512 resultados para FACTURA ELECTRONICA


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Macrophonics II presents new Australian work emerging from the leading edge of performance interface research. The program addresses the emerging dialogue between traditional media and emerging digital media, as well as dialogues across a broad range of musical traditions. Recent technological developments are causing a complete reevaluation of the relationships between media and genres in art, and Macrophonics II presents a cross-section of responses to this situation. Works in the program foreground an approach to performance that integrates sensors with novel performance control devices, and/or examine how machines can be made musical in performance. The program presents works by Australian artists Donna Hewitt, Julian Knowles and Wade Marynowsky, with choreography by Avril Huddy and dance performance by Lizzie and Zaimon Vilmanis. From sensor-based microphones and guitars, through performance a/v, to post-rock dronescapes, movement inspired works and experimental electronica, Macrophonics II provides a broad and engaging survey of new performance approaches in mediatised environments. Initial R&D for the work was supported by a range of institutions internationally, including the Australia Council for the Arts, Arts Queensland, STEIM (Holland) and the Nes Artist Residency (Iceland).


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"This work forms part of a much larger collaborative album project in progress between Tim Bruniges, Julian Knowles and David Trumpmanis which explores the intersections between traditional rock instrumentation and analogue and digital media. All of the creative team are performers, composers and producers. The material for the album was thus generated by a series of in studio improvisations and performances with each collaborator assuming a range of different and alternating roles – guitars, electronics, drums, percussion, bass, keyboards production. Thematically the work explores the intersection of instrumental (post) rock, ambient music, and historical electro-acoustic tape composition traditions. Over the past 10 years, musical practice has become increasingly hybrid, with the traditional boundaries between genre becoming progressively eroded. At the same time, digital tools have replaced many of the major analogue technologies that dominated music production and performance in the 20th century. The disappearance of analogue media in mainstream musical practice has had a profound effect on the sonic characteristics of contemporary music and the gestural basis for its production. Despite the increasing power of digital technologies, a small but dedicated group of practitioners has continued to prize and use analogue technology for its unique sounds and the non-linearity of the media, aestheticising its inherent limitations and flaws. At the most radical end of this spectrum lie glitch and lo-fi musical forms, seen in part as reactions to the clinical nature of digital media and the perceived lack of character associated with its transparency. Such developments have also problematised the traditional relationships between media and genre, where specific techniques and their associated sounds have become genre markers. Tristate is an investigation into this emerging set of dialogues between analogue and digital media across composition, production and performance. It employs analogue tape loops in performance, where a tape machine ‘performer’ records and hand manipulates loops of an electric guitar performer on ‘destroyed’ tape stock (intentionally damaged tape), processing the output of this analogue system in the digital domain with contemporary sound processors. In doing so it investigates how the most extreme sonic signatures of analogue media – tape dropout and noise – can be employed alongside contemporary digital sound gestures in both compositional and performance contexts and how the extremes of the two media signatures can brought together both compositionally and performatively. In respect of genre, the work established strategies for merging compositional techniques from the early musique concrete tradition of the 1940s with late 60s popular music experimentalism and the laptop glitch electronica movement of the early 2000s. Lastly, the work explores how analogue recording studio technologies can be used as performance tools, thus illuminating and foregrounding the performative/gestural dimensions of traditional analogue studio tools in use."


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Argentine singer-songwriter Juana Molina is one of those fearless artists. The kind of fearless artist who abandons a successful TV show at the height of its popularity to pursue a solo career in making and performing slightly left-field South American folk-tinged electronica...


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Recording produced for The Lady Electronica project


