36 resultados para FAFLP


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo a caracterização molecular de 13 acessos de Psidium spp. (Myrtaceae) identificados previamente quanto à reação ao nematoide da goiabeira. A extração do DNA das amostras foi executada conforme o protocolo de Shillito e Saul (1988). Os marcadores moleculares do tipo fAFLP, foram obtidos utilizando-se do 'fAFLP Regular Plant Genomes Fingerprinting Kit' (Applied Biosystems do Brasil Ltda.) onde foram testadas 24 combinações seletivas de primers, das quais 18 apresentaram amplificação que gerou 272 marcadores polimórficos. Para a análise dos marcadores, foram utilizados os softwares GeneScan (ABI Prism versão 1.0) e Genotyper (ABI Prism versão 1.03), e os dados coletados foram transformados em matriz binária que foi analisada no software PAUP (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parcimony - versão 3.01). Foram também calculados índices de distância genética intra e interespecífica entre os materiais. Verificou-se que os marcadores AFLP foram eficientes na discriminação dos acessos entre si, bem como apontou similaridade genética entre os acessos identificados como resistentes ao nematoide Meloidogyne enterolobii, característica esta passível de exploração no futuro.


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O rambutan é uma frutífera exótica que apresenta alto potencial de mercado, e suas mudas podem ser obtidas por sementes ou vegetativamente. A produção de mudas via sementes é rotineiramente feita no Estado de São Paulo, tendo-se alta variabilidade no pomar, além de demorar mais tempo para entrar em produção. Embora caracteres morfológicos sejam amplamente usados na diferenciação de variedades, as técnicas moleculares permitem a comparação e a identificação genética dos materiais. Diante disso, o presente trabalho foi realizado, comparando progênies e plantas-matrizes de rambutan, por fAFLP. As análises foram realizadas no Laboratório de Bioquímica de Microrganismos e Plantas, do Departamento de Tecnologia - Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias - UNESP - Câmpus de Jaboticabal-SP, utilizando 06 plantas de rambutan, denominadas: A; B; C; D; E e F. Foram coletadas folhas de 15 plântulas oriundas de cada planta-matriz e realizou-se a extração de DNA, sendo as amostras quantificadas em biofotômetro, e os marcadores fAFLP, obtidos de acordo com o protocolo AFLP Plant Mapping Protocol (Applied Biosystems), utilizando as combinações de pares de primers: ACG/CAC; ACT/CAT; ACA/CTT e ACC/CTT. Pode ser concluído que o uso de marcadores moleculares é eficiente na distinção de materiais e na obtenção de distância genética; não é recomendada a obtenção de mudas via sementes quando a finalidade é a de instalação de pomar comercial.


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Pantoea agglomerans strains are among the most promising biocontrol agents for avariety of bacterial and fungal plant diseases, particularly fire blight of apple and pear. However, commercial registration of P. agglomerans biocontrol products is hampered because this species is currently listed as a biosafety level 2 (BL2) organism due to clinical reports as an opportunistichuman pathogen. This study compares plant-origin and clinical strains in a search for discriminating genotypic/phenotypic markers using multi-locus phylogenetic analysis and fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphisms (fAFLP) fingerprinting.Results: Majority of the clinical isolates from culture collections were found to be improperly designated as P. agglomerans after sequence analysis. The frequent taxonomic rearrangements underwent by the Enterobacter agglomerans/Erwinia herbicola complex may be a major problem in assessing clinical associations within P. agglomerans. In the P. agglomerans sensu stricto (in the stricter sense) group, there was no discrete clustering of clinical/biocontrol strains and no marker was identified that was uniquely associated to clinical strains. A putative biocontrol-specific fAFLP marker was identified only in biocontrol strains. The partial ORF located in this band corresponded to an ABC transporter that was found in all P. agglomerans strains. Conclusion: Taxonomic mischaracterization was identified as a major problem with P.agglomerans, and current techniques removed a majority of clinical strains from this species. Although clear discrimination between P. agglomerans plant and clinical strains was not obtained with phylogenetic analysis, a single marker characteristic of biocontrol strains was identified whichmay be of use in strain biosafety determinations. In addition, the lack of Koch's postulate fulfilment, rare retention of clinical strains for subsequent confirmation, and the polymicrobial nature of P. agglomerans clinical reports should be considered in biosafety assessment of beneficial strains in this species


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Pantoea agglomerans strains are among the most promising biocontrol agents for a variety of bacterial and fungal plant diseases, particularly fire blight of apple and pear. However, commercial registration of P. agglomerans biocontrol products is hampered because this species is currently listed as a biosafety level 2 (BL2) organism due to clinical reports as an opportunistic human pathogen. This study compares plant-origin and clinical strains in a search for discriminating genotypic/phenotypic markers using multi-locus phylogenetic analysis and fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphisms (fAFLP) fingerprinting. Results: Majority of the clinical isolates from culture collections were found to be improperly designated as P. agglomerans after sequence analysis. The frequent taxonomic rearrangements underwent by the Enterobacter agglomerans/Erwinia herbicola complex may be a major problem in assessing clinical associations within P. agglomerans. In the P. agglomerans sensu stricto (in the stricter sense) group, there was no discrete clustering of clinical/biocontrol strains and no marker was identified that was uniquely associated to clinical strains. A putative biocontrol-specific fAFLP marker was identified only in biocontrol strains. The partial ORF located in this band corresponded to an ABC transporter that was found in all P. agglomerans strains. Conclusion: Taxonomic mischaracterization was identified as a major problem with P. agglomerans, and current techniques removed a majority of clinical strains from this species. Although clear discrimination between P. agglomerans plant and clinical strains was not obtained with phylogenetic analysis, a single marker characteristic of biocontrol strains was identified which may be of use in strain biosafety determinations. In addition, the lack of Koch's postulate fulfilment, rare retention of clinical strains for subsequent confirmation, and the polymicrobial nature of P. agglomerans clinical reports should be considered in biosafety assessment of beneficial strains in this species


