169 resultados para FEV1


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A fibrose cística (FC) é a doença autossômica recessiva mais comum na população branca que leva à redução na expectativa de vida. A doença pulmonar é a maior causa de morbidade e mortalidade. A relevância do presente estudo se dá diante de alguns fatores: aumento drástico da sobrevida média nos últimos 60 anos na FC, a fisiopatologia pulmonar não é bem compreendida, ausência de estudos reportados na literatura, até o momento, utilizando a técnica de oscilações forçadas (TOF) exclusivamente em adultos com FC. Assim sendo os objetivos deste estudo são: analisar as alterações da mecânica respiratória em adultos com FC através da espirometria, pletismografia e TOF; correlacionar os resultados da TOF aos espirométricos e pletismográficos e avaliar a sensibilidade e especificidade da TOF nestes indivíduos. É um estudo de corte transversal descritivo, no qual foram analisados dois grupos de indivíduos: controle (n=23) e FC (n=27). Os resultados foram expressos através média desvio-padrão. As técnicas funcionais respiratórias foram realizadas na seguinte sequência: TOF, espirometria, pletismografia. Na pletismografia foram avaliados os parâmetros: CPT (capacidade pulmonar total), CRF (capacidade residual funcional) e VR (volume residual), CRF/CPT e VR/CPT, resistência (Rva) e condutância específica das vias aéreas (SGva). Na espirometria: volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1), capacidade vital forçada (CVF), fluxo expiratório entre 25% e 75% (FEF25%-75%) da CVF (FEF25%-75%) e razões VEF1/CVF (%) e FEF/CVF (%). Na TOF: propriedades resistivas do sistema respiratório- R0 (resistência no intercepto), Rm (resistência média) e S (inclinação da reta de resistência) e propriedades reativas: Cdin,sr (complacência dinâmica do sistema respiratório), Xm (reatância média), frequência de ressonância (fr); e o módulo da impedância em 4 Hz (׀Zrs4Hz׀). Na espirometria o distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo (DVO) com CVF reduzida foi predominante, com marcante redução do FEF25%-75% no grupo FC (p<0,0001) em relação ao controle. Na pletismografia: destacou-se a elevação de VR, na presença de CPT normal e elevação da Rva e redução da SGva no grupo FC. Alterações da TOF ocorridas no grupo FC em relação ao controle: aumento de R0 e Rm (p<0,0001) e fr (p<0,0002), relacionados à obstrução das vias aéreas; redução de S (p<0,0006), Xm (p<0,0001) associadas à não-homogeneidade do sistema respiratório e Cdin,sr (p<0,0001), relacionada à redução da complacência pulmonar; aumento do módulo da impedância em 4 Hz (׀Zrs4Hz׀) (representando a carga mecânica total do sistema respiratório) resultante da interação das demais alterações da TOF citadas. Os parâmetros da TOF apresentaram correlações muito boas com a espirometria e moderadas com a pletismografia. Rm foi o único parâmetro que não se relacionou com nenhuma destas técnicas. A sensibilidade e especificidade da TOF em adultos com FC apresentaram valores elevados, sobretudo nos parâmetros reativos, em especial, Xm (85,2% e 73,9% respectivamente e área sob a curva de 0,86).


