241 resultados para FOSS


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La constante innovación tecnológica y al abaratamiento de los dispositivos, han hecho que el fototrampeo se convierta en una técnica ampliamente utilizada para la realización de inventarios biológicos, generando gran cantidad de registros de alto interés ecológico. El principal objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar una herramienta de software libre (FOSS), desarrollada para facilitar el manejo de datos, obtenidos mediante fototrampeo en un espacio protegido de la Comunidad Valenciana. Así, a partir de un estudio iniciado en 2009, se ha analizado la composición de la comunidad de vertebrados en el Parque Natural de la Sierra de Mariola. Para la realización de los muestreos se han empleado cámaras de infrarrojos con sensor de movimiento (Moultrie Game Spy I-60®), obteniendo un total de 29,941 contactos que han servido para determinar la abundancia de las especies muestreadas en las 63 cuadrículas (2*2 Km) establecidas en la zona de estudio. La aplicación FOSS, denominada “Camera Trap Manager”, se ha diseñado para agilizar el tratamiento de esta información y funciona sobre la plataforma .NET, pudiendo ser utilizada en varios sistemas operativos. Además, este software dispone de un interfaz de usuario muy intuitivo, capacidad de extraer automáticamente distintos tipos de metadatos (fecha, hora, fase lunar, localización, temperatura, presión atmosférica, etc), basados en el estándar Exif; disponibilidad de listas taxonómicas para permitir a los usuarios etiquetar fácilmente las imágenes con las identidades de las especies, capacidad de análisis y creación de informes. El uso de esta aplicación ha permitido simplificar el procesado, análisis y edición de datos, consiguiendo una significativa reducción de los costes económicos y temporales. Mientras que en el procesado manual se alcanzaba una media de 55 fotografías/hora, el uso de esta herramienta permite procesar más de 1,000 fotografías/hora, obteniendo una mayor cantidad de información. Finalmente, se pone de manifiesto la gran utilidad de esta aplicación, que puede ser adaptada a las necesidades de otros proyectos de gestión de fauna, haciendo su uso extensivo no solamente a los profesionales del sector, sino a todos aquellos que requieran procesar gran cantidad de imágenes de fototrampeo.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Appendix III: Bibliographical, v.2, p.441-448.


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Este projeto tem como objetivo explorar e refletir sobre os benefícios do recurso a ferramentas Livres e Open gratuitas. Pretendemos também evidenciar a importância do acesso à cultura de forma Livre, focada no poder da partilha. De modo a demonstrar a viabilidade destas ferramentas enquanto plataforma para a criação de produtos multimédia, e promover as áreas criativas em estudo, desenvolvemos um protótipo de um Videojogo. Simultaneamente, pretendemos partilhar a nossa experiência e resultados obtidos, de forma Livre, com o intuito de contribuir para processos de aprendizagem e de criação nesta área.


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While the negative influence of passengers on driving is usually studied, young passengers may protect against young drivers’ crash involvement by speaking out and trying to stop unsafe driving behavior. This study sought to examine psychosocial constructs of young passengers who are likely to intervene in their friends’ risky driving. Method: University students aged 17 to 25 years who were single (n = 123) or in a romantic relationship (n = 130) completed an online survey measuring protective factors. Results: The combination of individual, friend and (for participants in a relationship) romantic partner protective factors predicted self-reported passenger intervening intentions. Impact on Industry: Since peer passengers often increase young drivers’ crash risk, research on passenger intervening has significant implications for road safety strategies. The findings provide support for the operationalization of protective factors in strategies that target passenger intervening behavior.


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The book examines the correlation between Intellectual Property Law – notably copyright – on the one hand and social and economic development on the other. The main focus of the initial overview is on historical, legal, economic and cultural aspects. Building on that, the work subsequently investigates how intellectual property systems have to be designed in order to foster social and economic growth in developing countries and puts forward theoretical and practical solutions that should be considered and implemented by policy makers, legal experts and the Word Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).


