine grain environments; and Q. lamarckiana indicates penetration of the saline waters in Potengi River. The occurrence of low-salinity tolerant foraminiferal species typical of mangrove environments as Trochammina inflata and T. squamata in Potengi River Channel suggest they probably could have been transported from mangrove area near the Potengi river mouth to the inner shelf regions. These findings suggest Potengi River is able to export mixohaline and mangrove organisms to inner shelf. Two distinct environments were observed, the outermost area is more influenced by marine influence and the innermost area is less influenced. Calcareous and agglutinated species dominate Potengi River, while mouth and inner shelf areas are dominated by calcareous, agglutinated and porcelaneous species, which are typical of highly saline and hydrodynamic environments and the contributive factors that controls foraminiferal distribution were balance of marine and freshwater currents, grain size, availability of CaCO3 and organic matter.