959 resultados para Flower-bud differentiation


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Foram avaliadas a exportação de nutrientes por cultivares de rosas e as características que refletem qualidade em campo e ambiente protegido. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, sendo os tratamentos constituídos por 15 e 12 cvs. em ambiente protegido e em campo, respectivamente, com três repetições. Cada unidade experimental foi constituída por duas plantas, sendo coletada uma haste por planta. Foram determinados o diâmetro da haste e do botão floral, comprimento da haste, fitomassa seca e acúmulo de macro e micronutrientes pelas hastes colhidas. Plantas que apresentaram hastes com maior comprimento e diâmetro apresentaram também maiores quantidades de nutrientes extraídos. Os nutrientes extraídos em maiores quantidades foram o N e o K. Com base na quantidade de nutrientes extraídos é possível que se faça o agrupamento de cvs. para estabelecer uma recomendação de fertilizantes para as cvs. com exigência nutricional semelhante.


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A figueira-da-índia é uma cactácea de origem mexicana, com grande potencial produtivo para as condições edafoclimáticas do Brasil, porém a falta de conhecimento faz com que a cultura seja pouco cultivada. Com o objetivo de avaliar a fenologia da figueira-da-índia, o presente trabalho foi realizado em plantas com 4 anos de idade, no espaçamento de 1,0 x 2,5 m, na área experimental da Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira - UNESP, localizada no município de Selvíria - MS, de agosto de 2006 a janeiro de 2007. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com dez repetições, com uma planta por parcela experimental, ocasião em que foram avaliados a fenologia e o crescimento dos frutos. O período de emissão das gemas concentrou-se nos meses de setembro e outubro. O florescimento, ocorreu 30 dias após a emissão da gema florífera. Os frutos atingiram a maturidade fisiológica (ponto de colheita) aos 66 dias após o florescimento e aos 72 dias apresentavam-se maduros, aptos para o consumo. O período de desenvolvimento dos frutos, desde a emissão da gema florífera até a maturidade fisiológica, foi de 96 dias. A curva de crescimento dos frutos foi do tipo quadrática. A cultura da figueira-da-índia pode tornar-se uma alternativa principalmente para pequenos produtores, visto que não exige grandes investimentos para sua implantação e condução, além de se adaptar bem às condições ambientais de nosso País. Seus frutos possuem excelentes preços tanto no mercado nacional como no internacional, e o aproveitamento na forma de doces e geleias pode incrementar a renda dos produtores.


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In Brazil zinnias have good prospect for the flowering potted plant market, once consumers demand for new forms of products is stimulated by novelty. 'Persian Carpet' is a highly ornamental plant, with fast growth, minimal labor requirements and low cost seeds. The present study evaluated the effect of growth regulators on development and quality of 'Persian Carpet' grown as a potted plant. Growth regulators are commonly used to control growth and produce short and compact plants. Paclobutrazol (0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 mg a.i./pot) and chlormequat (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g. L-1) were applied as a single drench, and daminozide (2.5, 3.75 and 5.0 g. L-1) as a single foliar spray to runoff. Regulators were applied at apical flower bud stage. Daminozide (5.0 g. L-1), paclobutrazol (0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 mg a.i./pot) and chlormequat (1.0 g. L-1) significantly reduced plant height and side branches length compared to the control. Plant height showed a negative linear response to the increasing concentration of daminozide or paclobutrazol. Paclobutrazol (1.0 mg a.i./pot) and chlormequat (1.0 g. L-1) increased foliage and flowers harvest index. Plant spread diameter and canopy shape were improved with paclobutrazol (0.75 mg a.i./pot). Chlormequat (2.0 and 3.0 g. L-1) caused phytotoxicity symptoms, turning plants unsuitable for commercialization. Studied regulators concentrations did not affect flower diameter and production cycle. Although regulators controlled height and side branches growth significantly, plants were not short and compact enough to attend market quality.


