975 resultados para Faba bean
Most studies aiming to determine the beneficial effect of ants on plants simply consider the effects of the presence or exclusion of ants on plant yield. This approach is often inadequate, however, as ants interact with both non-tended herbivores and tended Homoptera. Moreover, the interaction with these groups of organisms is dependent on ant density, and these functional relationships are likely to be non-linear. A model is presented here that segregates plant herbivores into two categories depending on the sign of their numerical response to ants (myrmecophiles increase with ants, non-tended herbivores decline). The changes in these two components of herbivores with increasing ant density and the resulting implications for ant-plant mutualisms are considered. It emerges that a wide range of ant densities needs to be considered as the interaction sign (mutualism or parasitism) and strength is likely to change with ant density. The model is used to interpret the results of an experimental study that varied levels of Aphis fabae infestation and Lasius niger ant attendance on Vicia faba bean plants. Increasing ant density consistently reduced plant fitness and thus, in this location, the interaction between the ants and the plant can be considered parasitic. In the Vicia faba system, these costs of ants are unlikely to be offset by other beneficial agents (e.g., parasitoids), which also visit extrafloral nectaries.
In view of the increasing interest in home-grown legumes as components of diets for non-ruminant livestock and in an attempt to reduce the reliance on imported soya bean meal (SBM), two experiments were conducted to evaluate samples of peas and faba beans for their standardised ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids determined with young broiler chicks. Experiment 1 evaluated six faba bean and seven pea cultivars and Experiment 2 evaluated two faba bean and three pea cultivars as well as a sample of soya bean meal provided as a reference material. Peas and beans were added at 750g/kg as the only source of protein/amino acids in a semi-synthetic diet containing the inert marker titanium dioxide; SBM was added, in a control diet, at 500g/kg. Each diet was fed to six replicates of a cage containing two Ross-type broilers for 96h at which point birds were culled allowing removal of ileal digesta. Chemical analyses allowed the calculation of the coefficient of SID of amino acids. There were no differences between samples of the same pulse species (P>0.05) but peas had higher values (P<0.05), similar to SBM, than beans. Trypsin inhibitor content (expressed as g trypsin inhibitor units/mg sample) of all pea samples was low and in the range 0.83–1.77mg/kg. There was relatively little variation in bean tannin content and composition amongst the coloured-flowered varieties; however, the white-flowered cultivar had no tannins. There was no correlation between tannin content and coefficient of SID. The content of SID of amino acids (g/kg legume) was higher in SBM when compared with peas and beans by virtue of having higher total concentrations.
The genetics of the stipule spot pigmentation (SSP) in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) was studied using four inbred lines, of which Disco/2 was zero-tannin (zt2) with colourless stipule spots, ILB938/2 was normal-tannin (ZT2) with colourless stipule spots, and both Aurora/2 and Mélodie/2 were ZT2 with coloured stipule spots. Crosses Mélodie/2 × ILB 938/2, Mélodie/2 × Disco/2, ILB 938/2 × Aurora/2 and ILB 938/2 × Disco/2 (A, B, C and D, respectively) were prepared, along with reciprocals and backcrosses, and advanced through single-seed descent. All F1 hybrid plants had pigmented stipule spots, and in the F2 generation, the segregation ratio fit 3 coloured:1 colourless in crosses A, B and C and 9:7 in cross D. In the F3 generation, the ratio fit 5:3 in crosses A and C and 25:39 in cross D, and in the F4 generation, 9:7 in cross A. SSP was linked to the zero-tannin characteristics (white flower) only in cross B. The results show that coloured stipule spot is dominant to colourless and that colouration is determined by two unlinked complementary recessive genes. We propose the symbols ssp2 for the gene associated with zt2 in Disco/2 and ssp1 for the gene not associated with tannin content in ILB938/2. The novel ssp1 locus was mapped at F5 in cross ‘A’ using Medicago truncatula-derived single-nucleotide polymorphism and was on chromosome 1 of faba bean, in a well-conserved region of M. truncatula chromosome 5 containing some candidate Myb and basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor genes.
