987 resultados para Flow Resistance
El concepto de aspereza equivalente (ks) permite relacionar la resistencia al flujo de cauces de contorno granular con el tamaño de las partículas que lo conforman, mediante la ley logarítmica de distribución vertical de velocidad de la corriente. En este artículo se revisa el estado del conocimiento acerca de los criterios para la predicción de dicha relación con el objetivo de brindar una guía para la selección de los mismos. Pese a que el análisis de las experiencias compiladas desvela la dispersión de resultados, a efectos prácticos se recomienda para ríos de grava y de montaña: ks 3•d90; ks 3,4•d84 y ks 7•d50. Dicha dispersión y el hecho de que ks sea varias veces superior al diámetro medio del sedimento puede atribuirse en diferente grado: a la heterogeneidad del sedimento en lechos naturales, a las formas de fondo, al transporte sólido de fondo,así como a las limitaciones del modelo logarítmico de distribución de velocidad bajo ciertas condiciones de flujo. La predicción de ks en función de variables estadísticas del campo de elevaciones del lecho se ha revelado como una alternativa con una elevada capacidad explicativa, por lo que en la medida que avancen las técnicas microtopográficas se consolidará esta vía como el método del futuro.
The relation between the equivalent roughness and different grain size percentiles of the sediment in gravel-bed rivers was determined under the hypothesis that the vertical distribution of the flow velocity follows a logarithmic law. A set of 954 data points was selected from rivers with gravel size sediment or larger, with a non-sinuous alignment and free of vegetation or obstacles. According to the results, the ks roughness is equivalent to approximately 2.4D90, 2.8D84, and 6.1D50. No correlation was detected between the sediment sorting and the sediment mobility index on one hand, and, on the other, the coefficient of proportionality of each grain size percentile.
L’hypertension artérielle est le facteur de risque le plus important dans les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) et les accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC). L’hypertension artérielle essentielle est une maladie complexe, multifactorielle et polygénique. Même si on a identifié de nombreux facteurs de risque de l’hypertension artérielle, on ne comprend pas encore clairement les mécanismes qui la régissent. Les kinases hépatocytes produisant l’érythropoïétine (Eph) constituent la plus grande famille des récepteurs tyrosine kinase qui se lient à des ligands de surface cellulaire appelés éphrines sur les cellules avoisinantes. On sait que les interactions de Eph et des éphrines sont essentielles aussi bien dans les processus de développement que dans le fonctionnement des organes et des tissus adultes. Cependant on n’a pas encore étudié la relation entre Eph/éphrines et l’hypertension artérielle. Nous avons créé des modèles de souris knockout (K.O.) Ephb6-/-, Efnb1-/- et Efnb3-/- pour cette étude. Dans le modèle EphB6-/-, nous avons observé que les souris K.O. Ephb6 castrées, mais pas les femelles, ainsi que les souris mâles non castrées présentaient une tension artérielle élevée (TA) par rapport à leurs homologues de type sauvage (TS). Ceci suggère que Ephb6 doit agir de concert avec l’hormone sexuelle mâle pour réguler la TA. Les petites artères des mâles castrés Ephb6-/- présentaient une augmentation de la contractilité, une activation de RhoA et une phosphorylation constitutive de la chaîne légère de la myosine (CLM) lorsque comparées à celles de leurs homologues TS. Ces deux derniers résultats indiquent que la phosphorylation de CLM et de RhoA passe par la voie de signalisation de Ephb6 dans les cellules du muscle lisse de la paroi vasculaire (CMLV). Nous avons démontré que la réticulation de Efnbs mais non celle de Ephb6 aboutit à une réduction de la contractilité des CMLV. Ceci montre que l’effet de Ephb6 passe par la signalisation inversée à travers Efnb. Dans le modèle Efnb1-/- conditionnel spécifique au muscle lisse, nous n’avons observé aucune différence entre Efnb1-/- et les souris de TS concernant la mesure de la TA dans des conditions normales. Cependant, la TA des souris K.O. Efnb1 lors d’un stress d’immobilisation est supérieure à celle des souris de TS. Dans les petites artères des souris K.O. Efnb1, le rétrécissement et la phosphorylation de CLM étaient élevés. In vitro, la contractilité et l’activation RhoA de la CMLV des souris TS étaient augmentées quand leur Efnb1 était réticulé. Ces résultats corroborent ceux des souris KO Ephb6 et prouvent que l’effet de Ephb6 dans le contrôle de la TA se produit au moins par l’intermédiaire d’un de ses ligands Efnb1 dans les CMLV. Dans le modèle Efnb3-/-, on a observé une augmentation de la TA et du rétrécissement des vaisseaux chez les femelles Efnb3-/-, mais non chez les mâles; l’échographie a aussi révélé une résistance accrue au débit sanguin des souris K.O. femelles. Cependant la mutation de Efnb3 ne modifie pas la phosphorylation de la CLM ou l’activation de RhoA in vivo. Dans l’expérience in vitro, les CMLV des souris femelles Efnb3-/- ont présenté une augmentation de la contractilité mais pas celle des souris mâles Efnb3-/-. La réticulation des CMLV chez les mâles ou les femelles de TS avec solide anti-Efnb3 Ab peut réduire leur contractilité. Notre étude est la première à évaluer le rôle de Eph/éphrines dans la régulation de la TA. Elle montre que les signalisations Eph/éphrines sont impliquées dans le contrôle de la TA. La signalisation inverse est principalement responsable du phénotype élevé de la TA. Bien que les Efnb1, Efnb3 appartiennent à la même famille, leur fonction et leur efficacité dans la régulation de la TA pourraient être différentes. La découverte de Eph/Efnb nous permet d’explorer plus avant les mécanismes qui gouvernent la TA.