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Resumen Background: Nitric oxide can be measured at multiple flow rates to determine proximal (maximum airway nitric oxide flux; Jaw(NO)) and distal inflammation (alveolar nitric oxide concentration; CA(NO)). The main aim was to study the association among symptoms, lung function, proximal (maximum airway nitric oxide flux) and distal (alveolar nitric oxide concentration) airway inflammation in asthmatic children treated and not treated with inhaled glucocorticoids. Methods: A cross-sectional study with prospective data collection was carried out in a consecutive sample of girls and boys aged between 6 and 16 years with a medical diagnosis of asthma. Maximum airway nitric oxide flux and alveolar nitric oxide concentration were calculated according to the two-compartment model. In asthmatic patients, the asthma control questionnaire (CAN) was completed and forced spirometry was performed. In controls, differences between the sexes in alveolar nitric oxide concentration and maximum airway nitric oxide flux and their correlation with height were studied. The correlation among the fraction of exhaled NO at 50 ml/s (FENO50), CA(NO), Jaw(NO), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and the CAN questionnaire was measured and the degree of agreement regarding asthma control assessment was studied using Cohen's kappa. Results: We studied 162 children; 49 healthy (group 1), 23 asthmatic participants without treatment (group 2) and 80 asthmatic patients treated with inhaled corticosteroids (group 3). CA(NO) (ppb) was 2.2 (0.1-4.5), 3 (0.2-9.2) and 2.45 (0.1-24), respectively. Jaw(NO) (pl/s) was 516 (98.3-1470), 2356.67 (120-6110) and 1426 (156-11805), respectively. There was a strong association (r = 0.97) between FENO50 and Jaw(NO) and the degree of agreement was very good in group 2 and was good in group 3. There was no agreement or only slight agreement between the measures used to monitor asthma control (FEV1, CAN questionnaire, CA(NO) and Jaw(NO)). Conclusions: The results for CA(NO) and Jaw(NO) in controls were similar to those found in other reports. There was no agreement or only slight agreement among the three measure instruments analyzed to assess asthma control. In our sample, no additional information was provided by CA(NO) and Jaw(NO).


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A doença pulmonar obstrução crônica (DPOC) é caracterizada pela limitação de fluxo parcialmente reversível, classificada por níveis de obstrução pós-broncodilatador. Há várias evidências de que o FEV1 sozinho não é capaz de mostrar a broncodilatação de pacientes com DPOC, mesmo naqueles que apresentam melhora clínica. A técnica de oscilações forçadas (TOF) tem mostrado alta sensibilidade na detecção precoce de alterações mecânicas na DPOC, contudo o efeito broncodilatador na impedância respiratória de pacientes com DPOC ainda não está esclarecido. Objetiva avaliar a utilidade da TOF nos diferentes estágios de obstrução das vias aéreas; (2) avaliar a resposta da impedância respiratória ao salbutamol em indivíduos saudáveis ao exame espirométrico e pacientes com DPOC em diferentes graus de gravidade. Foram avaliados 25 indivíduos saudáveis sem história de tabagismo, 24 tabagistas e 151 pacientes com DPOC classificados em graus I, II, III e IV. Todos os sujeitos foram avaliados pela TOF seguida da espirometria, antes e após o uso do salbutamol spray. As curvas de resistência e reatância demonstraram alteração em todos os estágios de obstrução das vias aéreas após o uso do salbutamol. O grupo de risco apresentou alterações mecânicas semelhantes ao grupo leve (p=ns). Os parâmetros R0, Rm, Csr,din e Z4Hz apresentam desempenho diagnóstico adequado (AUC > 0,85) em todos os estágios de gravidade da doença. Todos os parâmetros de TOF e espirometria apresentaram diminuição após uso do salbutamol. Os indivíduos saudáveis apresentaram uma pequena diminuição comparada aos subgrupos de DPOC. A variação em termos absolutos da ΔZ4Hz e das derivadas da resistência, ΔR0, ΔRm, ΔS, apresentaram variação significativa (p<0,0001, p<0,003; p<0,04; p<0,0002, respectivamente) com o aumento da obstrução brônquica. Nas derivadas da reatância o ΔXm aumentou com a gravidade da doença (p<0,0002). Por outro lado, a ΔCrs,dyn não demonstrou diferença significativa com a gravidade da DPOC. Em termos percentuais os parâmetros da TOF apresentaram variação expressiva em ΔRm% (p<0,02), ΔS% (p<0,02) e ΔXm% (p<0,004) com o aumento da obstrução nas vias aéreas. Por outro lado, ΔR0%, ΔCrs,dyn% e ΔZ4Hz% não variaram entre os estágios da DPOC. A associação entre a broncodilatação nas vias aéreas e a impedância pulmonar foi fraca entre ΔXm vs ΔFVC (r=0,32, p<0,0001) e ΔZ4Hz% vs ΔFEV1% vs ΔFVC% (r=0.28, p<0,0005; r=0,29, p<0,0003, respectivamente). A TOF é útil na avaliação das alterações mecânicas nos diferentes níveis de obstrução das vias aéreas na DPOC. Demonstramos o benefício da medicação broncodilatadora, quantificando a melhora da ventilação através da TOF. A impedância respiratória diminui em todos os estágios da DPOC, o estágio leve melhorou tanto quanto o estágio muito grave. Isto sugere que a medida da impedância pulmonar não é dependente do volume como ocorre na espirometria e que a broncodilatação ocorre em todas as fases da progressão da DPOC.