Models may be useful tools to design efficient crop management practices provided they are able to accurately simulate the effect of weather variables on crop performance. The objective of this work was to accurately simulate the effects of temperature and day length on the rate of vegetative node expression, time to flowering, time to first pod, and time to physiological maturity of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) using the CROPGRO-Fababean model. Field experiments with multiple sowing dates were conducted in northwest Spain during 3 yr (17 sowing dates: 12 used for calibration and five for validation). Observed daily minimum and maximum air temperatures were within the range of ?9.0 and 39.2°C and observed photoperiods within 10.1 to 16.6 h. Optimization of thermal models to predict leaf appearance raised the base temperature (Tb) from the commonly used value of 0.0 to 3.9°C. In addition, photothermal models detected a small accelerating effect of day length on the rate of leaf appearance. Accurate prediction of the flowering date required incorporating day length, but the solved Tb approached negative values, close to ?4°C. All the reproductive phases after flowering were affected only by temperature, but postanthesis Tb was also mayor que0°C and approached values close to 8°C for time to first pod set and 5.5°C for time from first pod to physiological maturity. Our data indicated that cardinal base temperatures are not the same across all phenological phases.
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, die Einflüsse von Wurzeln und Rhizodeposition auf den Umsatz von Körnerleguminosenresiduen und damit verknüpfte mikrobielle Prozesse zu untersuchen. In einem integrierten Versuch wurden Ackerbohne (Vicia faba L.), Erbse (Pisum sativum L.) und Weiße Lupine (Lupinus albus L.) untersucht. Der Versuch bestand aus drei Teilen, zwei Gefäß-Experimenten und einem Inkubationsexperiment, in denen ausgehend von einem Gefäß-Experiment derselbe Boden und dasselbe Pflanzenmaterial verwendet wurden. In Experiment I wurde die Stickstoff-Rhizodeposition der Körnerleguminosenarten, definiert als wurzelbürtiger N nach dem Entfernen aller sichtbaren Wurzeln im Boden, gemessen und der Verbleib des Rhizodepositions-N in verschiednenen Bodenpools untersucht. Dazu wurden die Leguminosen in einem Gefäßversuch unter Verwendung einer in situ 15N-Docht-Methode mit einer 15N Harnstofflösung pulsmarkiert. In Experiment II wurde der Umsatz der N-Rhizodeposition der Körnerleguminosen und der Einfluss der Rhizodeposition auf den anschließenden C- und N-Umsatz der Körnerleguminosenresiduen in einem Inkubationsexperiment untersucht. In Experiment III wurde der N-Transfer aus den Körnerleguminosenresiduen einschließlich N-Rhizodeposition in die mikrobielle Biomasse und die Folgefrüchte Weizen (Triticum aestivum L.) und Raps (Brassica napus L.) in einem Gewächshaus-Gefäßversuch ermittelt. Die in situ 15N Docht-Markierungs-Methode wies hohe 15N Wiederfindungsraten von ungefähr 84 Prozent für alle drei Leguminosenarten auf und zeigte eine vergleichsweise homogene 15N Verteilung zwischen verschiedenen Pflanzenteilen zur Reife. Die Wurzeln zeigten deutliche Effekte auf die N-Dynamik nach dem Anbau