71 resultados para Flavone


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Seven structure analogical flavonoid aglycones have been analyzed using electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn) in the negative-ion mode. The spectra obtained ESI-MSn allowed us to propose plausible schemes for their fragmentation mechanism. By analyzing the product ions spectra of deprotonated molecule ions [M-H](-), some neutral diagnostic losses and specific retro Diels-Alder fragments were obtained. By using all of these characteristic fragment ions we can specially differentiate the flavone isomer.


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Fragmentation pathways of nine flavone compounds have been studied by using electrospray ionization multi-stage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn). Analyzing the product ion spectra of flavonoids and aglycones, we observed some diagnostic neutral losses, such as *CH3, H2O, residue of glucose and gluconic acid, which are very useful for the identification of the functional groups in the structures. Furthermore, specific retro Diels-Alder (RDA) fragments for flavones with different hydroxyl substitution have also been discussed. The information is helpful for the rapid identification of the location site of hydroxyl substitution on flavones. Fragmentation pathways of C-glycosidic flavonoid have also been discussed using ESI-MSn, demonstrating ions [M-H-60](-), [M-H-90](-), [M-H-120](-) are characteristic ions of C-glycosidic flavonoid. According to the fragmentation mechanism of mass spectrometry and HPLC-MS data, the structures of seven flavones in Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi have been identified on-line without time-consuming isolation. The HPLC-ESI-MSn method for analyzing constituents in the Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi has been established.


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Seven ethnobotanically selected medicinal plants were screened for their antimycobacterial activity. The mininium inhibitory concentration (MIC) of four plants namely Artemisia afra, Dodonea angustifolia, Drosera capensis and Galenia africana ranged from 0.781 to 6.25 mg/mL against Mycobacterium smegmatis. G. africana showed the best activity exhibiting an MIC of 0.78 mg/mL and a minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of 1.56 mg/mL. The MICs of ethanol extracts of A angustifolia and G. africana against M. tuberculosis were found to be 5.0 and 1.2 mg/mL respectively. The mammalian cytotoxicity IC50 value of the most active antimycobacterial extract, from G. africana, was found to be 101.3 mu g/mL against monkey kidney Vero cells. Since the ethanol G. africana displayed the best antimycobacterial activity, it was subjected to fractionation which led to the isolation of a flavone, 5,7,2'-trihydroxyflavone. The MIC of this compound was found to be 0.031 mg/mL against M. smegmatis and 0.10 mg/mL against M. tuberculosis. This study gives some scientific basis to the 14 traditional use of these plants for TB-related symptoms. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Estrogens, such as 17β-estradiol (E2) are essential for normal growth and differentiation of the mammary gland. There are two estrogen receptors (ERs), ERα and ERβ which are ligand activated transcription factors. ERα stimulates proliferation and is the single most powerful predictor of breast cancer prognosis and since 70% of breast cancers express ERα, strategies to block this receptor are the primary breast cancer treatment. Unlike ERα, the role of ERβ in breast cancer and its potential as alternative therapeutic target remains controversial, mainly due to the lack of correlation between results obtained in vitro and epidemiological studies. The aim of this thesis was to increase our understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of estrogen signaling in normal and cancerous cells, in different cellular contexts and with focus on ERβ. In Paper I we characterized the effect of the flavone PD098059 - which is a commonly used MEK1 inhibitor - on activation of transcription by ERα and ERβ. We found that the estrogenic effect of PD098059 is dose dependent in concentrations ranging from 1 – 10 μM and that activation of transcription by ER is suppressed by the inhibitory effect of PD98059 on MEK1 at concentrations above 50 μM. In agreement with its flavone nature, PD098059 had a much stronger effect on ERβ than on ERα transcriptional activity. Therefore, use of this compound for the study of signalling events in cells expressing ER should be carefully considered. In Paper II we assessed the effect of ERβ agonists in vivo and administered under different conditions in vitro. In basal conditions, ERβ induced apoptosis; however, in vivo ERβ agonists stimulated proliferation and inhibited apoptosis. In vivo effects were reproduced in culture, by activation of MAPK/ERK½ pathway with epidermal growth factor or basement membrane extract. In addition, insulin signalling and PI3-K/AKT activation was necessary for stimulation of proliferation. These results suggest that the cellular context modulates ERβ activity. Manuscript presents preliminary work aimed at the set-up of a methodological strategy to isolate ERs and to identify interacting proteins in different cellular contexts and which could modulate the bi-phased effects of ERβ in cell growth. In conclusion, the studies presented in this thesis contribute to clarify the apparent contradictory information regarding ERβ function in normal and cancerous mammary epithelium and suggest that the cellular context should be considered when ERβ effects are studied.


