890 resultados para FINITE-ELEMENT ANALYSIS
The aim of this study is to optimize the heat flow through the pultrusion die assembly system on the manufacturing process of a specific glass-fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) pultrusion profile. The control of heat flow and its distribution through whole die assembly system is of vital importance in optimizing the actual GFRP pultrusion process. Through mathematical modeling of heating-die process, by means of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) program, an optimum heater selection, die position and temperature control was achieved. The thermal environment within the die was critically modeled relative not only to the applied heat sources, but also to the conductive and convective losses, as well as the thermal contribution arising from the exothermic reaction of resin matrix as it cures or polymerizes from the liquid to solid condition. Numerical simulation was validated with basis on thermographic measurements carried out on key points along the die during pultrusion process.
This study is based on a previous experimental work in which embedded cylindrical heaters were applied to a pultrusion machine die, and resultant energetic performance compared with that achieved with the former heating system based on planar resistances. The previous work allowed to conclude that the use of embedded resistances enhances significantly the energetic performance of pultrusion process, leading to 57% decrease of energy consumption. However, the aforementioned study was developed with basis on an existing pultrusion die, which only allowed a single relative position for the heaters. In the present work, new relative positions for the heaters were investigated in order to optimize heat distribution process and energy consumption. Finite Elements Analysis was applied as an efficient tool to identify the best relative position of the heaters into the die, taking into account the usual parameters involved in the process and the control system already tested in the previous study. The analysis was firstly developed with basis on eight cylindrical heaters located in four different location plans. In a second phase, in order to refine the results, a new approach was adopted using sixteen heaters with the same total power. Final results allow to conclude that the correct positioning of the heaters can contribute to about 10% of energy consumption reduction, decreasing the production costs and leading to a better eco-efficiency of pultrusion process.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2010
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Laboratory of Archaeometry del National Centre of Scientific Research “Demokritos” d’Atenes, Grècia, entre juny i setembre 2006. Aquest estudi s’emmarca dins d’un context més ampli d’estudi del canvi tecnològic que es documenta en la producció d’àmfores de tipologia romana durant els segles I aC i I dC en els territoris costaners de Catalunya. Una part d’aquest estudi contempla el càlcul de les propietats mecàniques d’aquestes àmfores i la seva avaluació en funció de la tipologia amforal, a partir de l’Anàlisi d’Elements Finits (AEF). L’AEF és una aproximació numèrica que té el seu origen en les ciències d’enginyeria i que ha estat emprada per estimar el comportament mecànic d’un model en termes, per exemple, de deformació i estrès. Així, un objecte, o millor dit el seu model, es dividit en sub-dominis anomenats elements finits, als quals se’ls atribueixen les propietats mecàniques del material en estudi. Aquests elements finits estan connectats formant una xarxa amb constriccions que pot ser definida. En el cas d’aplicar una força determinada a un model, el comportament de l’objecte pot ser estimat mitjançant el conjunt d’equacions lineals que defineixen el rendiment dels elements finits, proporcionant una bona aproximació per a la descripció de la deformació estructural. Així, aquesta simulació per ordinador suposa una important eina per entendre la funcionalitat de ceràmiques arqueològiques. Aquest procediment representa un model quantitatiu per predir el trencament de l’objecte ceràmic quan aquest és sotmès a diferents condicions de pressió. Aquest model ha estat aplicat a diferents tipologies amforals. Els resultats preliminars mostren diferències significatives entre la tipologia pre-romana i les tipologies romanes, així com entre els mateixos dissenys amforals romans, d’importants implicacions arqueològiques.
Impact of partial-thickness tears on supraspinatus tendon strain based on a finite element analysis.
BACKGROUND: Articular surfaces reconstruction is essential in total shoulder arthroplasty. Because of the limited glenoid bone support, thin glenoid component could improve anatomical reconstruction, but adverse mechanical effects might appear. METHODS: With a numerical musculoskeletal shoulder model, we analysed and compared three values of thickness of a typical all-polyethylene glenoid component: 2, 4 (reference) and 6mm. A loaded movement of abduction in the scapular plane was simulated. We evaluated the humeral head translation, the muscle moment arms, the joint force, the articular contact pattern, and the polyethylene and cement stress. Findings Decreasing polyethylene thickness from 6 to 2mm slightly increased humeral head translation and muscle moment arms. This induced a small decreased of the joint reaction force, but important increase of stress within the polyethylene and the cement mantel. Interpretation The reference thickness of 4mm seems a good compromise to avoid stress concentration and joint stuffing.
Quartz Tuning Fork (QTF)-based Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) is an important field of research. A suitable model for the QTF is important to obtain quantitative measurements with these devices. Analytical models have the limitation of being based on the double cantilever configuration. In this paper, we present an electromechanical finite element model of the QTF electrically excited with two free prongs. The model goes beyond the state-of-the-art of numerical simulations currently found in the literature for this QTF configuration. We present the first numerical analysis of both the electrical and mechanical behavior of QTF devices. Experimental measurements obtained with 10 units of the same model of QTF validate the finite element model with a good agreement.