von Körnerleguminosen. Die Effekte konnten auf die N-Rhizodeposition und deren anschließenden Umsatz, Einflüsse der Rhizodeposition von Körnerleguminosen auf den anschließenden Umsatz ihrer Residuen (Stängel, Blätter, erfassbare Wurzeln) und die Wirkungen nachfolgender Nichtleguminosen auf den Umsatzprozess der Residuen zurückgeführt werden: Die N-Rhizodeposition betrug zur Reife der Pflanzen bezogen auf die Gesamt-N- Aufnahme 13 Prozent bei Ackerbohne und Erbse und 16 Prozent bei Weißer Lupine. Bezogen auf den Residual N nach Ernte der Körner erhöhte sich der relative Anteil auf 35 - 44 Prozent. Die N-Rhizodeposition ist daher ein wesentlicher Pool für die N-Bilanz von Körnerleguminosen und trägt wesentlich zur Erklärung positiver Fruchtfolgeeffekte nach Körnerleguminosen bei. 7 - 21 Prozent des Rhizodepositions-N wurden als Feinwurzeln nach Nasssiebung (200 µm) wiedergefunden. Nur 14 - 18 Prozent des Rhizodepositions-N wurde in der mikrobiellen Biomasse und ein sehr kleiner Anteil von 3 - 7 Prozent in der mineralischen N Fraktion gefunden. 48 bis 72 Prozent der N-Rhizodeposition konnte in keinem der untersuchten Pools nachgewiesen werden. Dieser Teil dürfte als mikrobielle Residualmasse immobilisiert worden sein. Nach 168 Tagen Inkubation wurden 21 bis 27 Prozent des Rhizodepositions-N in den mineralisiert. Der mineralisierte N stammte im wesentlichen aus zwei Pools: Zwischen 30 Prozent und 55 Prozent wurde aus der mikrobiellen Residualmasse mineralisiert und eine kleinere Menge stammte aus der mikrobielle Biomasse. Der Einfluss der Rhizodeposition auf den Umsatz der Residuen war indifferent. Durch Rhizodeposition wurde die C Mineralisierung der Leguminosenresiduen nur in der Lupinenvariante erhöht, wobei der mikrobielle N und die Bildung von mikrobieller Residualmasse aus den Leguminosenresiduen in allen Varianten durch Rhizodepositionseinflüsse erhöht waren. Das Potential des residualen Körnerleguminosen-N für die N Ernährung von Folgefrüchten war gering. Nur 8 - 12 Prozent des residualen N wurden in den Folgenfrüchten Weizen und Raps wiedergefunden. Durch die Berücksichtigung des Rhizodepositions-N war der relative Anteil des Residual-N bezogen auf die Gesamt-N-Aufnahme der Folgefrucht hoch und betrug zwischen 18 und 46 Prozent. Dies lässt auf einen höheren N-Beitrag der Körnerleguminosen schließen als bisher angenommen wurde. Die residuale N-Aufnahme von Weizen von der Blüte bis zur Reife wurde durch den Residual-N gespeist, der zur Blüte in der mikrobiellen Biomasse immobilisiert worden war. Die gesamte Poolgröße, Residual-N in der mikrobiellen Biomasse und in Weizen, veränderte sich von der Blüte bis zur Reife nicht. Jedoch konnte ein Rest von 80 Prozent des Residual-N in keinem der untersuchten Pools nachgewiesen werden und dürfte als mikrobielle Residualmasse immobilisiert worden sein oder ist noch nicht abgebaut worden. Die zwei unterschiedlichen Folgefrüchte - Weizen und Raps - zeigten sehr ähnliche Muster bei der N-Aufnahme, der Residual-N Wiederfindung und bei mikrobiellen Parametern für die Residuen der drei Körnerleguminosenarten. Ein differenzierender Effekt auf den Umsatz der Residuen bzw. auf das Residual-N-Aneignungsvermögen der Folgefrüchte konnte nicht beobachtet werden.
