997 resultados para Facial Pain


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Aims: To estimate the prevalence of symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) as a function of age and gender, in a representative urban sample from the Brazilian population. Methods: A total of 1,230 inhabitants (51.5% women) aged 15 to 65 years were interviewed by a validated phone survey. Sample size had been previously calculated. TMD symptoms were assessed through five questions, as recommended by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain, in an attempt to identify possible TMD. Data were derived by age and gender. Prevalence of each TMD symptom, and of combination of symptoms, was calculated. Results: At least one TMD symptom was reported by 39.2% of the individuals. Pain related to TMD was noted by 25.6% of the population. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) sound was the most common symptom of TMD, followed by TMJ pain and masticatory muscle pain. All symptoms were more prevalent in women than in men. With men used as the reference, a relative risk (RR) of at least one TMD symptom in women was 1.31 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.14 to 1.52). When at least two symptoms were present, the RR was 1.93 (95% CI = 1.49 to 2.51). For three or more TMD symptoms, the RR was 2.49 (95% CI = 1.67 to 3.71). Women were also more likely than men to have TMD pain (RR = 1.78; 9% CI = 1.45 to 2.18). Conclusion: Individual symptoms, as well as a combination of TMD symptoms, are prevalent in the Brazilian urban population and are more frequent in women than in men. Additional studies should focus on risk factors for and relevance of TMD for the sufferers. J OROFAC PAIN 2010;24:270-278


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To explore the relationship between sleep bruxism (SB), painful temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and psychologic status in a cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 272 individuals. The Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD) was used to diagnose TMD; SB was diagnosed by clinical criteria proposed by The American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The sample was divided into four groups: (1) patients without painful TMD and without SB, (2) patients without painful TMD and with SB, (3) patients with painful TMD and without SB and (4) patients with painful TMD and with SB. Data were analysed by Odds Ratio test with a 95% confidence interval. Patients with SB had an increased risk for the occurrence of myofascial pain (OR = 5.93, 95% CI: 3.1911.02) and arthralgia (2.34, 1.583.46). Group 3 had an increased risk for moderate/severe depression and non-specific physical symptoms (10.1, 3.6727.79; 14.7, 5.3939.92, respectively), and this risk increased in the presence of SB (25.0, 9.6564.77; 35.8, 13.9491.90, respectively). SB seems to be a risk factor for painful TMD, and this in turn is a risk factor for the occurrence of higher depression and non-specific physical symptoms levels, but a causeeffect relationship could not be established.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Migraine and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are highly prevalent conditions that frequently coexist in the same patient. The relationship between migraine and TMD is complex. Migraineurs often have pain in the TMD area; TMD sufferers, in turn, often experience headaches in addition to the pain in the jaw. Finally, migraine and TMD are comorbid, and the final phenotype of patients with the comorbidity may represent the aggregated contribution of both. Herein we briefly discuss the clinical commonalities of migraine and TMD, and the differential diagnosis of these conditions with other causes of facial pain. We close by presenting our experience in the treatment of patients with the comorbidity.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Identificar as queixas dolorosas dos pacientes é essencial para determinar diagnósticos e intervenções terapêuticas adequadas em dor orofacial (DOF). Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a frequência das queixas de dor relatadas comparando-as àquelas marcadas pelos pacientes em mapas de dor. MÉTODO: Os dados foram coletados dos prontuários de 532 pacientes da Clínica de Dor Orofacial da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara. Os indivíduos responderam a um questionário informando suas queixas de dor e completaram um mapa corporal indicando as áreas dolorosas. A frequência dos relatos foi comparada à frequência dos locais identificados nos mapas. Foram consideradas nove regiões anatômicas: cabeça, face, pescoço, ombros, braços, tórax, abdômen, costas e pernas. Também foram calculados sensibilidade, especificidade e valores kappa comparando os relatos de dor aos mapas, os últimos considerados padrão-ouro. RESULTADOS: A média etária da amostra foi de 33,5 ± 13,8 anos, 33,9 ± 13,9 anos para as mulheres e 31,7 ± 13,1 anos para os homens. Foi observada maior prevalência de dor entre as mulheres. em ambos os gêneros, as regiões com mais queixas de dor estavam localizadas na parte superior do corpo e uma diferença significativa entre os relatos de dor e os desenhos de dor foi observada para as regiões abaixo do pescoço. Os mapas de dor corporal demonstraram superioridade sobre os relatos de dor na identificação das queixas dolorosas durante a anamnese. CONCLUSÃO: O relato da queixa principal não foi um método eficiente para conhecer todas as queixas dolorosas, pois os mapas corporais evidenciaram a presença de dores adicionais em pacientes com DOF.


