The Fokker-Planck (FP) equation is used to develop a general method for finding the spectral density for a class of randomly excited first order systems. This class consists of systems satisfying stochastic differential equations of form ẋ + f(x) = m/Ʃ/j = 1 hj(x)nj(t) where f and the hj are piecewise linear functions (not necessarily continuous), and the nj are stationary Gaussian white noise. For such systems, it is shown how the Laplace-transformed FP equation can be solved for the transformed transition probability density. By manipulation of the FP equation and its adjoint, a formula is derived for the transformed autocorrelation function in terms of the transformed transition density. From this, the spectral density is readily obtained. The method generalizes that of Caughey and Dienes, J. Appl. Phys., 32.11.
This method is applied to 4 subclasses: (1) m = 1, h1 = const. (forcing function excitation); (2) m = 1, h1 = f (parametric excitation); (3) m = 2, h1 = const., h2 = f, n1 and n2 correlated; (4) the same, uncorrelated. Many special cases, especially in subclass (1), are worked through to obtain explicit formulas for the spectral density, most of which have not been obtained before. Some results are graphed.
Dealing with parametrically excited first order systems leads to two complications. There is some controversy concerning the form of the FP equation involved (see Gray and Caughey, J. Math. Phys., 44.3); and the conditions which apply at irregular points, where the second order coefficient of the FP equation vanishes, are not obvious but require use of the mathematical theory of diffusion processes developed by Feller and others. These points are discussed in the first chapter, relevant results from various sources being summarized and applied. Also discussed is the steady-state density (the limit of the transition density as t → ∞).
For the first time, lasers have been used to induce a fast all-optical nonresonant nonlinearity at wavelengths well beyond the band edge in a GaAs/GaAlAs multiquantum well waveguide. Using a Q-switched diode laser, which gave optical pulses of 3.5 ps duration and 7 W peak power, an intensity-dependent transmission was recorded that was consistent with the presence of two photon absorption in the waveguide. The measured two photon absorption coefficient was 11 ± 2cm/GW.
For the first time, we present the calculation of the nonlinear optical coefficient of the NdAl3(BO3)(4) (NAB) crystal from a systematic and quantitative standpoint. Based on the dielectric theory of complex crystals and the Levine bond charge model, the method of calculation of the second-order nonlinear optical tensor coefficients of complex crystals has been given systematically. The chemical bond parameters and linear and nonlinear susceptibilities of the NAB crystal have been calculated in detail, and the calculated value of d(11)(NAB) is -5.81 x 10(-9) esu, which agrees with the measured value of 4.06 x 10(-9) esu.
The tess potential-concentration curve was first applied to measure the concentration of an alloy. Attempt to use the V-c curve of Al-Li alloy in measuring the diffusion coeffictent of Li atom in liquid aluminium with anode chronopotentiometry at 720℃, was made and D_(Li/Al=4.94×10~(-5)cm~2·s~(-1) was obtained. The value is well consistent wish the theoretical value, D_(Li/Al)=4.85×10~(-5)cm~2·s~(-1) in terms of Stokes-Einstein equation.
Non-linearities in the electronic stopping power of light projectiles in bulk Al and LiF are addressed from first principles using time-evolving time-dependent density functional theory. In the case of Al, the agreement of the calculations with experiments for H and He projectiles is fair, but a recently observed transition for He from one value of the electronic friction coefficient to a higher value at v ~ 0.3 a.u. is not reproduced by the calculations. For LiF, better accuracy is obtained as compared with previously published simulations, albeit the threshold remains overestimated. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
A lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) has been developed and fully validated to detect the primary amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) toxin, domoic acid (DA). The performance characteristics of two versions of the test were investigated using spiked and naturally contaminated shellfish (mussels, scallops, oysters, clams, and cockles). The tests provide a qualitative result, to indicate the absence or presence of DA in extracts of shellfish tissues, at concentrations that are relevant to regulatory limits. The new rapid assay (LFIA version 2) was designed to overcome the performance limitations identified in the first version of the assay. The improved test uses an electronic reader to remove the subjective nature of the generated results, and the positive cut-off for screening of DA in shellfish was increased from 10 ppm (version 1) to 17.5 ppm (version 2). A simple extraction and test procedure was employed, which required minimal equipment and materials; results were available 15 min after sample preparation. Stability of the aqueous extracts at room temperature (22 C) at four time points (up to 245 min after extraction) and across a range of DA concentrations was 100.3±1.3% and 98.8±2.4% for pre- and post-buffered extracts, respectively. The assay can be used both within laboratory settings and in remote locations. The accuracy of the new assay, to indicate negative results at or below 10 ppm DA, and positive results at or above 17.5 ppm, was 99.5% (n=216 tests). Validation data were obtained from a 2-day, randomised, blind study consisting of multiple LFIA lots (n=3), readers (n=3) and operators (n=3), carrying out multiple extractions of mussel tissue (n=3) at each concentration (0, 10, 