775 resultados para Fano Manifolds


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Finding vertex-minimal triangulations of closed manifolds is a very difficult problem. Except for spheres and two series of manifolds, vertex-minimal triangulations are known for only few manifolds of dimension more than 2 (see the table given at the end of Section 5). In this article, we present a brief survey on the works done in last 30 years on the following:(i) Finding the minimal number of vertices required to triangulate a given pl manifold. (ii) Given positive integers n and d, construction of n-vertex triangulations of different d-dimensional pl manifolds. (iii) Classifications of all the triangulations of a given pl manifold with same number of vertices.In Section 1, we have given all the definitions which are required for the remaining part of this article. A reader can start from Section 2 and come back to Section 1 as and when required. In Section 2, we have presented a very brief history of triangulations of manifolds. In Section 3,we have presented examples of several vertex-minimal triangulations. In Section 4, we have presented some interesting results on triangulations of manifolds. In particular, we have stated the Lower Bound Theorem and the Upper Bound Theorem. In Section 5, we have stated several results on minimal triangulations without proofs. Proofs are available in the references mentioned there. We have also presented some open problems/conjectures in Sections 3 and 5.


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We give explicit construction of vertex-transitive tight triangulations of d-manifolds for d >= 2. More explicitly, for each d >= 2, we construct two (d(2) + 5d + 5)-vertex neighborly triangulated d-manifolds whose vertex-links are stacked spheres. The only other non-trivial series of such tight triangulated manifolds currently known is the series of non-simply connected triangulated d-manifolds with 2d + 3 vertices constructed by Kuhnel. The manifolds we construct are strongly minimal. For d >= 3, they are also tight neighborly as defined by Lutz, Sulanke and Swartz. Like Kuhnel complexes, our manifolds are orientable in even dimensions and non-orientable in odd dimensions. (c) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We introduce k-stellated spheres and consider the class W-k(d) of triangulated d-manifolds, all of whose vertex links are k-stellated, and its subclass W-k*; (d), consisting of the (k + 1)-neighbourly members of W-k(d). We introduce the mu-vector of any simplicial complex and show that, in the case of 2-neighbourly simplicial complexes, the mu-vector dominates the vector of Betti numbers componentwise; the two vectors are equal precisely for tight simplicial complexes. We are able to estimate/compute certain alternating sums of the components of the mu-vector of any 2-neighbourly member of W-k(d) for d >= 2k. As a consequence of this theory, we prove a lower bound theorem for such triangulated manifolds, and we determine the integral homology type of members of W-k*(d) for d >= 2k + 2. As another application, we prove that, when d not equal 2k + 1, all members of W-k*(d) are tight. We also characterize the tight members of W-k*(2k + 1) in terms of their kth Betti numbers. These results more or less answer a recent question of Effenberger, and also provide a uniform and conceptual tightness proof for all except two of the known tight triangulated manifolds. We also prove a lower bound theorem for homology manifolds in which the members of W-1(d) provide the equality case. This generalizes a result (the d = 4 case) due to Walkup and Kuhnel. As a consequence, it is shown that every tight member of W-1 (d) is strongly minimal, thus providing substantial evidence in favour of a conjecture of Kuhnel and Lutz asserting that tight homology manifolds should be strongly minimal. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have introduced the weight of a group which has a presentation with number of relations is at most the number of generators. We have shown that the number of facets of any contracted pseudotriangulation of a connected closed 3-manifold M is at least the weight of the fundamental group of M. This lower bound is sharp for the 3-manifolds RP3, L(3, 1), L(5, 2), S-1 x S-1 x S-1, S-2 x S-1, S-2 (x) under bar S-1 and S-3/Q(8), where Q(8) is the quaternion group. Moreover, there is a unique such facet minimal pseudotriangulation in each of these seven cases. We have also constructed contracted pseudotriangulations of L(kq - 1, q) with 4(q + k - 1) facets for q >= 3, k >= 2 and L(kq + 1, q) with 4(q + k) facets for q >= 4, k >= 1. By a recent result of Swartz, our pseudotriangulations of L(kg + 1, q) are facet minimal when kg + 1 are even. In 1979, Gagliardi found presentations of the fundamental group of a manifold M in terms of a contracted pseudotriangulation of M. Our construction is the converse of this, namely, given a presentation of the fundamental group of a 3-manifold M, we construct a contracted pseudotriangulation of M. So, our construction of a contracted pseudotriangulation of a 3-manifold M is based on a presentation of the fundamental group of M and it is computer-free.


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We prove a result on the structure of finite proper holomorphic mappings between complex manifolds that are products of hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. While an important special case of our result follows from the ideas developed by Remmert and Stein, the proof of the full result relies on the interplay of the latter ideas and a finiteness theorem for Riemann surfaces.


