963 resultados para Financial cost


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As sintonias dos Controladores PID existentes em um Sistema de Posicionamento Dinâmico, utilizado em embarcações e plataformas a fim de manter uma posição fixa em alto-mar ou de realizar determinada manobra, sempre tem sido um desafio a ser vencido. Trata-se de uma tarefa demorada, dependente das condições ambientais e com um elevado custo financeiro, uma vez que as horas dedicadas do profissional habilitado são caras. Além disso, a embarcação deve-se manter estabilizada durante o período de tempo no qual determinada função é realizada, como por exemplo, perfuração, abastecimento, ou lançamento de dutos. Foi utilizado um software para simular o posicionamento de uma embarcação em alto-mar sob diversas condições de vento e correnteza, com o qual foi possível verificar a influência da sintonia dos parâmetros PID do Controlador no desempenho do sistema de controle. O Sistema dinâmico abordado possui um comportamento não linear e sujeito a fortes distúrbios não medidos, o que são apenas alguns exemplos de questões avaliadas deste trabalho. Neste contexto, foram projetadas Redes Neurais com o intuito de aprimorar a técnica utilizada para determinar os ganhos de um dos Controladores PID de um Sistema de Posicionamento Dinâmico. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos através da avaliação de desempenho de diversas simulações de Redes Neurais que revelam a viabilidade da implementação da sintonia automática de Controladores em Sistemas de Posicionamento Dinâmico.


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Solomon Islands has recently developed substantial policy aiming to support inshore fisheries management, conservation, climate change adaptation and ecosystem approaches to resource management. A large body of experience in community based approaches to management has developed but “upscaling” and particularly the implementation of nation-wide approaches has received little attention so far. With the emerging challenges posed by climate change and the need for ecosystem wide and integrated approaches attracting serious donor attention, a national debate on the most effective approaches to implementation is urgently needed. This report discusses potential implementation of “a cost-effective and integrated approach to resource management that is consistent with national policy and needs” based on a review of current policy and institutional structures and examination of a recent case study from Lau, Malaita using stakeholder, transaction and financial cost analyses.


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Achieving higher particles energies and beam powers have long been the main focus of research in accelerator technology. Since Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors (ADSRs) have become the subject of increasing interest, accelerator reliability and modes of operation have become important matters that require further research and development in order to accommodate the engineering and economic needs of ADSRs. This paper focuses on neutronic and thermo-mechanical analyses of accelerator-induced transients in an ADSR. Such transients fall into three main categories: beam interruptions (trips), pulsed-beam operation, and beam overpower. The concept of a multiple-target ADSR is shown to increase system reliability and to mitigate the negative effects of beam interruptions, such as thermal cyclic fatigue in the fuel cladding and the huge financial cost of total power loss. This work also demonstrates the effectiveness of the temperature-to-reactivity feedback mechanisms in ADSRs. A comparison of shutdown mechanisms using control rods and beam cut-off highlights the intrinsic safety features of ADSRs. It is evident that the presence of control rods is crucial in an industrial-scale ADSR. This paper also proposes a method to monitor core reactivity online using the repetitive pattern of beam current fluctuations in a pulsed-beam operation mode. Results were produced using PTS-ADS, a computer code developed specifically to study the dynamic neutronic and thermal responses to beam transients in subcritical reactor systems. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Increasing demand for energy and continuing increase in environmental as well as financial cost of use of fossil fuels drive the need for utilization of fuels from sustainable sources for power generation. Development of fuel-flexible combustion systems is vital in enabling the use of sustainable fuels. It is also important that these sustainable combustion systems meet the strict governmental emission legislations. Biogas is considered as one of the viable sustainable fuels that can be used to power modern gas turbines: However, the change in chemical, thermal and transport properties as well as change in Wobbe index due to the variation of the fuel constituents can have a significant effect on the performance of the combustor. It is known that the fuel properties have strong influence on the dynamic flame response; however there is a lack of detailed information regarding the effect of fuel compositions on the sensitivity of the flames subjected to flow perturbations. In this study, we describe an experimental effort investigating the response of premixed biogas-air turbulent flames with varying proportions of CH4 and CO2 to velocity perturbations. The flame was stabilized using a centrally placed conical bluff body. Acoustic perturbations were imposed to the flow using loud speakers. The flame dynamics and the local heat release rate of these acoustically excited biogas flames were studied using simultaneous measurements of OH and H2CO planar laser induced fluorescence. OH* chemiluminescence along with acoustic pressure measurements were also recorded to estimate the total flame heat release modulation and the velocity fluctuations. The measurements were carried out by keeping the theoretical laminar flame speed constant while varying the bulk velocity and the fuel composition. The results indicate that the flame sensitivity to perturbations increased with increased dilution of CH4 by CO2 at low amplitude forcing, while at high amplitude forcing conditions the magnitude of the flame response was independent of dilution.