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Fluorescence amplified fragment length polymorphism (fAFLP) was used to assess the genetic relatedness of 40 Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from human and animal skin samples in seven dairy farms with manual milking. S. aureus was isolated from 11 out of 30 (36%) human skin samples and from 29 out of 100 (29%) teat skin samples from apparently healthy cows. Genomic DNA from each isolate was double-digested with EcoRI and MseI and complementary oligonucleotide adaptors were ligated to the restriction fragments. Pre-selective and selective, amplification reactions were performed, the amplified fragments were separated by electrophoresis in an ABI377 sequencer and analysed using GeneScan 3.1 and Genotyper 2.5. Three single isolates (a-c), a predominant cluster with 35 isolates (d) and another cluster with two isolates (e) were identified. Both clusters d and e included human and animal isolates genetically related, because the profiles had 90-100% homology. Since no cluster was comprised uniquely of human or animal isolates and given the close genetic relatedness among human and animal samples in the farms, the present findings support the. hypothesis that dairy workers can spread S. aureus through manual milking. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study aimed to characterize molecular of 13 accessions of Psidium spp. (Myrtaceae) that was been identified for the reaction to rootknot guava nematode. The DNA extraction of the samples was carried according to the protocol of Shillito & Saul (1988). The molecular markers type fAFLP, were obtained from fAFLP Regular Plant Genomes Fingerprinting Kit' (Applied Biosystems from Brasil Ltda.) and were tested 24 selectives combinations of primers, of which 18 showed amplification that produced 272 polymorphic markers. To the analysis of the markers were employed the softwares GeneScan (ABI Prism versao 1.0) and Genotyper (ABI Prism version 1.03), and the data collected were transformed into a binary matrix that was analyzed in the software PAUP (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parcimony - version 3.01). Were calculated genetic distance index intra and interespecific between the genotipes. It was found that the AFLP markers were efficient in the discrimination between accessions, as well as in showing genetic similarity among accessions identified as resistant to the nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii, which could be discussed in the future.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objetivando a verificação da existência de plântulas originadas de embrião zigótico em viveiros comerciais de mudas cítricas, realizou-se o presente trabalho, utilizando a técnica de fAFLP e quatro espécies de porta-enxertos para citros. Verificou-se uma base genética estreita entre as espécies testadas, além de grande variabilidade entre os materiais, independentemente do viveiro em que foram coletados, o que permite concluir que a seleção visual, comumente realizada nos viveiros, é ineficiente.


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A ausência de sementes tem sido uma característica bastante exigida pelos consumidores de uvas de mesa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar marcas moleculares associadas à ausência de sementes, utilizando as técnicas RAPD e fAFLP. Foram utilizadas folhas jovens de 19 cultivares. Na análise RAPD 30, iniciadores possibilitaram amplificação de todas as amostras, produzindo 392 bandas polimórficas. Foi possível encontrar uma marca específica para a ausência de sementes, utilizando o iniciador UBC 443, que poderá futuramente ser utilizado para o desenvolvimento de marcadores SCAR, possibilitando a criação de um teste de identificação rápida e precoce de apirenia em videira. A análise fAFLP proporcionou a visualização de um dendrograma com grupos específicos de cultivares com sementes, sem sementes e porta enxertos.


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The rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) is an exotic fruit with great market potential in Brazil. However, there are few available informations about plants with potential for cultivation, because great morphologic variation is observed among plants and for consequence, little uniformity in the orchards and in the fruits. This research had for objective to evaluate the genetic diversity of a collection of rambutan plants obtained by seeds through morfo-chemical analyses of plants and fruits and by fAFLP molecular markers, to indication of promising materials to be used in new plantings of the culture in the São Paulo State. Was verified that both markers, morphologic and molecular, were efficient in the distinction of varieties, showing the presence of genetic variability among the plants of this study. Was also verified that the materials A51 and B03 presented a larger group of desirable characteristics for new cultivations of the fruitful.


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The aim of the present study was to analyse the genetic and pathogenic variability of Colletotrichum spp. isolates from various organs and cultivars of mango with anthracnose symptoms, collected from different municipalities of São Paulo State, Brazil. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolates from symptomless citrus leaves and C. acutatum isolates from citrus flowers with post-bloom fruit drop symptoms were included as controls. Sequencing of the ITS region allowed the identification of 183 C. gloeosporioides isolates from mango; only one isolate was identified as C. acutatum. amova analysis of ITS sequences showed larger genetic variability among isolates from the same municipality than among those from different populations. fAFLP markers indicated high levels of genetic variability among the C. gloeosporioides isolates from mango and no correlation between genetic variability and isolate source. Only one C. gloeosporioides mango isolate had the same genotype as the C. gloeosporioides isolates from citrus leaves, as determined by ITS sequencing and fAFLP analysis. Pathogenicity tests revealed that C. gloeosporioides and C. acutatum isolates from either mango or citrus can cause anthracnose symptoms on leaves of mango cvs Palmer and Tommy Atkins and blossom blight symptoms in citrus flowers. These outcomes indicate a lack of host specificity of the Colletotrichum species and suggest the possibility of host migration. © 2012 British Society for Plant Pathology.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)