522 resultados para FORMALDEHYDE


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The content of free formaldehyde (FA) in minced fish muscle was measured by the following procedure: A mixture of minced fish muscle and water was deproteinized by means of the Carrez reagent. The FA content of the filtrate was determined reflectometrically using the Reflectoquant test strips and the RQflex. The results agreed well with the colorimetrically (Nash test) measured FA content. Der Gehalt an freiem Formaldehyd (FA)in Fischerzeugnissen wurde mit folgender Methode bestimmt: Zerkleinertes Fischfleisch wurde mit Wasser homogenisiert und mit Carrez-Reagenz enteiweißt. Der Formaldehydgehalt des Filtrates wurde reflektometrisch unter Verwendung von Reflectoquant-Teststätbchen und des RQflex ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse stimmten gut mit kolorimetrisch (Nash Test) gemessenen FA-Gehalten überein.


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Formaldehyde is a very reactive compound capable of interacting with many functional groups of proteins including intermolecular and intramolecular cross-links of the molecules. The formation of cross-linking bonds may induce conformational change in proteins that favor further interaction of functional and hydrophobic groups. Formaldehyde which has been using illegally as a chemical preservative by some fish traders in our country. A study was carried out to determine the effects of irradiation (1.5 KGy) on formaldehyde concentration and nutritional (protein and lipid) changes of formalin (37% formaldehyde) treated fish (fresh) samples and found that the concentration of formaldehyde both in treated samples (0.37% formalin and 0.37% formalin with 1.5 KGy irradiation) were 37.0 µg/gm and 36.75 µg/gm. On the other hand, the amount of protein and lipid in treated samples before radiation (14.56% and 3.49%) and after radiation (14.15% and 3.25%). That means, radiation has no effect on the change of protein, lipid and formaldehyde.


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SbOx and SbOx/SiO2 catalysts were prepared and investigated for methane selective oxidation to HCHO. HCHO selectivity up to 41% can be obtained on Sb2O5/SiO2 catalyst at 873 K and just drop gently to 18% with temperature up to 923 K. HCHO selectivity for SbOx/SiO2 catalysts decreases gently with reaction temperature, so considerable value of HCHO selectivity can still be obtained at high temperatures.


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The partial oxidation of methane with molecular oxygen was performed on Fe-Mo/SiO2 catalysts. Iron was loaded on the Mo/SiO2 catalyst by chemical vapor deposition of Fe-3(CO)(12). The catalyst showed good low-temperature activities at 723-823 K. Formaldehyde was a major condensable liquid product on the prepared catalyst. There were synergistic effects between iron and molybdenum in Fe-Mo/SiO2 catalysts for the production of formaldehyde from the methane partial oxidation. The activation energy of Mo/SiO2 decreased with the addition of iron and approached that of the Fe/SiO2. The concentration of isolated molybdenum species (the peak at 1148 K in TPR experiments) decreased as the ion concentration increased and had a linear relationship with the selectivity of methane to formaldehyde. The role of Fe and Mo in the Fe-Mo/SiO2 catalyst was proposed: Fe is the center for the C-H activation to generate reaction intermediates, and Mo is the one for the transformation of intermediates into formaldehyde. Those phenomena were predominant below 775 K.


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Electrocatalytic mechanism for the electrochemical oxidation of formaldehyde (HCHO) on the highly dispersed Au microparticles electrodeposited on the surface of the glass carbon (GC) electrode in the alkaline Na2CO3/NaHCO3 solution and the surface characteristics of the Au microparticle-modified glass carbon (Au/GC) electrode were studied with in situ FTIR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It was found that the final products of HCHO oxidation is HCOO- at the Au/GC electrode and CO2 at the bulk Au electrode. The difference may be ascribed to the different surface characteristics between the Au/GC electrode and the bulk Au electrode. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electrochemical preparation of highly dispersed Au microparticles on the surfaces of glassy carbon (GC) electrodes and their electrocatalytic activities for the oxidation of formaldehyde were studied. It was found that the reduction of Au3+ to Au is controlled by diffusion and the formation mechanism of Au microparticles on the GC surfaces corresponds to an instantaneous nucleation and diffusion-controlled three dimensional growth process. The particle size is about 80-90 nm in diameter after the electrochemical ageing treatment. These highly dispersed Au microparticles have high surface areas and exhibit better electrocatalytic activity than that of bulk-form Au toward the electrochemical oxidation of formaldehyde in alkaline media.


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Titania sols were prepared by acid hydrolysis of a TiCl4 precursor instead of titanium alkoxides. The effect of acid concentration on the particle size and stability of sol was investigated. Stable titania sols with mean particle size of 14 nm could be obtained when the H+/Ti molar ratio was 0.5. The titania sols were modified with Pt, SiO2, ZrO2, WO3 and MoO3 to prepare a series of modified catalysts, which were used for the photocatalytic oxidation of formaldehyde at 37 degreesC. They showed different photocatalytic activities due to the influence of the additives. Comparing with pure TiO2, the addition of silica or zirconia increased the photocatalytic activity, while the addition of Pt and MoO3 decreased the activity, and the addition Of WO3 had little effect on the activity. It is of great significance that the conversion of formaldehyde was increased up to 94% over the SiO2-TiO2 catalyst. The increased activity was partly due to higher surface area and porosity or smaller crystallite size. A comparison of our catalyst compositions with the literature in this field suggested that the difference in activity due to the addition of a second metal oxide maybe caused by the surface chemistry of the catalysts, particularly the acidity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.