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Antecedentes: El tratamiento de los espasmos infantiles generalmente se realiza con ACTH a pesar de perfil de efectos secundarios y el alto costo financiero. Se ha propuesto el uso de los corticoides como primera línea de tratamiento para la enfermedad, no obstante no existe certeza sobre la eficacia de este esquema. Objetivos: Evaluar la eficacia del uso de los corticoides comparados con la ACTH como primera línea de tratamiento en el manejo de pacientes con espasmos infantiles. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. La búsqueda se efectuó en las bases de datos Pubmed, Embase, Ovid, LiLaCs y en el registro de ensayos clínicos de Estados Unidos. Se incluyeron estudios en portugués, ingles y español, no se fijo límite de tiempo para la publicación. Se realizó un análisis de riesgo de sesgo y de calidad de la evidencia utilizando el programa GRADEPRO. Se estimaron OR y sus respectivos intervalos de confianza al 95%. Resultados: Se incluyeron 4 estudios, un ensayo clínico y tres estudios de cohorte retrospectiva. Dos estudios aportaron evidencia de calidad moderada y alta. No se encontraron diferencias en la eficacia a corto plazo entre el uso de los corticoides y la ACTH sobre desenlaces clínicos o electroencefalográficos. No se encontraron estudios de seguridad a largo plazo. La seguridad a corto plazo no mostró diferencias. Conclusiones: Es muy probable que el uso de los corticoides como primera línea de tratamiento puedan reemplazar el uso de la ACTH, se requiere estudios de seguridad a largo plazo. La decisión de su uso rutinario debería estar basada en un análisis de costo efectividad y bajo la mirada del balance riesgo/beneficio.


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Sixty cattle farmers in England were questioned about the costs associated with premovement testing for bovine tuberculosis (TB). On average, the farmers had premovement tested 2-45 times in the previous 12 months, but the majority had tested only once. An average of 28.6 animals were tested on each occasion, but there were wide variations. The average farm labour costs were (sic)4.00 per animal tested, veterinary costs were (sic)4.33 and other costs were (sic)0.51, giving a total cost of (sic)8.84, but there were wide variations between farms, and many incurred costs of more than (sic)20 per animal. A majority of the farmers also cited disruption to the farm business or missed market opportunities as costs, but few could estimate their financial cost. Most of the farmers thought that premovement testing was a cost burden on their business, and over half thought It was not an effective policy to control bovine TB.


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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) open up learning opportunities to a large number of people. A small percentage (around 10%) of the large numbers of participants enrolling in MOOCs manage to finish the course by completing all parts. The term ‘dropout’ is commonly used to refer to ‘all who failed to complete’ a course, and is used in relation to MOOCs. Due to the nature of MOOCs, with students not paying enrolment and tuition fees, there is no direct financial cost incurred by a student. Therefore it is debatable whether the traditional definition of dropout in higher education could be directly applied to MOOCs. This paper reports ongoing exploratory work on MOOC participants’ perspectives based on six qualitative interviews. The findings show that MOOC participants are challenging the widely held view of dropout, suggesting that it is more about failing to achieve their personal aims.


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The psychiatric and psychosocial evaluation of the heart transplant candidate can identify particular predictors for postoperative problems. These factors, as identified during the comprehensive evaluation phase, provide an assessment of the candidate in context of the proposed transplantation protocol. Previous issues with compliance, substance abuse, and psychosis are clear indictors of postoperative problems. The prolonged waiting list time provides an additional period to evaluate and provide support to patients having a terminal disease who need a heart transplant, and are undergoing prolonged hospitalization. Following transplantation, the patient is faced with additional challenges of a new self-image, multiple concerns, anxiety, and depression. Ultimately, the success of the heart transplantation remains dependent upon the recipient's ability to cope psychologically and comply with the medication regimen. The limited resource of donor hearts and the high emotional and financial cost of heart transplantation lead to an exhaustive effort to select those patients who will benefit from the improved physical health the heart transplant confers.