This study presents a numerical method to derive the Darcy- Weisbach friction coefficient for overland flow under partial inundation of surface roughness. To better account for the variable influence of roughness with varying levels of emergence, we model the flow over a network which evolves as the free surface rises. This network is constructed using a height numerical map, based on surface roughness data, and a discrete geometry skeletonization algorithm. By applying a hydraulic model to the flows through this network, local heads, velocities, and Froude and Reynolds numbers over the surface can be estimated. These quantities enable us to analyze the flow and ultimately to derive a bulk friction factor for flow over the entire surface which takes into account local variations in flow quantities. Results demonstrate that although the flow is laminar, head losses are chiefly inertial because of local flow disturbances. The results also emphasize that for conditions of partial inundation, flow resistance varies nonmonotonically but does generally increase with progressive roughness inundation.
In the last decade, biological purification of gaseous waste has become an important alternative to many conventional methods of exhaust air treatment. More recently, biofiltration has proved to be an effective and inexpensive method for the treatment of air contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A biofilter consists in a reactor packed with a porous solid bed material, where the microorganisms are fixed. During the biofiltration process, polluted air is transported through the biofilter medium where the contaminant is degraded. Within the biofilm, the pollutants in the waste gases are energy and carbon sources for microbial metabolism and are transformed into CO2, water and biomass. The bed material should be characterized by satisfactory mechanical and physical properties as structure, void fraction, specific area and flow resistance. The aim of this research was the biofilter construction and study of the biological degradation of ethanol and toluene, as well as the modeling of the process. Luffa cylindrica is a brazilian fiber that was used as the filtering material of the present work. The parameters and conditions studied were: composition of nutrients solution; effect of microflorae strains, namely Pseudomanas putida and Rhodococcus rhodochrous; waste gas composition; air flow rate; and inlet load of VOCs. The biofilter operated in diffusion regime and the best results for remotion capacity were obtained when a microorganisms consortion of Pseudomanas putida and Rhodococcus rhodochrous,were used, with a gas flow rate of 1 m3.h-1 and molar ratio nitrogene/phosphore N/P=2 in the nutrients solution. The maximum remotion capacity for ethanol was around 90 g.m-3.h-1 and 50 g.m-3.h-1 to toluene. It was proved that toluene has inhibitory effect on the ethanol remotion When the two VOCs were present in the same waste gas, there was a decrease of 40% in ethanol remotion capacity. Luffa cylindrica does not present considerable pressure drop. Ottengraf and van Lith models were used to represent the results obtained for ethanol and toluene, respectively. The application of the transient model indicated a satisfactory approximation between the experimental results obtained for ethanol and toluene vapors biofiltration and the ones predicted it
Objectives: To determine the correlation between ph at birth and venous Doppler parameters in pregnancies with placental dysfunction. Methods: This was a prospective cohort study of 58 pregnancies with the diagnosis of placental dysfunction between 26 and 34 weeks of gestation. Inclusion criteria were singleton pregnancies, abnormal umbilical artery (UA) Doppler, fetal growth restriction diagnosed by estimated fetal weight <10th centile for gestational age, intact membranes, and absence of fetal congenital abnormalities. The Doppler measurements were the following: UA pulsatility index (PI), ductus venosus (DV) pulsatility index for veins (PIV), intra-abdominal umbilical vein (UV) time-averaged maximum velocity (TAMxV) and blood flow and left portal vein (LPV) time-averaged maximum velocity (TAMxV) and blood flow. All Doppler parameters were transformed into z-scores (SD values from the mean) according to normative references. Results: The UA pH at birth showed a negative significant correlation with the DV-PIV (p = 0.004) and the DV-PIV z-score (p = 0.004), while LPV TAMxV (p = 0.004), LPV TAMxV z-score (p = 0.002), LPV blood flow (p = 0.01), LPV blood flow normalized (p = 0.04) and UV blood flow (p = 0.04) positively correlated with pH at birth. Multiple regression analysis was performed and the DV-PIV z-score was the variable that independently correlated with pH at birth (p = 0.002). Conclusions: the present results suggest that changes in fetal venous blood flow, mainly DV and LPV are useful in the management of cases with early onset placental insufficiency and that venous Doppler parameters correlate with pH at birth.