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A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica é uma doença que leva à obstrução pulmonar geralmente irreversível e está intimamente relacionada com o hábito de fumar. Ao longo dos anos, ocorre destruição dos septos alveolares com a degradação das fibras elásticas e depósito do colágeno que compõe estes septos. Muito tem se discutido sobre a existência de inflamação sistêmica no paciente com DPOC e sobre as suas possíveis manifestações extra-pulmonares . O processo de aterosclerose pode fazer parte deste espectro inflamatório a partir da presença de dano endotelial. O fator de Von Willebrand é um marcador de dano endotelial e pode ser dosado de forma quantitativa e qualitativa. Este trabalho demonstra uma diferença estatisticamente significativa, qualitativa e quantitativamente, entre os níveis de fator de Von Willebrand em tabagistas e em pacientes com DPOC, quando comparados ao grupo controle. Ao analisarmos os pacientes com DPOC dividindo-os em subgrupos considerando quatro classificações distintas: GOLD 2006 (Anexo A), GOLD 2011 (Anexo B), grau de sintomatologia a partir da escala de dispneia MRC modificada (Anexo C) e número de exacerbações no último ano. Observamos uma diferença estatisticamente significativa, em relação ao nível qualitativo do fator de von Willebrand, apenas quando comparamos pacientes com DPOC sintomáticos e não sintomáticos. Demonstramos ainda uma correlação inversa entre o percentual predito de volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1%) com os níveis qualitativos de fator de von Willebrand. Desta forma, o fator de von Willebrand está aumentado no paciente com DPOC, sendo um possível marcador sérico de sintomatologia relacionado a esta doença. Apesar de não se conseguir definir gravidade dos pacientes com DPOC pelo GOLD, o fator de von Willebrand estabelece uma correlação inversa com os níveis de VEF1%, sugerindo algum tipo de participação na progressão da doença.


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The health status of premature infants born 32(1)-35(0) weeks' gestational age (wGA) hospitalized for RSV infection in the first year of life (cases; n = 125) was compared to that of premature infants not hospitalized for RSV (controls; n = 362) through 6 years. The primary endpoints were the percentage of children with wheezing between 2-6 years and lung function at 6 years of age. Secondary endpoints included quality of life, healthcare resource use, and allergic sensitization. A significantly higher proportion of cases than controls experienced recurrent wheezing through 6 years of age (46.7% vs. 27.4%; p = 0.001). The vast majority of lung function tests appeared normal at 6 years of age in both cohorts. In children with pulmonary function in the lower limit of normality (FEV1 Z-score [-2; -1]), wheezing was increased, particularly for cases vs. controls (72.7% vs. 18.9%, p = 0.002). Multivariate analysis revealed the most important factor for wheezing was RSV hospitalization. Quality of life on the respiratory subscale of the TAPQOL was significantly lower (p = 0.001) and healthcare resource utilization was significantly higher (p<0.001) in cases than controls. This study confirms RSV disease is associated with wheezing in 32-35 wGA infants through 6 years of age.