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All triangulated d-manifolds satisfy the inequality ((f0-d-1)(2)) >= ((d+2)(2))beta(1) for d >= 3. A triangulated d-manifold is called tight neighborly if it attains equality in this bound. For each d >= 3, a (2d + 3)-vertex tight neighborly triangulation of the Sd-1-bundle over S-1 with beta(1) = 1 was constructed by Kuhnel in 1986. In this paper, it is shown that there does not exist a tight neighborly triangulated manifold with beta(1) = 2. In other words, there is no tight neighborly triangulation of (Sd-1 x S-1)(#2) or (Sd-1 (sic) S-1)(#2) for d >= 3. A short proof of the uniqueness of K hnel's complexes for d >= 4 under the assumption beta(1) not equal 0 is also presented.


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Let (M, g) be a compact Ricci-fiat 4-manifold. For p is an element of M let K-max(P) (respectively K-min(p)) denote the maximum (respectively the minimum) of sectional curvatures at p. We prove that if K-max(p) <= -cK(min)(P) for all p is an element of M, for some constant c with 0 <= c < 2+root 6/4 then (M, g) is fiat. We prove a similar result for compact Ricci-flat Kahler surfaces. Let (M, g) be such a surface and for p is an element of M let H-max(p) (respectively H-min(P)) denote the maximum (respectively the minimum) of holomorphic sectional curvatures at p. If H-max(P) <= -cH(min)(P) for all p is an element of M, for some constant c with 0 <= c < 1+root 3/2, then (M, g) is flat. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Minimal crystallizations of simply connected PL 4-manifolds are very natural objects. Many of their topological features are reflected in their combinatorial structure which, in addition, is preserved under the connected sum operation. We present a minimal crystallization of the standard PL K3 surface. In combination with known results this yields minimal crystallizations of all simply connected PL 4-manifolds of ``standard'' type, that is, all connected sums of CP2, S-2 x S-2, and the K3 surface. In particular, we obtain minimal crystallizations of a pair of homeomorphic but non-PL-homeomorphic 4-manifolds. In addition, we give an elementary proof that the minimal 8-vertex crystallization of CP2 is unique and its associated pseudotriangulation is related to the 9-vertex combinatorial triangulation of CP2 by the minimum of four edge contractions.


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A triangulation of a closed 2-manifold is tight with respect to a field of characteristic two if and only if it is neighbourly; and it is tight with respect to a field of odd characteristic if and only if it is neighbourly and orientable. No such characterization of tightness was previously known for higher dimensional manifolds. In this paper, we prove that a triangulation of a closed 3-manifold is tight with respect to a field of odd characteristic if and only if it is neighbourly, orientable and stacked. In consequence, the Kuhnel-Lutz conjecture is valid in dimension three for fields of odd characteristic. Next let F be a field of characteristic two. It is known that, in this case, any neighbourly and stacked triangulation of a closed 3-manifold is F-tight. For closed, triangulated 3-manifolds with at most 71 vertices or with first Betti number at most 188, we show that the converse is true. But the possibility of the existence of an F-tight, non-stacked triangulation on a larger number of vertices remains open. We prove the following upper bound theorem on such triangulations. If an F-tight triangulation of a closed 3-manifold has n vertices and first Betti number beta(1), then (n - 4) (617n - 3861) <= 15444 beta(1). Equality holds here if and only if all the vertex links of the triangulation are connected sums of boundary complexes of icosahedra. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, a method to construct topological template in terms of symbolic dynamics for the diamagnetic Kepler problem is proposed. To confirm the topological template, rotation numbers of invariant manifolds around unstable periodic orbits in a phase space are taken as an object of comparison. The rotation numbers are determined from the definition and connected with symbolic sequences encoding the periodic orbits in a reduced Poincare section. Only symbolic codes with inverse ordering in the forward mapping can contribute to the rotation of invariant manifolds around the periodic orbits. By using symbolic ordering, the reduced Poincare section is constricted along stable manifolds and a topological template, which preserves the ordering of forward sequences and can be used to extract the rotation numbers, is established. The rotation numbers computed from the topological template are the same as those computed from their original definition.


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We investigate the enhancement of Kerr nonlinearity in an asymmetric GaAs double quantum well via Fano interference, which is caused by tunneling from the excited subband to the continuum. In our structure, owing to Fano interference, the Kerr nonlinearity can be enhanced by appropriately choosing the values of the detunings and the intensity of the pump field, while cancel the linear and nonlinear absorptions.


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We investigate the emission spectra of the semiconductor quantum well for few-cycle and sub-cycle pulse exciting. We find that Fano interference may induce third harmonic enhancement. Third harmonic enhancement varies with the magnitude and duration of the incident pulse, and may be enhanced by approximately one order of magnitude for the low intensity region of the sub-cycle incident pulse exciting.


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Dani Fanori egindako elkarrizketa, Ikastolen Elkarteak argitaratzen duen Xabiroi aldizkariaren parte-hartzaileetako bat