Elevated systemic haematocrit (Hct) increases risk of cardiovascular disorders, such as stroke and myocardial infarction. One possible pathophysiological mechanism could be a disturbance of the blood-endothelium interface. It has been shown that blood interacts with the endothelial surface via a thick hydrated macromolecular layer (the 'glycocalyx', or 'endothelial surface layer'--ESL), modulating various biological processes, including inflammation, permeability and atherosclerosis. However, the consequences of elevated Hct on the functional properties of this interface are incompletely understood. Thus, we combined intravital microscopy of an erythropoietin overexpressing transgenic mouse line (tg6) with excessive erythrocytosis (Hct 0.85), microviscometric analysis of haemodynamics, and a flow simulation model to assess the effects of elevated Hct on glycocalyx/ESL thickness and flow resistance. We show that the glycocalyx/ESL is nearly abolished in tg6 mice (thickness: wild-type control: 0.52 μm; tg6: 0.13 μm; P < 0.001). However, the corresponding reduction in network flow resistance contributes <20% to the maintenance of total peripheral resistance observed in tg6 mice. This suggests that the pathological effects of elevated Hct in these mice, and possibly also in polycythaemic humans, may relate to biological corollaries of a reduced ESL thickness and the consequent alteration in the blood-endothelium interface, rather than to an increase of flow resistance.
Dimensional modeling, GT-Power in particular, has been used for two related purposes-to quantify and understand the inaccuracies of transient engine flow estimates that cause transient smoke spikes and to improve empirical models of opacity or particulate matter used for engine calibration. It has been proposed by dimensional modeling that exhaust gas recirculation flow rate was significantly underestimated and volumetric efficiency was overestimated by the electronic control module during the turbocharger lag period of an electronically controlled heavy duty diesel engine. Factoring in cylinder-to-cylinder variation, it has been shown that the electronic control module estimated fuel-Oxygen ratio was lower than actual by up to 35% during the turbocharger lag period but within 2% of actual elsewhere, thus hindering fuel-Oxygen ratio limit-based smoke control. The dimensional modeling of transient flow was enabled with a new method of simulating transient data in which the manifold pressures and exhaust gas recirculation system flow resistance, characterized as a function of exhaust gas recirculation valve position at each measured transient data point, were replicated by quasi-static or transient simulation to predict engine flows. Dimensional modeling was also used to transform the engine operating parameter model input space to a more fundamental lower dimensional space so that a nearest neighbor approach could be used to predict smoke emissions. This new approach, intended for engine calibration and control modeling, was termed the "nonparametric reduced dimensionality" approach. It was used to predict federal test procedure cumulative particulate matter within 7% of measured value, based solely on steady-state training data. Very little correlation between the model inputs in the transformed space was observed as compared to the engine operating parameter space. This more uniform, smaller, shrunken model input space might explain how the nonparametric reduced dimensionality approach model could successfully predict federal test procedure emissions when roughly 40% of all transient points were classified as outliers as per the steady-state training data.