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BACKGROUND: Previous investigation showed that the volume-time curve technique could be an alternative for endotracheal tube (ETT) cuff management. However, the clinical impact of the volume-time curve application has not been documented. the purpose of this study was to compare the occurrence and intensity of a sore throat, cough, thoracic pain, and pulmonary function between these 2 techniques for ETT cuff management: volume-time curve technique versus minimal occlusive volume (MOV) technique after coronary artery bypass grafting. METHODS: A total of 450 subjects were randomized into 2 groups for cuff management after intubation: MOV group (n = 222) and volume-time curve group (n = 228). We measured cuff pressure before extubation. We performed spirometry 24 h before and after surgery. We graded sore throat and cough according to a 4-point scale at 1, 24, 72, and 120 h after extubation and assessed thoracic pain at 24 h after extubation and quantified the level of pain by a 10-point scale. RESULTS: the volume-time curve group presented significantly lower cuff pressure (30.9 +/- 2.8 vs 37.7 +/- 3.4 cm H2O), less incidence and intensity of sore throat (1 h, 23.7 vs 51.4%; and 24 h, 18.9 vs 40.5%, P < .001), cough (1 h, 19.3 vs 48.6%; and 24 h, 18.4 vs 42.3%, P < .001), thoracic pain (5.2 +/- 1.8 vs 7.1 +/- 1.7), better preservation of FVC (49.5 +/- 9.9 vs 41.8 +/- 12.9%, P = .005), and FEV1, (46.6 +/- 1.8 vs 38.6 +/- 1.4%, P = .005) compared with the MOV group. CONCLUSIONS: the subjects who received the volume-time curve technique for ETT cuff management presented a significantly lower incidence and severity of sore throat and cough, less thoracic pain, and minimally impaired pulmonary function than those subjects who received the MOV technique during the first 24 h after coronary artery bypass grafting.


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Rationale: Lung inflammation and injury is critical in cystic fibrosis. An ideal antiinflammatory agent has not been identified but inhaled corticosteroids are widely used despite lack of evidence.

Objectives: To test the safety of withdrawal of inhaled corticosteroids with the hypothesis this would not be associated with an earlier onset of acute chest exacerbations.

Methods: Multicenter randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial in 18 pediatric and adult UK centers. Eligibility criteria included age > 6.0 yr, FEV1 ? 40% predicted, and corticosteroid use > 3 mo. During the 2-mo run-in period, all patients received fluticasone; they then took either fluticasone or placebo for 6 mo.

Measurements and Main Results: Fluticasone group: n = 84, median age 14.6 yr, mean (SD) FEV1 76% (18); placebo group: n = 87, median age 15.8 yr, mean (SD) FEV1 76% (18). There was no difference in time to first exacerbation (primary outcome) with hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) of 1.07 (0.68 to 1.70) for fluticasone versus placebo. There was no effect of age, atopy, corticosteroid dose, FEV1, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa status. There was no change in lung function or differences in antibiotic or rescue bronchodilator use. Fewer patients in the fluticasone group withdrew from the study due to lung-related adverse events (9 vs. 15%); with a relative risk (95% confidence interval) of 0.59 (0.23–1.48) fluticasone versus placebo.

Conclusions: In this study population (applicable to 40% of patients with cystic fibrosis in the UK), it appears safe to consider stopping inhaled corticosteroids. Potential advantages will be to reduce the drug burden on patients, reduce adverse effects, and make financial savings.


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Background: It has been suggested that asthmatic subjects with persisting symptoms despite adequate maintenance therapy should be systematically evaluated to identify factors contributing to poor control. The aims of this study were to examine the prevalence of these factors in a cohort of sequentially referred poorly controlled asthmatics, and to determine if any factor or combination of factors predicted true therapy resistant asthma (TRA).

Methods: Patients were evaluated using a systematic evaluation protocol including induced sputum analysis, psychiatric assessment, ear, nose and throat examination, pulmonary function testing, high resolution CT scan of the thorax, and 24 hour dual probe ambulatory oesophageal pH monitoring; any identified provoking factor was treated. Asthma was managed according to BTS guidelines.

