956 resultados para Fauna florestal
O Ribeirão Tanquinho, localizado no município de Botucatu, é totalmente inserido no perímetro urbano, da nascente a foz percorre 2.500 metros em área residencial, atravessando 12 quarteirões. A partir de 1998 ficou livre do esgoto e no ano de 2001 os quatro primeiros quarteirões da bacia foram alvo de um projeto de Recuperação Hídrico Florestal promovido pela ONG S.O.S. Cuesta de Botucatu, com o plantio de cerca de 5.400 mudas de árvores nativas visando à recuperação da área intensamente degradada. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a fauna (anfíbios, aves, répteis, peixes e mamíferos) do ribeirão Tanquinho, e gerar resultados que sirva de subsídios para ações ambientais no local, práticas de educação ambiental e também colaborar para o aumento do conhecimento acerca da fauna de Botucatu. Os trabalhos de caracterização de fauna foram realizados durante o período de fevereiro a outubro de 2008. Foram realizadas coletas no local e entrevistas com moradores ribeirinhos, a identificação dos animais foi realizada em campo, com exceção de alguns espécimes de peixes que foram retirados do local e identificados em laboratório. Para as coletas de um modo geral foi utilizada a observação direta com registro fotográfico dos animais, observação indireta através de vocalizações e procura por vestígios. Das 156 pessoas entrevistadas, 132 afirmaram ter visto algum vertebrado no local, no total foram registradas 03 espécies para o grupo peixes, 05 espécies de anfíbios, 06 espécies de répteis, 46 de aves e 07 de mamíferos (02 terrestres e 05 voadores)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA), Rio Claro/SP has a huge potential for cyclists tracks; the Unit already have a trail at the principal entrance, passing by firebreaks bordering the towers quadrants and finishing at the municipal road. This work aims the ambiental interpretation of this trail already established and implant activities planned before at the public use program of the State Forest according to the management plan of the Unit; to interpret the tracks for mountain bike cyclists; promote the conservation of natural, historic and cultural resources of the Forest. At the present work has been accomplished the Ambiental Interpretation through the panels, containing the characteristic native flora and fauna, the existing water resources at the Unit and also the representatives individuals of the exotic arboreal species, found around the trail. Ten points were chosen for interpretation, therefore, for preparation of the script it was considered besides the bibliographic literature, experiences of project team members at FEENA, Unit Management Plan knowledge relating the gaps in the public use program and field work. The panels contain figures and texts about the chosen topics, to promote a language easily understandable to the visitor and concomitantly, inform to the population who attends the Unit, increasing this way the user satisfaction
The State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA), Rio Claro/SP has a huge potential for cyclists tracks; the Unit already have a trail at the principal entrance, passing by firebreaks bordering the towers quadrants and finishing at the municipal road. This work aims the ambiental interpretation of this trail already established and implant activities planned before at the public use program of the State Forest according to the management plan of the Unit; to interpret the tracks for mountain bike cyclists; promote the conservation of natural, historic and cultural resources of the Forest. At the present work has been accomplished the Ambiental Interpretation through the panels, containing the characteristic native flora and fauna, the existing water resources at the Unit and also the representatives individuals of the exotic arboreal species, found around the trail. Ten points were chosen for interpretation, therefore, for preparation of the script it was considered besides the bibliographic literature, experiences of project team members at FEENA, Unit Management Plan knowledge relating the gaps in the public use program and field work. The panels contain figures and texts about the chosen topics, to promote a language easily understandable to the visitor and concomitantly, inform to the population who attends the Unit, increasing this way the user satisfaction
