965 resultados para Folk Tales
The Holy Cross -- The rose and the thrush -- The pagan seal-wife -- Flail, Trask, and Bisland -- The touch in the heart -- Daniel and the devil -- Methuselah -- Félice and Petit-Poulain -- The river -- Franz Abt -- Mistress Merciless -- The platonic bassoon -- Hawaian folk tales -- Lute Baker and his wife 'Em -- Joel's talk with Santa Claus -- The lonesome little shoe.
O presente relatório de estágio centra-se nas possibilidades de integração de um projeto Comenius na prática letiva. Na primeira parte, de carácter essencialmente teórico, dá-se visibilidade à vertente sociocultural, numa escola que se entende inclusiva, plurilingue e intercultural. A fim de contextualizar a temática do projeto - os contos populares – tecem-se breves considerações sobre as possibilidades de utilização do conto nas aulas de Espanhol e de língua materna, refletindo-se também sobre as modalidades de avaliação que se podem adequar ao tipo de tarefas previstas. Na segunda parte, caracteriza-se o espaço e o público-alvo, traçando-se ainda as linhas gerais do projeto Comenius Érase una vez, il était une fois, que servirá de base à terceira parte deste relatório, em que se descreve a operacionalização do projeto, interligando programas, manual e atividades. Tendo em conta a planificação desta simbiose, descrevem-se as atividades levadas a cabo para integrar e avaliar este projeto internacional nas disciplinas de Português e de Espanhol. Para terminar, reflete-se sobre o percurso realizado e os resultados alcançados.
Al final dels anys setanta neix una nova manera d'explicar contes, a partir de contistes sovint urbans i cultes, utilitzant recursos no directament tradicionals, i amb una relació amb l'auditori que s'apropa més aviat a l'espectacle instituït que no pas a la transmissió de coneixements i fantasies deis nostres avantpassats. Es configura una etapa caracteritzada per l'arraconament i l'oblit del conte popular catala; paral-lelament van desenvolupant-se noves técniques que proporcionen educació i basicament distracció als nens i nenes.
Aquest article pretén analitzar les cançons presents en contes tradicionals catalans recollides a les antologies més importants de cançó i conte a Catalunya. Inicialment es fa un repàs de la importància del conte en el desenvolupament de l'infant i del simbolisme associat, per passar a fer un resum dels principals trets diferencials de la cançó tradicional i en concret de la cançó tradicional catalana. A continuació es procedeix a una metanàlisi dels continguts musicals presents a les divuit cançons que figuren dins dels contes, en els aspectes melòdics, rítmics, textuals, formals i mètrics. Per acabar es presenten els resultats obtinguts de l'anàlisi efectuada, i una bibliografia d'aprofundiment del tema.
Michael Sands Hornyansky was the son of well-known artist, Nicholas Hornyansky and a cellist. He attended Oakwood Collegiate, Toronto; University College in Toronto and Merton College, Oxford where he was a Rhodes scholar. He won the Newdigate prize for poetry in 1951. Dr. Hornyansky taught English Language and Literature at Carleton University, Ottawa for 10 years before moving to Niagara in 1964. He was the founding chairman of the English Department of Brock University where he remained until his retirement in 1993. Some of his achievements include:The Golden Phoenix, a retelling of French Canadian folk tales and the publishing of papers on children’s literature and the discriminating use of the English language. He also reviewed poetry for the University of Toronto Quarterly. Michael Hornyansky died on May 14th, 2008 in Alberta at the age of 81. The annual Michael Hornyansky prize for creative writing was established at Brock University.
L’étude porte sur la question des burakumin, les intouchables japonais, dans deux oeuvres de l’écrivain japonais Nakagami Kenji (1946-1992), lui-même issu de cette communauté. Mille ans de plaisir, recueil de six contes basés sur des récits de vie, et le roman Miracle forment une suite organisée autour des mêmes lieux, des mêmes personnages et des mêmes thèmes. Ils décrivent la condition sociale d’une collectivité mise au ban de la société japonaise malgré sa modernisation. Ils se distinguent par leur caractère d’ethnofiction. Nakagami cherche à réhabiliter les burakumin en valorisant le patrimoine religieux et folklorique dont ils sont dépositaires. Il puise dans les genres traditionnels comme le monogatari ou les contes et légendes du Japon. Il s’inspire également d’auteurs modernes japonais (Mishima, Tanizaki) et d’auteurs étrangers (Faulkner, García-Márquez). À partir de cet intertexte et pour faire barrage à l’occidentalisation, il élabore un style « hybride » digne de la littérature nationale (kokubungaku). Les oeuvres traditionnelles sont réinterprétées dans une esthétique postmoderne ayant une fonction ironique et critique contre l’idéologie impériale répressive qui continue d’alimenter la discrimination envers les burakumin. L’analyse porte sur les procédés qui sous-tendent le projet social et le projet littéraire de l’auteur. Elle se divise en trois parties. La première donne un aperçu biographique de l’auteur et décrit les composantes de son projet social qui consiste à vouloir changer l’image et le statut des burakumin. La deuxième partie décrit les éléments religieux et folkloriques des deux oeuvres et analyse en contexte leur signification ainsi que leur fonction, qui est de mettre en valeur les traditions préservées par les burakumin. La troisième partie montre en quoi le répertoire traditionnel (monogatari) et les intertextes sont mis au service du projet littéraire proprement dit.