The effects of intercropping wheat with faba bean (Denmark, Germany, Italy and UK) and wheat with pea (France), in additive and replacement designs on grain nitrogen and sulphur concentrations were studied in field experiments in the 2002/03, 2003/04 and 2004/05 growing seasons. Intercropping wheat with grain legumes regularly increased the nitrogen concentration of the cereal grain, irrespective of design or location. Sulphur concentration of the cereal was also increased by intercropping, but less regularly and to a lesser extent compared with effects on nitrogen concentration. Nitrogen concentration (g/kg) in wheat additively intercropped with faba bean was increased by 8% across all sites (weighted for inverse of variance), but sulphur concentration was only increased by 4%, so N:S ratio was also increased by 4%. Intercropping wheat with grain legumes increased sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)-sedimentation volume. The effect of intercropping on wheat nitrogen concentration was greatest when intercropping had the most deleterious effect on wheat yield and the least deleterious effect on pulse yield. Over all sites and seasons, and irrespective of whether the design was additive or replacement, increases in crude protein concentration in the wheat of 10 g/kg by intercropping with faba bean were associated with 25-30% yield reduction of the wheat, compared with sole-cropped wheat. It was concluded that the increase in protein concentration of wheat grain in intercrops could be of economic benefit when selling wheat for breadmaking, but only if the bean crop was also marketed effectively.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
La predicción de la fenología del haba es un paso crítico para optimizar el manejo de los cultivos, así como para el desarrollo de modelos de cultivos. Este artículo examina la respuesta fenológica del cultivo de haba (Vicia faba L.) a diversos regímenes térmicos y fotoperíodicos evaluada mediante modelos lineales. Se realizaron diecisiete fechas de siembra durante tres años en Lugo, España (43°04’ N; 7°30’ W; altitud 480 m) en las que se hicieron observaciones fenológicas. El tiempo desde emergencia a floración se describe satisfactoriamente mediante un modelo fototérmico. Las tasas de desarrollo de siembra a emergencia, floración hasta la primera vaina y primera vaina hasta madurez fisiológica fueron modeladas en forma satisfactoria, utilizando solamente la temperatura como variable independiente. Los valores de temperaturas basales variaron entre 2,09 y 4,47°C, dependiendo del subperíodo fenológico. El fotoperíodo base resultó de 6,9 h mientras el fotoperíodo crítico fue de 16,2 h.
La fijación de N por los cultivos de leguminosas puede ser un buen componente dentro de un plan general de mejora de la eficiencia del sistema agrícola. Para lograrlo, se debe establecer la adecuación de los cultivos a los ambientes específicos. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el crecimiento del haba Alameda en el agroclima de Azul. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo se realizaron ensayos de campo en condiciones no limitantes utilizando el haba cv. Alameda desde el invierno de 2008 en la chacra experimental de la Facultad de Agronomía de Azul (Universidad del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires), con cinco fechas de siembra desde mediados de julio a mediados de noviembre; también se realizó un seguimiento de algunos índices agrometeorológicos. La fecha de siembra tuvo una fuerte influencia sobre la producción de biomasa, rendimiento en grano y sus componentes. Ese efecto fue asociado con los cambios en la captura de radiación fotosintéticamente activa. Las fechas de siembra tempranas interceptaron más radiación a lo largo de la estación de crecimiento que las fechas de siembra de primavera. La primera y la segunda fechas de siembras (mediados de julio y mediados de agosto, respectivamente) tuvieron los valores más altos en producción. Las siembras de primavera (cuarta fecha: mediados de octubre; quinta fecha: mediados de noviembre) presentaron los rendimientos más bajos en granos, los que decrecieron a medida que se atrasó la fecha de siembra, con menor número de vainas por m2 y más bajo peso de mil semillas.
In Tunisia, broomrape ( Orobanche foetida Poir.) causes major drawbacks especially in faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) Chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.) suffers little damage compared to faba bean, but with the winter sowing chickpea cultivars, broomrape might become a serious problem for chickpea cultivation. The development of resistant cultivars remains the most efficient way to solve this problem. The behavior of six chickpea genotypes to O. foetida was studied under field natural infestation and artificial inoculation in pots and petri dishes in greenhouse conditions. During the cropping seasons 2010-2011 and 2012-2013 the level of infection was very low. The number of emerged parasites per host plant varied from 0.18 to 0.43 and the incidence from 6.5% to 23%. Among the six tested genotypes, G1, G2, and G4 showed partial resistance to O. foetida with low number and dry weight of emerged parasite and high grain yield compared to the other genotypes, although no significant differences were recorded. In pot experiments, the number and total dry weight of broomrape per plant were lower for G1 and G2 genotypes than the other genotypes. Parasitism does not affect significantly the shoot dry weight and number of pods of these genotypes. The total chlorophyll content was significantly reduced under infestation in all genotypes. In Petri dishes experiments, results showed that percent germination of O. foetida seeds varied from 49% to 65% and does not play a role in the resistance of chickpea genotypes. In contrast, broomrape attachment was lower and slower for the genotypes G1, G2, and G4 than the other genotypes. Resistance in chickpea genotypes was characterized by few parasite attachments on roots and a limited growth of established tubercles. No necrosis of attached tubercles was observed in the different experiments.