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Through a consideration of audience experience of embodiment in contemporary dance performance, this project used kinesthetic empathy as a theoretical construct to inform choreographic decision-making. The research outcome challenged the traditional performer/audience relationship through an interactive dance performance work entitled Planets. This acted as a platform that allowed both audience and performer to collaboratively listen to, process and form movement in a shared kinesthetic state. This connection was enabled through the distribution of interactive art objects, which responded to the shifting proximity between performer and audience. The performance was thus experienced through following a shared goal as instigated by the interactive technology. Through practice-led research, knowledge from kinesthetic empathy, embodied cognition and the mirror neuron system were used to develop the project’s aim in encouraging interactive audiences to engage in movement. This aim influenced studio explorations of movement through an enquiry into the kinesthetic self in dance. Investigations used movement quality, tension, mobility and acceleration to access a familiar movement vocabulary appropriate for a broad interactive audience. This informed the role of the researcher as performer. Planets was developed as a collaborative project between Michael Smith and interactive visual designer Andy Bates and performed over three nights at the Ars Electronica Festival 2014 in Linz, Austria. Supported by documented footage from Planets and audience responses to the performances, this paper draws together the theoretical underpinnings behind the development of the work and includes the experiential perspective of the performer.


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Fossils provide the principal basis for temporal calibrations, which are critical to the accuracy of divergence dating analyses. Translating fossil data into minimum and maximum bounds for calibrations is the most important, and often least appreciated, step of divergence dating. Properly justified calibrations require the synthesis of phylogenetic, paleontological, and geological evidence and can be difficult for non-specialists to formulate. The dynamic nature of the fossil record (e.g., new discoveries, taxonomic revisions, updates of global or local stratigraphy) requires that calibration data be updated continually lest they become obsolete. Here, we announce the Fossil Calibration Database (http://fossilcalibrations.org), a new open-access resource providing vetted fossil calibrations to the scientific community. Calibrations accessioned into this database are based on individual fossil specimens and follow best practices for phylogenetic justification and geochronological constraint. The associated Fossil Calibration Series, a calibration-themed publication series at Palaeontologia Electronica, will serve as one key pipeline for peer-reviewed calibrations to enter the database.


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With the introduction of relaxed-clock molecular dating methods, the role of fossil calibration has expanded from providing a timescale, to also informing the models for molecular rate variation across the phylogeny. Here I suggest fossil calibration bounds for four mammal clades, Monotremata (platypus and echidnas), Macropodoidea (kangaroos and potoroos), Caviomorpha-Phiomorpha (South American and African hystricognath rodents), and Chiroptera (bats). In each case I consider sources of uncertainty in the fossil record and provide a molecular dating analysis to examine how the suggested calibration priors are further informed by other mammal fossil calibrations and molecular data.


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This study aimed to investigate the effects of arsenic trioxide (As2O3) on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) cells. The NB4 cell line was treated with 2.0 μmol/L As2O3in vitro, and the primary APL cells were treated with 2.0 μmol/L As2O3in vitro and 0.16 mg kg-1 d-1 As2O3in vivo. The mitochondrial DNA of all the cells above was amplified by PCR, directly sequenced and analyzed by Sequence Navigatore and Factura software. The apoptosis rates were assayed by flow cytometry. Mitochondrial DNA mutation in the D-loop region was found in NB4 and APL cells before As2O3 use, but the mutation spots were remarkably increased after As2O3 treatment, which was positively correlated to the rates of cellular apoptosis, the correlation coefficient: rNB4-As2O3=0.973818, and rAPL-As2O3=0.934703. The mutation types include transition, transversion, codon insertion or deletion, and the mutation spots in all samples were not constant and regular. It is revealed that As2O3 aggravates mtDNA mutation in the D-loop region of acute promyelocytic leukemia cells both in vitro and in vivo. Mitochondrial DNA might be one of the targets of As2O3 in APL treatment.