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Evaluation of the prevalence and characteristics of tinnitus in a Brazilian series of sleep bruxism patients. In this descriptive study, 100 patients (80 women and 20 men) were selected through the self-report of grinding teeth during sleep, confirmed by room mate or family member. They were evaluated according to a systematized approach: a questionnaire for orofacial pain and the Portuguese version of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders. The patients were divided into two groups: group A, 54 patients with complaint of tinnitus and group B, 46 patients without tinnitus complaint. The mean age was 37.85 (13-66 years) and 34.02 years (20-59 years), respectively, for groups A and B (P = 0.1164). There was statistically significant difference between the two groups, with higher prevalence for the group A, in relation to: presence of chronic facial pain (P = 0.0007); number of areas painful to palpation in the masticatory and cervical muscles (P = 0.0032); myofascial pain in the masticatory muscles (P = 0.0003); absence of teeth without prosthetic replacement (P = 0.0145) and indices of depression (P = 0.0234). Structural alterations of the TMJ, like disc displacement and vertical dimension loss did not differ for the two groups. Tinnitus frequency was higher in patients with sleep bruxism and chronic facial pain. Myofascial pain, number of areas painful to palpation in the masticatory and cervical muscles, higher levels of depression and tooth absence without prosthetic replacement were more frequent in the group with tinnitus.


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Objective: To verify a potential association between the presence of noncarious cervical lesions, parafunctional habits, and temporomandibular disorder (TMD) diagnosis. Method and Materials: Sample-size calculation provided a value of 130 participants with a confidence level of 95% and an error margin of 5%. A population of 132 volunteers (30 men: mean age, 23.7 +/- 3.05 years; 102 women: mean age, 24.9 +/- 5.86 years) underwent an oral examination and was interviewed by a trained dentist. The following parameters were registered: personal details, TMD diagnosis, parafunctional habits, and noncarious cervical lesion presence. The population was then divided into a noncarious cervical lesion group and a control group and subjected to the t test, chi-square test, Fisher exact test, and Spearman correlation (alpha = .05). Results: Noncarious cervical lesions were present in 39% of the population, with the largest concentrations found in the maxillary premolars (32%). The data showed a significant association between noncarious cervical lesion presence, tooth clenching (P = .03), and nail biting (P = .02), as well as a relation with TMD diagnosis (Fonseca Index [P = .01] and Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD) [P = .004] ). In the noncarious cervical lesion group, direct rank correlation was found between maxillary premolars and clenching (P = .03), mandibular canines and nail biting (P = .05), and mandibular incisors and parafunctional habits without dental contacts (P = .02). Conclusion: Parafunctional habits and TMD presence should be taken into account in the diagnosis and treatment plan of noncarious cervical lesions.


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Craniofacial pain is a frequent challenge for the physician anamnesis with the goal to obtain specific and useful information about symptoms in craniofacial pain. It can be improved by identifying aching points. In the article, the authors present a practical and specific schedule for physical examination to be applied in patients with chronic pain. This specific schedule, which has proved useful in detecting the exact anatomic sites of pain, has a sequence ordered which includes palpation and inspection of muscles, nerves and arteries.


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Objective: To seek better understanding of chronic musculoskeletal facial pain and its relation to sleep bruxism, by comparing patients with sleep bruxism, with and without temporomandibular disorder. Design: Forty sleep bruxism patients were evaluated according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders: group A-20 patients with myofascial pain, 3 men, 17 women; average age 32.7 yr; mean duration of pain 4.37 yr; group B-20 without myofascial pain, 5 men, 15 women; average age 30.8 yr. Sleep and bruxism were evaluated in one-night polysomnography. Results: There were no statistically significant differences for bruxism and sleep variables of the two groups: number of bursts and bruxism episodes per hour, amplitude and duration of bruxism episodes, sleep efficiency and latency, percentage of non-REM and REM sleep, respiratory events, periodic limb movements, and micro-arousals. Conclusions: The polysomnographic characteristics of patients with sleep bruxism, with and without orofacial pain, are similar. More studies are necessary to clarify the reasons why some sleep bruxism patients develop chronic myofascial pain, and others do not. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study quantified by, electrovibratography, the amount of mandible protrusion required to decrease significantly temporomandibular joint (TMJ) vibratory energy as an aid in the diagnosis of the recapture of anteriorly displaced disk. Eighteen patients diagnosed as having anterior disk displacement with reduction and TMJ clicking were submitted to electrovibratographic examination at the first appointment and treated with a stabilizing appliance and anterior positioning appliance with 1 to 5 mm protrusion. Vibratory energy was checked in each of these positions. Baseline data were used as control. At the first appointment, the patients had vibrations with more elevated intensities at the middle and late phases of the mouth opening cycle. At only one clinical step, mandible protrusion was obtained with the anterior repositioning appliance, ranging from 1 to 5 mm protusion. At each new position, a new electrovibratographic exam was made. After the 5-mm mandibular projection, only 2 patients presented vibration, with means between 0.6 and 2.8 Hz. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). The outcomes of this study indicate that 3 mm is the minimum amount of mandible protrusion to significantly decrease the TMJ vibratory energy and to recapture the displaced articular disk.