The goal of this study was to compare areas under different forest restoration technologies in relation to abundance, richness, diversity and composition of the present fauna in the litter and soil. The treatments evaluated were: natural regeneration (RN); high diversity tree plantations (L) and nucleation (N). An area of secondary forest was included in the study as a reference of soil conditions. The experimental design was in randomized block with four replications. Samples were collected for extraction of mesofauna (October/2012; July and October/2013) and macrofauna (June and October/2013) in six points of each plot, totaling 24 samples per treatment. For collecting soil macrofauna was used TSBF method. The mesofauna was collected with a metal cylinder and extracted by Berlese-Tüllgren funnel. Litter and soil were collected separately at each point and the fauna was identified level of class/taxonomic order. The springtails were classified using morphotypes. In total, considering the mesofauna, macrofauna and three times collected were accounted 28618 organisms. In relation soil mesofauna, the evaluated technologies did not differ, after three years of restoration, in relation to total abundance of organisms and community composition. The Shannon diversity index (H), in soil mesofauna, followed a human impact gradient. This index was higher in natural regeneration, which not was undergone technical interventions and showed higher moisture in the soil. The tree planting technology, under the control of volunteer plants in total area, showed lower H index. In the case of litter mesofauna, the technologies did not differ in relation the mean richness, total abundance of organisms and community composition. Considering edaphic macrofauna, technologies did not differ in relation to the abundance and richness, and in the evaluation of June/2013, RN showed higher H index and differed in relation to the community composition of other technologies. In October/2013 evaluation, the differences between the technologies in relation to H index were narrower and these did not differ in terms of composition of soil macrofauna community. In litter macrofauna, in June/2013, the RN presented greater richness and H index when compared to other technologies and in evaluation October/2013 technologies did not differ in relation to community composition, richness and mean abundance of organisms. In the case of springtails, technologies after three years in the restoration process, did not differ in relation to the abundance, richness and composition of Collembola community for different morphotypes. The secondary forest, in relation to forest restoration technologies, presented greater abundance of saprophages, predators and greater diversity of morphotypes of springtails. From these results it, we recommended to natural regeneration by to have the lowest cost of deployment, followed by nucleation and online planting. The animals should be monitored over time, in the restoration technologies, as well as the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil, in order to understand the possible changes in the composition and diversity of organisms.
Estuda-se a associação de grandes mamíferos recolhida em unidades estratigráficas das "Salas 20 e 2" do Buraco da Moura de S. Romão (Seia) correspondentes a uma ocupação do Bronze Pleno. Devido à natureza predominantemente ácida dos terrenos de toda a região beirã, restos faunísticos como os agora estudados são excepcionais. Tal facto valoriza as conclusões obtidas do seu estudo, não apenas sobre as bases de subsistência e hábitos alimentares, mas também acerca da economia das populações que, no Bronze Pleno, ocuparam a Bacia do Alto Mondego. Comprovou-se uma importante actividadepastoril, documentada pela predominância, no espectro faunístico, dos bovinos e ovinos e onde a caça ocupava um lugar muito secundário. Tal situação reforça a proposta de atribuição da degradação do coberto florestal da área serrana como tendo origem antrópica, datando talvez desde o IV milénio a. C., ligando-se á necessidade da obtenção de terras de pastoreio.
Os opiliões são aracnídeos inofensivos que participam dos processos ecológicos de ciclagem de nutrientes e decomposição da matéria orgânica, sendo componentes importantes da fauna edáfica, embora, pobremente conhecidos e estudados, principalmente na região amazônica. Este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a fauna de opiliões presente em um remanescente florestal, localizado no município de Plácido de Castro, AC, no período de agosto de 2014 a agosto de 2015. Para o levantamento foram utilizados dois métodos de coleta: armadilhas pitfall (coleta passiva) e procura livre noturna (coleta ativa). Pelo método de coleta ativa foi capturado um total de 18 opiliões pertencentes às famílias Cosmetidae, Sclerosomatidae e Manaosbiidae, não sendo coletado nenhum espécime pelo método de coleta passiva. A espécie Paraprotus quadripunctatus e os gêneros Geaya e Cynorta foram registrados pela primeira vez no estado do Acre. Ainda, demonstrou-se que o método de coleta ativa "procura livre noturna" é o mais adequado para a realização deste tipo de estudo.
