813 resultados para Fish Danio-aequipinnatus


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The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has been used as a model in neuroscience but knowledge about its behavior is limited. The aim of this study was to determine the preference of this fish species for a dark or light environment. Initially we used a place preference test and in a second experiment we applied an exit latency test. A two-chamber aquarium was used for the preference test. The aquarium consisted of a black chamber and a white chamber. In the first experiment the animal was placed in the aquarium and the time spent in the two compartments was recorded for 10 min. More time was spent in the black compartment (Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test, T = 7, N1 = N2 = 18, P = 0.0001). In the second experiment the animal was placed in the black or white compartment and the time it took to go from the initial compartment to the opposite one was recorded. The test lasted a maximum of 10 min. The results showed that the animal spent more time to go from the black to the white compartment (Mann-Whitney rank sum test, T = 48, N1 = 9, N2 = 8, P<0.0230). These data suggest that this fish species has a natural preference for a dark environment and this characteristic can be very useful for the development of new behavioral paradigms for fish.


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Methylmercury is a known neurotoxic organometal which affects visual functions and few studies concerns to wild fish are available. The autometallography mercury distribution in the retina of Danio rerio was mapped using light and electron microscopy. Abundant mercury deposits were found in the photoreceptor layer (outer and inner segments of the photoreceptors) and in the inner and outer nuclear layers. Occasionally, the presence of mercury deposits in plexiform layers was observed and very rarely in the ganglion cell layer. Also the occurrence of mercury deposits in cells from the disc region was observed, but not in the nerve fiber layer. An interesting difference was found between mercury accumulation in the central and peripheral regions of the retina. These results demonstrate that mercury after trophic exposure to Danio rerio is able to cross the blood-retina barrier and accumulate in the cells of the retina even under subchronic exposure. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Methomyl (Lannate®) is an insecticide from the carbamate group, frequently used in pest control in various types of crops. This compound works inhibiting the activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. The use of physicochemical and ecotoxicological analysis is the most efficient strategy for the correct characterization and control of residues of metomil. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the acute toxicity of methomyl in 96 hours of exposure and, through a sublethal assay of 5 hours, to assess its effect on the activity of acetylcholinesterase present in brain and squeletic dorsal muscle of the Danio rerio fish. The results showed that the LC50-96 found to D. rerio was 3.4 mg/L and it was found through the average of four definitive tests. In vitro assays were used to test the inhibitory action of methomyl directly over soluble AChE, extracted from the squeletic dorsal muscle, with maximum inhibition of 68.57% to the insecticide concentrations of 0.2 mg/L. In sublethal tests with D. rerio, inhibitory effect of methomyl was found over the soluble form of AChE in the squeletic dorsal muscle, both in one and five hours of fish exposure to the insecticide. In both period, the average values of inhibition were around 61%. In the same condition, no significant inhibitory effect of methomyl soluble and membrane AChE of the D. rerio was observed in the 0.42, 0.85, 1.70 and 2.50 mg/L concentrations and in both times of fish exposure