Field trial was conducted with the aim of utilizing allelopathic crop residues to reduce the use of synthetic herbicides in broad bean (Vicia faba) fields. Sunflower residue at 600 and 1,400 g m-2 and Treflan (trifluralin) at 50, 75 and 100% of recommended dose were incorporated into the soil alone or in combination with each other. Untreated plots were maintained as a control. Herbicide application in plots amended with sunflower residue had the least total weed count and biomass, which was even better than herbicide used alone. Integration of recommended dose of Treflan with sunflower residue at 1,400 g m-² produced maximum (987.5 g m-2) aboveground biomass of broad bean, which was 74 and 36% higher than control and recommended herbicide dose applied alone, respectively. Combination of herbicide and sunflower residue appeared to better enhance pod number and yield per unit area than herbicide alone. Application of 50% dose of Treflan in plots amended with sunflower residue resulted in similar yield advantage as was noticed with 100% herbicide dose. Chromatographic analysis of residue-infested field soil indicated the presence of several phytotoxic compounds of phenolic nature. Periodic data revealed that maximum suppression in weed density and dry weight synchronized with peak values of phytotoxins observed 4 weeks after incorporation of sunflower residues. Integration of sunflower residues with lower herbicide rates can produce effective weed suppression without compromising yield as a feasible and environmentally sound approach in broad bean fields.
Pollination services are economically important component of agricultural biodiversity which enhance the yield and quality of many crops. An understanding of the suitability of extant habitats for pollinating species is crucial for planning management actions to protect and manage these service providers. In a highly modified agricultural ecosystem, we tested the effect of different pollination treatments (open, autonomous self- and wind-pollination) on pod set, seed set, and seed weight in field beans (Vicia faba). We also investigated the effect of semi-natural habitats and flower abundance on pollinators of field beans. Pollinator sampling was undertaken in ten field bean fields along a gradient of habitat complexity; CORINE land cover classification was used to analyse the land use patterns between 500–3000 m around the sites. Total yield from open-pollination increased by 185% compared to autonomous self-pollination. There was positive interactive effect of local flower abundance and cover of semi-natural habitats on overall abundance of pollinators at 1500 and 2000 m, and abundance of bumblebees (Bombus spp.) at 1000–2000 m. In contrast, species richness of pollinators was only correlated with flower abundance and not with semi-natural habitats. We did not find a link between pod set from open-pollination and pollinator abundance, possibly due to variations in the growing conditions and pollinator communities between sites. We conclude that insect pollination is essential for optimal bean yields and therefore the maintenance of semi-natural habitats in agriculture-dominated landscapes should ensure stable and more efficient pollination services in field beans.