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Temporomandibular disorders is a collective term used to describe a number of related disorders involving the temporomandibular joints, masticatory muscles and occlusion with common symptoms such as pain, restricted movement, muscle tenderness and intermittent joint sounds. The multifactorial TMD etiology is related to emotional tension, occlusal interferences, tooth loss, postural deviation, masticatory muscular dysfunction, internal and external changes in TMJ structure and the various associations of these factors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of the relationship between signs of psychological distress and temporomandibular disorder in university students. A total 150 volunteers participated in this study. They attended different courses in the field of human science at one public university and four private universities. TMD was assessed by the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) questionnaire. Anxiety was measured by means of a self-evaluative questionnaire, Spielberger's Trait-State anxiety inventory, to evaluate students'state and trait anxiety. The results of the two questionnaires were compared to determine the relationship between anxiety levels and severity degrees of chronic TMD pain by means of the chi-square test. The significance level was set at 5%. The statistical analysis showed that the TMD degree has a positive association with state-anxiety (p = 0.008; p < 0.05) and negative with trait-anxiety (p = 0.619; p < 0.05). Moreover a high TMD rate was observed among the students (40%). This study concluded that there is a positive association between TMD and anxiety.


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Recent studies have shown consistent results using the physical therapy in cases of pain and limitation of movement from temporomandibular dysfunction. Thus, our objective was to assess the effect of ten sessions of physical therapy and laser therapy in treatment of muscular pain and arthralgias in a woman with temporomandibular dysfunction. The painful symptoms relief achieved by session was over 20 %, up to zero at the end of treatment. Results demonstrated that the treatment protocol used was effective to reduce the temporomandibular joint and the masseter muscle tension and a decreased of drugs by patient. However, more studies are needed to define with more accuracy the effect of other physiotherapy programs and its interaction with other treatment modalities.


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The cephalalgias are frequently associated with the temporomandibular disorders being common to find an increase of pain sensitivity in these patients. Thus, the objective of present study was to assess the sensitivity to palpation in patients presenting with chronic temporomandibular disorders comparing two groups one with headache and other without it, respectively. The temporomandibular disorders and the primary cephalalgias were diagnosed according the Diagnostic Criteria for the Research of Temporomandibular Disorders and by a questionnaire based on the International Classification of the Cephalalgias (2004). Location, assessment and grouping of muscular and articular areas for palpation were carried out according to the Diagnostic Criteria for above mentioned disorders, considering bilaterally the masseter muscle, the temporalis muscle, the cervical region and the temporomandibular joint. Sample included 213 (88.0 %) of women and 29 (12.0 %) men with a mean age of 37.41 years. The mean of number of zones positive to palpation in the groups without headaches, tension headache, migraine and daily chronic headache were: 12.43, 14.38, 15.21 and 15.62 (p= 0.107) (min 2 max 22). The areas of temporalis muscle showed significant differences among groups (p= 0.007). The number of painful points was not statistically different among groups and only in the temporalis muscle there were differences with statistical significant to palpation.


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Bruxism is widely defined as an anxiety response to environmental stress. Occlusal splints are frequently used in sleep bruxism, to protect teeth from damage resulting from the contraction force of mandibular muscles, or to reduce the orofacial pain by relaxing masticatory muscles. Surface electromyography (EMG) of the right and left masseter and temporalis muscles was performed in 15 women presenting sleep bruxism and temporomandibular disorders related to occupational stress, after nocturnal use of the occlusal splint. The EMG signals were recorded twice per patient: After a work shift (pre-splint) and after a night of sleep with the occlusal splint (post-splint) before a new workday. The parametric t-paired test was used to compare differences of the RMS amplitude between pre and post-splint records, for resting and maximal clenching effort. The level of significance for each comparison was set to p < 0.05. The results of the study supports the premise that the use of occlusal splint reduces EMG activity in the masseter and anterior temporalis muscles, in patients who presented with sleep bruxism related to occupational stress. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Because the study of occlusion is a basic area in dentistry, its components, physiology and integration with the stomatognathic system (SS) have been the subject of interest in the scientific literature. However, the focus given to this issue has changed substantially. Currently, new approaches have been proposed in order to update concepts and to demonstrate the full integration and functionality of this system within the human body. With this approach, the authors proposed the following literature review aimed at gathering recent papers (published from 2000 to 2010) with innovative study design, methodology and/or results. The authors' intention is to show the main trends in the study of occlusion and the SS. The literature review was conducted in the PubMed database, using initially the term dental occlusion as a key-word. As items of interest were found, papers were grouped by categories according to their main subject matter. Forty-seven articles were selected and the main categories obtained were: 1. functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI); 2. brain activation; 3. masticatory/occlusal function; 4. body function and physical performance; 5. osseoperception; 6. finite element models; and 7. occlusion and pain. Observing the current literature, the authors found that recent studies present different methodologies for the study of occlusion. These studies have allowed scientists to obtain detailed information about the physiology of occlusion and the SS, as well as about its integration in the body. Research in this area should be continued in order to clarify, in detail, the role of each component of the SS and its interaction with human physiology. © 2012 by CHROMA, Inc.