684 resultados para FOCI
Schistosoma intercalatum, which causes human rectal schistosomiasis in Africa, still presents a great interest for its imprecise taxonomic status and its puzzling distribution in Africa. Two geographically isolated strains of S. intercalatum are recognized, the Lower Guinea strain and the Congo strain, which differ from each other in a number of morphological, biological and biochemical characteristics. Recent molecular data using RAPD markers indicate high divergence between the two strains, with values of Nei and Li's similarity indice allowing recognition of two genetically distinct taxa: experiments on pre- and post-isolating mechanisms are in progress in order to re-evaluate the taxonomic status of this polytypic species. With regard to its geographical distribution, S. intercalatum is characterized by the existence of two stable endemic areas (localized in Lower Guinea and North East of Democratic Republic of Congo) which correspond to the historical areas of species discovery, and the emergence during the last 15 years of new foci of the Lower Guinea strain outside previously known endemic areas. The absence of local adaptation of the Lower Guinea strain to its intermediate host, supported by experimental studies, may help to facilitate the spread of this strain. Nevertheless, the present restricted distribution of this species remains puzzling, because its potential snail hosts (bulinids) are widely distributed throughout much of Africa. Recent experimental and epidemiological studies suggest that interspecific sexual interactions between human schistosomes could have a role in limiting the distribution of S. intercalatum: the competitive sexual processes acting among human schistosomes show that S. haematobium and S. mansoni are always competitively dominant over S. intercalatum. These epidemiological observations lead the authors to distinguish three kinds of transmission foci for S. intercalatum.
Severe schistosomiasis is a rare event in Venezuela nowadays, after a successful national campaign by the Schistosomiasis Control Program. Unfortunately, this program has practically disappeared, and snail surveillance in field is not a priority, anymore. Thus, schistosomiasis has become a neglected disease in this country. However, surveys in different populations from the endemic area have shown particular epidemiological features described herein. In five communities we evaluated 2,175 persons and searched for the presence of Biomphalaria glabrata snails. Some markers were used for classifying schistosomiasis foci: mean age of the persons with Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the stools, serological tests, presence of B. glabrata snails, and intensity of infection. Places without B. glabrata snails and with few schistosomiasis cases were defined as "past transmission sites"; a site with abundant snails but few cases was defined as "potential risk"; "new transmission" foci were characterized by the presence of infected snails and young people passing eggs in the stools. A "re-emergent" focus has shared these last features, showing in addition a place where schistosomiasis had been reported before. Recent evidences of active transmission with the increasing dispersion of B. glabrata snails, point out the necessity for the re-establishment of the Schistosomiasis Control Program in Venezuela.
Acute cases of schistosomiasis have been found on the coastal area of Pernambuco, Brazil, due to environmental disturbances and disorderly occupation of the urban areas. This study identifies and spatially marks the main foci of the snail host species, Biomphalaria glabrata on Itamaracá Island. The chaotic occupation of the beach resorts has favoured the emergence of transmission foci, thus exposing residents and tourists to the risk of infection. A database covering five years of epidemiological investigation on snails infected by Schistosoma mansoni in the island was produced with information from the geographic positioning of the foci, number of snails collected, number of snails tested positive, and their infection rate. The spatial position of the foci were recorded through the Global Positioning System (GPS), and the geographical coordinates were imported by AutoCad. The software packages ArcView and Spring were used for data processing and spatial analysis. AutoCad 2000 was used to plot the pairs of coordinates obtained from GPS. Between 1998 and 2002 5009 snails, of which 12.2% were positive for S. mansoni, were collected in Forte Beach. A total of 27 foci and areas of environmental risk were identified and spatially analyzed allowing the identification of the areas exposed to varying degrees of risk.
Observational studies in the Indian subcontinent have shown that untreated nets may be protective against visceral leishmaniasis (VL). In this study, we evaluated the effect of untreated nets on the blood feeding rates of Phlebotomus argentipes as well as the human blood index (HBI) in VL endemic villages in India and Nepal. The study had a "before and after intervention" design in 58 households in six clusters. The use of untreated nets reduced the blood feeding rate by 85% (95% CI 76.5-91.1%) and the HBI by 42.2% (95% CI 11.1-62.5%). These results provide circumstantial evidence that untreated nets may provide some degree of personal protection against sand fly bites.