Results: Of 73 subjects who completed the assessment, 39 responded to intervention and 34 had TRA. Subjects with TRA had a greater period of instability, a higher dose of inhaled steroids at referral, more rescue steroid use, and a lower best percentage forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1%). Oesophageal reflux, upper airway disease, and psychiatric morbidity were common (57%, 95%, 49%, respectively) but were not more prevalent in either group. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, inhaled steroid dose >2000 µg BDP, previous assessment by a respiratory specialist, and initial FEV1% of <70% at referral predicted a final diagnosis of TRA.

Conclusions: In poorly controlled asthmatics there is a high prevalence of co-morbidity, identified by detailed systematic assessment, but no difference in prevalence between those who respond to intervention and those with TRA. Targeted treatment of identified co-morbidities has minimal impact on asthma related quality of life in those with therapy resistant disease.


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Decreased survival in patients with cystic fibrosis has been related to FEV1, BMI, and infection with Burkholderia cepacia complex (BCC). We have assessed the relationship of blood, sputum, and urine inflammatory markers to lung function, BMI, colonization with B cenocepacia (Bc), and patient survival. Thirty-nine stable cystic fibrosis (CF) patients (10 with Bc) were enrolled in a study to determine the effect of alpha-1-antitrypsin on airways inflammation. Pre-treatment measurements were used in this study. Demographics, sputum microbiology, heart rate, oxygen saturation, lung function were recorded. Blood samples were obtained for white blood count (WBC), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), and plasma neutrophil elastase/AAT complexes (pNEC). Neutrophil elastase (NE), neutrophil elastase/AAT complexes (sNEC), interleukin-8 (IL-8), TNF-receptor 1 (sTNFr), and myeloperoxidase (MPO) were measured in sputum and urinary desmosine concentration determined. Patients with Bc had significantly higher levels of pNEC, 332?±?91.4 ng/ml (mean?±?SEM) versus 106?±?18.2 ng/ml (P?=?0.0005) and sNEC, 369?±?76.6 ng/ml versus 197?±?36.0 ng/ml compared to those who were not. Five deaths were reported at the end of 1 year, (four with Bc) (P?=?0.011). Patients who subsequently died had significantly lower lung function FEV1, 1.2?±?0.2 L versus 2.0?±?0.1 L (P?=?0.03) and FVC, 2?±?0.3 L versus 3.1?±?0.2 L (P?=?0.01), compared to those that survived. There was significantly higher NE activity, 3.6?±?1.6 U/ml versus 1.5?±?0.6 U/ml (P?=?0.03), pNEC, 274?±?99 ng/ml versus 142?±?30 ng/ml (P?=?0.05), MPO, 163?±?62 mcg/ml versus 54?±?6.9 mcg/ml (P?=?0.03), and urinary desmosines 108?±?19.9 pM/mg creatinine versus 51.1?±?3.3 pM/mg creatinine (P?=?0.001), in those patients who subsequently died compared to those that survived. These data suggest there is increased neutrophil degranulation in patients infected with Bc and these patients have a poor outcome.


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Background: Cough is a prominent symptom across a range of common chronic respiratory diseases and impacts considerably on patient health status.

Methods: We undertook a cross-sectional comparison of scores from two cough-specific health-related quality of life (HRQoL) questionnaires, the Leicester Cough Questionnaire (LCQ), and the Cough Quality of Life Questionnaire (CQLQ), together with a generic HRQoL measure, the EuroQol. Questionnaires were administered to and spirometry performed on 147 outpatients with chronic cough (n = 83), COPD (n = 18), asthma (n = 20), and bronchiectasis (n = 26).

Results: There was no significant difference in the LCQ and CQLQ total scores between groups (p = 0.24 and p = 0.26, respectively). Exploratory analyses of questionnaire subdomains revealed differences in psychosocial issues and functional impairment between the four groups (p = 0.01 and p = 0.05, respectively). CQLQ scores indicated that chronic coughers have more psychosocial issues than patients with bronchiectasis (p = 0.03) but less functional impairment than COPD patients (p = 0.04). There was a significant difference in generic health status across the four disease groups (p = 0.04), with poorest health status in COPD patients. A significant inverse correlation was observed between CQLQ and LCQ in each disease group (chronic cough r = - 0.56, p < 0.001; COPD r = - 0.49, p = 0.04; asthma r = - 0.94, p < 0.001; and bronchiectasis r = - 0.88, p < 0.001). There was no correlation between cough questionnaire scores and FEV1 in any group, although a significant correlation between EuroQol visual analog scale component and FEV1 (r = 0.639, p = 0.004) was observed in COPD patients.