Postmortem investigation is increasingly supported by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging, in which postmortem minimal invasive angiography has become important. The newly introduced approach using an aqueous contrast agent solution provided excellent vessel visualization but was suspected to possibly cause tissue edema artifacts in histological investigations. The aim of this study was to investigate on a porcine heart model whether it is possible to influence the contrast agent distribution within the soft tissue by changing its viscosity by dissolving the contrast agent in polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a matrix medium. High-resolution CT scans after injection showed that viscosities above c. 15 mPa s (65% PEG) prevented a contrast agent distribution within the capillary bed of the left ventricular myocardium. Thereby, the precondition of edema artifacts could be reduced. Its minimal invasive application on human corpses needs to be further adapted as the flow resistance is expected to differ between different tissues.
AIMS The aim of our study in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and present, or absent, myocardial ischaemia during coronary occlusion was to test whether (i) left ventricular (LV) filling pressure is influenced by the collateral circulation and, on the other hand, that (ii) its resistance to flow is directly associated with LV filling pressure. METHODS AND RESULTS In 50 patients with CAD, the following parameters were obtained before and during a 60 s balloon occlusion: LV, aortic (Pao) and coronary pressure (Poccl), flow velocity (Voccl), central venous pressure (CVP), and coronary flow velocity after coronary angioplasty (V(Ø-occl)). The following variables were determined and analysed at 10 s intervals during occlusion, and at 60 s of occlusion: LV end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), velocity-derived (CFIv) and pressure-derived collateral flow index (CFIp), coronary collateral (Rcoll), and peripheral resistance index to flow (Rperiph). Patients with ECG signs of ischaemia during coronary occlusion (insufficient collaterals, n = 33) had higher values of LVEDP over the entire course of occlusion than those without ECG signs of ischaemia during occlusion (sufficient collaterals, n = 17). Despite no ischaemia in the latter, there was an increase in LVEDP from 20 to 60 s of occlusion. In patients with insufficient collaterals, CFIv decreased and CFIp increased during occlusion. Beyond an occlusive LVEDP > 27 mmHg, Rcoll and Rperiph increased as a function of LVEDP. CONCLUSION Recruitable collaterals are reciprocally tied to LV filling pressure during occlusion. If poorly developed, they affect it via myocardial ischaemia; if well grown, LV filling pressure still increases gradually during occlusion despite the absence of ischaemia indicating transmission of collateral perfusion pressure to the LV. With low, but not high, collateral flow, resistance to collateral as well as coronary peripheral flow is related to LV filling pressure in the high range.
Patients suffering from cystic fibrosis (CF) show thick secretions, mucus plugging and bronchiectasis in bronchial and alveolar ducts. This results in substantial structural changes of the airway morphology and heterogeneous ventilation. Disease progression and treatment effects are monitored by so-called gas washout tests, where the change in concentration of an inert gas is measured over a single or multiple breaths. The result of the tests based on the profile of the measured concentration is a marker for the severity of the ventilation inhomogeneity strongly affected by the airway morphology. However, it is hard to localize underlying obstructions to specific parts of the airways, especially if occurring in the lung periphery. In order to support the analysis of lung function tests (e.g. multi-breath washout), we developed a numerical model of the entire airway tree, coupling a lumped parameter model for the lung ventilation with a 4th-order accurate finite difference model of a 1D advection-diffusion equation for the transport of an inert gas. The boundary conditions for the flow problem comprise the pressure and flow profile at the mouth, which is typically known from clinical washout tests. The natural asymmetry of the lung morphology is approximated by a generic, fractal, asymmetric branching scheme which we applied for the conducting airways. A conducting airway ends when its dimension falls below a predefined limit. A model acinus is then connected to each terminal airway. The morphology of an acinus unit comprises a network of expandable cells. A regional, linear constitutive law describes the pressure-volume relation between the pleural gap and the acinus. The cyclic expansion (breathing) of each acinus unit depends on the resistance of the feeding airway and on the flow resistance and stiffness of the cells themselves. Special care was taken in the development of a conservative numerical scheme for the gas transport across bifurcations, handling spatially and temporally varying advective and diffusive fluxes over a wide range of scales. Implicit time integration was applied to account for the numerical stiffness resulting from the discretized transport equation. Local or regional modification of the airway dimension, resistance or tissue stiffness are introduced to mimic pathological airway restrictions typical for CF. This leads to a more heterogeneous ventilation of the model lung. As a result the concentration in some distal parts of the lung model remains increased for a longer duration. The inert gas concentration at the mouth towards the end of the expirations is composed of gas from regions with very different washout efficiency. This results in a steeper slope of the corresponding part of the washout profile.