17.5, and 20 ppm). No matrix effects were observed on the performance of the assay with different species (mussels, scallops, oysters, clams, and cockles). There was no impact on accuracy or interference from other phycotoxins, glutamic acid or glutamine with various strip incubations (8, 10, and 12 min). The accuracy of the assay, using naturally contaminated samples to indicate negative results at or below 12.5 ppm and positive results at or above 17.5 ppm, was 100%. Variability between three LFIA lots across a range of DA concentrations, expressed as coefficient of variation (% CV), was 1.1±0.4% (n=2 days) based on quantitative readings from the electronic reader. During an 8 week stability study, accuracy of the method with test strips stored at various temperatures (6, 22, 37 and 50 C) was 100%. Validation for both versions included comparisons with results obtained using reference LC-UV methods. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Les Indigènes canadiens vivent une rapide transition nutritionnelle marquée par une consommation accrue des produits commercialisés au dépit des aliments traditionnels. Ce mémoire cherche à identifier les patrons alimentaires associés à une meilleure alimentation des femmes autochtones vivant dans les réserves en Colombie Britannique. L’échantillon (n=493) a été sélectionné de l’étude ‘First Nations Food, Nutrition, and Environment Study’. L’étude a utilisé des rappels alimentaires de 24 heures. Pour identifier les patrons alimentaires, un indice de qualité alimentaire (QA) basé sur 10 éléments nutritionnels (fibre alimentaire, gras totaux/saturés, folate, magnésium, calcium, fer, vitamines A, C, D) a permis de classifier les sujets en trois groupes (tertiles). Ces groupes ont été comparés sur leur consommation de 25 groupes alimentaires (GAs) en employant des tests statistiques non-paramétriques (Kruskal-Wallis et ANCOVA). Une analyse discriminante (AD) a confirmé les GAs associés à la QA. La QA des sujets était globalement faible car aucun rappel n’a rencontré les consommations recommandées pour tous les 10 éléments nutritionnels. L'AD a confirmé que les GAs associés de façon significative à la QA étaient ‘légumes et produits végétaux’, ‘fruits’, ‘aliments traditionnels’, ‘produits laitiers faibles en gras’, ‘soupes et bouillons’, et ‘autres viandes commercialisées’ (coefficients standardisés= 0,324; 0,295; 0,292; 0,282; 0,157; -0.189 respectivement). Le pourcentage de classifications correctes était 83.8%. Nos résultats appuient la promotion des choix alimentaires recommandés par le « Guide Alimentaire Canadien- Premières Nations, Inuits, et Métis ». Une consommation accrue de légumes, fruits, produits laitiers faibles en gras, et aliments traditionnels caractérise les meilleurs patrons alimentaires.
Development of Malayalam speech recognition system is in its infancy stage; although many works have been done in other Indian languages. In this paper we present the first work on speaker independent Malayalam isolated speech recognizer based on PLP (Perceptual Linear Predictive) Cepstral Coefficient and Hidden Markov Model (HMM). The performance of the developed system has been evaluated with different number of states of HMM (Hidden Markov Model). The system is trained with 21 male and female speakers in the age group ranging from 19 to 41 years. The system obtained an accuracy of 99.5% with the unseen data
Child molesters (n=13) and sexually non-deviant subjects (n=29) were immersed with virtual characters depicting relevant sexual features while their sexual arousal and gaze behaviour were assessed to characterize their sexual preferences and intentional dynamics. Sexual arousal was measured using circumferential penile plethysmography (PPG). Gaze behaviour dynamics was derived from average gaze radial angular deviation (GRAD) and GRAD coefficient of variation (GRADCV). Results show distinct sexual arousal profiles according to sexual preferences and point towards the existence of specific gaze behaviour dynamics guided by sexual intentions. Theoretical interpretations are based on the ecological psychology of J.J. Gibson and the integrated theory of sexual offending (Ward, 2009; Ward & Beech, 2006). Theoretical underpinnings coming from these approaches are advocated as being especially well suited to explain how virtual reality can help probing into child molesters’ phenomenology as lived from the first-person stance.
The distributions of times to first cell division were determined for populations of Escherichia coli stationary-phase cells inoculated onto agar media. This was accomplished by using automated analysis of digital images of individual cells growing on agar and calculation of the "box area ratio." Using approximately 300 cells per experiment, the mean time to first division and standard deviation for cells grown in liquid medium at 37 degrees C and inoculated on agar and incubated at 20 degrees C were determined as 3.0 h and 0.7 h, respectively. Distributions were observed to tail toward the higher values, but no definitive model distribution was identified. Both preinoculation stress by heating cultures at 50 degrees C and postinoculation stress by growth in the presence of higher concentrations of NaCl increased mean times to first division. Both stresses also resulted in an increase in the spread of the distributions that was proportional to the mean division time, the coefficient of variation being constant at approximately 0.2 in all cases. The "relative division time," which is the time to first division for individual cells expressed in terms of the cell size doubling time, was used as measure of the "work to be done" to prepare for cell division. Relative division times were greater for heat-stressed cells than for those growing under osmotic stress.