Partial-thickness tears of the supraspinatus tendon frequently occur at its insertion on the greater tubercule of the humerus, causing pain and reduced strength and range of motion. The goal of this work was to quantify the loss of loading capacity due to tendon tears at the insertion area. A finite element model of the supraspinatus tendon was developed using in vivo magnetic resonance images data. The tendon was represented by an anisotropic hyperelastic constitutive law identified with experimental measurements. A failure criterion was proposed and calibrated with experimental data. A partial-thickness tear was gradually increased, starting from the deep articular-sided fibres. For different values of tendon tear thickness, the tendon was mechanically loaded up to failure. The numerical model predicted a loss in loading capacity of the tendon as the tear thickness progressed. Tendon failure was more likely when the tendon tear exceeded 20%. The predictions of the model were consistent with experimental studies. Partial-thickness tears below 40% tear are sufficiently stable to persist physiotherapeutic exercises. Above 60% tear surgery should be considered to restore shoulder strength.
Warships are generally sleek, slender with V shaped sections and block coefficient below 0.5, compared to fuller forms and higher values for commercial ships. They normally operate in the higher Froude number regime, and the hydrodynamic design is primarily aimed at achieving higher speeds with the minimum power. Therefore the structural design and analysis methods are different from those for commercial ships. Certain design guidelines have been given in documents like Naval Engineering Standards and one of the new developments in this regard is the introduction of classification society rules for the design of warships.The marine environment imposes subjective and objective uncertainties on ship structure. The uncertainties in loads, material properties etc.,. make reliable predictions of ship structural response a difficult task. Strength, stiffness and durability criteria for warship structures can be established by investigations on elastic analysis, ultimate strength analysis and reliability analysis. For analysis of complicated warship structures, special means and valid approximations are required.Preliminary structural design of a frigate size ship has been carried out . A finite element model of the hold model, representative of the complexities in the geometric configuration has been created using the finite element software NISA. Two other models representing the geometry to a limited extent also have been created —- one with two transverse frames and the attached plating alongwith the longitudinal members and the other representing the plating and longitudinal stiffeners between two transverse frames. Linear static analysis of the three models have been carried out and each one with three different boundary conditions. The structural responses have been checked for deflections and stresses against the permissible values. The structure has been found adequate in all the cases. The stresses and deflections predicted by the frame model are comparable with those of the hold model. But no such comparison has been realized for the interstiffener plating model with the other two models.Progressive collapse analyses of the models have been conducted for the three boundary conditions, considering geometric nonlinearity and then combined geometric and material nonlinearity for the hold and the frame models. von Mises — lllyushin yield criteria with elastic-perfectly plastic stress-strain curve has been chosen. ln each case, P-Delta curves have been generated and the ultimate load causing failure (ultimate load factor) has been identified as a multiple of the design load specified by NES.Reliability analysis of the hull module under combined geometric and material nonlinearities have been conducted. The Young's Modulus and the shell thickness have been chosen as the variables. Randomly generated values have been used in the analysis. First Order Second Moment has been used to predict the reliability index and thereafter, the probability of failure. The values have been compared against standard values published in literature.
This paper presents the design and analysis of a 400-step hybrid stepper motor for spacecraft applications. The design of the hybrid stepper motor for achieving a specific performance requires the choice of appropriate tooth geometry. In this paper, a detailed account of the results of two-dimensional finite-element (FE) analysis conducted with different tooth shapes such as square and trapezoidal, is presented. The use of % more corresponding increase in detent torque and distorted static torque profile. For the requirements of maximum torque density, less-detent torque, and better positional accuracy and smooth static torque profile, different pitch slotting with equal tooth width has to be provided. From the various FE models subjected to analysis trapezoidal teeth configuration with unequal tooth pitch on the stator and rotor is found to be the best configuration and is selected for fabrication. The designed motor is fabricated and the experimental results is compared with the FE results
First order k-th moment finite element analysis of nonlinear operator equations with stochastic data
We develop and analyze a class of efficient Galerkin approximation methods for uncertainty quantification of nonlinear operator equations. The algorithms are based on sparse Galerkin discretizations of tensorized linearizations at nominal parameters. Specifically, we consider abstract, nonlinear, parametric operator equations J(\alpha ,u)=0 for random input \alpha (\omega ) with almost sure realizations in a neighborhood of a nominal input parameter \alpha _0. Under some structural assumptions on the parameter dependence, we prove existence and uniqueness of a random solution, u(\omega ) = S(\alpha (\omega )). We derive a multilinear, tensorized operator equation for the deterministic computation of k-th order statistical moments of the random solution's fluctuations u(\omega ) - S(\alpha _0). We introduce and analyse sparse tensor Galerkin discretization schemes for the efficient, deterministic computation of the k-th statistical moment equation. We prove a shift theorem for the k-point correlation equation in anisotropic smoothness scales and deduce that sparse tensor Galerkin discretizations of this equation converge in accuracy vs. complexity which equals, up to logarithmic terms, that of the Galerkin discretization of a single instance of the mean field problem. We illustrate the abstract theory for nonstationary diffusion problems in random domains.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)