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Total phenol, hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, flavone/flavonol and flavanones/dihydroflavonol contents of hydro-alcoholic extracts, obtained by sonication, from the aerial parts of Artemisia campestris L., Anthemis arvensis L., Haloxylon scoparium Pomel, Juniperus phoenicea L., Arbutus unedo L., Cytisus monspessulanus L., Thymus algeriensis Boiss et Reut, Zizyphus lotus L (Desf.) collected in Djebel Amour (Sahara Atlas, Algeria) were quantified by spectrophotometric methods. The chemical composition of the essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from Artemisia campestris L. and Juniperus phoenicea I aerial parts were also evaluated by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The antioxidant activity of the extracts and essential oils was assessed measuring the capacity for preventing lipid peroxidation using two lipidic substrates (egg yolk and liposomes), the capacity for scavenging DPPH, ABTS, superoxide anion radicals, hydroxyl radicals and peroxyl radicals. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by measuring the capacity for inhibiting lipoxygenase. Reducing power and chelating capacity were also assayed. The results showed different amounts of total phenols depending on the method used: A. campestris extract had the highest levels of total phenols when the measurement was made at lambda = 280 nm, whereas H. scoparium and A. unedo extracts showed the highest levels of total phenols with Folin-Ciocalteau. C. monspessulanus had the highest levels of flavones/flavonols and flavanones/dihydroflavonols. The essential oils of A. campestris and J. phoenicea were mainly constituted by alpha-pinene, beta-pinene and sabinene; and a-pinene, respectively. The methods used for assaying the capacity for preventing lipid peroxidation revealed to be inadequate for extracts due to the great interferences detected. The essential oils were more active than the generality of extracts for scavenging peroxyl radicals and for inhibiting lipoxygenase, whereas A. unedo extract was the most active for scavenging ABTS, DPPH, superoxide anion radicals and it also had the best reducing capacity. In a general way, the great majority of the antioxidant activities correlated well with the phenol content although such correlation was not so clear with the flavonoid content. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ce mémoire présente mes travaux ayant menés au développement d’une première génération de radioligands marqués au fluor-18 (t1/2 = 110 min) et au carbone-11 (t1/2 = 20.4 min) destinés à l’imagerie cérébrale in vivo du récepteur tyrosine kinase neurotrophique de type 2 (TrkB) en tomographie par émission de positons (TEP). Ces travaux reposent sur l’identification récente de ligands de TrkB non peptidiques à hautes affinités dérivés du 7,8-dihydroxyflavone. La synthèse d’une série de dérivés du 7,8-dihydroxyflavone non-radioactifs de même que des précuseurs à l’incorporation du fluro-18 et du carbone-11 a d’abord été effectuée. Partant des précurseurs adéquats synthétisés, la radiosynthèse de deux radioligands, l’un marqué au fluor-18 et l’autre au carbone-11, a été développée. Ces radiosynthèses reposent respectivement sur une 18F-radiofluorination nucléophile aromatique nouvelle et hautement efficace et sur une 11C-méthylation N-sélective. Les radiotraceurs de TrkB ainsi obtenus ont ensuite été évalués in vitro en autoradiographie et in vivo en tant que traceurs TEP dans des rats. L’évaluation des propriétés physico-chimique de même que de la stabilité in vitro des radiotraceurs sont présentées. Partant d’une série d’analogues cristallisés de ces flavones synthétiques, une étude de relation structure-activité a été menée. La combinaison de cette étude, de pair avec l’évaluation in vivo de la première génération de radiotraceurs de TrkB a aussi permis d’investiguer les pharmacophores nécessaires à l’affinité de ces ligands de même que d’identifier des fragments structurels associés au métabolisme des radiotraceurs. La radiosynthèse d’un troisième radioligand de TrkB et son évaluation TEP in vivo de même que la mise en lumière des modifications structurelles utiles au développement d’une seconde génération de radioligands de TrkB avec des propriétés optimisées pour fin d’imagerie TEP sont aussi détaillés.


