987 resultados para FRACTURE MECHANISMS
The fracture behavior parallel to the fibers of an E-glass/epoxy unidirectional laminate was studied by means of three-point tests on notched beams. Selected tests were carried out within a scanning electron microscope to ascertain the damage and fracture micromechanisms upon loading. The mechanical behavior of the notched beam was simulated within the framework of the embedded cell model, in which the actual composite microstructure was resolved in front of the notch tip. In addition, matrix and interface properties were independently measured in situ using a nanoindentor. The numerical simulations very accurately predicted the macroscopic response of the composite as well as the damage development and crack growth in front of the notch tip, demonstrating the ability of the embedded cell approach to simulate the fracture behavior of heterogeneous materials. Finally, this methodology was exploited to ascertain the influence of matrix and interface properties on the intraply toughness.
As graphene has become one of the most important materials, there is renewed interest in other similar structures. One example is silicene, the silicon analogue of graphene. It shares some of the remarkable graphene properties, such as the Dirac cone, but presents some distinct ones, such as a pronounced structural buckling. We have investigated, through density functional based tight-binding (DFTB), as well as reactive molecular dynamics (using ReaxFF), the mechanical properties of suspended single-layer silicene. We calculated the elastic constants, analyzed the fracture patterns and edge reconstructions. We also addressed the stress distributions, unbuckling mechanisms and the fracture dependence on the temperature. We analysed the differences due to distinct edge morphologies, namely zigzag and armchair.
Thin hard coatings on components and tools are used increasingly due to the rapid development in deposition techniques, tribological performance and application skills. The residual stresses in a coated surface are crucial for its tribological performance. Compressive residual stresses in PVD deposited TiN and DLC coatings were measured to be in the range of 0.03-4 GPa on steel substrate and 0.1-1.3 GPa on silicon. MoS(2) coatings had tensional stresses in the range of 0.8-1.3 on steel and 0.16 GPa compressive stresses on silicon. The fracture pattern of coatings deposited on steel substrate were analysed both in bend testing and scratch testing. A micro-scale finite element method (FEM) modelling and stress simulation of a 2 mu m TiN-coated steel surface was carried out and showed a reduction of the generated tensile buckling stresses in front of the sliding tip when compressive residual stresses of 1 GPa were included in the model. However, this reduction is not similarly observed in the scratch groove behind the tip, possibly due to sliding contact-induced stress relaxation. Scratch and bending tests allowed calculation of the fracture toughness of the three coated surfaces, based on both empirical crack pattern observations and FEM stress calculation, which resulted in highest values for TiN coating followed by MoS(2) and DLC coatings, being K(C) = 4-11, about 2, and 1-2 MPa M(1/2), respectively. Higher compressive residual stresses in the coating and higher elastic modulus of the coating correlated to increased fracture toughness of the coated surface. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
High-density polyethylene resins have increasingly been used in the production of pipes for water- and gas-pressurized distribution systems and are expected to remain in service for several years, but they eventually fail prematurely by creep fracture. Usual standard methods used to rank resins in terms of their resistance to fracture are expensive and non-practical for quality control purposes, justifying the search for alternative methods. Essential work of fracture (EWF) method provides a relatively simple procedure to characterize the fracture behavior of ductile polymers, such as polyethylene resins. In the present work, six resins were analyzed using the EWF methodology. The results show that the plastic work dissipation factor, beta w(p), is the most reliable parameter to evaluate the performance. Attention must be given to specimen preparation that might result in excessive dispersion in the results, especially for the essential work of fracture w(e).
BACKGROUND: There is in vitro and in vivo evidence that anticoagulants impair normal bone metabolism, and it is widely believed that this may impair fracture healing. However, there are only a few heterogeneous in vivo animal studies confirming this and the mechanisms are not fully understood. OBJECTIVE: To review the literature concerning the effects of anticoagulants on fracture healing, and to present current understanding of the mechanisms involved by reviewing in vivo studies of bone biology and in vitro studies of bone cells. METHODS: A systematic search of Medline and other databases was combined with manual searching of bibliographies of key papers to identify relevant studies in the English and German languages. CONCLUSION: There is strong evidence that warfarin, heparin and aspirin retard fracture healing. The preferential use of low molecular weight heparins is advocated to minimise this. Fondaparinux has not shown any impairment in vitro. Further studies of fondaparinux, the timing of anticoagulation therapy and the mechanisms of action of these agents are of paramount importance.
