314 resultados para Flavour
Three procedures for the isolation of volatiles from grilled goat meat were compared: dynamic headspace entrainment on Tenax TA, simultaneous steam distillation-extraction, and solid-phase microextraction. Headspace entrainment on Tenax TA extracted the highest number of Maillard-derived volatile compounds. Two hundred and three volatile components were identified: 159 are reported for the first time in goat meat. Most of the volatiles detected (155) were lipid oxidation products, such as hydrocarbons, aldehydes, alcohols, ketones, carboxylic acids and esters. Forty-eight Maillard-derived compounds were identified. comprising pyrazines, pyrroles, thiophenes, furanthiol derivatives, alkyl and alicyclic sulphides, pyridines, and thiazoles. Some reported character impact compounds of cooked meat, e.g., 12-methyltridecanal, (EE)-2,4-decadienal, methional, and dimethyl trisulphide were identified in the volatile profile of goat meat, together with a series of C-2 to C-5 alkylformylcyclopentenes, which have been reported in cooked chicken, pork, beef and lamb, as being important for the characteristic flavour impression of different animal species. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Sugars and related substances, namely sugar phosphates and ribonucleotides, are important meat flavour precursors. In particular, ribose and ribose 5-phosphate have been shown to be important in aroma development in heated model systems. There are few quantitative data on the concentrations and the variations of sugars and related substances in meat. This paper will report on the analysis of glucose, fructose, ribose, ribose 5-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, glucose 6-phosphate and inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) in aged beef. Sugars and related compounds were extracted from lean meat and derivatised to the corresponding TMS ethers. Analysis and quantitation of the sugars and sugar phosphates were performed using GC and GC/MS, while IMP analysis was performed using capillary electrophoresis (CE).
The effects of diet and breed on the concentration of water-soluble flavour precursors, namely sugars, free amino acids, ribonucleotides, creatinine, carnosine and creatine, were studied in beef longissimus hanborum muscle. Diet had a significant effect on the concentration of free amino acids, with animals fed on grass silage having higher free amino acid levels than animals fed on a concentrate diet, whereas animals fed concentrates had a higher total reducing sugar content. Differences between a beef breed (Aberdeen Angus x Holstein-Friesian) and a dairy breed (Holstein-Friesian) were generally small. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Changes in glycolytic metabolites, nucleotide degradation products, free amino acids and other amino compounds were monitored in beef muscle (M. longissimus lumborum), stored for 21 days at 4 degrees C, in order to evaluate how post-mortem conditioning may affect flavour formation in beef. The major effects observed in sugar-related substances were the dephosphorylation of the phosphates of glucose, fructose and mannose, to yield their free sugars, as well as the breakdown of inosine 5'-monophosphate, to give a sixfold increase in ribose. Total reducing sugars increased by only 15% during conditioning, while glycogen levels remained unchanged from 2 days post-slaughter. Free amino acids increased during conditioning, particularly between days 7 and 14. Phenylalanine, methionine, lysine, leucine and isoleucine were the amino acids showing the greatest increase with conditioning time, with methionine, in particular, showing a sevenfold increase during the conditioning period. The effects of these precursor changes on cooked beef flavour are discussed. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aroma compounds were extracted from three cultivars of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) by solid-phase microextraction and analysed by gas chromatography-mass-spectrometry. Sulfur-containing esters and compounds containing a straight six-carbon chain were present at high concentrations in cantaloupe melons. Compounds containing a straight nine-carbon chain were at high concentrations in honeydew melons. Methyl esters were present at the highest levels in Galia melons. The sensory properties of the three melons were also compared. Cantaloupe melons were associated with sweet, floral and fruity aromas and a persistent aftertaste. Galia melons possessed the strongest cucumber-like flavours, while cucumber aroma and sweet flavour scored highly in honeydew melons. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aroma volatiles of four cultivars of muskmelon were examined using solid phase microextraction, followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The melons studied were Galia, from the reticulatus group, cantaloupe, from the cantaloupensis group, and honeydew and Piel de Sapo, from the inodorus group. Quantitative and qualitative differences existed between all four cultivars. Possible pathways for the formation of volatile compounds in melons are discussed.
Cationic swede and anionic turnip peroxidases were partially purified by ion-exchange and gel-filtration chromatography, respectively. Heat treatment of these enzymes and of a commercial high purity horseradish peroxidase (HRP) caused a loss of enzyme activity and a corresponding increase in linoleic acid hydroperoxide formation activity. The hydroperoxide levels in model systems increased only in the early stages of the oxidation reaction and then declined as degradation became more significant. The presence of a dialysed blend of cooked swede markedly lowered the hydroperoxide level formed. Analysis of volatile compounds formed showed that hexanal predominated in a buffer system and in a blend of cooked turnip. In dialysed blends of cooked swede, hexanol was the primary volatile compound generated. After inactivation under mild conditions in the presence of EDTA, the peroxidases showed hydroperoxide formation activity and patterns of volatile compounds from linoleic acid that were similar to those found on heat-inactivation. This suggested that calcium abstraction from the peroxidases was critical for the enhancement of lipid oxidation activity. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selected water-soluble precursors, including sugars, free amino acids and nucleotides, were quantified in raw and cooked goat meat, as a part of a study which the main aim was to better understand the aroma formation in goat meat. When compared with the same precursors in beef, lamb and chicken, levels in goat meat were generally similar, except for fructose and glycine, which were present at higher concentrations in goat meat. Fructose, glucose, IMP, and cysteine suffered the greatest losses during the cooking process and seem to be most involved in aroma formation in goat meat. The effects of these precursor changes on the volatile compound composition and formation process of them on cooked goat meat are discussed.
BACKGROUND: Enriching poultry meat with long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFA) can increase low population intakes of LC n-3 PUFA, but fishy taints can spoil reheated meat. This experiment determined the effect of different amounts of LC n-3 PUFA and vitamin E in the broiler diet on the fatty acid composition and sensory characteristics of the breast meat. Ross 308 broilers (120) were randomly allocated to one of five treatments from 21 to 42 days of age. Diets contained (g kg−1) 0, 9 or 18 LC n-3 PUFA (0LC, 9LC, 18LC), and 100, 150 or 200 mg LD--tocopherol acetate kg−1 (E). The five diets were 0LC100E, 9LC100E, 18LC100E, 18LC150E, 18LC200E, with four pens per diet, except 18LC100E (eight pens). Breast meat was analysed for fatty acids (uncooked) and sensory analysis by R-index (reheated). RESULTS: LC n-3 PUFA content (mg kg−1 meat) was 514 (0LC100E) and 2236 (9LC and 18LC). Compared with 0LC100E, meat from 18LC100E and 18LC150E tasted significantly different, while 23% of panellists detected fishy taints in 9LC100E and 18LC200E. CONCLUSION: Chicken meat can be enriched with nutritionally meaningful amounts of LC n-3 PUFA, but > 100 mg dl--tocopherol acetate kg−1 broiler diet is needed to protect reheated meat from oxidative deterioration. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry
Flavour enhancers are of great importance to the food industry and the consumer, in terms of achieving strong, balanced and preferred product flavour. The understanding and use of flavour enhancers can help to avoid excessive use of individual ingredients such as salt or specific character impact flavours. This chapter first discusses savoury flavour enhancement through the use of ingredients rich in amino acids and 5’nucleotides. It later includes the potential role of peptides and Maillard derived compounds. The role of volatile flavour compounds in the enhancement of salt and sweet taste is also discussed.