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The effect of climate change and global warming has received increased attention in society with constant reminders about the importance of energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings. Whilst the focus is often placed on smaller items such as plastic bags, air conditioners and motor vehicles, the emphasis has recently shifted to structures in the built environment. Office buildings have been identified as contributing significantly to global warming during their building lifecycle with a substantial contribution to CO2 omissions. In response, building designs and construction techniques have evolved over time to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 omissions. Whilst property valuers, managers and analysts must remain up-to-date regarding changes, relatively little research has been conducted about whether and how increased sustainability, such as signified in a Green Star rating affects a property’s highest and best value and long-term lifecycle. This study investigates the degree to which sustainability is understood in the property marketplace, especially in relation to property values with the emphasis placed on a cost- benefit analysis from both an owner’s and tenant’s perspective. Whilst it may be argued that incorporating sustainability into a new office building is cost prohibitive on a financial cost-benefit analysis, often various minor steps can be taken to upgrade the sustainability of an existing building. This project examines recent trends in capital expenditure to increase the sustainability of offices and where Green Star ratings have been applied to establish whether any corresponding increase in value is evident. In order to develop a researchframework, a thorough literature review will be conducted of recent Australian and overseas studies. This will enable links between sustainability and office buildings to be highlighted, and vitally how they affect a property’s value in both the short and long-term.


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Background: Despite evidence that physical inactivity is a risk factor for a number of diseases, only a third of men and a quarter of women are meeting government targets for physical activity. This paper provides an estimate of the economic and health burden of disease related to physical inactivity in the UK. These estimates are examined in relation to current UK government policy on physical activity.

Methods: Information from the World Health Organisation global burden of disease project was used to calculate the mortality and morbidity costs of physical inactivity in the UK. Diseases attributable to physical inactivity included ischaemic heart disease, ischaemic stroke, breast cancer, colon/rectum cancer and diabetes mellitus. Population attributable fractions for physical inactivity for each disease were applied to the UK Health Service cost data to estimate the financial cost.

Results: Physical inactivity was directly responsible for 3% of disability adjusted life years lost in the UK in 2002. The estimated direct cost to the National Health Service is £1.06 billion.

Conclusion: There is a considerable public health burden due to physical inactivity in the UK. Accurately establishing the financial cost of physical inactivity and other risk factors should be the first step in a developing national public health strategy.


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This thesis investigated the socioeconomic influences on women's eating behaviours. Results showed that women of low socioeconomic position not only perceived higher direct financial costs as a predominant barrier for consuming a healthy diet, but also a number of indirect or non-financial cost factors such as the perceived additional time costs involved in preparing and cooking healthy foods.


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Cloud computing is becoming popular as the next infrastructure of computing platform. However, with data and business applications outsourced to a third party, how to protect cloud data centers from numerous attacks has become a critical concern. In this paper, we propose a clusterized framework of cloud firewall, which characters performance and cost evaluation. To provide quantitative performance analysis of the cloud firewall, a novel M/Geo/1 analytical model is established. The model allows cloud defenders to extract key system measures such as request response time, and determine how many resources are needed to guarantee quality of service (QoS). Moreover, we give an insight into financial cost of the proposed cloud firewall. Finally, our analytical results are verified by simulation experiments.


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The imprisonment rate in Australia is at unprecedented high levels, both interms of actual prisoner numbers and the rate at which it is increasing. Forthe first time in recorded history the incarceration rate in Australia has morethan doubled in less than 25 years. Prison is the harshest form ofpunishment in our system of justice and imposes considerable hardship onoffenders. It also comes at a considerable financial cost to the community.Accordingly, the surge in prisoner numbers is a significant macro social,economic and legal development. The increase did not occur pursuant to anoverarching strategic plan and is an area that is under-researched. Theprison population increase has arisen as a result of a ‘tough on crime’approach that continues without any sign of abatement. The use ofimprisonment should only be increased if there is a demonstrable benefit tothe community. This article examines whether there is a sound rationalebehind the rising trend in prison numbers. The increasing incarceration ratehas coincided with a significant reduction in the crime rate. A causalconnection between the two events (increased prisoner numbers andreduced crime) could constitute a powerful argument in favour of the surgein prison numbers. However, an examination of the empirical data inAustralia fails to demonstrate even a tenable link between these events. Wealso conclude that at the theoretical level there is no rationale for theincreased use of imprisonment. If the imprisonment rate continues to rise,there is a risk of a prison and financial crisis similar to that currently beingexperienced in the United States, which has resulted in an extremecounter-reaction in the form of a retrospective reduction of some prison terms.