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In spite of significant results achieved with scion genetic improvement in stone fruits, the peach culture in Brazil still needs studies and new technologies regarding the use of rootstocks. A wide research project has being developed at the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias (FCAV/UNESP), Jaboticabal, Brazil, dealing with the use of mume clones (Prunus mume) as rootstocks for peach trees, which has produced promising results. In this research, two mume genotypes propagated by herbaceous cuttings were tested as rootstocks for peach cultivar Aurora-1. Three different tree spacing were used: 6 x 2 m, 6 x 3 m and 6 x 4 m. The experiment was carried out at Vista Alegre do Alto (21°10'14 S, 48°37'45 W, 700 m of altitude), São Paulo State, Brazil. Growing field conditions included Hapludalfs soil with medium sandy texture and using micro sprinkler irrigation. The region has an average chilling accumulation 17.9 hours per year. The evaluations were taken in 2005 and 2006 (2nd and 3rd year after planting, respectively). The trunk diameter was evaluated every three months, from the 24th to the 41st month after planting, totalizing seven evaluations. Plants on 'Rigitano' had higher trunk diameter on the 33rd, 39th and 41st month after planting (May/06, November/06 and February/07, respectively). No significant differences were observed in the other evaluations. The diameter at 5 cm above to the graft point was larger than below, but no incompatibility symptoms were observed between rootstocks and scion. Spacing tested did not influence trunk diameter, phenology and flower bud production in 'Aurora-1' scion. In conclusion, 'Rigitano' and 'Clone 15' are recommended for high density plantings of peach 'Aurora-1' in Brazil, and the 6 x 2 m spacing can be recommended, with productivity advantages for peach under low air relative humidity and mild winter conditions. © ISHS 2012.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) is recent crop cultivation in Brazil and there is still lack of studies to support the farmers. So, this research aimed to characterize the reproductive phenology of the crop in the region of Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It was evaluated red dragon fruit clones over two environmental conditions - under plastic screen black and white, with 50% of shady level, from March 2009 to December 2010. It was observed that the issuance of floral buds and the flowering on dragon fruit culture occurs with a combination of high temperatures and rainfall, with constant emission of floral buds from November to March while the flowering on dragon fruit culture occurs until mid-April. The color of plastic screen had influenced on amount of flowers. The time elapsed since the issuance of flower buds to anthesis is from 18 to 23 days, while the harvest occurs from 34 to 43 days after flower opening. At Jaboticabal, the time of appearance of flower bud to fruit harvest is from 52 to 66 days.


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The aim of the present work was to evaluate the changes in polyamine (PA) content, peroxidase (POX) activity and levels of total protein and total soluble carbohydrates throughout the lifetime of leaves and inflorescences of chrysantemum 'Faroe' treated with gibberellic acidd (GA3) (used in production practices) and kept at room temperature and cold storage. The treatments were composed of four doses of GA3 (0, 15, 30 and 45 mg L-1) applied at the beggining of flower bud formation (28 days after transplanting of seedlings). After harvesting, the stems (95% of the expanded ligule) were stored at 10ºC and 95% relative humidity for 48 hrs, or kept at room temperature. For biochemical analysis samples of leaves and inflorescences were collected at the 4th, 8th, 12th and 16th day after harvest. The application of GA3 in the field and cold storage increased the content of PAs. There was an increase in POX activity in leaves and inflorescences during postharvest and this increase was related to oxidation of the PAs studied. The amount of proteins and carbohydrates in chrysantemum 'Faroe' decreased during the storage at 25ºC and under cold conditions.


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El objetivo de esta investigación fue suministrar nueva evidencia acerca del modelo de permanencia de las levaduras en el ciclo natural de la vid. Se efectuó la observación, la medición del número de levaduras y la descripción morfológica de los diferentes órganos aéreos de la vid. Se procedió a la recolección aséptica de muestras a campo, en yema en actividad, yema en reposo, hoja joven, hoja adulta, ritidomis, zarcillo, capullo floral, flor y fruto. Los resultados revelaron dos momentos de máxima población de levaduras: en yema cerrada a fines de otoño y en yema terminal abierta a mediados de verano. La evolución de las levaduras en función de la superficie del fruto mostró poca relación entre ambas variables, por lo que el valor a considerar sería la cantidad de levaduras por baya como unidad. La ritidomis exhibió valores muy uniformes a lo largo del ciclo vegetativo, asumiendo desde esta perspectiva el papel de reservorio de moderada importancia.