Quartz veins ranging in size from less than 50 cm length and 5 cm width to greater than 10 m in length and 5 m in width are found throughout the Central Swiss Alps. In some cases, the veins are completely filled with milky quartz, while in others, sometimes spectacular void-filling quartz crystals are found. The style of vein filling and size is controlled by host rock composition and deformation history. Temperatures of vein formation, estimated using stable isotope thermometry and mineral equilibria, cover a range of 450 degrees C down to 150 degrees C. Vein formation started at 18 to 20 Ma and continued for over 10 My. The oxygen isotope values of quartz veins range from 10 to 20 permil, and in almost all cases are equal to those of the hosting lithology. The strongly rock-buffered veins imply a low fluid/rock ratio and minimal fluid flow. In order to explain massive, nearly morromineralic quartz formation without exceptionally large fluid fluxes, a mechanism of differential pressure and silica diffusion, combined with pressure solution, is proposed for early vein formation. Fluid inclusions and hydrous minerals in late-formed veins have extremely low delta D values, consistent with meteoric water infiltration. The change from rock-buffered, static fluid to infiltration from above can be explained in terms of changes in the large-scale deformation style occurring between 20 and 15 Ma. The rapid cooling of the Central Alps identified in previous studies may be explained in part, by infiltration of cold meteoric waters along fracture systems down to depths of 10 km or more. An average water flux of 0.15 cm 3 cm(-2)yr(-1) entering the rock and reemerging heated by 40 degrees C is sufficient to cool rock at 10 km depth by 100 degrees C in 5 million years. The very negative delta D values of < -130 permil for the late stage fluids are well below the annual average values measured in meteoric water in the region today. The low fossil delta D values indicate that the Central Alps were at a higher elevation in the Neogene. Such a conclusion is supported by an earlier work, where a paleoaltitude of 5000 meters was proposed on the basis of large erratic boulders found at low elevations far from their origin.
OBJECTIVES This study was designed to assess effects of cholinergic stimulation using acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs), a group of drugs that stimulate cholinergic receptors and are used to treat Alzheimer's disease (AD), on healing of hip fractures. METHODS A retrospective cohort study was performed using 46-female AD patients, aged above 75 years, who sustained hip fractures. Study analyses included the first 6-months after hip fracture fixation procedure. Presence of AChEIs was used as predictor variable. Other variables that could affect study outcomes: age, body mass index (BMI), mental state or type of hip fracture, were also included. Radiographic union at fracture site (Hammer index), bone quality (Singh index) and fracture healing complications were recorded as study outcomes. The collected data was analyzed by student's-t, Mann-Whitney-U and chi-square tests. RESULTS No significant differences in age, BMI, mental state or type of hip fracture were observed between AChEIs-users and nonusers. However, AChEIs-users had better radiographic union at the fracture site (relative risk (RR),2.7; 95%confidence interval (CI),0.9-7.8), better bone quality (RR,2.0; 95%CI,1.2-3.3) and fewer healing complications (RR,0.8; 95%CI,0.7-1.0) than nonusers. CONCLUSION In elderly female patients with AD, the use of AChEIs might be associated with an enhanced fracture healing and minimized complications.
BACKGROUND Tapia's syndrome is an uncommon disease described in 1904 by Antonio Garcia Tapia, a Spanish otolaryngologist. It is characterized by concomitant paralysis of the hypoglossal (XIIth) and pneumogastric (Xth) nerves. Only 69 cases have been described in the literature. Typically, the reported patients presented with a history of orotracheal intubation. Common symptoms are dysphonia, tongue deviation toward the affected side, lingual motility disturbance, and swallowing difficulty. CASE PRESENTATION In the report, we describe three cases of Tapia's syndrome in three Caucasian patients who underwent surgery with general anesthesia. Two of these patients underwent neck abscess drainage, and the third had an open reduction of a shoulder fracture. The clinical symptoms of Tapia's syndrome appeared after extubation. All three of our patients recovered their lost function at 3 months after diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS We underline the importance of performing airway endoscopy and a specific program of swallowing rehabilitation for the proper management of Tapia's syndrome.
Isolated avulsion fracture of the peroneus longus tendon insertion at the base of the first metatarsal is very rare. Similar to most avulsion fractures that result from excessive strain at a tendon or ligament insertion, this type of injury is caused by the strong tension exerted by the peroneus longus tendon. The mechanisms leading to this lesion and treatment options are not clearly defined. We present the case of an isolated minimally displaced intra-articular avulsion fracture at the plantar lateral base of the first metatarsal. Faced with a painful non-union following conservative treatment we considered excision of the bony fragment and first tarsometatarsal arthrodesis. This leads to a favourable functional outcome.