Triatoma infestans is one of the main domestic vectors of Chagas disease. Reports of wild habitat occurrences have recently increased. In Chile, after a successful elimination campaign of T. infestans domestic infestation, a sylvatic focus was reported in bromeliads in the metropolitan region. Here, we report a new focus of sylvatic T. infestans inhabiting rock piles in the Valparaíso region in central Chile. All T. infestans captured were nymphal instars living among the stones, which were inhabited by several mammal species, along with the sylvatic triatomine vector Mepraia spinolai. We found a prevalence of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi of 36.54% in T. infestans, similar to the previous report for sylvatic specimens from bromeliads. Sylvatic populations of T. infestans should be studied at different geographic scales to elucidate their role in the maintenance of the sylvatic transmission cycle of T. cruzi and their possible role in threatening the domestic elimination of this vector. This information should be used to re-design the control programs in Chile to avoid the re-establishment of the domestic cycle.
Although the reported aetiological agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Sri Lanka is Leishmania donovani, the sandfly vector remains unknown. Ninety-five sandflies, 60 females and 35 males, collected in six localities in the district of Matale, central Sri Lanka, close to current active transmission foci of CL were examined for taxonomically relevant characteristics. Eleven diagnostic morphological characters for female sandflies were compared with measurements described for Indian and Sri Lankan sandflies, including the now recognised Phlebotomus argentipes sensu lato species complex. The mean morphometric measurements of collected female sandflies differed significantly from published values for P. argentipes morphospecies B, now re-identified as Phlebotomus annandalei from Delft Island and northern Sri Lanka, from recently re-identified P. argentipes s.s. sibling species and from Phlebotomus glaucus. Furthermore, analysis of underlying variation in the morphometric data through principal component analysis also illustrated differences between the population described herein and previously recognised members of the P. argentipes species complex. Collectively, these results suggest that a morphologically distinct population, perhaps most closely related to P. glaucus of the P. argentipess. I. species complex, exists in areas of active CL transmission. Thus, research is required to determine the ability of this population of flies to transmit cutaneous leishmaniasis.
Aberrant crypt foci (ACF) are putative preneoplastic lesions that might represent the earliest morphological lesion visible in colonic carcinogenesis. However, findings concerning the growth and morphological features of these lesions in human studies suggest that ACF are highly heterogeneous in nature. In this study, we evaluated the morphological features of a large number of ACF in colon mucosa of 26 patients with colorectal carcinoma (CRC), four patients with adenoma as well as seven patients with nonneoplastic colonic diseases. By dissecting microscope, 508 ACF were identified, and of these, 378 were sampled for histological examination. The median ACF density (number of ACF/cm2) was significantly higher in the left colon than in the right colon (0.047 v 0.014 ACF/cm2). Unexpectedly, in our series, the overall ACF density was higher in the nonneoplastic colonic diseases than in CRC (0.13 v 0.032 ACF/cm2, P=.0087), cases of nonneoplastic diseases, however, being limited to 7 patients. ACF were significantly larger in colons with CRC or adenoma than in colons with nonneoplastic disease (P < .03). On histological examination, we observed 133 ACF with normal epithelium, 189 ACF with hyperplasia, 27 ACF with atypical hyperplasia, and 29 ACF with dysplasia. We noted a progressive increase of median ACF size from normal mucosa to hyperplasia, atypical hyperplasia, and dysplasia. Dysplastic ACF were more frequently observed in patients with CRC or adenoma and showed predominantly elongated crypt orifices (P < .0001). We conclude that ACF are histologically heterogeneous, encompass a spectrum of lesions of which only a subset are associated with dysplasia and then represent an early step in colorectal carcinogenesis. ACF with dysplasia are characterized by larger size, elongated crypt orifices, and an association with CRC.
Aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in the colon of carcinogen-treated rodents are considered to be the earliest hallmark of colon carcinogenesis. In the present study the relationship between a short-term (4 weeks) and medium-term (30 weeks) assay was assessed in a model of colon carcinogenesis induced by dimethylhydrazine (DMH) in the rat. Six-week-old male Wistar rats were given subcutaneous injections of DMH (40 mg/kg) twice a week for 2 weeks and killed at the end of the 4th or 30th week. ACF were scored for number, distribution pattern along the colon and crypt multiplicity in 0.1% methylene-blue whole-mount preparations. ACF were distinguished from normal crypts by their larger size and elliptical shape. The incidence, distribution and morphology of colon tumors were recorded. The majority of ACF were present in the middle and distal colon of DMH-treated rats and their number increased with time. By the 4th week, 91.5% ACF were composed of one or two crypts and 8.5% had three or more crypts, while by the 30th week 46.9% ACF had three or more crypts. Thus, a progression of ACF consisting of multiple crypts was observed from the 4th to the 30th week. Nine well-differentiated adenocarcinomas were found in 10 rats by the 30th week. Seven tumors were located in the distal colon and two in the middle colon. No tumor was found in the proximal colon. The present data indicate that induction of ACF by DMH in the short-term (4 weeks) assay was correlated with development of well-differentiated adenocarcinomas in the medium-term (30 weeks) assay.