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A flavonoid survey was carried out on 45 taxa from the genera Shorea, Hopea, Parashorea, Neobalanocarpus, and Dryobalanops of the tribe Shoreae in the Dipterocarpaceae. The study showed significant chemotaxonomic differences in leaf flavonoid aglycone patterns and the presence of tannins in these taxa. The flavonoid patterns are useful in the delimitation of some taxa. For example, the genus Parashorea is distinguished by the universal presence of kaempferol 3-methyl ether, and the monotypic genus Neobalanocarpus is unique in not producing ellagic and gallo tannins. The presence of chalcones and flavone C-glycosides supports the separation of the genus Hopea into two sections, section Dryobalanoides and section Hopea in Ashton's classification, which is based on the type of venation. The flavonoid distributions in this study show that they can be very useful for differentiating between the Balau group in the genus Shorea, and some scaly barked Hopea species, particularly H. helferi (lintah bukit), H. nutans (giam), and H. ferrea (malut). (C) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.


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Leaves of 14 species of Ficus growing in the Budongo Forest, Uganda, were analysed for vacuolar flavonoids. Three to six accessions were studied for each species to see whether there was intraspecific chemical variation. Thirty-nine phenolic compounds were identified or characterised, including 14 flavonol O-glycosides, six flavone O-glycosides and 15 flavone C-glycosides. In some species the flavonoid glycosides were acylated. Ficus thonningii contained in addition four stilbenes including glycosides. Most of the species could be distinguished from each other on the basis of their flavonoid profiles, apart from Ficus sansibarica and Ficus saussureana, which showed a very strong intraspecific variation. However, on the whole flavonoid profiles were sufficiently distinct to help in future identifications.


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Four European Pulicaria species, P. odora, P. paludosa, P. sicula and P. vulgare, were analysed for their surface and vacuolar constituents for comparison with previous data obtained for P. dysenterica. Each species had a distinct flavonoid pattern with notable differences between leaf and inflorescence. 6-Hydroxyflavonols were the major lipophilic components in all of the species and tissues except in the leaves of P. paludosa and P. vulgare, where scutellarein 6-methyl ether was the main constituent. In the leaves of P. sicula a more unusual flavone, 6-hydroxyluteolin 5,6,7,3′,4′-pentamethyl ether, was a major component. Pulicaria odora was distinguished by the presence of a series of methylated 6-hydroxykaempferol derivatives including a 3,5,6,7,4′-pentamethyl ether. Quercetagetin hexamethyl ether occurred in both tissues of P. sicula together with the 3,7,3,4′-tetra methyl ether and other quercetagetin derivatives, which were 5-methylated. Quercetagetin 3,7,3′-methyl ether was present in all species except P. odora. Flavonol glucuronides were characteristic vacuolar constituents of all the taxa studied. Two rare glycosides, patuletin and 6-hydroxykaempferol 6-methyl ether 7-glucuronides were identified in the inflorescence of P. odora. Pulicaria vulgaris, a rare plant of southern England, had the vacuolar flavonoid profile most similar to the other more abundant British plant, P. dysenterica.