The deposits of two volcanic debris avalanches (VDA I and II) that occur in the upper Maronne valley, northwest sector of Cantal Volcano, France, were studied to establish their mechanisms of formation, transport and deposition. These two volcanic debris avalanches that clearly differ with regard to their structures, textures and extensions, exemplify the wide spectrum of events associated with large-scale sector collapse. VDA I is voluminous (similar to1 km(3) in the upper Maronne valley) and widespread. The deposits comprise two distinct facies: the block facies that forms the intermediate and upper part of the unit and the mixed facies that crops out essentially at the base of the unit. The block facies consists of more or less brecciated lava, block-and-ash-flow breccia and pumice-flow tuff megablocks set in breccias resulting from block disaggregation. Mixing and differential movements are almost absent in this part of the VDA. The mixed facies consists of breccias rich in fine particles that originate from block disagregation, as well as being picked up from the substratum during movement. Mixing and differential movements are predominant in this zone. Analysis of fractures on lava megablocks suggests that shear stress during the initial sliding is the principal cause of fracture. These data strongly indicate that VDA I is purely gravitational and argue for a model in which the initial sliding mass transforms into a flow due to differential in situ fragmentation caused by the shear stress. VDA II is restricted to low-topography areas. Its volume, in the studied area, is about 0.3 km(3). The deposits consist of brecciated, rounded blocks and megablocks set in a fine-grained matrix composed essentially of volcanic glass. This unit is stratified, with a massive layer that contains all the megablocks at the base and in the intermediate part, and in the upper part a normally graded layer that contains only blocks <1 m in size. The different lithologies present are totally mixed. These observations suggest that VDA II may be of the Bezymianny-type and that it underwent a flow transformation from a turbulent to a stratified flow consisting of a basal hyperconcentrated laminar body overlain by a dilute layer. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A series of three-point bend tests using single edge notched testpieces of pure polycrystalline ice have been performed at three different temperatures (–20°C, –30°C and –40°C). The displacement rate was varied from 1 mm/min to 100 mm/min, producing the crack tip strain rates from about 10–3 to 10–1 s–1. The results show that (a) the fracture toughness of pure polycrystalline ice given by the critical stress intensity factor (K IC) is much lower than that measured from the J—integral under identical conditions; (b) from the determination of K IC, the fracture toughness of pure polycrystalline ice decreases with increasing strain rate and there is good power law relationship between them; (c) from the measurement of the J—integral, a different tendency was appeared: when the crack tip strain rate exceeds a critical value of 6 × 10–3 s–1, the fracture toughness is almost constant but when the crack tip strain rate is less than this value, the fracture toughness increases with decreasing crack tip strain rate. Re-examination of the mechanisms of rate-dependent fracture toughness of pure polycrystalline ice shows that the effect of strain rate is related not only to the blunting of crack tips due to plasticity, creep and stress relaxation but also to the nucleation and growth of microcracks in the specimen.
Unzipping carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is considered one of the most promising approaches for the controlled and large-scale production of graphene nanoribbons (GNR). These structures are considered of great importance for the development of nanoelectronics because of its dimensions and intrinsic nonzero band gap value. Despite many years of investigations some details on the dynamics of the CNT fracture/unzipping processes remain unclear. In this work we have investigated some of these process through molecular dynamics simulations using reactive force fields (ReaxFF), as implemented in the Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS) code. We considered multi-walled CNTs of different dimensions and chiralities and under induced mechanical stretching. Our preliminary results show that the unzipping mechanisms are highly dependent on CNT chirality. Well-defined and distinct fracture patterns were observed for the different chiralities. Armchair CNTs favor the creation of GNRs with well-defined armchair edges, while zigzag and chiral ones produce GNRs with less defined and defective edges. © 2012 Materials Research Society.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The weakening mechanisms involved in the collapse of complex impact craters are controversial. The Araguainha impact crater, in Brazil, exposes a complex structure of 40 km in diameter, and is an excellent object to address this issue. Its core is dominated by granite. In addition to microstructural observations, magnetic studies reveal its internal fabric acquired during the collapse phase. All granite samples exhibit impact-related planar deformation features (PDFs) and planar fractures (PFs), which were overprinted by cataclasis. Cataclastic deformation has evolved from incipient brittle fracturing to the development of discrete shear bands in the center of the structure. Fracture planes are systematically decorated by tiny grains (<10 mu m) of magnetite and hematite, and the orientation of magnetic lineation and magnetic foliation obtained by the anisotropies of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anhysteretic remanence (AAR) are perfectly coaxial in all studied sites. Therefore, we could track the orientation of deformation features which are decorated by iron oxides using the AMS and AAR. The magnetic fabrics show a regular pattern at the borders of the central peak, with orientations consistent with the fabric of sediments at the crater's inner collar and complex in the center of the structure. Both the cataclastic flow revealed from microstructural observations and the structural pattern of the magnetic anisotropy match the predictions from numerical models of complex impact structures. The widespread occurrence of cataclasis in the central peak, and its orientations revealed by magnetic studies indicate that acoustic fluidization likely operates at all scales, including the mineral scales. The cataclastic flow made possible by acoustic fluidization results in an apparent plastic deformation at the macroscopic scale in the core. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.