Conclusion: Cough adversely affects health status across a range of common respiratory diseases. The LCQ and CQLQ can each provide important additional information concerning the impact of cough.


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Background: Pulmonary exacerbations (PEx) are responsible for much of the morbidity and mortality associated with cystic fibrosis (CF). However, there is a paucity of data on outcomes in CF PEx and factors influencing outcomes.

Methods: We reviewed all PEx in patients infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa treated with parenteral antibiotics over 4 years at our center. Treatment failures were categorized a priori as those PEx requiring antibiotic regimen change, prolongation of therapy > 20 days because of failure to respond, an early recurrent event within < 45 days, or failure to recover lung function to > 90% of baseline FEV1.

Results: A total of 101 patients were followed for 452 PEx. Treatment failures were observed in 125 (28%) of PEx; antibiotic regimen change was observed in 27 (6%), prolongation of therapy in 29 (6%), early recurrent events in 63 (14%), and failure to recover lung function to > 90% of baseline FEV1 in 66 (15%). Demographic factors associated with one or more treatment failures per year included advanced airways disease, use of enteric feeds, CF-related diabetes, and CF liver disease but did not include female sex or F508del homozygosity. Increased treatment failure risk was associated with lower admission FEV1 and increased markers of inflammation. At therapeutic completion, increased inflammatory markers correlated with treatment failure. Failure rates decreased with increasing number of active antimicrobial agents used based on in vitro susceptibility (zero, 28/65 [43%]; one, 38/140 [27%]; two, 59/245 [24%]; three, 0/2 [0%]; P = .02).

Conclusions: One-fourth of PEx fail to respond adequately to initial management. Patient demographic and episode-specific clinical information can be used to identify individuals at increased risk of initial management failure.


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Increasing the activity of defective cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein is a potential treatment for cystic fibrosis.


We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate ivacaftor (VX-770), a CFTR potentiator, in subjects 12 years of age or older with cystic fibrosis and at least one G551D-CFTR mutation. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive 150 mg of ivacaftor every 12 hours (84 subjects, of whom 83 received at least one dose) or placebo (83, of whom 78 received at least one dose) for 48 weeks. The primary end point was the estimated mean change from baseline through week 24 in the percent of predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1).


The change from baseline through week 24 in the percent of predicted FEV1 was greater by 10.6 percentage points in the ivacaftor group than in the placebo group (P < 0.001). Effects on pulmonary function were noted by 2 weeks, and a significant treatment effect was maintained through week 48. Subjects receiving ivacaftor were 55% less likely to have a pulmonary exacerbation than were patients receiving placebo, through week 48 (P < 0.001). In addition, through week 48, subjects in the ivacaftor group scored 8.6 points higher than did subjects in the placebo group on the respiratory-symptoms domain of the Cystic Fibrosis Questionnaire-revised instrument (a 100-point scale, with higher numbers indicating a lower effect of symptoms on the patient's quality of life) (P < 0.001). By 48 weeks, patients treated with ivacaftor had gained, on average, 2.7 kg more weight than had patients receiving placebo (P < 0.001). The change from baseline through week 48 in the concentration of sweat chloride, a measure of CFTR activity, with ivacaftor as compared with placebo was -48.1 mmol per liter (P < 0.001). The incidence of adverse events was similar with ivacaftor and placebo, with a lower proportion of serious adverse events with ivacaftor than with placebo (24% vs. 42%).


Ivacaftor was associated with improvements in lung function at 2 weeks that were sustained through 48 weeks. Substantial improvements were also observed in the risk of pulmonary exacerbations, patient-reported respiratory symptoms, weight, and concentration of sweat chloride.


