26 resultados para Ferromagnetismo


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Lead-based multiferroics perovskites with nominal compositions Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 and Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O3 were synthesized following a two-stage method. Magnetic proprieties were investigated and correlated to anelastic proprieties, measured by the conventional pulse-echo method. The discussions are focused in the region around 250 K, where magnetoelectroelastic instabilities have been observed. X-ray absorption nearedge structure (XANES) study further indicates that the edge position varies with temperature revealing a fluctuation on the valence of iron ions with the temperature, which can be related to a variation in anelastic and magnetic proprieties.


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L'elaborato tratta le transizioni di fase nel modello di Ising, usato per descrivere i sistemi magnetici. Tramite l'argomento di Landau viene introdotto il problema della dimensionalità per l'esistenza di una fase ferromagnetica. Con il sistema di un gas forzato su reticolo viene presentato il carattere universale dei fenomeni critici per mezzo degli esponenti critici. Viene poi risolto in modo esatto il modello unidimensionale, che non prevede una fase ferromagnetica. Per sistemi a dimensionali maggiore viene introdotto il metodo dell'approssimazione di campo medio. Viene infine determinato il valore della temperatura critica per reticoli planari quadrati e di questi viene mostrata la soluzione esatta di Lars Onsager.


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L'elaborato fornisce una introduzione al modello di Ising, utilizzato nello studio delle transizioni di fase tra la fase ferromagnetica e quella paramagnetica dei materiali. Nella prima parte viene trattato il modello unidimensionale, di cui viene esposta la soluzione esatta attraverso l'utilizzo delle matrici di trasferimento, dimostrando quindi l'inesistenza di una transizione di fase a temperature finite non nulle. Vengono calcolate le funzioni termodinamiche e se ne dimostra l'indipendenza dalle condizioni al contorno nel limite termodinamico.Viene proposta infine una spiegazione qualitativa del comportamento microscopico, attraverso la lunghezza di correlazione. Nella seconda parte viene trattato il caso a due dimensioni. Inizialmente viene determinata la temperatura critica per reticoli quadrati, attraverso il riconoscimento della presenza di una relazione di dualita tra l'espansione per alte e per basse temperature della funzione di partizione. Successivamente si fornisce la soluzione esatta attraverso una versione modificata del procedimento, originariamente ideato da L.Onsager, di cui e proposta una traccia della dimostrazione. Viene infine brevemente discussa l'importanza che questo risultato ebbe storicamente nella fisica delle transizioni di fase.


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El modelo de Ising es un problema de física estadística que tiene solución exacta en dos dimensiones, para el caso de tres dimensiones es preciso utilizar procedimientos de simulación. En este trabajo se ha utilizado un método de Monte Carlo para estudiar el comportamiento del sistema en distintas situaciones, siendo de especial interés el estudio del paso por la transición de fase a la temperatura crítica (Temperatura de Curie, Tc). Se ha estudiado la cinética de los dominios magnéticos, considerando la estructura de los dominios desde el punto de vista de la energía, y en consecuencia, hemos tenido en cuenta la energía de canje que tiende a mantener alineados los espines de los electrones en los materiales ferromagnéticos. Este término contribuye a hacer mayor el espesor de la pared, por la tendencia a que los espines de los átomos vecinos se mantengan alineados. Se ha considerado el ferromagnetismo desde el punto de vista cuántico y basado en las propiedades de simetría de las funciones de onda de los electrones, que se manifiestan en variaciones de la energía electrostática de un sistema en función de la orientación de sus espines. Se han estudiado los efectos de histéresis que resultan al aplicar un campo magnético externo a la red y la orientación de los espines de la misma a lo largo de su evolución. Para la determinación de las propiedades de los materiales ferromagnéticos se utiliza el ciclo de histéresis aunque algunas de las propiedades magnéticas, como la dirección de anisotropía, no pueden ser deducidas directamente de esta manera. Se utilizan distintos métodos para la determinación de la anisotropía de las muestras. El acoplamiento entre la magnetización en zonas próximas a la superficie y la magnetización en zonas internas de la muestra puede ser utilizado para obtener un ciclo de histéresis, que permita obtener sensores magnéticos adaptados a las medidas que se quieran realizar. Mediante el control del campo coercitivo y la susceptibilidad se abre una línea de investigación para el desarrollo de sensores magnéticos


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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El resumen se encuentra en un archivo pdf.


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El resumen se encuentra en un archivo pdf.


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The comprehensive study on the coupling of magnetism, electrical polarization and the crystalline lattice with the off-stoichiometric effects in self-doped multiferroic hexagonal h-LuMnxO3±δ (0.92≤x≤1.12) ceramic oxides was carried out for the PhD work. There is a complex coupling of the three ferroic degrees. The cancelation of the magnetic moments of ions in the antiferromagnetic order, electric polarization with specific vortex/antivortex topology and lattice properties have pushed researchers to find out ways to disclose the underlying physics and chemistry of magneto-electric and magneto-elastic couplings of h-RMnO3 multiferroic materials. In this research work, self-doping of Lu-sites or Mn-sites of h-LuMnxO3±δ ceramics prepared via solid state route was done to pave a way for deeper understanding of the antiferromagnetic transition, the weak ferromagnetism often reported in the same crystalline lattices and the ferroelectric properties coupled to the imposed lattice changes. Accordingly to the aim of the PhD thesis, the objectives set for the sintering study in the first chapter on experimental results were two. First, study of sintering off-stoichiometric samples within conditions reported in the bibliography and also extracted from the phase diagrams of the LuMnxO3±δ, with a multiple firings ending with a last high temperature step at 1300ºC for 24 hours. Second, explore longer annealing times of up to 240 hours at the fixed temperature of 1300 ºC in a search for improving the properties of the solid solution under study. All series of LuMnxO3±δ ceramics for each annealing time were characterized to tentatively build a framework enabling comparison of measured properties with results of others available in literature. XRD and Rietveld refinement of data give the evolution the lattice parameters as a function to x. Shrinkage of the lattice parameters with increasing x values was observed, the stability limit of the solid solution being determined by analysis of lattice parameters. The evolution of grain size and presence of secondary phases have been investigated by means of TEM, SEM, EDS and EBSD techniques. The dependencies of grain growth and regression of secondary phases on composition x and time were further characterized. Magnetic susceptibility of samples and magnetic irreversibility were extensively examined in the present work. The dependency of magnetic susceptibility, Neel ordering transition and important magnetic parameters are determined and compared to observation in other multiferroics in the following chapter of the thesis. As a tool of high sensitivity to detect minor traces of the secondary phase hausmannite, magnetic measurements are suggested for cross-checking of phase diagrams. Difficulty of previous studies on interpreting the magnetic anomaly below 43 K in h-RMnO3 oxides was discussed and assigned to the Mn3O4 phase, with supported of the electron microscopy. Magneto-electric coupling where AFM ordering is coupled to dielectric polarization is investigated as a function of x and of sintering condition via frequency and temperature dependent complex dielectric constant measurements in the final chapter of the thesis. Within the limits of solid solubility, the crystalline lattice of off-stoichiometric ceramics was shown to preserve the magneto-electric coupling at TN. It represents the first research work on magneto-electric coupling modified by vacancy doping to author’s knowledge. Studied lattices would reveal distortions at the atomic scale imposed by local changes of x dependent on sintering conditions which were widely inspected by using TEM/STEM methods, complemented with EDS and EELS spectroscopy all together to provide comprehensive information on cross coupling of distortions, inhomogeneity and electronic structure assembled and discussed in a specific chapter. Internal interfaces inside crystalline grains were examined. Qualitative explanations of the measured magnetic and ferroelectric properties were established in relation to observed nanoscale features of h-LuMnxO3±δ ceramics. Ferroelectric domains and topological defects are displayed both in TEM and AFM/PFM images, the later technique being used to look at size, distribution and switching of ferroelectric domains influenced by vacancy doping at the micron scale bridging to complementary TEM studies on the atomic structure of ferroelectric domains. In support to experimental study, DFT simulations using Wien2K code have been carried out in order to interpret the results of EELS spectra of O K-edge and to obtain information on the cation hybridization to oxygen ions. The L3,2 edges of Mn is used to access the oxidation state of the Mn ions inside crystalline grains. In addition, rehybridization driven ferroelectricity is also evaluated by comparing the partial density of states of the orbitals of all ions of the samples, also the polarization was calculated and correlated to the off-stoichiometric effect.


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Os solenóides para eletroválvulas, em conjunto com outros produtos e equipamentos, permitem a automação dos sistemas de distribuição de águas não potáveis, como, por exemplo, em sistemas de rega. Deste modo é possível controlar diversos parâmetros, como o caudal e a pressão da água que passa na válvula, podendo estes ser fiscalizados à distância. Neste trabalho, foram desenvolvidos solenóides para acoplar a válvulas que se destinam à rega agrícola, comercializadas pela empresa JPrior, Fábrica de Plásticos, Lda. Para o efeito, foram definidos vários processos necessários para a criação de uma linha piloto de pré industrialização destes dispositivos. Etapas como a conceção do dispositivo, prototipagem, testes de temperatura, consumo de corrente, estabilidade eletromecânica e testes de desempenho associados a diferentes valores de pressão e de caudal de funcionamento, foram essenciais para este desenvolvimento, assim como, análises estruturais e morfológicas do material que constitui o núcleo dos solenóides. Além disso, procurou-se responder às necessidades do mercado numa perspetiva mais completa do que a existente. Para isso, foram produzidos dois tipos de solenóides de 24 V AC, com pressões máximas de funcionamento de 4 bar e de 12 bar.


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The field of "Materials Chemistry" has been developing in recent years and there has been a great increase of interest in the synthesis and chemical and physical properties of new inorganic solids. New routes of synthesis and synthesis modified has been developed with the aim not only to optimize the processes in laboratory scale, but also on an industrial scale, and make them acceptable by current environmental legislation. The phenomenology of current solid state chemistry properties coupled with the high temperature superconductivity, ferromagnetism, porosity molecular and colors are evidence affected by the synthesis method, which in turn can influence the technological application of these materials. From this understanding, mixed oxides of nickel and zinc nanoparticulate were synthesized by microwave-assisted combustion route using three specific types of organic fuels employing the weight ratios 1:1/2 and 1:1 of cation metallic/fuel, in order to investigate the influence of such proportions to obtain the solids. The new fuels were chosen to replace, for example, urea or glycine that are the fuels most commonly preferred in this kind of synthesis. The powders without heat treatment were studied by Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and then calcined at 900°C. After heat treatment, the samples were characterized by analysis of X Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The modified synthesis route porposed was effective for obtaining powders. Both the alternative fuels chosen as the different weight ratios employed, influenced in the morphology and obtaining oxides