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Anisotropic Gaussian Schell-model (AGSM) fields and their transformation by first-order optical systems (FOS’s) forming Sp(4,R) are studied using the generalized pencils of rays. The fact that Sp(4,R), rather than the larger group SL(4,R), is the relevant group is emphasized. A convenient geometrical picture wherein AGSM fields and FOS’s are represented, respectively, by antisymmetric second-rank tensors and de Sitter transformations in a (3+2)-dimensional space is developed. These fields are shown to separate into two qualitatively different families of orbits and the invariants over each orbit, two in number, are worked out. We also develop another geometrical picture in a (2+1)-dimensional Minkowski space suitable for the description of the action of axially symmetric FOS’s on AGSM fields, and the invariants, now seven in number, are derived. Interesting limiting cases forming coherent and quasihomogeneous fields are analyzed.


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Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) has gained increased interest in the computer software industry, but assessing its quality remains a challenge. FOSS development is frequently carried out by globally distributed development teams, and all stages of development are publicly visible. Several product and process-level quality factors can be measured using the public data. This thesis presents a theoretical background for software quality and metrics and their application in a FOSS environment. Information available from FOSS projects in three information spaces are presented, and a quality model suitable for use in a FOSS context is constructed. The model includes both process and product quality metrics, and takes into account the tools and working methods commonly used in FOSS projects. A subset of the constructed quality model is applied to three FOSS projects, highlighting both theoretical and practical concerns in implementing automatic metric collection and analysis. The experiment shows that useful quality information can be extracted from the vast amount of data available. In particular, projects vary in their growth rate, complexity, modularity and team structure.


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Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Prediction (GARP) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) with free and open source software (FOSS) - Open Modeller were used to model the probable landslide occurrence points. Environmental layers such as aspect, digital elevation, flow accumulation, flow direction, slope, land cover, compound topographic index and precipitation have been used in modeling. Simulated output of these techniques is validated with the actual landslide occurrence points, which showed 92% (GARP) and 96% (SVM) accuracy considering precipitation in the wettest month and 91% and 94% accuracy considering precipitation in the wettest quarter of the year.


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De abril a diciembre de 2012, de un ensayo ya establecido se realizaron dos estudios en el cultivo de café variedad pacas, con el objetivo de determinar las curvas de crecimiento, peso seco y acumulación de nutrientes (N, P, K, Ca y Mg) por los frutos de café. El ensayo de sistemas fue establecido en el año 2000 en el Centro Nacional de Cooperativismo (CENECCOP), Masatepe, Nicaragua donde se establecieron cuatro parcelas grandes con combinación de árboles de sombra maderables y de servicio y una parcela a pleno sol. En las parcelas grandes se establecieron cuatro sub parcelas o niveles de fertilización orgánica (orgánico intensivo y orgánico moderado) y fertilización convencional (convencional intensivo y convencional moderado) para un total de 14 tratamientos. De este ensayo se seleccionaron para el primer experimento dos niveles de sombra (Inga laurina – Samanea saman y Tabebuia rosea – Simaruba glauca) cada parcela grande con los cuatro niveles de insumo. Para el segundo experimento se tomaron los cuatro niveles de sombra (Inga laurina y Simaruba glauca), (Samanea saman y Tabebuia rosea), (Samanea saman e Inga laurina), (Tabebuia rosea y Simaruba glauca) y una parcela a pleno sol. Las variables evaluadas en los frutos de café fueron diámetro polar, diámetro ecuatorial y peso seco. Los frutos se secaron en el horno a 70 °C y posteriormente se utilizó el molino Foss Tecator Cyclotec para obtener una muestra fina. De la muestra molida de los frutos, en el laboratorio de suelo y Agua de la UNA se determinó las concentraciones de N, P, K, Ca y Mg. Se realizó una correlación entre el diámetro polar y diámetro ecuatorial de los frutos en ambos ensayos. Las curvas de crecimiento y peso se ajustaron a regresiones no lineales. El programa usado fue SAS vs 9.1. Los frutos de café con especies leguminosas y combinaciones de leguminosas y no leguminosas y la aplicación de fertilización OI y CM presentaron el mayor crecimiento, mayor peso seco y las más altas concentraciones de nutrientes. El mayor crecimiento de los frutos se da durante la formación, a los primeros 90 días y la mayor acumulación de nutrientes se da entre los 90 y 210 días. Los modelos utilizados para el ajuste de curvas fueron el No Lineal Exponencial y el modelo Probit normal.