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A flavonoid survey was carried out on 45 taxa from the genera Shorea, Hopea, Parashorea, Neobalanocarpus, and Dryobalanops of the tribe Shoreae in the Dipterocarpaceae. The study showed significant chemotaxonomic differences in leaf flavonoid aglycone patterns and the presence of tannins in these taxa. The flavonoid patterns are useful in the delimitation of some taxa. For example, the genus Parashorea is distinguished by the universal presence of kaempferol 3-methyl ether, and the monotypic genus Neobalanocarpus is unique in not producing ellagic and gallo tannins. The presence of chalcones and flavone C-glycosides supports the separation of the genus Hopea into two sections, section Dryobalanoides and section Hopea in Ashton's classification, which is based on the type of venation. The flavonoid distributions in this study show that they can be very useful for differentiating between the Balau group in the genus Shorea, and some scaly barked Hopea species, particularly H. helferi (lintah bukit), H. nutans (giam), and H. ferrea (malut). (C) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.


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BACKGROUND: Chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of a sample of red propolis from the state of Alagoas (northeast Brazil) were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities were also obtained. RESULTS: The propolis sample contained low content of narigenin-8-C-hexoside, this being the first report of a C-glycoside in propolis. The main constituent found was characterized as 3,4,2`,3`-tetrahydroxychalcone. Other important constituents were the chalcone isoliquiritigenin, the isoflavans (3S)-vestitol, (3S)-7-O-methylvestitol, the pterocarpan medicarpin, the phenylpropenes trans-anethol, methyl eugenol, elimicin, methoxyeugenol and cis-asarone, and the triterpenic alcohols lupeol and alpha- and beta- amyrins. The methanol extract exhibited high antioxidant activities by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and beta-carotene/linoleic acid assay methods, and antimicrobial activity toward Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. CONCLUSION: Structures are suggested for new substances never before seen in any kind of propolis. This is the first report of 3,4,2`,3`-tetrahydroxychalcone and a flavone C-glycoside in a propolis sample. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry


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Antioxidant potential is generally investigated by assaying the ability of a compound to protect biological systems from free radicals. However, non-radical reactive oxygen species can also be harmful. Singlet molecular oxygen ((1)O(2)) is generated by energy transfer to molecular oxygen. The resulting (1)O(2) is able to oxidize the nucleoside 2`-deoxyguanosine (dGuo), which leads to the formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2`-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) and spiroiminodihydantoin 2`-deoxyribonucleoside diastereomers (dSp) in an aqueous solution. The main objective of the present study was to verify whether the presence of flavonoids (flavone, apigenin, quercetin, morin and catechin) at different concentrations could protect dGuo from (1)O(2) damage. Of the tested flavonoids, flavone possessed antioxidant activity, as determined by a decrease in the formation of both products. Apigenin, morin, quercetin and catechin all increased the formation of 8-oxodGuo at a concentration of 100 mu M. The quantification of plasmid strand breaks after treatment with formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase showed that flavone protected and quercetin and catechin enhanced DNA oxidation. Our results show that compounds, such as flavonoids, may affect the product distribution of (1)O(2)-mediated oxidation of dGuo, and, in particular, high concentrations of flavonoids with hydroxyl groups in their structure lead to an increase in the formation of the mutagenic lesion 8-oxodGuo. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The trypanocidal activity of crude extracts and fractions from the leaves and stems of Peperomia obtusifolia (Piperaceae) was evaluated in vitro against the epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi. Bioactivity-guided fractionation of the most active extracts afforded seven known compounds, including three chromanes, two furofuran lignans and two flavone C-diglycosides. The most active compounds were the chromanes peperobtusin A and 3,4-dihydro-5-hydroxy-2,7-dimethyl-8-(2 ``-methyl-2 ``-butenyl)-2-(4`-methyl-1`,3`-pentadienyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-6-carboxylic acid, with IC(50) values of 3.1 mu M (almost three times more active than the positive control benznidazole, IC(50) 10.4 mu M) and 27.0 mu M, respectively. Cytotoxicity assays using peritoneal murine macrophages indicated that the chromanes were not toxic at the level of the IC(50) for trypanocidal activity. This is the first report on the trypanocidal activity besides unspecific cytotoxicity of chromanes from Peperomia species. Additionally it represents the first time isolation of 3,4-dihydro5-hydroxy-2,7-dimethyl-8-(2 ``-methyl-2 ``-butenyl)-2-(4`-methyl-1`,3`-pentadienyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-6-carboxylic acid from P. obtusifolia.