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Ornamental fish may be severely affected by a stressful environment. Stressors impair the immune response, reproduction and growth rate; thus, the identification of possible stressors will aid to improve the overall quality of ornamental fish. The aim of this study was to determine whole-body cortisol of adult zebrafish, Danio rerio, following visual or direct contact with a predator species. Zebrafish were distributed in three groups: the first group, which consisted of zebrafish reared completely isolated of the predator, was considered the negative control; the second group, in which the predator, Parachromis managuensis was stocked together with zebrafish, was considered the positive control; the third group consisted of zebrafish stocked in a glass aquarium, with direct visual contact with the predator. The mean whole-body cortisol concentration in zebrafish from the negative control was 6.78 +/- 1.12 ng g(-1), a concentration statistically lower than that found in zebrafish having visual contact with the predator (9.26 +/- 0.88 ng g(-1)) which, in turn, was statistically lower than the mean whole-body cortisol of the positive control group (12.35 +/- 1.59 ng g(-1)). The higher whole-body cortisol concentration found in fish from the positive control can be attributed to the detection, by the zebrafish, of relevant risk situations that may involve a combination of chemical, olfactory and visual cues. One of the functions of elevated cortisol is to mobilize energy from body resources to cope with stress. The elevation of whole-body cortisol in fish subjected to visual contact with the predator involves only the visual cue in the recognition of predation risk. We hypothesized that the zebrafish could recognize predator characteristics in P managuensis, such as length, shape, color and behavior. Nonetheless, the elevation of whole-body cortisol in zebrafish suggested that the visual contact of the predator may elicit a stress response in prey fish. This assertion has a strong practical application concerning the species distribution in ornamental fish markets in which prey species should not be allowed to see predator species. Minimizing visual contact between prey and predator fish may improve the quality, viability and welfare of small fish in ornamental fish markets. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have determined the structure of the fatty acid-binding protein 6 (fabp6) gene and the tissue-specific distribution of its transcripts in embryos, larvae and adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). Like most members of the vertebrate FABP multigene family, the zebrafish fabp6 gene contains four exons separated by three introns. The coding region of the gene and expressed sequence tags code for a polypeptide of 131 amino acids (14 kDa, pI 6.59). The putative zebrafish Fabp6 protein shared greatest sequence identity with human FABP6 (55.3%) compared to other orthologous mammalian FABPs and paralogous zebrafish Fabps. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the zebrafish Fabp6 formed a distinct clade with the mammalian FABP6s. The zebrafish fabp6 gene was assigned to linkage group (chromosome) 21 by radiation hybrid mapping. Conserved gene synteny was evident between the zebrafish fabp6 gene on chromosome 21 and the FABP6/Fabp6 genes on human chromosome 5, rat chromosome 10 and mouse chromosome 11. Zebrafish fabp6 transcripts were first detected in the distal region of the intestine of embryos at 72 h postfertilization. This spatial distribution remained constant to 7-day-old larvae, the last stage assayed during larval development. In adult zebrafish, fabp6 transcripts were detected by RT-PCR in RNA extracted from liver, heart, intestine, ovary and kidney (most likely adrenal tissue), but not in RNA from skin, brain, gill, eye or muscle. In situ hybridization of a fabp6 riboprobe to adult zebrafish sections revealed intense hybridization signals in the adrenal homolog of the kidney and the distal region of the intestine, and to a lesser extent in ovary and liver, a transcript distribution that is similar, but not identical, to that seen for the mammalian FABP6/Fabp6 gene. © 2008 The Authors.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Abamectin is used as an acaricide and insecticide for fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants, as well as a parasiticide for animals. One of the major problems of applying pesticides to crops is the likelihood of contaminating aquatic ecosystems by drift or runoff. Therefore, toxicity tests in the laboratory are important tools to predict the effects of chemical substances in aquatic ecosystems. The aim of this study was to assess the potential hazards of abamectin to the freshwater biota and consequently the possible losses of ecological services in contaminated water bodies. For this purpose, we identified the toxicity of abamectin on daphnids, insects and fish. Abamectin was highly toxic, with an EC50 48 h for Daphnia similis of 5.1 ng L-1, LC50 96 h for Chironomus xanthus of 2.67 mu g L-1 and LC50 48 h for Danio rerio of 33 mu g L-1. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Information about the welfare and husbandry of pet and laboratory fish is scarce although millions of fish are sold in pet shops and used in laboratory research every year. Inadequate housing conditions can cause behavioural problems also in fish since they are complex animals with sophisticated behaviour. In this study, we investigated the influence of environmental complexity on compartment preference and behaviour in zebrafish (Danio rerio) and checker barbs (Puntius oligolepis). For the preference test, large aquaria were divided by two semi-transparent walls of Plexiglas into an empty compartment, a structured compartment enriched with plants and clay pots, and a smaller compartment in-between, where food was provided. For observation, the empty and structured compartments were divided into six zones of similar size by defining three vertical layers and two horizontal areas (back vs. front area). Seven groups of six to nine zebrafish and seven groups of seven or eight checker barbs were observed on four days each (within a time period of ten days) to assess compartment use and activity, and to assess behavioural diversity and use of zones within compartments. Both zebrafish and checker barbs showed a significant preference for the structured compartment. Nevertheless, in neither species did behavioural diversity differ between the empty and structured compartment. Zebrafish used all zones in both compartments to the same extent. Checker barbs, however, used the structured compartment more evenly than the empty compartment, where they mainly used the lower and middle zones. These results suggest that zebrafish and checker barbs have a preference for complex environments. Furthermore, they indicate that the behavioural and ecological needs of fish may vary depending on species, and recommendations for husbandry should be specified at species level. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Partial or full life-cycle tests are needed to assess the potential of endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) to adversely affect development and reproduction of fish. Small fish species such as zebrafish, Danio rerio, are under consideration as model organisms for appropriate test protocols. The present study examines how reproductive effects resulting from exposure of zebrafish to the synthetic estrogen 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) vary with concentration (0.05 to 10 ng EE2 L(-1), nominal), and with timing/duration of exposure (partial life-cycle, full life-cycle, and two-generation exposure). Partial life-cycle exposure of the parental (F1) generation until completion of gonad differentiation (0-75 d postfertilization, dpf) impaired juvenile growth, time to sexual maturity, adult fecundity (egg production/female/day), and adult fertilization success at 1.1 ng EE2 L(-1) and higher. Lifelong exposure of the F1 generation until 177 dpf resulted in lowest observed effect concentrations (LOECs) for time to sexual maturity, fecundity, and fertilization success identical to those of the developmental test (0-75 dpf), but the slope of the concentration-response curve was steeper. Reproduction of zebrafish was completely inhibited at 9.3 ng EE2 L(-1), and this was essentially irreversible as a 3-mo depuration restored fertilization success to only a very low rate. Accordingly, elevated endogenous vitellogenin (VTG) synthesis and degenerative changes in gonad morphology persisted in depurated zebrafish. Full life-cycle exposure of the filial (F2) generation until 162 dpf impaired growth, delayed onset of spawning and reduced fecundity and fertilization success at 2.0 ng EE2 L(-1). In conclusion, results show that the impact of estrogenic agents on zebrafish sexual development and reproductive functions as well as the reversibility of effects, varies with exposure concentration (reversibility at < or = 1.1 ng EE2 L(-1) and irreversibility at 9.3 ng EE2 L(-1)), and between partial and full life-cycle exposure (exposure to 10 ng EE2 L(-1) during critical period exerted no permanent effect on sexual differentiation, but life-cycle exposure did).