Os opiliões (Arachnida: Opiliones) são aracnídeos com ampla distribuição geográfica, sendo a maior parte das espécies registradas na região Neotropical. Esses organismos possuem baixa capacidade de dispersão, alto grau de endemismo e sensibilidade às mudanças ambientais, também participam da ciclagem da matéria orgânica do solo, visto que muitas espécies possuem o hábito alimentar detritívoro. Dada a importância desses organismos, objetivou-se com esse trabalho prospectar a fauna de opiliões em remanescente florestal localizado no município de Plácido de Castro, AC. Foram utilizados dois métodos de captura: armadilhas pitfall (captura passiva), dispostas em dois transectos, e procura livre noturna (coleta ativa). As armadilhas pitfall consistiram em copos plásticos de 500 mL, contendo uma solução de formaldeído a 1% e gotas de detergente neutro, sendo recolhidas semanalmente. As coletas ativas mensais foram realizadas por quatro pessoas, em um esforço de coleta de 1 h. As espécies de opiliões capturadas foram: Paecilaema marajoara, Paraprotus quadripunctatus, Taito kakera e Cynorta sp. (Cosmetidae); Geaya sp. (Sclerosomatidae) e quatro adultos e um imaturo, pertencentes à família Manaosbiidae. Todos os opiliões registrados nesse levantamento foram capturados pelo método de ?procura livre noturna?, sendo os gêneros Geaya e Cynorta, bem como a espécie P. quadripunctatus, registrados pela primeira vez no estado do Acre.
Global warming is already threatening many animal and plant communities worldwide, however, the effect of climate change on bat populations is poorly known. Understanding the factors influencing the survival of bats is crucial to their conservation, and this cannot be achieved solely by modern ecological studies. Palaeoecological investigations provide a perspective over a much longer temporal scale, allowing the understanding of the dynamic patterns that shaped the distribution of modern taxa. In this study twelve microchiropteran fossil assemblages from Mount Etna, central-eastern Queensland, ranging in age from more than 500,000 years to the present day, were investigated. The aim was to assess the responses of insectivorous bats to Quaternary environmental changes, including climatic fluctuations and recent anthropogenic impacts. In particular, this investigation focussed on the effects of increasing late Pleistocene aridity, the subsequent retraction of rainforest habitat, and the impact of cave mining following European settlement at Mount Etna. A thorough examination of the dental morphology of all available extant Australian bat taxa was conducted in order to identify the fossil taxa prior to their analysis in term of species richness and composition. This detailed odontological work provided new diagnostic dental characters for eighteen species and one genus. It also provided additional useful dental characters for three species and seven genera. This odontological analysis allowed the identification of fifteen fossil bat taxa from the Mount Etna deposits, all being representatives of extant bats, and included ten taxa identified to the species level (i.e., Macroderma gigas, Hipposideros semoni, Rhinolophus megaphyllus, Miniopterus schreibersii, Miniopterus australis, Scoteanax rueppellii, Chalinolobus gouldii, Chalinolobus dwyeri, Chalinolobus nigrogriseus and Vespadelus troughtoni) and five taxa identified to the generic level (i.e., Mormopterus, Taphozous, Nyctophilus, Scotorepens and Vespadelus). Palaeoecological analysis of the fossil taxa revealed that, unlike the non-volant mammal taxa, bats have remained essentially stable in terms of species diversity and community membership between the mid-Pleistocene rainforest habitat and the mesic habitat that occurs today in the region. The single major exception is Hipposideros semoni, which went locally extinct at Mount Etna. Additionally, while intensive mining operations resulted in the abandonment of at least one cave that served as a maternity roost in the recent past, the diversity of the Mount Etna bat fauna has not declined since European colonisation. The overall resilience through time of the bat species discussed herein is perhaps due to their unique ecological, behavioural, and physiological characteristics as well as their ability to fly, which have allowed them to successfully adapt to their changing environment. This study highlights the importance of palaeoecological analyses as a tool to gain an understanding of how bats have responded to environmental change in the past and provides valuable information for the conservation of threatened modern species, such as H. semoni.
As a large, isolated and relatively ancient landmass, New Zealand occupies a unique place in the biological world, with distinctive terrestrial biota and a high proportion of primitive endemic forms. Biology Aotearoa covers the origins, evolution and conservation of the New Zealand flora, fauna and fungi. Each chapter is written by specialists in the field, often working from different perspectives to build up a comprehensive picture. Topics include: the geological history of our land origins, and evolution of our plants, animals and fungi current status of rare and threatened species past, present and future management of native species the effect of human immigration on the native biota. Colour diagrams and photographs are used throughout the text. This book is suitable for all students of biology or ecology who wish to know about the unique nature of Aotearoa New Zealand and its context in the biological world.