The corpus of this work constitutes an analysis the literary work As Filhas do Arco-Íris, by Eulício Farias de Lacerda, considering object of study myths, legends and popular stories as estruturant elements of the romance. The unchainment of this reading considers aspects of the oral tradition as starting point for the rupture tradition. In that perspective, it became fundamental to describe aspects of the popular culture that consolidated the Brazilian Literature during the 20th century. Like this, it was necessary to understand the development of oral elements and the structuring of the folk-tales, pointing out that As Filhas do Arco-Íris was built in a especial way with regionalist characteristics, following the parameters of the romances published among the years 1930 and 1950. In the researched work, it was noticed a narrative that gathers stories, legends, myths, proverbs and oral locutions. In this, it reveals that the Brazilian literary production grew in aesthetics and thematic. Like this, As Filhas do Arco-Íris is an exercise of the experience regionalist inserted in the contemporary novel, because even with your first publication in 1980, the narrative is configured to the molds of a Romance de 30
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Discute as relações entre folclore e medicina popular na Amazônia, tendo como referencial de análise o conto "Filhos do boto", de Canuto Azevedo. Aponta que os contos folclóricos estão saturados de elementos da realidade cultural e podem ser utilizados como testemunhos históricos que expressam embates entre diferentes tradições. Os registros folclóricos são fruto do diálogo muitas vezes conflituoso entre folcloristas, cientistas sociais, médicos, pajés e seus seguidores, e sua análise deve ser acompanhada de reflexão sobre as condições de sua produção. Neste caso específico, trata-se de refletir, com base no imaginário de sedução e cura em torno do boto, sobre a possibilidade de ampliar o conhecimento sobre a medicina popular praticada na Amazônia, região de forte presença da pajelança cabocla.
"Translations of folk tales of the Atayal" (p. 13-42) made from Ogawa's part of a work issued by the Linguistic Institute of Taihoku University under title: Taiwan takasago-zoku densetsu-shū.
Keary, C.F. The earliest traces of man. The second stone age. The growth of language. Families of language. The nations of the old world.--Keary, H.M. Early social life. The village community.--Keary, A. Religion.--Keary, C.F. Aryan religions. The other world. Mythologies and folk tales.--Keary, A. Picture writing. Phonetic writing.--Keary, H. Conclusion.--Notes and authorities.
Added decorated t.p.
An accurate version of the wonderful and fanciful stories of 1,001 Arabian nights, retold and corrected from an Aribic manuscript, by the famous translator, Dr. Jonathan Scott.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.
The Portuguese came to Bengal in the early 16th century for trading. Between 1575 and 1600, they established many colonies on the banks of river Ganga, like Chinsura, Hooghly (Porto Pequeno), Satagaon, Gopalpur and Bandel, covering the eastern part of India. During their stay, Portuguese built many churches, schools and charitable institutions. Churches of Augustinians and Jesuits became popular tourist destinations until today. Although by the 18th century, the Portuguese presence had almost disappeared from Bengal with the emergence of British imperialism, the 500 years old (approx.) Portuguese culture is still living in modern Bengal, in the form of tangible and intangible heritage. Traces of the Portuguese impact could be seen in Bengali language, literature, folk-tales, folksongs, cuisines, agriculture, religion, cinema and trade. Some of these are included in the academic curriculum of history at school, college and university levels. In this context, research has been undertaken in the past and is still ongoing in several universities. However, heritage studies under a museological point of view have not yet been initiated at the university level. Though Goa, Panaji, Calicut, Chennai and Nagapattanam were the Portuguese centers for long periods and research has been conducted there along with the establishment of some museums,