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Aquatic toxicology is facing the challenge to assess the impact of complex mixtures of compounds on diverse biological endpoints. So far, ecotoxicology focuses mainly on apical endpoints such as growth, lethality and reproduction, but does not consider sublethal toxic effects that may indirectly cause ecological effects. One such sublethal effect is toxicant-induced impairment of neurosensory functions which will affect important behavioural traits of exposed organisms. Here, we critically review the mechanosensory lateral line (LL) system of zebrafish as a model to screen for chemical effects on neurosensory function of fish in particular and vertebrates in general. The LL system consists of so-called neuromasts, composed of centrally located sensory hair cells, and surrounding supporting cells. The function of neuromasts is the detection of water movements that is essential for the fish's ability to detect prey, to escape predator, to socially interact or to show rheotactic behaviour. Recent advances in the study of these organs provided researchers with a broad area of molecular tools for easy and rapid detection of neuromasts dysfunction and/or disturbed development. Further, genes involved in neuromasts differentiation have been identified using auditory/mechanosensory mutants and morphants. A number of environmental toxicants including metals and pharmaceuticals have been shown to affect neuromasts development and/or function. The use of the LL organ for toxicological studies offers the advantage to integrate the available profound knowledge on developmental biology of the neuromasts with the study of chemical toxicity. This combination may provide a powerful tool in environmental risk assessment.


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Adult zebrafish Danio rerio originating from one stock used as control animals in a toxicological study were examined histopathologically for the occurrence of spontaneous lesions in the gonads. While no histopathological changes were seen in the testes, the ovaries showed lesions consisting mainly of acute granulomatous inflammation with increased atresia and the presence of egg debris in the ovarian parenchyma and in the oviduct. Since infectious agents could not be detected and the fish were not exposed to toxicants, we consider these lesions as spontaneous alterations of the ovaries.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of the androgenic endocrine disruptor 17β-trenbolone on the sexual development of zebrafish (Danio rerio) with special emphasis on the question of whether adverse outcomes of developmental exposure are reversible or persistent. An exposure scenario including a recovery phase was chosen to assess the potential reversibility of androgenic effects. Zebrafish were exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of 17β-trenbolone (1 ng/L-30 ng/L) from fertilization until completion of gonad sexual differentiation (60 d posthatch). Thereafter, exposure was either followed by 40 d of recovery in clean water or continued until 100 d posthatch, the age when zebrafish start being able to reproduce. Fish exposed for 100 d to 10 ng/L or 30 ng/L 17β-trenbolone were masculinized at different biological effect levels, as evidenced from a concentration-dependent shift of the sex ratio toward males as well as a significantly increased maturity of testes. Gonad morphological masculinization occurred in parallel with decreased vitellogenin concentrations in both sexes. Changes of brain aromatase (cyp19b) mRNA expression showed no consistent trend with respect to either exposure duration or concentration. Gonad morphological masculinization as well as the decrease of vitellogenin persisted after depuration over 40 d in clean water. This lack of recovery suggests that androgenic effects on sexual development of zebrafish are irreversible.


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The Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), created in consequence of the Yangtze River's impoundment by the Three Gorges Dam, faces numerous anthropogenic impacts that challenge its unique ecosystem. Organic pollutants, particularly aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonists, have been widely detected in the Yangtze River, but only little research was yet done on AhR-mediated activities. Hence, in order to assess effects of organic pollution, with particular focus on AhR-mediated activities, several sites in the TGR area were examined applying the "triad approach". It combines chemical analysis, in vitro, in vivo and in situ investigations to a holistic assessment. Sediments and the benthic fish species Pelteobagrus vachellii were sampled in 2011/2012, respectively, to identify relevant endpoints. Sediment was tested in vitro with the ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction assay, and in vivo with the Fish Embryo Toxicity Test and Sediment Contact Assay with Danio rerio. Activities of phase I (EROD) and phase II (glutathione-S-transferase) biotransformation enzymes, pollutant metabolites and histopathological alterations were studied in situ in P. vachellii. EROD induction was tested in vitro and in situ to evaluate possible relationships. Two sites, near Chongqing and Kaixian city, were identified as regional hot-spots and further investigated in 2013. The sediments induced in the in vitro/in vivo bioassays AhR-mediated activities and embryotoxic/teratogenic effects - particularly on the cardiovascular system. These endpoints could be significantly correlated to each other and respective chemical data. However, particle-bound pollutants showed only low bioavailability. The in situ investigations suggested a rather poor condition of P. vachellii, with histopathological alterations in liver and excretory kidney. Fish from Chongqing city exhibited significant hepatic EROD induction and obvious parasitic infestations. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolite 1-hydroxypyrene was detected in bile of fish from all sites. All endpoints in combination with the chemical data suggest a pivotal role of PAHs in the observed ecotoxicological impacts.