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A phytochemical investigation of the leaves and stems of Peperomia obtusifolia (Piperaceae) yielded a new flavone C-diglycoside isoswertisin-4`-methyl-ether-2 ``alpha-L-rhamnoside (1), along with four known compounds: isoswertisin-2 ``alpha-L-rhamnoside (2), (+)-diayangambin (3), 2-episesalatin (4) and corchoionoside C (5). The structures of the two flavone C-diglycosides (1, 2) were elucidated on the basis of 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy and MS spectrometric data. These flavones were evaluated by bioautographic assay against Cladosporium cladosporioides and C. sphaerospermum and showed weak antifungal activity.


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The promise of cancer immunotherapy is that it will not only eradicate primary tumors but will generate systemic antitumor immunity capable of destroying distant metastases. A major problem that must first be surmounted relates to the immune resistance of large tumors. Here we reveal that immune resistance can be overcome by combining immunotherapy with a concerted attack on the tumor vasculature. The functionally related antitumor drugs 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid (DMXAA) and flavone acetic acid (FAA), which cause tumor vasculature collapse and tumor necrosis, were used to attack the tumor vasculature, whereas the T-cell costimulator B7.1 (CD80), which costimulates T-cell proliferation via the CD28 pathway, was used to stimulate antitumor immunity. The injection of cDNA (60–180 µg) encoding B7.1 into large EL-4 tumors (0.8 cm in diameter) established in C57BL/6 mice, followed 24 h later by i.p. administration of either DMXAA (25 mg/kg) or FAA (300 mg/kg), resulted in complete tumor eradication within 2–6 weeks. In contrast, monotherapies were ineffective. Both vascular attack and B7.1 immunotherapy led to up-regulation of heat shock protein 70 on stressed and dying tumor cells, potentially augmenting immunotherapy. Remarkably, large tumors took on the appearance of a wound that rapidly ameliorated, leaving perfectly healed skin. Combined therapy was mediated by CD8+ T cells and natural killer cells, accompanied by heightened and prolonged antitumor cytolytic activity (P < 0.001), and by a marked increase in tumor cell apoptosis. Cured animals completely rejected a challenge of 1 x 107 parental EL-4 tumor cells but not a challenge of 1 x 104 Lewis lung carcinoma cells, demonstrating that antitumor immunity was tumor specific. Adoptive transfer of 2 x 108 splenocytes from treated mice into recipients bearing established (0.8 cm in diameter) tumors resulted in rapid and complete tumor rejection within 3 weeks. Although DMXAA and B7.1 monotherapies are complicated by a narrow range of effective doses, combined therapy was less dosage dependent. Thus, a broad range of amounts of B7.1 cDNA were effective in combination with 25 mg/kg DMXAA. In contrast, DMXAA, which has a very narrow range of high active doses, was effective at a low dose (18 mg/kg) when administered with a large amount (180 µg) of B7.1 cDNA. Importantly, combinational therapy generated heightened antitumor immunity, such that gene transfer of B7.1 into one tumor, followed by systemic DMXAA treatment, led to the complete rejection of multiple untreated tumor nodules established in the opposing flank. These findings have important implications for the future direction and utility of cancer immunotherapies aimed at harnessing patients’ immune responses to their own tumors.