963 resultados para Finite-temperature Properties
We introduce a time-dependent projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation to describe a partially condensed homogeneous Bose gas, and find that this equation will evolve randomized initial wave functions to equilibrium. We compare our numerical data to the predictions of a gapless, second order theory of Bose-Einstein condensation [S. A. Morgan, J. Phys. B 33, 3847 (2000)], and find that we can determine a temperature when the theory is valid. As the Gross-Pitaevskii equation is nonperturbative, we expect that it can describe the correct thermal behavior of a Bose gas as long as all relevant modes are highly occupied. Our method could be applied to other boson fields.
We calculate the two-particle local correlation for an interacting 1D Bose gas at finite temperature and classify various physical regimes. We present the exact numerical solution by using the Yang-Yang equations and Hellmann-Feynman theorem and develop analytical approaches. Our results draw prospects for identifying the regimes of coherent output of an atom laser, and of finite-temperature “fermionization” through the measurement of the rates of two-body inelastic processes, such as photoassociation.
The nucleon spectral function in nuclear matter fulfills an energy weighted sum rule. Comparing two different realistic potentials, these sum rules are studied for Greens functions that are derived self-consistently within the T matrix approximation at finite temperature.
We argue that low-temperature effects in QED can, if anywhere, only be quantitatively interesting for bound electrons. Unluckily the dominant thermal contribution turns out to be level independent, so that it does not affect the frequency of the transition radiation.
We illustrate how to apply modern effective field-theory techniques and dimensional regularization to factorize the various scales, which appear in QED bound states at finite temperature. We focus here on the muonic hydrogen atom. Vacuum polarization effects make the physics of this atom at finite temperature very close to that of heavy quarkonium states. We comment on the implications of our results for these states in the quark gluon plasma. In particular, we estimate the effects of a finite-charm quark mass in the dissociation temperature of bottomonium.
We argue that low-temperature effects in QED can, if anywhere, only be quantitatively interesting for bound electrons. Unluckily the dominant thermal contribution turns out to be level independent, so that it does not affect the frequency of the transition radiation.
A generalized off-shell unitarity relation for the two-body scattering T matrix in a many-body medium at finite temperature is derived, through a consistent real-time perturbation expansion by means of Feynman diagrams. We comment on perturbation schemes at finite temperature in connection with an erroneous formulation of the Dyson equation in a paper recently published.