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Introdução: A dor é um importante fator de incremento da morbidade e mortalidade em pacientes submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos que incluem toracotomias. Diversos fatores contribuem para que esses pacientes apresentem um alto grau de dor no pós-operatório, entre os quais a secção da pele, músculos e pleura, retração dos músculos e ligamentos pelo afastador de Finochietto, irritação da pleura e nervos intercostais pelos drenos tubulares torácicos e fraturas ocasionais dos arcos costais. O aumento das taxas de morbidade e mortalidade é dado principalmente à respiração superficial decorrente da pouca mobilidade da parede torácica e conseqüente à dor e pela perda da efetividade do principal mecanismo de eliminação de secreções da árvore traqueobrônquica (tosse), resultando em atelectasias, inadequado gradiente ventilação / perfusão, hipoxemia e pneumonia. Uma vez caracterizada a necessidade de atenuação da dor como fator primordial na melhora dos índices de morbidade e mortalidade no período pós-operatório de cirurgia torácica, torna-se imperiosa uma análise das terapêuticas disponíveis na atualidade para tanto. Objetivos: Avaliar a utilização de três diferentes métodos de analgesia: 1. bloqueio peridural com morfina (BPM); 2. morfina parenteral (MP); e 3. bloqueio intercostal extrapleural contínuo com lidocaína” (BIC), em pacientes submetidos a procedimentos que incluíram toracotomias em sua execução, além de analisar o custo financeiro desses métodos. Materiais e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, randomizado, no qual foram analisados 79 pacientes, submetidos a toracotomias, subdivididos de forma aleatória em três grupos, de acordo com a modalidade terapêutica instituída: 25 pacientes no grupo BIC, 29 pacientes no grupo BPM e 25 pacientes no grupo MP. Cada paciente foi observado e analisado por profissionais de enfermagem previamente treinados. As variáveis analisadas foram a dor e a sedação. (quantificadas através de escores e analisadas através do método de Kruskal-Wallis com correção pelo teste de Dunn), além do custo financeiro de cada método e da necessidade de administração de opióides adicionais. Resultados: As variáveis dor e sedação foram obtidas através das seguintes medianas, respectivamente: grupos BIC (2,5 e 0); BPM (4 e 0) e MP (3,5 e 0). O custo financeiro foi de US$ 78,69 para o grupo BIC; US$ 28,61 para o grupo BPM e US$ 11,98 para o grupo MP. A necessidade adicional de opióide foi de 4,2 mg/dia para o grupo BIC; 5,7 mg/dia para o grupo BPM e 10,7 mg/dia para o grupo MP. Conclusões: A intensidade da dor foi significativamente menor no grupo BIC, quando comparado ao grupo MP. Não foram identificadas diferenças significativas de intensidade da dor quando comparados os grupos BIC versus BPM e BPM versus MP. A intensidade de sedação foi significativamente maior no grupo MP quando comparado aos grupos BIC e BPM. Não foram evidenciadas diferenças significativas quanto à sedação entre os grupos BIC e BPM. O custo financeiro do grupo MP foi sensivelmente menor quando comparado aos grupos BIC e BPM. A necessidade adicional de morfina foi significativamente maior no grupo MP, quando comparados aos grupos BIC e BPM.


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Oil spills in marine environments represent immediate environmental impacts of large magnitude. For that reason the Environmental Sensitivity to Oil Maps constitute a major instrument for planning actions of containment and cleanup. For both the Environmental Sensitivity Maps always need to be updated, to have an appropriate scale and to represent accurately the coastal areas. In this context, this thesis presents a methodology for collecting and processing remote sensing data for the purpose of updating the territorial basis of thematic maps of Environmental Sensitivity to Oil. To ensure greater applicability of the methodology, sensors with complementary characteristics, which provide their data at a low financial cost, were selected and tested. To test the methodology, an area located on the northern coast of the Northeast of Brazil was chosen. The results showed that the products of ASTER data and image hybrid sensor PALSAR + CCD and HRC + CCD, have a great potential to be used as a source of cartographic information on projects that seek to update the Environmental Sensitivity Maps of Oil