This paper presents the development of an export coefficient model to characterise the rates and sources of P export from land to water in four reservoir systems located in a semi-arid rural region in southern of Portugal. The model was developed to enable effective management of these important water resource systems under the EU Water Framework Directive. This is the first time such an approach has been fully adapted for the semi-arid systems typical of Mediterranean Europe. The sources of P loading delivered to each reservoir from its catchment were determined and scenario analysis was undertaken to predict the likely impact of catchment management strategies on the scale of rate of P loading delivered to each water body from its catchment. The results indicate the importance of farming and sewage treatment works/collective septic tanks discharges as the main contributors to the total diffuse and point source P loading delivered to the reservoirs, respectively. A reduction in the total P loading for all study areas would require control of farming practices and more efficient removal of P from human wastes prior to discharge to surface waters. The scenario analysis indicates a strategy based solely on reducing the agricultural P surplus may result in only a slow improvement in water quality, which would be unlikely to support the generation of good ecological status in reservoirs. The model application indicates that a reduction of P-inputs to the reservoirs should first focus on reducing P loading from sewage effluent discharges through the introduction of tertiary treatment (P-stripping) in all major residential areas. The fully calibrated export coefficient modelling approach transferred well to semi-arid regions, with the only significant limitation being the availability of suitable input data to drive the model. Further studies using this approach in semi-arid catchments are now needed to increase the knowledge of nutrient export behaviours in semi-arid regions.
The co-polar correlation coefficient (ρhv) has many applications, including hydrometeor classification, ground clutter and melting layer identification, interpretation of ice microphysics and the retrieval of rain drop size distributions (DSDs). However, we currently lack the quantitative error estimates that are necessary if these applications are to be fully exploited. Previous error estimates of ρhv rely on knowledge of the unknown "true" ρhv and implicitly assume a Gaussian probability distribution function of ρhv samples. We show that frequency distributions of ρhv estimates are in fact highly negatively skewed. A new variable: L = -log10(1 - ρhv) is defined, which does have Gaussian error statistics, and a standard deviation depending only on the number of independent radar pulses. This is verified using observations of spherical drizzle drops, allowing, for the first time, the construction of rigorous confidence intervals in estimates of ρhv. In addition, we demonstrate how the imperfect co-location of the horizontal and vertical polarisation sample volumes may be accounted for. The possibility of using L to estimate the dispersion parameter (µ) in the gamma drop size distribution is investigated. We find that including drop oscillations is essential for this application, otherwise there could be biases in retrieved µ of up to ~8. Preliminary results in rainfall are presented. In a convective rain case study, our estimates show µ to be substantially larger than 0 (an exponential DSD). In this particular rain event, rain rate would be overestimated by up to 50% if a simple exponential DSD is assumed.
Cobalt is one of the main components of cast metal alloys broadly used in dentistry. It is the constituent of 45 to 70% of numerous prosthetic works. There are evidences that metal elements cause systemic and local toxicity. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of cobalt on the junctional epithelium and reduced enamel epithelium of the first superior molar in rats, during lactation. To do this, 1-day old rats were used, whose mothers received 300mg of cobalt chloride per liter of distilled water in the drinker, during lactation. After 21 days, the rat pups were killed with an anesthetic overdose. The heads were separated, fixed in ""alfac"", decalcified and embedded in paraffin. Frontal sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin were employed. Karyometric methods allowed to estimate the following parameters: biggest, smallest and mean diameters, D/d ratio, perimeter, area, volume, volume/area ratio, eccentricity, form coefficient and contour index. Stereologic methods allow to evaluate: cytoplasm/nucleus ratio, cell and cytoplasm volume, cell number density, external surface/basal membrane ratio, thickness of the epithelial layers and surface density. All the collected data were subjected to statistic analysis by the non-parametric Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. The nuclei of the studied tissues showed smaller values after karyometry for: diameters; perimeter, area, volume and volume/area ratio. Stereologically, it was observed, in the junctional epithelium and in the reduced enamel epithelium, smaller cells with scarce cytoplasm, reflected in the greater number of cells per mm3 of tissue. In this study, cobalt caused epithelial atrophy, indicating a direct action on the junctional and enamel epithelium.
This study reports the results of ab initio electronic and optical calculations for pure socialite crystal using the linear augmented plane wave (LAPW) method within density functional theory (DFT). The calculated electronic structure revealed predominantly orbital characters of the valence band and the conduction band, and enabled us to determine the type and the value of the fundamental gap of the compound. The imaginary part of the dielectric tensor, extinction coefficient and refraction index were calculated as functions of the incident radiation wavelength. It is shown that the O 2p states and Na 3s states play the major role in optical transitions as initial and final states, respectively. The absorption spectrum is localized in the ultraviolet range between 40 and 250 nm. Furthermore, we concluded that the material does not absorb radiation in the visible range. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Let G be a group. We give some formulas for the first group homology and cohomology of a group G with coefficients in an arbitrary G-module (Z) over tilde. More explicit calculations are done in the special cases of free groups, abelian groups and nilpotent groups. We also perform calculations for certain G-module M, by reducing it to the case where the coefficient is a G-module (Z) over tilde. As a result of the well known equalities H-1(X, M) = H-1(pi(1)(X), M) and H-1(X, M) = H-1(pi(1) (X), M), for any G-module M, we are able to calculate the first homology and cohomology groups of topological spaces with certain local system of coefficients.