Programmed cell death (PCD) is a widely spread phenomenon among multi-cellular organisms. Without the deletion of cells no longer needed, the organism will not be able to develop in a predicted way. It is now belived that all cells have the capacity to self-destruct and that the survival of the cells is depending on the repression of this suicidal programme. PCD has turned out to show similarities in many different species and there are strong indications that the mechanisms running the programme might, at least in some parts, be evolutionarily conserced. PCD is a generic term for different programmes of cell destruction, such as apoptosis and autophagic PCD. An important tool to determine if a cell is undergoing PCD is the transmitting electron microscope. The aims of my study were to find out if, and in what way, the suspensor and endosperm in Vicia faba (Broad bean), which are short-lived structures, undergoes PCD. The endosperm degradation preceed the suspensor cell death and they differ to some extent ultrastructurally. The cell death occurs in both tissues about 13-14 days after pollination when the embryo proper is mature enough to support itself. It was found that both tissues are committed to autophagic PCD, a cell death characteristic of conspicuous formations of autophagic vacuoles. It was shown by histochemical staining that acid phosphatases are accumulated in these vacuoles but are also present in the cytoplasm. These vacuoles are similar to autophagic vacuoles formed in rat liver cells, indicating that autophagy is a widely spread phenomenon. DNA fragmentation is the first visible sign of PCD in both tissues and it is demonstrated by a labelling technique (TUNEL). In the endosperm nuclei the heterochromatin subsequently appears in the form of a network, while in the suspensor it is more conspicuous, with heterochromatin that forms large electron dense aggregates located close to the nuclear envelope. In the suspensor, the plastids develop into chromoplasts with lycopene crystals at the same time or shortly after DNA fragmentation. This is probably due to the fact that the suspensor plastids function as hormone producing organelles and support the embryo proper with indispensable growth factors. Later the embryo will be able to produce its own growth factors and the synthesis of these, in particular gibberelines, might be suppressed in the suspensor. The precursors can then be used for synthesis of lycopene instead. Both the suspensor and endosperm are going through autophagic PCD, but the process differs in some respects. This is probably due the the different function of the two tissues, and that the signals that trigger the process presumably are different. The embryo proper is probably the source of the death signal affecting the suspensor. The endosperm, which has a different origin and function, might be controlling the death signal within its own cell. The death might in this case be related to the age of the cell.
Noninvasive, ion-selective vibrating microelectrodes were used to measure the kinetics of H+, Ca2+, K+, and Cl− fluxes and the changes in their concentrations caused by illumination near the mesophyll and attached epidermis of bean (Vicia faba L.). These flux measurements were related to light-induced changes in the plasma membrane potential. The influx of Ca2+ was the main depolarizing agent in electrical responses to light in the mesophyll. Changes in the net fluxes of H+, K+, and Cl− occurred only after a significant delay of about 2 min, whereas light-stimulated influx of Ca2+ began within the time resolution of our measurements (5 s). In the absence of H+ flux, light caused an initial quick rise of external pH near the mesophyll and epidermal tissues. In the mesophyll this fast alkalinization was followed by slower, oscillatory pH changes (5–15 min); in the epidermis the external pH increased steadily and reached a plateau 3 min later. We explain the initial alkalinization of the medium as a result of CO2 uptake by photosynthesizing tissue, whereas activation of the plasma membrane H+ pump occurred 1.5 to 2 min later. The epidermal layer seems to be a substantial barrier for ion fluxes but not for CO2 diffusion into the leaf.
Regulation by abscisic acid (ABA) and Ca2+ of broad bean (Vicia faba) abaxial and adaxial guard cell movements and inward K+ currents were compared. One millimolar Ca2+ in the bathing medium inhibited abaxial stomatal opening by 60% but only inhibited adaxial stomatal opening by 15%. The addition of 1 μm ABA in the bathing medium resulted in 80% inhibition of abaxial but only 45% inhibition of adaxial stomatal opening. Similarly, ABA and Ca2+ each stimulated greater abaxial stomatal closure than adaxial stomatal closure. Whole-cell patch-clamp results showed that the inward K+ currents of abaxial guard cells were inhibited by 60% (−180 mV) in the presence of 1.5 μm Ca2+ in the cytoplasm, whereas the inward K+ currents of adaxial guard cells were not affected at all by the same treatment. Although 1 μm ABA in the cytoplasm inhibited the inward K+ currents to a similar extent for both abaxial and adaxial guard cells, the former were more sensitive to ABA applied externally. These results suggest that the abaxial stomata are more sensitive to Ca2+ and ABA than adaxial stomata in regard to stomatal opening and closing processes and that the regulation of the inward K+ currents by ABA may not proceed via a Ca2+-signaling pathway in adaxial guard cells. Therefore, there may be different pathways for ABA- and Ca2+-mediated signal transduction in abaxial and adaxial guard cells.