930 resultados para Fish chromosome
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Cross-species fluorescence in-situ hybridization (Zoo-FISH) was performed on cattle metaphase spreads using Homo sapiens X chromosome (HSAX) painting probes specific for the p- and q-arms to identify the cytogenetic location of a chromosome breakpoint between HSAX and the Bos taurus X chromosome (BTAX). The existence of a breakpoint is strongly suggested by recent radiation hybrid and FISH mapping results. Hybridization probes were generated by microdissection of HSAX p- and q-arms using the contact-free technology of Laser Microdissection and Pressure Catapulting (LMPC), amplification of the isolated chromosome material by DOP-PCR, and labelling of the PCR products with digoxigenin in a secondary PCR. Independent Zoo-FISH of the two painting probes on bovine metaphase chromosomes (detected by antidigoxigenin-fluorescein) resulted in clear hybridization signals on BTAX. A breakpoint was identified between HSAXp and HSAXq on BTAX, and narrowed down between the G-bands BTAXq25 and BTAXq26. The assumed centromere transposition between HSAX and BTAX associated with the rearranged chromosome segments is supported by cytogenetic assignments of the genes BGN and G6PD to BTAX.
Cytotoxicity of metals is important because some metals are potential mutagens able to induce tumors in humans and experimental animals. Chromium can damage DNA in several ways, including DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) which generate chromosomal aberrations, micronucleus formation, sister chromatid exchange, formation of DNA adducts and alterations in DNA replication and transcription. In our study, water samples from three sites in the Córrego dos Bagres stream in the Franca municipality of the Brazilian state of São Paulo were subjected to the comet assay and micronucleus test using erythrocytes from the fish Oreochromis niloticus. Nuclear abnormalities of the erythrocytes included blebbed, notched and lobed nuclei, probably due to genotoxic chromium compounds. The greatest comet assay damage occurred with water from a chromium-containing tannery effluent discharge site, supporting the hypothesis that chromium residues can be genotoxic. The mutagenicity of the water samples was assessed using the onion root-tip cell assay, the most frequent chromosomal abnormalities observed being: c-metaphases, stick chromosome, chromosome breaks and losses, bridged anaphases, multipolar anaphases, and micronucleated and binucleated cells. Onion root-tip cell mutagenicity was highest for water samples containing the highest levels of chromium.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In order to study the divergence of teleost sex chromosomes, subtractive cloning was carried out between genomic DNA of males and females of the rainbow trout (XX/XY) and of Leporinus elongatus (ZW/ZZ). Inserts cloned in a plasmid vector were individually tested on Southern blots of DNA of males and females for sex specificity. No sex-specific insert was obtained from trout, but two out of ten inserts cloned from L. elongatus showed sex-specific patterns in this species: one corresponds to a sequence present on both Z and W chromosomes, while the other is W specific. Sequences of these two inserts show neither clear homology with other known sequences, nor an open reading frame. They cross-hybridize with the genomic DNA of Leporinus friderici, but without sex-specific patterns. Twenty-four L. elongatus adults were sexed by gonadal observation, chromosomed examination and Southern hybridization with one or the other insert. Ten males and 11 females had chromosomes and hybridization patterns typical of their sex. One ZW female was recognized as a male with the W-specific probe. This was also the case for two unusual ZW males, one having a male hybridization pattern with the other probe. These three atypical individuals may result from single genetic exchanges between four regions of the Z and the W, giving rise to three atypical W chromosomes. Finding males with such atypical heterochromosomes in a female heterogametic species may indicate that a gradual transition occurs between the heterogametic systems.
The genus Erythrinus belongs to the family Erythrinidae, a neotropical fish group. This genus contains only two described species, Erythrinus erythrinus being the most widely distributed in South America. Six samples of this species from five distinct Brazilian localities and one from Argentina were studied cytogenetically. Four groups were identified on the basis of their chromosomal features. Group A comprises three samples, all with 2n = 54 chromosomes, a very similar karyotypic structure, and the absence of chromosome differentiation between males and females. One sample bears up to four supernumerary microchromosomes, which look like 'double minute chromosomes' in appearance. Groups B - D comprise the three remaining samples, all sharing an X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y sex chromosome system. Group B shows 2n = 54/53 chromosomes in females and males, respectively, and also shows up to three supernumerary microchromosomes. Groups C and D show 2n = 52/51 chromosomes in females and males, respectively, but differ in the number of metacentric, subtelocentric, and acrocentric chromosomes. In these three groups ( B - D), the Y is a metacentric chromosome clearly identified as the largest in the complement. The present results offer clear evidence that local samples of E. erythrinus retain exclusive and fixed chromosomal features, indicating that this species may represent a species complex.
The neotropical freshwater fish species Prochilodus lineatus (Pisces, Prochilodontidae) shows 2n = 54 chromosomes plus supernumerary microchromosomes ranging in number from zero to seven among different animals. The transmission rates of B chromosomes were studied by the analysis of the parental and F1 generations in 10 controlled crosses performed with specimens from a natural population. The mean transmission rate observed for B chromosomes (k(B) = 0.511) was consistent with that expected from a regular meiotic behaviour orbs in both sexes and with the theoretical value under a Mendelian mode of transmission (0.5). Possible explanations for the dramatic increase in B frequency observed in this population during the last 10 years are discussed, bearing in mind the current absence of drive.
Gymnotus (Gymnotiformes, Gymnotidae) is the most diverse known Neotropical electric knife fish genus. Cytogenetic studies in Gymnotus demonstrate a huge karyotypic diversity for this genus, with diploid numbers ranging from 34 to 54. The NOR are also variable in this genus, with both single and multiple NORs described. A common interpretation is that the single NOR pair is a primitive trait while multiple NORs are derivative. However this hypothesis has never been fully tested. In this report we checked if the NOR-bearing chromosome and the rDNA site are homeologous in different species of the genus Gymnotus: G. carapo (2n = 40, 42, 54), G. mamiraua (2n = 54), G. arapaima (2n = 44), G. sylvius (2n = 40), G. inaequilabiatus (2n = 54) and G. capanema (2n = 34), from the monophyletic group G. carapo (Gymnotidae-Gymnotiformes), as well as G. jonasi (2n = 52), belonging to the G1 group. They were analyzed with Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using 18S rDNA and whole chromosome probes of the NOR-bearing chromosome 20 (GCA20) of G. carapo (cytotype 2n = 42), obtained by Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting. All species of the monophyletic G. carapo group show the NOR in the same single pair, confirmed by hybridization with CGA20 whole chromosome probe. In G. jonasi the NORs are multiple, and located on pairs 9, 10 and 11. In G. jonasi the GCA20 chromosome probe paints the distal half of the long arm of pair 7, which is not a NOR-bearing chromosome. Thus these rDNA sequences are not always in the homeologous chromosomes in different species thus giving no support to the hypothesis that single NOR pairs are primitive traits while multiple NORs are derived. The separation of groups of species in the genus Gymnotus proposed by phylogenies with morphologic and molecular data is supported by our cytogenetic data. © 2013 Milhomem et al.