Este trabajo presenta un método discreto para el cálculo de estabilidad hidrodinámica y análisis de sensibilidad a perturbaciones externas para ecuaciones diferenciales y en particular para las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes compressible. Se utiliza una aproximación con variable compleja para obtener una precisión analítica en la evaluación de la matriz Jacobiana. Además, mapas de sensibilidad para la sensibilidad a las modificaciones del flujo de base y a una fuerza constante permiten identificar las regiones del campo fluido donde una modificacin (ej. fuerza puntual) tiene un efecto estabilizador del flujo. Se presentan cuatro casos de prueba: (1) un caso analítico para comprobar la derivación discreta, (2) una cavidad cerrada a bajo Reynolds para mostrar la mayor precisión en el cálculo de los valores propios con la aproximación de paso complejo, (3) flujo 2D en un cilindro circular para validar la metodología, y (4) flujo en un cavidad abierta, presentado para validar el método en casos de inestabilidades convectivamente inestables. Los tres últimos casos mencionados (2-4) se resolvieron con las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes compresibles, utilizando un método Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Method. Se obtuvo una buena concordancia para el caso de validación (3), cuando se comparó el nuevo método con resultados de la literatura. Además, este trabajo muestra que para el cálculo de los modos propios directos y adjuntos, así como para los mapas de sensibilidad, el uso de variables complejas es de suprema importancia para obtener una predicción precisa. El método descrito es aplicado al análisis para la estabilización de la estela generada por un disco actuador, que representa un modelo sencillo para hélices, rotores de helicópteros o turbinas eólicas. Se explora la primera bifurcación del flujo para un disco actuador, y se sugiere que está asociada a una inestabilidad de tipo Kelvin-Helmholtz, cuya estabilidad se controla con en el número de Reynolds y en la resistencia del disco actuador (o fuerza resistente). En primer lugar, se verifica que la disminución de la resistencia del disco tiene un efecto estabilizador parecido a una disminución del Reynolds. En segundo lugar, el análisis hidrodinmico discreto identifica dos regiones para la colocación de una fuerza puntual que controle las inestabilidades, una cerca del disco y otra en una zona aguas abajo. En tercer lugar, se muestra que la inclusión de un forzamiento localizado cerca del actuador produce una estabilización más eficiente que al forzar aguas abajo. El análisis de los campos de flujo controlados confirma que modificando el gradiente de velocidad cerca del actuador es más eficiente para estabilizar la estela. Estos resultados podrían proporcionar nuevas directrices para la estabilización de la estela de turbinas de viento o de marea cuando estén instaladas en un parque eólico y minimizar las interacciones no estacionarias entre turbinas. ABSTRACT A discrete framework for computing the global stability and sensitivity analysis to external perturbations for any set of partial differential equations is presented. In particular, a complex-step approximation is used to achieve near analytical accuracy for the evaluation of the Jacobian matrix. Sensitivity maps for the sensitivity to base flow modifications and to a steady force are computed to identify regions of the flow field where an input could have a stabilising effect. Four test cases are presented: (1) an analytical test case to prove the theory of the discrete framework, (2) a lid-driven cavity at low Reynolds case to show the improved accuracy in the calculation of the eigenvalues when using the complex-step approximation, (3) the 2D flow past a circular cylinder at just below the critical Reynolds number is used to validate the methodology, and finally, (4) the flow past an open cavity is presented to give an example of the discrete method applied to a convectively unstable case. The latter three (2–4) of the aforementioned cases were solved with the 2D compressible Navier–Stokes equations using a Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Method. Good agreement was obtained for the validation test case, (3), with appropriate results in the literature. Furthermore, it is shown that for the calculation of the direct and adjoint eigenmodes and their sensitivity maps to external perturbations, the use of complex variables is paramount for obtaining an accurate prediction. An analysis for stabilising the wake past an actuator disc, which represents a simple model for propellers, helicopter rotors or wind turbines is also presented. We explore the first flow bifurcation for an actuator disc and it suggests that it is associated to a Kelvin- Helmholtz type instability whose stability relies on the Reynolds number and the flow resistance applied through the disc (or actuator forcing). First, we report that decreasing the disc resistance has a similar stabilising effect to an decrease in the Reynolds number. Second, a discrete sensitivity analysis identifies two regions for suitable placement of flow control forcing, one close to the disc and one far downstream where the instability originates. Third, we show that adding a localised forcing close to the actuator provides more stabilisation that forcing far downstream. The analysis of the controlled flow fields, confirms that modifying the velocity gradient close to the actuator is more efficient to stabilise the wake than controlling the sheared flow far downstream. An interesting application of these results is to provide guidelines for stabilising the wake of wind or tidal turbines when placed in an energy farm to minimise unsteady interactions.