As a large, isolated and relatively ancient landmass, New Zealand occupies a unique place in the biological world, with distinctive terrestrial biota and a high proportion of primitive endemic forms. Biology Aotearoa covers the origins, evolution and conservation of the New Zealand flora, fauna and fungi. Each chapter is written by specialists in the field, often working from different perspectives to build up a comprehensive picture. Topics include: the geological history of our land origins, and evolution of our plants, animals and fungi current status of rare and threatened species past, present and future management of native species the effect of human immigration on the native biota.
The genus Austronothrus was previously known from three species recorded only from New Zealand. Austronothrus kinabalu sp. nov. is described from Sabah, Borneo and A. rostralis sp. nov. from Norfolk Island, south-west Pacific. A key to Austronothrus is included. These new species extend the distribution of Austronothrus beyond New Zealand and confirms that the subfamily Crotoniinae is not confined to former Gondwanan landmasses. The distribution pattern of Austronothrus spp., combining Oriental and Gondwanan localities, is indicative of a curved, linear track; consistent with the accretion of island arcs and volcanic terranes around the plate margins of the Pacific Ocean, with older taxa persisting on younger island though localised dispersal within island arc metapopulations. Phylogenetic analysis and an area cladogram are consistent with a broad ancestral distribution of Austronothrus in the Oriental region and on Gondwanan terranes, with subsequent divergence and distribution southward from the Sunda region to New Zealand. This pattern is more complex than might be expected if the New Zealand oribatid fauna was derived from dispersal following re-emergence of land after inundation during the Oligocene (25 mya), as well as if the fauna emanated from endemic, relictual taxa following separation of New Zealand from Gondwana during the Cretaceous (80 mya).
A successful translocation involves many complex factors, including a genetically appropriate source population that can sustain harvest, social and governmental support, assessment of disease transmission risk and a release site with appropriately secure habitat that can support population establishment and persistance. This information is typically discussed during staturory approval processes and can take considerable time. However, following approval, for translocations of most fauna, the initial critical step involves the inherently stressful process of capture, holding, transportation and release. This process is unpredictable and novel, and is especially challenging for wild animals when they are confined in close proximity to conspecifics and humans. In contrast, captive-reared animals have to cope with the unfamiliar challenges of finding food and shelter, along with coping with competition and predation. Little has been written in the scientific literature about the translocation process. This is unsurprising because this process has usually been the realm of skilled practioners, often with animal husbandry backgrounds, rather than research scientists. Highly skilled intuition, observation and the translocation practioner's equivalent of a 'green thumb' often guides the way. However, theory and experimentation, particularly on the effects of stress, is available and this work is invaluable for a successful translocation. Here, we provide a brief description of the translocation process, and discussion of what stress is and how it can be managed. We then provide practical guidelines for the successful translocation of invertebrates, lizards, turtles, passerine birds, marsupials and bats, using examples from Australia and New Zealand.
Traps baited with synthetic aggregation pheromones of Carpophilus hemipterus (L.), Carpophilus mutilatus Erichson and Carpophilus davidsoni Dobson and fermenting bread dough were used to identify the fauna and monitor the seasonal abundance of Carpophilus spp. in insecticide treated peach and nectarine orchards in the Gosford area of coastal New South Wales. In four orchards 67 178 beetles were trapped during 1994–1995, with C. davidsoni (82%) and Carpophilus gaveni (Dobson) (12.2%) dominating catches. Five species (C. hemipterus, C. mutilatus, Carpophilus marginellus Motschulsky, Carpophilus humeralis (F.) and an unidentified species) each accounted for 0.2–3.2% of trapped beetles. Carpophilus davidsoni was most abundant during late September–early October but numbers declined rapidly during October, usually before insecticides were applied. Spring populations of Carpophilus spp. were very large in 1994–1995 (1843–2588 per trap per week). However, despite a preharvest population decline of approximately 95% and 2–11 applications of insecticide, 14–545 beetles per trap per week (above the arbitrary fruit damage threshold of 10 beetles per trap per week) were recorded during the harvest period and fruit damage occurred at three of the four orchards. Lower preharvest populations in 1995–1996 (< 600 per trap per week) and up to six applications of insecticide resulted in < 10 beetles per trap per week during most of the harvest period and minimal or no fruit damage. The implications of these results for the integrated management of Carpophilus spp. in coastal and inland areas of southeastern Australia are discussed.