We determined the effect of long-term aerobic swimming training regimens of different intensities on colonic carcinogenesis in rats. Male Wistar rats (11 weeks old) were given 4 subcutaneous injections (40 mg/kg body weight each) of 1,2-dimethyl-hydrazine (DMH, dissolved in 0.9% NaCl containing 1.5% EDTA, pH 6.5), at 3-day intervals and divided into three exercise groups that swam with 0% body weight (EG1, N = 11), 2% body weight (EG2, N = 11), and 4% body weight of load (EG3, N = 10), 20 min/day, 5 days/week for 35 weeks, and one sedentary control group (CG, N = 10). At sacrifice, the colon was removed and counted for tumors and aberrant crypt foci. Tumor size was measured and intra-abdominal fat was weighed. The mean number of aberrant crypt foci was reduced only for EG2 compared to CG (26.21 ± 2.99 vs 36.40 ± 1.53 crypts; P < 0.05). Tumor incidence was not significantly different among groups (CG: 90%; EG1: 72.7%; EG2: 90%; EG3: 80%). Swimming training did not affect either tumor multiplicity (CG: 2.30 ± 0.58; EG1: 2.09 ± 0.44; EG2: 1.27 ± 0.19; EG3: 1.50 ± 0.48 tumors) or size (CG: 1.78 ± 0.24; EG1: 1.81 ± 0.14; EG2: 1.55 ± 0.21; EG3: 2.17 ± 0.22 cm³). Intra-abdominal fat was not significantly different among groups (CG: 10.54 ± 2.73; EG1: 6.12 ± 1.15; EG2: 7.85 ± 1.24; EG3: 5.11 ± 0.74 g). Aerobic swimming training with 2% body weight of load protected against the DMH-induced preneoplastic colon lesions, but not against tumor development in the rat.
We determined the effect of fish oil (FO) ingestion on colonic carcinogenesis in rats. Male Wistar rats received 4 subcutaneous injections (40 mg/kg body weight each) of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) at 3-day intervals and were fed a diet containing 18% by weight FO (N = 10) or soybean oil (SO, N = 10) for 36 weeks. At sacrifice, the colon was removed, aberrant crypt foci were counted and the fatty acid profile was determined. Intestinal tumors were removed and classified as adenoma or carcinoma. Liver and feces were collected and analyzed for fatty acid profile. FO reduced the mean (± SEM) number of aberrant crypt foci compared to SO (113.55 ± 6.97 vs 214.60 ± 18.61; P < 0.05) and the incidence of adenoma (FO: 20% vs SO: 100%), but carcinoma occurred equally in FO and SO rats (2 animals per group). The polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) profile of the colon was affected by diet (P < 0.05): total ω-3 (FO: 8.18 ± 0.97 vs SO: 1.71 ± 0.54%) and total ω-6 (FO: 3.83 ± 0.59 vs SO: 10.43 ± 1.28%). The same occurred in the liver (P < 0.05): total ω-3 (FO: 34.41 ± 2.6 vs SO: 6.46 ± 0.59%) and total ω-6 (FO: 8.73 ± 1.37 vs SO: 42.12 ± 2.33%). The PUFA profile of the feces and liver polyamine levels did not differ between groups (P > 0.05). In conclusion, our findings indicate that chronic FO ingestion protected against the DMH-induced preneoplastic colon lesions and adenoma development, but not against carcinoma in rats.
The modifying potential of crude extracts of the mushroom Agaricus blazei Murrill (Himematsutake) on the development and growth of glutathione S-transferase placental form (GST-P)-positive liver foci (liver preneoplastic lesion) was investigated in adult male Wistar rats. Six groups of animals were used. Groups 2 to 5 were given a single i.p. injection of 200 mg/kg b.w. of diethylnitrosamine (DEN) and groups 1 and 6 were treated with saline at the beginning of the experiment. After 2 weeks, animals of groups 3 to 6 were orally treated with three dose levels of aqueous extracts of the mushroom A. blazei (1.2, 5.6, 11.5, and 11.5 mg/ml of dry weight of solids) for 6 weeks. All animals were subjected to two-thirds partial hepatectomy at week 3 and sacrificed at week 8. Two hours before sacrifice, ten animals of each group were administered a single i.p injection of 100 mg/kg of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). Apoptotic bodies and BrdU-positive hepatocyte nuclei were quantified in liver sections stained for hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) (eosinophilic foci) and simultaneously stained for GST-P expression (GST-P-positive foci), respectively. The 6-week treatment with A. blazei did not alter the development (number and size) of GST-P-positive foci and did not affect the growth kinetics of liver normal parenchyma or foci in DEN-initiated animals. Our results indicate that the treatment with aqueous extracts of the mushroom A. blazei during the post-initiation stage of rat liver carcinogenesis does not exert any protective effect against the development of GST-P-positive foci induced by DEN. (Cancer Sci 2003; 94: 188-192).