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An experiment was conducted in 2013 and 2014 with three newly introduced cultivars of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.), namely “Antonio Errani”, “Tirynthos” and “Ninfa” to study their performance and adaptability under Egyptian conditions. Results indicated that calculating the chilling hours temperature at or below 15°C was more suitable than temperatures at or below 7.2°C and 10°C. The cultivar with a low chilling requirement started with the opening of vegetative and flower buds earlier when compared to other cultivars. Furthermore, the cultivar Ninfa required less heat units as compared to the other two cultivars. Thus, the accumulated growing degree-days (GDDs) from the time of the flower bud break l until fruit maturity was low in early matured Ninfa cultivar. However, Antonio Errani and Tirynthos cultivars were late in the date of fruit ripening. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in the opening percentage of vegetative and flower buds, trunk circumference, fruit drop, fruit number and yield weight among cultivars during the two seasons. Conversely, the leaf drop of Antonio Errani cultivar was earlier while Ninfa cultivar started it’s leaf drop later in the two seasons. Tirynthos gave the highest fruit weight, fruit size and fruit surface lightness. Meanwhile, the Antonio Errani cultivar was the highest in fruit firmness and total soluble solids. The appearance and behavior of cultivars under the study varied from one season to another with shoot length, leaf area, percentage of fruit set and acidity. It can be recommended from the present study that, Antonio Errani, Tirynthos and Ninfa cultivars are well adapted under Egyptian conditions. Further, fruits from the cultivars mature early and late in the season and can fulfill the demands of the market.


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The instability of environment between years in climates of subtropical regions difficult to obtain peach trees genotypes with wide adaptation and stable production, contributing to poor crop. The climate instability can affect development stages as flower bud and vegetative bud formation. The factors understanding that control the bud formation, presents elementary importance for effective solutions search to these problems. The objective this work is verify the temperature effect, relative humidity and rainfall on bud density and length shoot (Brindilas) and identify genotypes with more adaptability and stability for this character. Was used 12 peach trees genotypes growing in experimental orchard in the Technology Federal of Paraná State University, Campus Pato Branco with Cfa Köppen climate according to the classification. Data of rainfall, hourly temperature were collected by the weather station of Simepar. They were used three plants for genotype (rehearsal), identify five shoots per tree, in May of each year. Were carried analyzes of length shoot CR (cm), count number of flower bud (GF) and vegetative bud (GV). Also calculated the relationship between GF/GV and flower bud density and vegetative bud density. Evaluations were performer annual 2007-2014. With these data adaptability and stability analyzes were performed using Biplot methodology and correlations analyzes (Pearson) with climates variables. They used the weather data to calculate the sums of hours with temperatures below 20 °C, temperatures between 20-25 °C, temperature between 25-30 °C and temperature above 30 °C, considering the period of August 1fst of the previous period to February 28 of the following year. Pearson correlation coefficients were used for path analysis, GF and DGF as basic variables. For CR, GV and GF the highest average occurred in 2009/10 period. The genotypes ‘BRS Kampai’ and ‘BRS Libra’ highest CR. They are considered stable and adapted as the CR genotypes ‘Casc. 967’ and ‘BRS Kampai’. There was negative correlation between CR and GV for Σh <20 ° C, Σh> 30 °C and Σh with URA <50% and positive correlation between these variables and Σh 25-30 °C and Σh with URA> 70%. The evaluation of GV ‘Cons. 681’ and ‘Casc. 1055’ can be considered adapted and stable. The lowest average was presented by the genotype ‘Sta. Áurea’ though the genotype is also stable. In GF evaluation genotypes are considered adapted ‘BRS Bonão’, ‘Casc. 1055’, ‘Cons. 681’ with adaptability to all evaluated period. In path analysis was direct effect Σh 25-30 °C on flower bud density. In evaluating DGV and DGF and the variations are due to genetic effect. The most adapted and stable genotypes for DGV were ‘T. Beauty’, ‘T. Snow’, ‘Casc. 1055’ and ‘Cons. 681’. CR and GV variables are strongly affected by environment. GF is strongly affected by genetic conditions and moderately affected by environment. DGV and DGF are affected basically by genetic conditions.