Modern stepped spillways are typically designed for large discharge capacities corresponding to a skimming flow regime for which flow resistance is predominantly form drag. The writer demonstrates that the inflow conditions have some effect on the skimming flow properties. Boundary layer calculations show that the flow properties at inception of free-surface aeration are substantially different with pressurized intake. The re-analysis of experimental results highlights that the equivalent Darcy friction factor is f similar to 0.2 in average on uncontrolled stepped Chute and f similar to 0.1 on stepped chute with pressurized intake. A simple design chart is presented to estimate the residual flow velocity, and the agreement of the calculations with experimental results is deemed satisfactory for preliminary design.
Objective: To compare the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in patients ventilated in intensive care by means of circuits humidified with a hygroscopic heat-and-moisture exchanger with a bacterial viral filter (HME) or hot-water humidification with a heater wire in both inspiratory and expiratory circuit limbs (DHW) or the inspiratory limb only (SHW). Design: A prospective, randomized trial. Setting: A metropolitan teaching hospital's general intensive care unit. Patients: Three hundred eighty-one patients requiring a minimum period of mechanical ventilation of 48 hrs. Interventions: Patients were randomized to humidification with use of an HME (n = 190), SHW (n = 94), or DHW (n = 97). Measurements and Main Results. Study end points were VAP diagnosed on the basis of Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score (CPIS) (1), HME resistance after 24 hrs of use, endotracheal tube resistance, and HME use per patient. VAP occurred with similar frequency in all groups (13%, HME; 14%, DHW; 10%, SHW; p = 0.61) and was predicted only by current smoking (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 2.1; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-3.9; p =.03) and ventilation days (AOR, 1.05; 95% Cl, 1.0-1.2; p =.001); VAP was less likely for patients with an admission diagnosis of pneumonia (AOR, 0.40; 95% Cl, 0.4-0.2; p =.04). HME resistance after 24 hrs of use measured at a gas flow of 50 L/min was 0.9 cm H2O (0.4-2.9). Endotracheal tube resistance was similar for all three groups (16-19 cm H2O min/L; p =.2), as were suction frequency, secretion thickness, and blood on suctioning (p =.32, p =.06, and p =.34, respectively). The HME use per patient per day was 1.13. Conclusions: Humidification technique does not influence either VAP incidence or secretion characteristics, but HMEs may have air-flow resistance higher than manufacturer specifications after 24 hrs of use.
This thesis describes an investigation which was carried out under the Interdisciplinary Higher Degres (IHD) Scheme of The University of Aston in Birmingham. The investigation, which involved joint collaboration between the IHD scheme, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and G.E.C. Turbine Generators Limited, was concerned with hydrostatic bearing characteristics and of how hydrostatic bearings could be used to enable turbine generator rotor support impedances to be controlled to give an improved rotor dynamic response. Turbine generator rotor critical speeds are determined not only by the mass and flexibility of the rotor itself, which are relatively easily predicted, but also by the dynamic characteristics of the bearing oil film, pedestal, and foundations. It is because of the difficulty in accurately predicting the rotor support characteristics that the designer has a problem in ensuring that a rotor's normal running speed is not close to one of its critical speeds. The consequence of this situation is that some rotors do have critical speeds close to their normal running speed and the resulting high levels of vibration cause noise, high rotor stresses, and a shortening of bearing life. A combined theoretical and experimental investigation of the effects of mounting the normal rotor journal bearing in a hydrostatic bearing was carried out. The purpose of the work was to show that by changing the oil flow resistance offered by capillaries connecting accumulators to the hydrostatic bearing, the overall rotor support characteristics could be tuned to enable rotor critical speeds to be moved at will. Testing of a combined journal and hydrostatic bearing has confirmed the theory of its operation and a theoretical study of a full size machine showed that its critical speed could be moved by over 350 rpm and that its rotor vibration at running speed could be reduced by 80%.