992 resultados para Ferrovias - Obras de terra


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Ce travail est un étude de cas qui analyse la construction litéraire du paysage du « Sertão» du Ceará entre la fin du siècle XIX et le début du siècle XX. Pour cela, quelques oeuvre simbole de la production litéraire du Ceará ont été sélectionnés, comme les textes qui suivent: O sertanejo (1875), de José Martiniano de Alencar; Os retirantes (1879), de José Carlos do Patrocínio; A fome (1890), de Rodolfo Marcos Teófilo; Luzia-Homem (1903), de Domingos Olímpio Braga Cavalcanti; Terra de sol: natureza e costumes do Norte (1912), de Gustavo Dodt Barroso et finalement, Aves de arribação (1914), de Antônio Sales. Ces oeuvres non seulement prend la nature comme personage, elles représentent aussi trois moments de la production litéraire du Ceará : romantique, réaliste et naturaliste. A invenção da Terra da Luz se rapporte à l idée d une littérature qui fait remarquer le paysage diurne du Sertão du Ceará, élaborée par ces hommes des lettres dans ses discours formidables, beaux et des matériaux qui viennent de ses rapports avec le monde naturel. Pour réaliser une tel entreprise, les idées de Edmund Burke et Gaston Bachelard se sont constitués en référence de cet étude. Et cette réflexion sur la description, la rêverie et l imagination marchent côte-à-côte au discours de ces littéreurs qui ont construits un espace simbolique spécifique : le sertão du Ceará. Comme ça, quelques thèmes deviennent canonique à la forme de penser, représenter et imaginer l espace du sertão du Ceará. De cette manière, le paysage est beaucoup plus que la contemplation, une fois qu elle est liée aussi à la rêverie poétique, à la mémoire et l imagination. C est de là l invention du paysage, car ces littéreurs n ont pas l accès au paysage purement naturel parce que ses perceptions et sensibilitées sur le monde du sertão ont été historiquement, c est-à-dire, dans un certain temps et espace


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Esta dissertação buscou mostrar a influência das experiências políticas dos literatos modernistas entre 1930 e 1945 nas obras de arte que eles criaram, assim como a influência recíproca do movimento modernista como um todo na atuação política dos intelectuais paraenses, na criação de um sentimento de grupo, na luta por justiça social e por liberdade. Quem nos conduz a este objetivo são dois dos maiores literatos do modernismo paraense, extremamente engajados em movimentos sociais: Bruno de Menezes e Dalcídio Jurandir. Nas obras de ambos encontramos relatos e sinais da luta pela sobrevivência cotidiana, a preocupação com o bem-estar social, o engajamento em partidos políticos de esquerda, em movimentos contra a ordem social estabelecida e os conflitos e traumas gerados por essas experiências.


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The act of containing water is one of the most practiced by the civilizations along history, in the will to increase the offer of water to many uses. The raise of environmental worries surround many human activities has given a big attention to dams. Indeed, the environmental consequences about dams are proporcional to their size, what gives to the big dams a more detailed Project and a bigger political concerning that increases the built, estability and maintenance of them. Then, the projects of medium and small dams are weak, limitaded to handbooks, textbooks and empirical recommendations, while the constructions of small dams are growing everytime more. With that being said, the present work intends to analise the geological and geotechnical conditionants that can cause break of small earth dams by making a case study in the Jaguari Mirim Watershed, located in the city of São João da Boa Vista (SP), and can be used to encourage the concern with small dams. In the area of study were identificaded, from satellite images, 248 dams. The map of physiographical compartmentalization defined by Pilachevsky (2013) was used to define the locations in the study área that would have bigger risk to the break of dams. Then, 9 of this dams were analised in field research, using references made by Cerri, Reis e Giordano (2011) and the risk of the analised dams were defined. A study about this type of structure is highly necessary to avoid big damages. An analysis of the geological and geotechnical conditionants that can cause break of dams guides the project in a way to avoid adverse consequences, especially when integrated with locacional conditions observed in the place of the dam’s building


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi discutir a transmissão psíquica geracional em duas obras do escritor Mia Couto: Antes de nascer o mundo (2009) e Um rio chamado tempo, uma casa chamada terra (2003), e no conto A terceira margem do rio, de Guimarães Rosa (1962). As três obras são narradas pelos filhos e destacam a família como epicentro de uma trama de segredos, interditos e culpabilizações transmitidos de uma geração a outra, possibilitando a compreensão de que o seio familiar permite não apenas a organização das experiências emocionais, mas a também a transmissão de aspectos intersubjetivos aos quais nem sempre as personagens têm acesso. Os segredos ou a não revelação das verdadeiras histórias dos personagens são apenas uma das formas de transmissão, pois, mesmo ocultando o interditado, transfere-se algo, de modo que o não revelar também é uma maneira de destacar o interdito, aquilo que ainda não foi elaborado e que, por conseguinte, não recebeu inscrição psíquica.


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The present work analyses, under an anthropologic perspective, each one of the phases of the rites of passage lived by the protagonists of Guimarães Rosa’s Campo geral and Mia Couto’s Terra sonâmbula, trying to track in these texts the elements related to the traditional societies’ culture and trying to identify the meaning of the mentioned elements in the specific context of the authors. The two writers mix these primitive components with the regional culture and therefore achieve, starting also from the local representations, to reach a universal extent.


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A expansão das áreas urbanizadas sobre as áreas rurais faz com que os locais de produção agrícola e de vegetação nativa percam espaço para as áreas com solo impermeabilizado. Estudar alterações no uso do solo ao longo do tempo, focando nas áreas rurais, permite entender o processo de urbanização e os seus impactos na zonal rural. A área de estudo compreende a zona rural do Município de Campinas, SP. Para a análise do uso do solo, foram utilizadas imagens de alta resolução (satélite WorldView 2, resolução de 0,5 m) do ano de 2014, que foram comparadas às imagens para o ano de 2012. Foram definidas as classes de uso do solo: corpo d'água (CA), vegetação herbácea (VH), vegetação arbórea (VA), área de silvicultura (AS), área de lavouras (AL), solo exposto (SE) e área urbanizada (AU). A análise das imagens por interpretação visual revelou que as classes VA (231 ha), SE (251 ha) e AU (67 ha) aumentaram 3,79%, 58,25% e 3,20%, respectivamente. Esses aumentos ocorreram principalmente em antigas áreas de VH, classe que teve sua área reduzida em 448 ha, ou seja, diminuiu 2%. O avanço sobre as áreas anteriormente identificadas como VH e AL deu-se principalmente por SE, possivelmente utilizado para loteamentos ou obras de infraestrutura, como estradas. O crescimento de VA sugere abandono de áreas e regeneração da vegetação.


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The 2010 LAGI competition was held on three underutilized sites in the United Arab Emirates. By choosing Staten Island, New York in 2012 the competition organises have again brought into question new roles for public open space in the contemporary city. In the case of the UEA sites, the competition produced many entries which aimed to create a sculpture and by doing so, they attracted people to the selected empty spaces in an arid climate. In a way these proposals were the incubators and the new characters of these empty spaces. The competition was thus successful at advancing understandings of the expanded role of public open spaces in EAU and elsewhere. LAGI 2012 differs significantly to the UAE program because Fresh Kills Park has already been planned as a public open space for New Yorkers - with or without these clean energy sculptures. Furthermore, Fresh Kills Park is already an (gas) energy generating site in its own right. We believe Fresh Kills Park, as a site, presents a problem which somewhat transcends the aims of the competition brief. Advancing a sustainable urban design proposition for the site therefore requires a fundamental reconsideration of the established paradigms public open space. Hence our strategy is to not only create an energy generating, site specific art work, but to create synergy between the public and the site engagement while at the same time complement the idiosyncrasies of the pre-existing engineered landscape. Current PhD research about energy generation in public open spaces informs this work.


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Terra Preta is a site-specific bio-energy project which aims to create a synergy between the public and the pre-existing engineered landscape of Freshkills Park on Staten Island, New York. The project challenges traditional paradigms of public space by proposing a dynamic and ever-changing landscape. The initiative allows the publuc to self-organise the landscape and to engage in 'algorithmic processes' of growth, harvest and space creation.


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This practice-led project is implemented in the context of rites of passage based on significant events in formative transitions of Self. It employs an intuitive methodology to examine and explore the 'Child archetype', mythos, symbolic imagination and self-narrative, through the manifestation of a visual symbolic language. The contexts, methods and processes enable empowerment, heightened awareness of personal and collective relationships, meaningful discovery and development of innovative ideas and forms. The implications for this project highlight the importance of intuition in creativity and innovation. Creative practice is a vehicle for personal and collective interconnectedness. I have discovered self-empowerment, meaningful learning and innovative forms of personal and collective communication as a way of enabling transition of a significant life event.