The chemopreventive potential of an Agaricus blazei (Ab) Murrill mushroom meal was investigated in a medium-term rat liver carcinogenesis assay. Male Wistar rats initiated for hepatocarcinogenesis with diethylnitrosamine (DEN, 200 mg/kg i.p.) were fed during a 6-week period with the dry powdered mushroom strains Ab 29 or 26, each one with opened (OB) or closed basidiocarp (CB), mixed at 10% level in a basal diet. All experimental animals and controls were subjected to partial hepatectomy at week 3 and killed at week 8. Chemopreventive activity of the mushroom meal was observed for the Ab 29 (OB and CB) and Ab 26 (CB) strains in terms of the number of putative preneoplastic altered foci of hepatocytes which express either the enzyme glutathione S-transferase, placental form (GST-P+) or the transforming growth factor-alpha, and for the Ab 29 (OB) and Ab 26 (CB) strains on the size of GST-P-divided by foci. This was associated with inhibition of foci cell proliferation in the animals fed the Ab 29 (013) and Ab 26 (CB) strains. The results suggest that the protective influence of the Ab meal against the DEN potential for rat liver carcinogenicity depends on both the strain and period of mushroom harvest. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Chemoprevention opens new perspectives in the prevention of cancer and other degenerative diseases. Use of target-organ biological models at the histological and genetic levels can markedly facilitate the identification of such potential chemopreventive agents. Colon cancer is one of the highest incidence rates throughout the world and some evidences have indicated carotenoids as possible agents that decrease the risk of colorectal cancer. In the present study, we evaluate the activity of annatto (Bixa orellaria L.), a natural food colorant rich in carotenoid, on the formation of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) induced by dimethy1hydrazine (DMH) in rat colon. Further, we investigate, the effect of annatto on DMH-induced DNA damage, by the comet assay. Male Wistar rats were given s.c. injections of DMH (40 mg/kg body wt.) twice a week for 2 weeks to induce ACE They also received experimental diets containing annatto at 20, 200 or 1000 ppm for five 5 weeks before (pre-treatment), or 10 weeks after (post-treatment) DMH treatment. In both protocols the rats were sacrificed on week 15th. For the comet assay, the animals were fed with the same experimental diets for 2 weeks. Four hours before the sacrifice, the animals received an s.c. injection of DMH (40 mg/kg body wt.). Under such conditions, dietary administration of 1000 ppm annatto neither induce DNA damage in blood and colon cells nor aberrant crypt foci in rat distal colon. Conversely, annatto was successful in inhibiting the number of crypts/colon (animal), but not in the incidence of DMH-induced ACF, mainly when administered after DMH. However, no antigenotoxic effect was observed in colon cells. These findings suggest possible chemopreventive effects of annatto through their modulation of the cryptal cell proliferation but not at the initiation stage of colon carcinogenesis. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Propolis is a honeybee product with several biological and therapeutic properties, including antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activities. The effects of an aqueous extract of propolis (AEP) were evaluated on the formation of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced aberrant crypt foci (ACF) and DNA damage in the colon of male Wistar rats by the ACF and Comet assays, respectively. AEP was administered orally at 0.01%, 0.03%, 0.1%, and 0.3% in the drinking water, which resulted in doses of approximately 12, 34, 108, and 336 mg/kg body weight/day. Animals were also given a single subcutaneous injection of 40 mg/kg DMH and sacrificed 4 hr later for evaluating DNA damage, or 4 doses of 40 mg/kg DMH, administered 2 doses/week for 2 weeks, and sacrificed 12 weeks after the last injection for evaluating ACF development in the distal colon. Administration of AEP either simultaneously with or after the DMH treatment resulted in no statistically significant reduction of ACF. In contrast, 0.01%, 0.03%, and 0.3% AEP, given simultaneously with DMH, reduced DNA damage induction in the mid and distal colon. However, 0.3% AEP alone increased DNA damage in the colon. In conclusion, AEP had no effect on the formation of DMH-induced ACF in rat colon, but it modulated DMH-induced DNA damage in colon cells. Further investigations are recommended in order to establish the conditions under which propolis produces either protective or deleterious effects. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.