980 resultados para Flow distribution


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The episodic occurrence of debris flow events in response to stochastic precipitation and wildfire events makes hazard prediction challenging. Previous work has shown that frequency-magnitude distributions of non-fire-related debris flows follow a power law, but less is known about the distribution of post-fire debris flows. As a first step in parameterizing hazard models, we use frequency-magnitude distributions and cumulative distribution functions to compare volumes of post-fire debris flows to non-fire-related debris flows. Due to the large number of events required to parameterize frequency-magnitude distributions, and the relatively small number of post-fire event magnitudes recorded in the literature, we collected data on 73 recent post-fire events in the field. The resulting catalog of 988 debris flow events is presented as an appendix to this article. We found that the empirical cumulative distribution function of post-fire debris flow volumes is composed of smaller events than that of non-fire-related debris flows. In addition, the slope of the frequency-magnitude distribution of post-fire debris flows is steeper than that of non-fire-related debris flows, evidence that differences in the post-fire environment tend to produce a higher proportion of small events. We propose two possible explanations: 1) post-fire events occur on shorter return intervals than debris flows in similar basins that do not experience fire, causing their distribution to shift toward smaller events due to limitations in sediment supply, or 2) fire causes changes in resisting and driving forces on a package of sediment, such that a smaller perturbation of the system is required in order for a debris flow to occur, resulting in smaller event volumes.


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New heat-flow values were obtained in the central Peru Trench area during site surveys and drilling of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 112 by measuring temperatures with ordinary surface heat-flow probes and in the drill holes and by estimating from bottom-simulating reflectors resulting from gas hydrates. The values determined by these methods are consistent with each other within the limits of error. When combined with existing data, heat-flow distribution from the trench to the coast was delineated. Heat flow is lower than 40 mW/m**2 at the bottom of the trench and 40 to 50 mW/m**2 on the landward slope. The low heat flow at the trench bottom can be explained partly by a high sedimentation rate. Heat flow is variable about where the Mendana Fracture Zone meets the trench. This low heat flow might result from hydrothermal circulation in the fracture zone, which some scientists believe is a new propagating rift. On the landward slope, no significant difference in heat flow is recognized between the northern side and the southern side of the fracture zone, in spite of differences in the age of the subducting plate and the tectonic history. Heat flow on the landward slope may be slightly higher than that in most other subduction zones.


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Basic experiments were conducted in a near full-scale broad-crested weir. Detailed velocity and pressure measurements were performed for two configurations. The results showed the rapid flow distribution at the upstream end of the weir, while an overhanging crest design may affect the flow field. The study showed further that large vortical structures might be observed immediately upstream of the weir and impact adversely on the overflow.


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In this work, the optimization of an extrusion die designed for the production of a wood–plastic composite (WPC) decking profile is investigated. The optimization was performed with the help of numerical tools, more precisely, by solving the continuity and momentum conservation equations that govern such flow, and aiming to balance properly the flow distribution at the extrusion die flow channel outlet. To capture the rheological behavior of the material, we used a Bird-Carreau model with parameters obtained from a fit to the (shear viscosity versus shearrate) experimental data, collected from rheological tests. To yield a balanced output flow, several numerical runs were performed by adjusting the flow restriction at different regions of the flow-channel parallel zone crosssection. The simulations were compared with the experimental results and an excellent qualitative agreement was obtained, allowing, in this way, to attain a good balancing of the output flow and emphasizing the advantages of using numerical tools to aid the design of profile extrusion dies.


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Nicotine has been shown to stimulate the release of vasopressin and to cause significant hemodynamic changes. The mechanisms leading to enhanced vasopressin secretion and the vascular consequences of the high plasma vasopressin levels during nicotine infusion have not yet been determined. Therefore, the purposes of the present study were 1) to examine in normal conscious rats the role of opioid peptides in the nicotine-induced increase in plasma vasopressin levels and 2) to assess the role of vasopressin in the hemodynamic effects of nicotine (20 micrograms/min for 15 min) using a specific V1 antagonist of the vascular actions of vasopressin. Plasma vasopressin levels were significantly increased in the nicotine-treated animals (39.5 +/- 10 vs. 3.7 +/- 0.6 pg/ml in the controls, P less than .01). Pretreatment with naloxone, an antagonist of opioids at their receptors, did not reduce the vasopressin levels (47.7 +/- 9 pg/ml). Nicotine also increased mean blood pressure (122.5 +/- 2.5 to 145.2 +/- 3.3 mm Hg, P less than .01) and decreased heart rate (461 +/- 6 to 386 +/- 14.5 beats/min, P less than .05). Administration of the vasopressin V1 antagonist before the nicotine infusion did not affect the systemic hemodynamics or the regional blood flow distribution, as assessed by radiolabeled microspheres. Thus, these results suggest that the nicotine-induced secretion of vasopressin is not mediated by opioid receptors and that the high plasma vasopressin levels do not exert any significant hemodynamic effect on cardiac output or blood flow distribution.


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It is widely accepted that pharmacologic reduction of the blood pressure of hypertensive patients reduces the risk of at least some of the major cardiovascular complications (1-5). All major studies were carried out before orally active converting enzyme inhibitors had become available. In other words, very effective antihypertensive drugs have been around for quite some time and have already proven their efficacy. Therefore, the considerable enthusiasm that has developed during the very recent years for the new converting enzyme inhibitors should be evaluated in the light of previously available antihypertensive drugs, the more so, as drugs cheaper than converting enzyme inhibiting agents are presently available. Thus, the increased expense when using this new class of antihypertensive compounds should be justified by a therapeutic gain. When evaluating a class of antihypertensive drugs such as converting enzyme inhibitors, there are basically three main considerations: What is their efficacy in long-term use? This includes the effect on blood pressure, on heart, on hemodynamics, and on blood flow distribution. What are the metabolic effects? What is the effect on sodium and potassium excretion? How are the serum lipids affected by its use? Are there any untoward effects related either to the chemical structure of the compound per se or rather to the approach? In particular, are there any central effects of the drug which can cause discomfort to the patient? The following discussion has the principal aim to review these aspects with chronic use of oral converting enzyme inhibiting agents without, however, even attempting to provide an exhaustive review of the subject.


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A nonhypotensive dose of endotoxin was administered to normal conscious rats to evaluate the vascular and humoral effects of endotoxemia per se. Mean blood pressure and heart rate remained stable during the 45 min infusion of Escherichia coli endotoxin (0.01 mg/min). However, a marked increase in plasma renin activity (4.2 +/- 0.48 vs. 30.2 +/- 6 ng.ml-1.h-1, mean +/- SE, P less than 0.01), plasma epinephrine (0.112 +/- 0.04 vs. 1.71 +/- 0.5 ng/ml, P less than 0.01), and plasma norepinephrine (0.269 +/- 0.028 vs. 1.3 +/- 0.2 ng/ml, P less than 0.001) was observed during infusion in endotoxin-treated rats when compared with the vehicle-treated animals. In addition, the blood pressure response to exogenous norepinephrine was significantly reduced during nonhypotensive endotoxemia. Significant changes in regional blood flow distribution, as assessed by radiolabeled microspheres, were observed in endotoxemic rats; in particular a decrease in renal blood flow (7.39 +/- 0.43 vs. 5.97 +/- 0.4 ml.min-1.g-1, P less than 0.05) and an increase in coronary blood flow (5.01 +/- 0.38 vs. 6.44 +/- 0.33 ml.min-1.g-1, P less than 0.01) were found. The role of prostaglandins in the vascular and humoral alterations induced by nonhypotensive endotoxemia was also examined. Pretreatment with indomethacin (5 mg) prevented the increase in plasma renin activity as well as plasma catecholamine levels. On the contrary, the decreased vascular reactivity and the reduction in renal blood flow observed during endotoxemia were not affected by prostaglandin synthesis inhibition. Thus significant vascular and humoral changes have been found during endotoxemia even in absence of hypotension.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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Työssä suunniteltiin esisuunnitteluluontoisesti leveän, uutta päällystysmenetelmää soveltavan päällystysaseman konstruktio avainkomponenttien osalta. Ensin perehdyttiin alan kirjallisuuteen ja pyrittiin selvittämään päällystysmenetelmän konstruktiolle asettamia vaatimuksia. Tämän jälkeen pohdittiin rakenteen leveyden ja päällystysnopeuden lisäämisen tuomia ongelmia ja lopuksi ideoitiin havaittuihin ongelmiin ratkaisuja. Virtauskammion mitoituksen, ohikierron vaikutuksen ja virtausta tasoittavien elementtien mitoituksen selvittämiseksi tehtiin CFD laskenta newtonisella ja einewtonisella virtausaineella. Huomattiin painehäviön kasvattamisen ja tasauskammion lisäämisen parantavan päällysteprofiilia. Ohikierron lisäämisen todettiin heikentävän päällysteprofiilia erityisesti reunojen läheisyydessä. Virtauksen jako- ja tasauskammioiden muotoilua muutettiin tukkeutumisriskin pienentämiseksi. Rakenne kokee aina myös muodonmuutoksia paineen-, taipumien- tai lämpötilaerojen seurauksena. Näiden vaikutuksen selvittämiseksi applikointiosaa analysointiin FE -menetelmällä. Todettiin palkin pinnalla olevien lämpötilaerojen olevan suurin yksittäinen päällysteprofiiliin vaikuttava häiriölähde.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli kokeellisen tutkimuksen keinoin selvittää juotettujen levylämmönsiirtimien levypakkarakenteessa virtausten käyttäytyminen ja jakautuminen sekä löytää ideoita ja kehitysehdotuksia levylämmönsiirtimen levypakan ja levyprofiilin kehittämiseksi. Kokeellinen tutkimus suoritettiin Oy Danfoss Ab LPM:n levylämmönsiirtimien tutkimuslaboratoriossa. Virtausjakauman tutkimusta varten suunniteltiin ja valittiin tutkimuslaitteisto, joka koostui termoelementtiantureista, tiedonkeruulaitteistosta sekä ohjelmistosta. Lämmönsiirtimistä mitattiin ensiö- ja toisiopuolen tilavuusvirrat ja painehäviöt sekä lämpötilat ennen ja jälkeen lämmönsiirtimen. Tutkimuslaitteiston avulla mitattiin lämpötiloja lämmönsiirtimen sisältä levyväleistä. Mittaukset suoritettiin neljällä levypakkarakenteella useilla massavirran arvoilla. Mittaustuloksista määritettiin levylämmönsiirtimien lämpö- ja virtaustekniset ominaisuudet nesteen Reynoldsin luvun funktiona sekä selvitettiin nesteen virtausjakaumat. Mittaustuloksien perusteella laskettuja virtausjakauman arvoja verrattiin teorian mukaan laskettuihin jakaumiin. Mitatuista siirtimistä lasketut massavirrat viittaavat siihen, että suurin osa nesteestä virtaa siirtimien keskeltä tai lähempää loppupäätä kuin alkupäästä. Teorian mukaan suurin nestemäärä virtaisi siirtimen alkupäästä vähentyen tasaisesti kohti levypakan loppupäätä. Teorian mukaiselle virtausjakaumalle ja lasketuille jakaumille ei löydetty yhteyttä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin suuria, jopa yli 20 asteen, lämpötilaeroja levyväleistä ulostulevissa virtauksissa. Levyvälien virtauksen käyttäytymisen ja jakautumisen tutkiminen nähdäänkin levypakan pitkittäistä kehittämistä suurempana mielenkiinnon ja kehittämisen kohteena.


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Introducción: Las guías KDOQI del 2006 utilizan patrón de adecuación de diálisis el Kt/V, donde V es volumen de distribución de la úrea, pacientes de bajo peso tienen menor agua corporal total, menor V, que podrían reducir el requerimiento de Qd sin afectar la eficiencia de la diálisis. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto sobre la adecuación de hemodiálisis que produce la reducción del Qd en pacientes con peso menor o igual a 60 kg . Metodología: Se incluyeron pacientes con Enfermedad Renal crónica en hemodiálisis de forma regular con peso menor o igual a 60 Kg de la unidad renal, para evaluar dos períodos I y II, se continuaron los parámetros de la terapia, con descenso del Qd para el segundo período . Las variables fueron recolectadas de forma directa por los investigadores de la historia clínica . Los valores así obtenidos serían comparados mediante prueba t para variables relacionadas o pareadas, y significancia estadística de la prueba inferior a 0,05. Resultados: Se incluyeron 61 pacientes, el 60.7% sexo femenino, promedio de edad 57,3 años (DE 14,8). Edad promedio de los hombres 60,1 (DE 13,9) y de las mujeres fue de 55,9 (DE 15,4). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para las variables Kt/V y Hb, con descenso significativo del P. (p 0.015) Conclusiones: Este estudio demuestra que se logra una adecuada terapia con Qd inferiores a los estándares tradicionales, con 400ml /min en pacientes de bajo peso, siempre y cuando se mantengan los demás parámetros de suplencia renal.


