984 resultados para Financial Flows
Como consecuencia de los procesos de desregulación financiera y la creciente movilidad de flujos financieros internacionales; los centros financieros offshore se han consolidado dentro de la dinámica económica mundial, generando tanto beneficios a sus usuarios como criticas respecto a su instrumentalización para el financiamiento de actividades delictivas y terroristas; tornándose de esta manera en uno de los temas de mayor interés y debate en sus aspectos jurídicos y económicos; por lo que en el presente trabajo lo abordaremos desde la perspectiva jurídica, explicando la dinámica de su funcionamiento a partir de las distintas modalidades en que se desarrolla teniendo como base tanto la legislación nacional, internacional y los casos prácticos de las actividades que realizan dichos países.
Las relaciones de cooperación Sur-Sur revoluciona las lógicas tradicionales que dieron base al régimen de la cooperación internacional expedido desde la OCDE. La diferencia entre los donantes llamados “DAC” y los socios “No-DAC” en referencia a los Estados miembros del Comité de Asistencia al Desarrollo establece dos lógicas de cooperación internacional que se contraponen en sus dinámicas pero comparten un objetivo: el desarrollo. Estos dos tipos de relaciones de cooperación se diferencian en cuatro aspectos: calidad de los actores implicados, dirección de la relación, tipo de intercambio y presencia o ausencia del Principio de Condicionalidad. A diferencia de las relaciones de cooperación Norte-Sur donde se establece una relación unidireccional entre el donante y el receptor, canal utilizado para el flujo crediticio y financiero (bien sea a través de créditos o de subvenciones), las relaciones de cooperación Sur-Sur establecen una relación bidireccional. Esta bidireccionalidad hace que la cooperación internacional se convierta en una herramienta de poder relativo para aquellos actores que carecían de peso en el sistema internacional. La carta fundamental de los Estados con economías emergentes será darle voz a aquellos que no la han tenido. A través de relaciones que se catalogan como asociaciones estratégicas, entre sujetos con un similar nivel de desarrollo, el Principio de Condicionalidad como rector de la relación de cooperación, desaparece. Asi, la formación del Grupo de Tareas para la Cooperación Sur-Sur adscrito al DAC es una muestra del cambio estructural del régimen de la cooperación internacional, y más aún, de las dinámicas tradicionales del sistema internacional.
La globalización es un fenómeno asimétrico y heterogéneo que ofrece oportunidades para algunas sociedades, pero que también tiene severos impactos negativos en otras. En este artículo se hace una evaluación empírica de los resultados que ha tenido su inserción en la economía global en los últimos dos decenios para los países andinos.Se examinan cuatro ejes temáticos: crecimiento, comercio internacional, flujos financieros y la inversión extranjera directa, y equidad social. Se concluye con una relación (no exhaustiva) de las políticas de desarrollo que los países andinos deberían adoptar (o profundizar) para mejorar la calidad de su inserción internacional.-----The asymmetric and heterogeneous phenomenon of the globalization offers opportunities to some societies, but also impacts adversely others. This paper evaluates for the Andean countries on an empirical basis the outcome of their insertion in the global economy during the last two decades.To this end, four topical axes are examined: growth; international trade; financial flows and foreign direct investment; and social equity. It concludes with a –non-exhaustive– list of development policies that should be adopted (or furthered) by the Andean countries in order to improve the quality of their international insertion.
Highly indebted countries, particularly the Latin American ones, presented dismal economic outcomes in the 1990s, which are the consequence of the ‘growth cum foreign savings strategy’, or the Second Washington Consensus. Coupled with liberalization of international financial flows, such strategy, which did not make part of the first consensus, led the countries, in the wave of a new world wide capital flow cycle, to high current account deficits and increase in foreign debt, ignoring the solvency constraint and the debt threshold. In practical terms it involved overvalued currencies (low exchange rates) and high interest rates; in policy terms, the attempt to control de budget deficit while the current account deficit was ignored. The paradoxical consequence was the adoption by highly indebted countries of ‘exchange rate populism’, a less obvious but more dangerous form of economic populism.
The present work seeks to investigate the dynamics of capital account liberalization and its impact on short run capital flows to Brazil in the period of 1995-2002, considering different segments such as the monetary, derivative and equity markets. This task is pursued by developing a comparative study of financial flows and examining how it is affected by the uncovered interest parity, country risk and the legislation on portfolio capital flows. The empirical framework is based on a vector autoregressive (VAR) analysis using impulse-response functions, variance decomposition and Granger causality tests. In general terms the results indicate a crucial role played by the uncovered interest parity and the country risk to explain portfolio flows, and a less restrictive (more liberalized) legislation is not significant to attract such flows.
A forte apreciação cambial que o Brasil sofreu na última década se traduziu em um novo debate acerca da hipótese de Doença Holandesa no país. Como a queda da taxa de câmbio real ocorreu em um período de alta de preços de commodities e nos últimos anos, especialmente após a crise de 2008, vimos uma maior concentração da pauta exportadora em produtos primários, muitos economistas argumentam que a apreciação foi consequência do boom de commodities e que, em razão disso, o Brasil poderia estar sofrendo da Doença Holandesa. Este trabalho mostra que o boom de commodities não foi a principal causa da apreciação da taxa de câmbio real e não representou uma maior dependência destas mercadorias. A mudança do perfil de risco da economia brasileira foi um dos fatores mais importante para a queda da taxa de câmbio. Concluímos, portanto, que a recente perda de competitividade dos demais setores exportadores não pode ser atribuída exclusivamente à valorização das commodities.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The past decade has witnessed a period of intense economic globalisation. The growing significance of international trade, investment, production and financial flows appears to be curtailing the autonomy of individual nation states. In particular, globalisation appears to be encouraging, if not demanding, a decline in social spending and standards. However, many authors believe that this thesis ignores the continued impact of national political and ideological pressures and lobby groups on policy outcomes. In particular, it has been argued that national welfare consumer and provider groups remain influential defenders of the welfare state. For example, US aged care groups are considered to be particularly effective defenders of social security pensions. According to this argument, governments engaged in welfare retrenchment may experience considerable electoral backlash (Pierson 1996; Mishra 1999). Yet, it is also noted that governments can take action to reduce the impact of such groups by reducing their funding, and their access to policy-making and consultation processes. These actions are then justified on the basis of removing potential obstacles to economic competitiveness (Pierson 1994; Melville 1999).
This, the sixty-eighth edition of the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, which corresponds to the year 2016, consists of three parts. Part I outlines the region’s economic performance in 2015 and analyses trends in the first half of 2016, as well as the outlook for the rest of the year. It examines the external and internal factors influencing the region’s economic performance and highlights some of the macroeconomic policy challenges that have arisen in an external context of weak growth and high levels of uncertainty. Part II analyses the challenges that the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean face at the domestic and international levels in mobilizing financing for development. On the domestic front, slower growth and tighter fiscal restrictions pose significant challenges for the mobilization of resources. Externally, the classification of many of the region’s countries in the middle-income category limits their access to concessional external financing or international support. Part III of this publication may be accessed on the web page of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (www.eclac.org). It contains the notes relating to the economic performance of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in 2015 and the first half of 2016, together with their respective statistical annexes. The cut-off date for updating the statistical information in this publication was 30 June 2016.