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As a component of a three-year cooperative effort of the Washington State Department of Ecology and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, surficial sediment samples from 100 locations in southern Puget Sound were collected in 1999 to determine their relative quality based on measures of toxicity, chemical contamination, and benthic infaunal assemblage structure. The survey encompassed an area of approximately 858 km2, ranging from East and Colvos Passages south to Oakland Bay, and including Hood Canal. Toxic responses were most severe in some of the industrialized waterways of Tacoma’s Commencement Bay. Other industrialized harbors in which sediments induced toxic responses on smaller scales included the Port of Olympia, Oakland Bay at Shelton, Gig Harbor, Port Ludlow, and Port Gamble. Based on the methods selected for this survey, the spatial extent of toxicity for the southern Puget Sound survey area was 0% of the total survey area for amphipod survival, 5.7% for urchin fertilization, 0.2% for microbial bioluminescence, and 5- 38% with the cytochrome P450 HRGS assay. Measurements of trace metals, PAHs, PCBs, chlorinated pesticides, other organic chemicals, and other characteristics of the sediments, indicated that 20 of the 100 samples collected had one or more chemical concentrations that exceeded applicable, effects-based sediment guidelines and/or Washington State standards. Chemical contamination was highest in eight samples collected in or near the industrialized waterways of Commencement Bay. Samples from the Thea Foss and Middle Waterways were primarily contaminated with a mixture of PAHs and trace metals, whereas those from Hylebos Waterway were contaminated with chlorinated organic hydrocarbons. The remaining 12 samples with elevated chemical concentrations primarily had high levels of other chemicals, including bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, benzoic acid, benzyl alcohol, and phenol. The characteristics of benthic infaunal assemblages in south Puget Sound differed considerably among locations and habitat types throughout the study area. In general, many of the small embayments and inlets throughout the study area had infaunal assemblages with relatively low total abundance, taxa richness, evenness, and dominance values, although total abundance values were very high in some cases, typically due to high abundance of one organism such as the polychaete Aphelochaeta sp. N1. The majority of the samples collected from passages, outer embayments, and larger bodies of water tended to have infaunal assemblages with higher total abundance, taxa richness, evenness, and dominance values. Two samples collected in the Port of Olympia near a superfund cleanup site had no living organisms in them. A weight-of-evidence approach used to simultaneously examine all three “sediment quality triad” parameters, identified 11 stations (representing 4.4 km2, 0.5% of the total study area) with sediment toxicity, chemical contamination, and altered benthos (i.e., degraded sediment quality), 36 stations (493.5 km2, 57.5% total study area) with no toxicity or chemical contamination (i.e., high sediment quality), 35 stations (274.1 km2, 32.0% total study area) with one impaired sediment triad parameter (i.e., intermediate/high sediment quality), and 18 stations (85.7km2, 10.0% total study area) with two impaired sediment parameters (i.e., intermediate/degraded quality sediments). Generally, upon comparison, the number of stations with degraded sediments based upon the sediment quality triad of data was slightly greater in the central Puget Sound than in the northern and southern Puget Sound study areas, with the percent of the total study area degraded in each region decreasing from central to north to south (2.8, 1.3 and 0.5%, respectively). Overall, the sediments collected in Puget Sound during the combined 1997-1999 surveys were among the least contaminated relative to other marine bays and estuaries studied by NOAA using equivalent methods. (PDF contains 351 pages)


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Univ SE Calif, Ctr Syst & Software Engn, ABB, Microsoft Res, IEEE, ACMSIGSOFT, N Carolina State Univ Comp Sci


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Memorial Sermon