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Introdução: O conhecimento da distribuição da perfusão pulmonar pela cintilografia na bronquiolite viral aguda, pode auxiliar no entendimento das alterações no equilíbrio da ventilação - perfusão, peculiares a essa doença do lactente jovem. Objetivo: Avaliar o padrão de distribuição da perfusão pulmonar em pacientes hospitalizados com bronquiolite viral aguda por meio de cintilografia pulmonar perfusional quantitativa com macroagregado de albumina com tecnécio (99mTc-MAA), estabelecendo associação com as avaliações clínica e radiológica, bem como determinando o seu padrão evolutivo até a condição de normalidade. Tipo de estudo: Dois estudos prospectivos com enfoque diagnóstico: um transversal, comparativo, e um longitudinal, evolutivo, controlado. Pacientes e métodos: A amostra da pesquisa foi constituída por pacientes hospitalizados no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre com diagnóstico de bronquiolite viral aguda, no período de abril de 1998 a setembro de 2000, baseada em critérios clínicos de inclusão: idade entre 01 e 24 meses, com quadro respiratório obstrutivo de vias aéreas inferiores (primeiro episódio de sibilância expiratória de início súbito, com sinais de coriza, tosse irritativa, hipertermia, taquipnéia, tiragem, batimentos de asa de nariz, esforço expiratório), com gravidade suficiente para determinar a hospitalização e cujos pais aceitaram participar do estudo. Todos os pacientes da pesquisa foram submetidos à avaliação clínica, radiológica e da perfusão pulmonar com o radiofármaco. A cintilografia foi realizada na condição de crise (primeiras 24 horas da admissão) e na convalescência (depois de 7 dias da alta hospitalar). A quantificação do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar, representada em valores percentuais, foi realizada em três áreas de interesse, nas projeções anterior e posterior, de ambos os pulmões. As comparações foram feitas entre ambos os pulmões e entre as condições de crise e controle, considerando as áreas de interesse e os gradientes entre elas e entre as projeções anterior e posterior das mesmas. Para análise comparativa das médias foi utilizado o teste t de Student para amostras pareadas, considerando o nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: Iniciaram o estudo transversal 38 pacientes e permaneceram no estudo longitudinal 19 pacientes; da amostra total, 22 eram do sexo masculino. A idade variou de 1 a 8 meses (média 2,8 meses). A distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar regional foi maior na região superior do pulmão esquerdo (PE) em relação ao pulmão direito (PD), na crise (P < 0,001), e maior na região média do PD, no controle. Os gradientes de distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar entre as regiões superior e média e superior e inferior foi maior no PE, na crise e no controle (P < 0,05). O gradiente de distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar entre as regiões média e inferior foi maior no PD, na crise e no controle. O gradiente de distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar no eixo ântero-posterior na região superior foi > 1,0 em ambos os pulmões, na crise, e apenas no PE, no controle; na região média, foi > 1,0 em ambos os pulmões, na crise e no controle; na região inferior, foi > 1,0 apenas no PD, na crise e no controle (P < 0,05). A distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar, comparada entre crise e controle, não mostrou diferença em quaisquer das regiões ou dos gradientes avaliados. Não houve associação entre o padrão de distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar regional na crise com a avaliação clínica ou com a avaliação radiológica dos pacientes. Conclusão: não se evidenciou uma distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar com caraterística de expressar o padrão da relação ventilação-perfusão em lactentes jovens hospitalizados com bronquiolite viral aguda. Ocorreu apenas uma tendência de redirecionamento da distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar para as regiões superiores.


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This paper presents some initial concepts for including reactive power in linear methods for computing Available Transfer Capability (ATC). It is proposed an approximation for the reactive power flows computation that uses the exact circle equations for the transmission line complex flow, and then it is determined the ATC using active power distribution factors. The transfer capability can be increased using the sensitivities of flow that show the best group of buses which can have their reactive power injection modified in order to remove the overload in the transmission lines. The results of the ATC computation and of the use of the sensitivities of flow are presented using the Cigré 32-bus system. © 2004 IEEE.


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Editorial remarks.-- Open discussion: Conceptual change in regulation in a model of public service provision ; Policies and institutional frameworks for drinking water supply and sanitation ; Strategies for low-carbon development in megacities in Latin America ; Adapting to climate change in water management in the irrigation sector.-- Meetings: Towards a vision on natural resource governance for equality ; Water resources faced with uncertainty and the risk of climate change ; Regulation challenges in the water sector.-- News of the Network: Lessons to be drawn from the interprovincial Colorado River flow distribution agreement ; Rural drinking water programme in Chile ; Ecuador’s Act on Water Resources and Water Use and Exploitation.-- Internet and WWW News


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS