34 resultados para Felidae


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We investigated plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) concentration in domestic male cats challenged with Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone Analog (LHRH-A) [des Gly10, (DTrp6)-LHRH ethylamide] that mediates the function of the hypothalamic-piruitary-gonadal axis (HPG). Plasma LH concentrations in cats treated daily with LHRH (10 μg/ 100 μl/kg/day, subcutaneously - sc) for 19 days (LHRH group) and in controls treated with saline (NaCl - 0.9%, same volume - SAL group) were chronically studied. LHRH administration (sc) for 15 days induced a significant fall (P < 0.05) in plasma LH concentrations during the chronic study. After the 15th day of treatment the groups were divided once more into animals treated with LHRH (10 μg/100 μl/kg) or saline (iv), and a time course study (300 min) was performed (acute study). Next, four groups of cats were compared in an acute study involving the sc/iv administration of SAL/SAL, SAL/LHRH, LHRH/SAL, and LHRH/LHRH. The responses of the SAL animals challenged by acute iv administration of LHRH (group SAL/LHRH) were significantly higher (P < 0.01) than those of animals treated with LHRH (sc) (group LHRH/LHRH). LH release was also significantly increased in the latter group (P < 0.05), although the effect was short lasting, being recorded only at the first observation (45 min). An in vitro study with the pituitaries was also performed on day 20. Mean (±SEM) LH concentrations in the culture medium containing pituitaries with LHRH (10-7 M) or saline were determined. In vitro analysis of these pituitaries demonstrated a significantly reduced response (P < 0.05) by animals treated sc with LHRH for 19 days. This study represents a source of data for the domestic cat going beyond its own physiology. Serving as a model, this animal provide important information for the study of reproductive physiology in other members of its family (Felidae), almost all of them threatened with extinction.


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Further knowledge of feline physiology and neonatology is needed because the number of cats being kept as pets and used as experimental animals has increased. Few studies have been published on feline sequential electrocardiography. This study was conducted to determine the values of normal waves, complexes, and intervals of the electrocardiogram in clinically healthy feline neonates. Serial electrocardiography was performed in 15 female and 15 male neonates at 30 days of age. Parameters analyzed were heart rate and rhythm, duration and amplitude of electrocardiographic waves, duration of intervals, and the electrical axis of the heart. The results did not show differences between males and females. During the neonates' first 30 days of life, migration of the electrical axis from right to left was observed. There was a progressive increase in the R wave amplitude, while the S wave amplitude showed a progressive decrease. A sinus heart rhythm was predominant in the feline neonates.


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Objectives: To evaluate the effects of a combination of tiletamine-zolazepam-romifidine-atropine in ocelots. Design: Prospective experimental trial. Animals: Eight captive adult ocelots (three females and five males). Methods: Calculated doses of tiletamine-zolazepam (3.75 mg kg -1), romifidine (50 μg kg-1) and atropine (0.04 mg kg-1) were administered intramuscularly. After immobilization, animals were weighed and the real doses determined. Heart rate, respiratory frequency, noninvasive systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressure, arterial oxygen hemoglobin saturation, and rectal temperature were measured. Data were analyzed by means of ANOVA for repeated measures, followed by the Tukey test to compare values over time. Results: Doses administered were 3.4 ± 0.6 mg kg-1 of tiletamine-zolazepam, 0.04 ± 7.0 mg kg-1 of romifidine, and 0.03 ± 0.007 mg kg-1 of atropine. The mean time to recumbency and duration of immobilization were 7.0 ± 4.5 and 109.2 ± 27.9 minutes, respectively. The median times to standing and walking were 52.3 [0-90] and 2.3 [0-69.3] minutes, respectively. A decrease in heart rate was observed 45 minutes following drug administration. Arterial blood pressure was maintained during the study. Conclusions and clinical relevance: This protocol produced good immobilization in ocelots with minimal changes over time in cardiovascular parameters.


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The microsatellite loci FCA045, FCA077, FCA008, and FCA096 are highly variable molecular markers which were used to determine the genetic diversity in 148 captive Leopardus sp. The PCR-amplified products of microsatellite loci were characterized in ABI Prism 310 Genetic Analyzer. Allele numbers, heterozygosity, polymorphism information content, exclusive allele number, and shared alleles were calculated. Sixty-five alleles were found and their sizes ranged from 116 to 216 bp in four microsatellite loci. The heterozygosity ranged from 0.36 to 0.81 in Leopardus pardalis, 0.57 to 0.67 in L. tigrinus and 0.80 to 0.92 in L. wiedii. The polymorphism information content was from 0.80 to 0.88 in L. pardalis, 0.76 to 0.88 in L. tigrinus and 0.77 to 0.90 in L. wiedii. The margay (L. wiedii) showed the highest index of polymorphism among the three species in this study. These results imply that microsatellite DNA markers can help in the study of the genetic diversity of Leopardus specimens. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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Hyperthyroidism is the most frequent endocrine disease in old-aged cats. It is a illness provoked by the excess of circulating thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism causes alteration in bone metabolism with predominance of activity resorption. The evaluation of bone metabolism can be made by measuring serum and urinary markers of bone metabolism or bone mineral densitometry. Osteoblasts are responsible cells for bone formation while the osteoclasts are for resorption. In physiological situation osteoblastic and osteoclastic activities are in balance. Markers of bone formation express the osteoblastic activity and markers of the osseous resorption the osteoclástica activity. Markers of bone turnover are important in the diagnosis and prognostic of muscle-skeletal disease, as well as in the accompaniment of therapy. It is fundamental do carry on studies on the influence of feline hyperthyroidism on markers of bone formation and resorption in bone turnover to comprise pathophysiologic mechanism of bone alterations.


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Feline hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) is now recognised as the most common endocrine disease of the domestic cat. Feline hyperthyroidism cause multisystemic disorder associated with incresead circulating concentrations of the thyroid hormones, tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Cardiovascular abnormalities in cats with spontaneous hyperthyroid have been described. Objective to determine heart size of progressing experimental thyrotoxicosis of 19 cats, using a vertebral scale system (VHS). The lateral, dorsoventral e ventrodorsal radiographs thoracic were measured using a vertebral scale system. Lateral radiographs thoracic to efficient develop that DV and VD. The VHS method is easy to use, allows objective assesment of heart size in cats hyperthyroid, and may be helpful to identify cardiomegaly and heart size progressing.


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Despite the description of several cases of feline leishmaniasis around the world, little information is available about the importance of the cat as a reservoir of the disease. The aim of the present study was to determine the occurrence of leishmaniasis in cats from an endemic area for visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil. Two hundred cats were included in this study. Infection was evaluated through the presence of amastigotes in stained smears from fine-needle aspirates of lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen and liver, and by antibody reactivity against Leishmania chagasi using indirect ELISA. Our results showed a prevalence of infection in 14.5% (31/200) of the feline population studied, with 4% (8/200) of positivity by parasitological diagnosis and 11.5% (23/200) by serology.


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INTRODUCTION: Microsporum canis is the most common cause of canine and feline dermatophytosis and thus has an important zoonotic role. OBJECTIVES: the aim of this study was to determine the antifungal action of medicinal plant extracts and of eucalyptus oil against pathogenic fungus Microsporum canis. METHODS: the extracts were prepared by mixing 300 g of previously washed leaves with 450 mL of distilled water. Then the material was triturated, filtered, sterilized and conserved at 10 + 2 oC. Fifteen milliliters of sterilized medium Sabouraud dextrose (Difco) at a temperature of 55 + 1 oC was added in Petri dishes containing the extracts in one, two, three, four and five mm concentrations. The fungus was inoculated once the medium was solidified. The inoculated dishes were maintained in B.O.D. incubator at 36 ± 0,5 oC until the fungus developed in the controls. RESULTS: the extracts from Punica granatum, Mangifera indica and Eucalyptus spp reduced the growth of fungus, but the extracts from Cymgopogom nardus, Tagetes minuta, Ruta graviolens, Cyperus rotundus, Annona moricata and Calendula spp leaves and flowers boosted the growth of fungus. The other extracts and the eucalyptus oil neither show any fungicidal action nor encourage mycelium growth. CONCLUSIONS: the use of most tested extracts and eucalyptus oil is not suitable for the treatment of Microsporum canis dermatophytosis due to lack of inhibitory effects. The extracts from Cymgopogom nardus, Tagetes minuta, Ruta graviolens, Cyperus rotundus, Annona moricata and from of Calendula spp leaves and flowers help the development of the fungus making clear that phytotherapy should be properly used, otherwise it can worsen the problem. However; extracts from Mangifera indica, Punica granatum and Eucalyptus spp. can be used as fungistatic.


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Toxoplasma gondii is the causative intracellular protozoan of toxoplasmosis in human being and animals. Members of the Felidae family are considered the single definitive host for the infection; both wild and domestic cats are able to excrete oocysts in the environment. Wild cats maintained in captivity may serve as source of infection for other clinically susceptible animals in the same environment. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of T. gondii IgG antibodies in 57 neotropical felids (1 Leopardus geoffroyi; 3 Puma yagouaroundi; 17 Leopardus wiedii; 22 Leopardus tigrinus; and 14 Leopardus pardalis) kept at the Bela Vista Biological Sanctuary, Itaipu Binacional, Southern Brazil, by the modified agglutination test (MAT) using titer 16 as cut-off point. Seropositivity was observed in 38/57 (66.67%; 95% CI 53.66-77.51%) samples, with higher frequency in ocelots (71.43%). Wild-caught felids were three times more likely to be infected when compared to zoo-born animals (P≤ 0.05) and age of wild-caught animals (P= 0.6892; 95% CI. = 0.7528-1.66) was not significant as a risk factor for the infection, the same occurring with zoo-born animals (P= 0.05; 95% CI. = 0.6267-24.052). These results suggest that, despite efforts to control T. gondii infection in zoo facilities, such as individual pens, hygiene monitoring, veterinary care and pre-frozen meat offered as food, non-domestic felids kept in captivity, particularly the wild-caught specimens, may be invariably exposed to infection due to other environmental sources. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.


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Feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia represent important infectious diseases caused by retroviruses. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of infection by feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) in cats from the municipality of Araçatuba, São Paulo. Blood samples from 302 cats were collected and tested for the presence of antibodies against feline immunodeficiency virus and antigen of feline leukemia virus by ELISA ® Snap- Combo FIV-FeLV (IDEXX Laboratories). The frequency of FIV positivity was 5.63% (17/302) and of FeLV was 0.33% (1/302). Of the 17 cats infected with FIV, nine (52.94%) were symptomatic. There was a prevalence of FIV infection in males (p 0.0316) and cats aged between one and three years (p 0.0324).


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of yeast cell wall extract (YCW) in dry diet on the fecal microbiota, concentration of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and on the odor reduction of cats feces. We used 20 animals of both sexes, randomly assigned to four treatments and five repetitions totaling 20 experimental units: 1) dry commercial diet (control); 2) control + 0.2%, 3) control + 0.4%, and 4) control + 0.6% of YCW in dry matter. Enterobacteriaceae and lactic acid bacteria, fecal concentration of acetic, propionic and butyric acids, ammonia nitrogen and sensory panel were performed. There were no significant differences (p> 0.05) for bacterial counts and the concentration of SCFA and ammonia, but in sensory panel a reduction in the odor of feces could be noted with the use of 0.2% of YCW. We concluded that the addition of up to 0.6% YCW had no effect on the microbiology and the concentration of fatty acids, but there is potential for its use as an additive because of the improvement in the odor of feces. However, further studies are needed to understand the mechanisms of action and the effects of prebiotics for domestic cats.


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The feline infectious respiratory disease is the most common diagnosed infection in the veterinary clinic routine, being the Feline Herpesvirus1 the most important causal agent. Once infected, the cat will become a lifetime latent carrier, experiencing episodes of viral reactivation and spontaneous spread especially when there is a stress factor involved. This virus acts in the upper respiratory system and is also associated with eye diseases. The diagnosis is made by viral isolation and treatment protocol is based on a topic antiviral therapy, even though many of them are epiteliotoxic and may progress with intense discomfort in felines.The purpose of this paper is to describe the main ocular manifestations and syndromes seen in cats suffering from feline herpesvirus. Conjunctivitis, epithelial and stromal keratitis, corneal ulceration and indolent ulcers are the main ocular manifestations associated with viral infection, whereas symblepharon, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, proliferative keratitis and corneal sequestration are the main eye syndromes that can be observed in infected animals.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of a commercial kit for bovine embryo vitrification for cryopreserving cat oocytes and to evaluate comparatively the effects of its use with slow freezing procedure on cryotolerance in terms of morphology and oocyte resumption of meiosis. Germinal vesicle stage oocytes isolated from cat ovaries were either vitrified (n=72) using a vitrification kit for bovine embryo or slow frozen (n=69) by exposing oocyte to ethylene glycol solution before being transferred to a programmable embryo freezer. After thawing and warming, oocytes were cultured for 48h and then were examined for meiosis resumption using bisbenzimide fluorescent staining (Hoechst 33342). Fresh immature oocytes (n=92) were used as the control group. The proportion of oocytes recovered in a morphologically normal state after thawing/warming was significantly higher in frozen oocytes (94.5%) than in the vitrified ones (75%, p<0.01). Morphological integrity after culture was similar in vitrified (73.6%) and slow frozen oocytes (76.8%); however, only 37.5% of the morphologically normal oocytes resumed meiosis after vitrification compared to 60.9% of those submitted to slow freezing procedure (p<0.01). Fresh oocytes showed higher morphological integrity (91.3%) and meiosis resumption rates (82.6%, p<0.002) than cryopreserved oocytes, irrespective of the procedure used. These results suggest that immature cat oocytes vitrified with a kit for bovine embryos retain their capacity to resume meiosis after warming and culture, albeit at lower rates than slow frozen oocytes. Vitrification and slow freezing methods show similar proportions of oocytes with normal morphology after culture, which demonstrate that thawed and warmed oocytes that resist to cryodamage have the same chances to maintain their integrity after 48h of culture. © 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


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Background: A scale validated in one language is not automatically valid in another language or culture. The purpose of this study was to validate the English version of the UNESP-Botucatu multidimensional composite pain scale (MCPS) to assess postoperative pain in cats. The English version was developed using translation, back-translation, and review by individuals with expertise in feline pain management. In sequence, validity and reliability tests were performed.Results: Of the three domains identified by factor analysis, the internal consistency was excellent for 'pain expression' and 'psychomotor change' (0.86 and 0.87) but not for 'physiological variables' (0.28). Relevant changes in pain scores at clinically distinct time points (e.g., post-surgery, post-analgesic therapy), confirmed the construct validity and responsiveness (Wilcoxon test, p < 0.001). Favorable correlation with the IVAS scores (p < 0.001) and moderate to very good agreement between blinded observers and 'gold standard' evaluations, supported criterion validity. The cut-off point for rescue analgesia was > 7 (range 0-30 points) with 96.5% sensitivity and 99.5% specificity.Conclusions: The English version of the UNESP-Botucatu-MCPS is a valid, reliable and responsive instrument for assessing acute pain in cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy, when used by anesthesiologists or anesthesia technicians. The cut-off point for rescue analgesia provides an additional tool for guiding analgesic therapy. © 2013 Brondani et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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A toxoplasmose é uma zoonose causada pelo Toxoplasma gondii, comum nos animais domésticos e que tem sido objeto de estudos no Brasil e em todas as partes do mundo. Este parasita intracelular obrigatório infecta mamíferos e aves e tem nos felídeos seus hospedeiros definitivos. Nas aves, a infecção toxoplásmica pode ser assintomática, a forma mais provável de contaminação é através da ingestão de oocistos presentes no solo, água e rações contaminadas e a carne de frangos uma das principais vias de transmissão para o homem. Com objetivo de estudar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii em frangos de corte abatidos para consumo na região metropolitana de Belém, 300 amostras de soro procedentes de abate em escala industrial e clandestino, foram submetidas ao Teste de Aglutinação Modificada (MAT). Anticorpos anti-T. gondii foram detectados em uma (1/300, 0,33%) amostra, procedente de abate clandestino e em nenhuma amostra procedente de abate em escala industrial. Embora as amostras de soro de frangos de corte procedentes de abate em escala industrial não tenham demonstrado anticorpos anti-T. gondii, recomenda-se a adoção rotineira de pesquisa sorológica desse organismo em qualquer tipo de abate e no nível de consumo como medida de prevenção ao risco sanitário humano e estudos para determinar a real importância das galinhas de criação livre na epidemiologia da toxoplasmose em nosso meio.