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The aim of our study was to discover the health status and healthcare utilisation associated with pulmonary exacerbations in cystic fibrosis (CF) and chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.

Patients with CF from five UK CF centres attended two visits, 8–12 weeks apart. They were classified at visit 1 as being in one of the three health states: no current pulmonary exacerbation; “mild” (no hospitalisation) pulmonary exacerbation; and “severe” (hospitalisation) pulmonary exacerbation. All patients completed the Cystic Fibrosis Questionnaire-Revised (CFQ-R) and EuroQol (EQ-5D) and a clinical form, and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) was measured at visits 1 and 2. Annual healthcare utilisation data were collected.

94 patients of mean±sd age 28.5±8.2 yrs and FEV1 58.7±26.8% were recruited. 60 patients had no pulmonary exacerbation, 15 had a mild and 19 had a severe pulmonary exacerbation at visit 1. EQ-5D and CFQ-R data showed that the worse the exacerbation, the poorer the health-related quality of life (HRQoL). There were strong relationships between the CFQ-R and EQ-5D domain scores. The mean rate of pulmonary exacerbations per patient per year was 3.6 (1.5 in hospital and 2.2 at home). The mean length of stay per hospital pulmonary exacerbation was 9 days.

As exacerbation status worsens, patients experience worse HRQoL. There is a significant healthcare burden associated with treatment of pulmonary exacerbation and long-term prophylaxis.


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Abstract: Background: A20 and TAX1BP1 interact to negatively regulate NF-
-driven inflammation. A20 expression is altered in F508del/F508del
patients. Here we explore the effect of CFTR and CFTR genotype on A20 and
TAX1BP1expression. The relationship with lung function is also assessed.
Methods: Primary Nasal Epithelial cells (NECs) from CF patients
(F508del/F508del, n=8, R117H/F508del, n=6) and Controls (age-matched,
n=8), and 16HBE14o- cells were investigated. A20 and TAX1BP1 gene
expression was determined by qPCR.
Results: Silencing of CFTR reduced basal A20 expression. Following LPS
stimulation A20 and TAX1BP1 expression was induced in control NECs and
reduced in CF NECs, broadly reflecting the CF genotype: F508del/F508del
had lower expression than R117H/F508del. A20, but not TAX1BP1 expression,
was proportional to FEV1 in all CF patients (r=0.968, p<0.001).
Conclusions: A20 expression is reduced in CF and is proportional to FEV1.
Pending confirmation in a larger study, A20 may prove a novel predictor
of CF inflammation/disease severity.


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More infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) now survive to adulthood but little is known regarding persisting respiratory impairment. We report respiratory symptoms, lung function and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in adult BPD survivors compared with preterm (non-BPD) and full term (FT) controls.

Respiratory symptoms (European Community Respiratory Health Survey) and HRQoL [EuroQol 5D (EQ-5D)] were measured in 72 adult BPD survivors [mean(SD) study age 24.1(4.0)y; mean(SD) gestational age (GA)=27.1(2.1)wk; mean(SD) birth weight (BW)=955(256)g] cared for in the Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Belfast (between 1978 and 1993) were compared with 57 non-BPD controls [mean(SD) study age 25.3(4.0)y; mean(SD) GA 31.0(2.5)wk; mean(SD) BW 1238(222)g] and 78 FT controls [mean(SD) study age 25.7(3.8)y; mean(SD) GA=39.7(1.4)wk; mean(SD) BW=3514(456)g] cared for at the same hospital. Spirometry was performed on 56 BPD, 40 non-BPD and 55 FT participants.

BPD subjects were twice as likely to report wheeze and three times more likely to use asthma medication than controls. BPD adults had significantly lower FEV1 and FEF25–75 than both the preterm non-BPD and FT controls (all p<0.01). Mean EQ-5D was 6 points lower in BPD adults compared to FT controls (p<0.05).

BPD survivors have significant respiratory and quality of life impairment persisting into adulthood.