314 resultados para FSS acopladas


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This communication investigates the potential for fabrication of micromachined silicon sub-millimeter wave periodic arrays of freestanding slot frequency selective surfaces (FSS) using wet etch KOH technology. The vehicle for this is an FSS for generating circularly polarized signals from an incident linearly polarized signal at normal incidence to the structure. Principal issues and fabrication processes involved from the initial design of the core FSS structures to be made and tested through to their final testing are addressed. Measured and simulated results for crossed and ring slot element shapes in single and double layer polarization convertor structures are presented for sub-mm wave operation. It is shown that 3 dB axial ratio (AR) bandwidths of 21% can be achieved with the one layer perforated screen design and that the rate of change is lower than the double layer structures. An insertion loss of 1.1 dB can be achieved for the split circular ring double layer periodic array. These results are shown to be compatible with the more specialized fabrication equipment dry reactive ion etching approach previously used for the construction of this type of structure. © 2011 IEEE.


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A report is presented on a split ring slot frequency selective surface (FSS) reflector whose element design and distribution allows generation of far-field difference patterns. The reflector operates by converting linearly polarised plane wave fronts into two orthogonal polarisations each with a deep null in the centre of the radiation pattern. The far-field measurement presented is in good agreement with the simulation and demonstrates a null depth of ?20dB in the centre of the radiation pattern.


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This letter gives the first report of a planar phase plate structure based on frequency selective surface (FSS) technology for the generation of helical far-field radiation patterns with circular polarization properties.The unit cell of the structure comprises two orthogonal split-ring resonators designed to ensure 180$^{\circ}$ phase shift between orthogonal transmission coefficients. This property is exploited to obtain progressive rotational phase shift within the structure and thus synthesize 360$^{\circ}$ spiral phase profile. Measured far-field radiation patterns demonstrate spiral phase front generation for 10-GHz circularly polarized waves transmitted through the structure.


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The use of a backing cavity composed of a frequency selective surface (FSS) above a metal plate as a means to suppress the back lobe radiation and increase the gain of an Archimedean spiral antenna that operates from 3 to 10 GHz is investigated. The FSS is designed to reflect signals in the upper band (7-10 GHz) with a loss of <;0.25 dB, and allow transmission in the lower band (3-6 GHz). Good impedance match and bidirectional to unidirectional beam transformation is obtained when the FSS and metal plate are inserted at a distance λ/4 below the spiral at the centre of the upper and lower bands, respectively. Simulated and measured radiation patterns are employed to show the performance enhancement, which is attributed to the FSS reflector.


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This letter presents the design of a thin microwave absorber which exhibits a -10 dB reflectivity bandwidth of 108% at normal incidence and 16% for simultaneous suppression of TE and TM polarised waves over the angular range 0-45° is presented. The structure consists of a 3 mm-thick metal backed frequency selective surface (FSS) with four resistively loaded hexagonal loop elements in each unit cell. The surface resistivity and width of the loops are carefully chosen to maximise the bandwidth by merging the reflection nulls that are generated by the multi-resonant absorber. Measurement and simulation results are in good agreement over the broad frequency range 7.8-24 GHz.


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This paper reports the design of a Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) which simultaneously allows transmission of 175.3 – 191.3 GHz radiation and rejection from 164 - 167 GHz with a loss <0.5 dB for TE wave polarization at 45° incidence. The state-of-the art filter consists of three air spaced perforated screens with unit cells that are composed of nested resonant slots. The FSS satisfies the stringent electromagnetic performance requirements for signal demultiplexing in the quasi-optical feed train of the Microwave Sounder (MWS) instrument which is under development for the MetOp-SG mission.


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Inkjet printing is proposed as a means to create the resistively loaded elements of a frequency selective surface (FSS) which suppresses radar backscatter when placed above a metal ground plane. Spectral transmission and reflection measurements from 9 to 18 GHz show that the dot density of the printed features and the volume ratio of an aqueous vehicle and nano-silver (Ag) ink mixture can be selected to obtain surface resistances in the range 1.2-200 Ω/sq.


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The paper reports of a flat spiral phase plate structure based on reflectarray frequency selective surface, FSS, technology for the generation of helical far-field radiation patterns with circular polarization (CP) properties. Double split ring slot FSS is used as a means for adjusting the phase across the reflectarray. Simulations presented demonstrate generation of reflected helical beams at 10 GHz for CP wave incident on the structure. The far-field measurements are in a good agreement with the simulations and demonstrate a null of -11dB in the centre of the radiation pattern attributed to the helical wavefront.


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This paper discusses modelling multilayer dielectric stacks for use as substrate support for frequency selective surface. A method of a fast simulation of multilayer dielectric stack as a complementary tool for FSS design is proposed. Using the method analysis of effect of different parts of the multilayer stack has been performed. The tool has also been used for extraction of material parameters from the measured results. Measured transmission and reflection of a sample manufactured material stack show good agreement with the simulated results obtained for extracted material parameters.


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In this paper we report on a resistively loaded Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) absorber design which is insensitive to the polarization of microwave signals incident at angles of 45o ± 5o. The metal backed periodic structure is composed of an array of conductive rectangular loops, each loaded with a resistor at the center of the four sides. The geometry of the absorber and the resistance value of the vertical and horizontal resistor pairs are carefully chosen so that the structure presents a real impedance of 377 Ω at the center operating frequency for both TE and TM polarized waves incident at 45o. Numerical predictions of the electromagnetic scattering from three different absorbers, designed to work at X-band, are used to investigate the effect of thickness and resistance value on the reflectivity bandwidth and angular sensitivity.