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Contenido: Presentación -- Estudio teórico-experimental de la adsorción y reducción catalítica de SO2 sobre Cr2O3/Al2O3 en presencia de CH4 a altas temperaturas / Ignacio Daniel Coria ; Oscar Caratolli ; Sabrina N. Hernández Guiance ; Diana Hamman -- Estudio de los procesos de transferencia de masa, cantidad de movimiento y energía en el secado de granos de origen agrícola : desarrollo de herramientas de cálculo aplicables al diseño de equipos y control de procesos / Guillermo Boffa ; Ana María Farías ; Oscar Galaretto ; Fernando Giannico ; Luis Herrera ; Francisco Casiello ; Pablo Scuracchio -- Herramientas y métodos para la caracterización de la sostenibilidad socio, productivo, ambiental en áreas representativas de la cuenca del río Carcarañá, en el sur de la provincia de Santa Fe / Luis Herrera ; Julio Castellarín ; Julio Sánchez ; Francisco Casiello -- Films de polietileno oxo-degradados mediante envejecimiento acelerado por radiación UV y calor / A. I. Carranza ; W. D. Garnero ; G. Pierson ; R. M. Giordano ; L. M. Salvatierra -- Redes de sensores inalámbricos apllicadas al monitoreo y análisis de condiciones de higiene y seguridad en entornos industriales / Eduardo Rodríguez ; Claudia Deco ; Luciana Burzacca ; Mauro Pettinari ; Santiago Costa ; Cristina Bender -- Recuperar plásticos desechables a los fines de conformar elementos constructivos de una vivienda económica como respuesta social, analizada como un problema de ingeniería ambiental / Ana E. Espinosa ; José L. Parodi ; Elsa S. Araujo ; Alalia Alleva ; Sebastián Forestieri -- Análisis des la eficiencia técnica de programas de desarrollo empresarial : avance de invesstigación / Luis Piacenza ; Pablo salvático ; Azul Chamorro -- Abordaje metodológico de la marginalidad urbana en el barrio San Francisquito de la ciudad de Rosario / María Elena Aradas Díaz ; María Cristina González Pou ; Melina Dachesky -- Redes neuronales artificiales aplicadas al análisis de datos en ingeniería ambiental e impacto ambiental / M. Parodi ; L. Herrera ; M. Matar ; L. Barrea ; M. Mechni ; E. Masramón ; E. Luccini


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José Mariano da Conceição Velloso, 172?-1811 - Frei Velloso teve duas grandes paixões: a botânica e o desenho, inclusive a gravura e a pintura. Esforça-se para difundir o desenho e a pintura pela sua oficina do Arco do Cego. Trabalha na produção de livros didáticos, num esforço gigantesco, produz obras relacionadas com a agricultura, a mineração, a pecuária e as artes que se podiam obter àquela época. Como relata Borba de Moraes, o esforço fracassou devido ao imenso atraso das elites brasileiras da época. A respeito do Fazendeiro do Brasil, o Governador de São Paulo informou à Corte que não conseguira vender um só exemplar da coleção e que não achava quem os quisesse levar de graça.


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Se desarrollara un prototipo funcional de brújula electronica utilizando un sensor de campo magnético de alta sensibilidad basado en el fenómeno de Magneto-Impedancia Gigante (GMI). El trabajo es eminentemente práctico y el alumno utilizará equipamiento científico disponible en los grupos de investigación del Departamento. Tiene componentes relacionadas con los materiales magnéticos, el diseño de circuitos electromagnéticos y la instrumentación y control.


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[ES] El edificio tiene planta rectangular de unos 30 x 15 metros con un interior con una altura de 10 metros. Cuenta con una torre anexa a los pies y un pórtico de piedra de ocho arcos de posible factura medieval. La antigua cabecera ha quedado como la sacristía actual.


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El objetivo del proyecto es implantar una aplicación web, para que los clientes puedan acceder a toda la información referente a esta empresa. Una de las peculiaridades de esta aplicación web es que, además de mostrar toda la información referente a la empresa, posee un módulo, que permitirá a todos los clientes de la empresa poder saber, en cada instante, el estado de su automóvil y pagar la factura de la reparación desde casa, con total confianza y comodidad, y todo ello mediante PayPal o por transferencia bancaria. Otro de los módulos que se van a desarrollar va a ser el panel de administración, a través del cual los administradores podrán realizar numerosas gestiones. También se va a desarrollar una App para Android que permitirá a la empresa estar conectada con sus clientes.


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[ES] El yacimiento de Atxoste (Vírgala, Álava) presenta una secuencia estratigráfica amplia, con seis niveles culturalmente adscritos al Mesolítico (pregeométrico y geométrico), Neolítico y Calcolítico. El horizonte IIIb1, de factura neolítica, ha suministrado una evidencia gráfica mueble sobre asta de cérvido. Se han analizado los procesos técnicos y tafonómicos que han configurado la obra. En segundo lugar, se compara el objeto con efectivos precedentes y contemporáneos de estilo similar, reflexionando sobre la validez y los limites del procedimiento.


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Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas