991 resultados para Externalizing problems


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Objective: Healthy relationships between adolescents and their caregivers have been robustly associated with better youth outcomes in a variety of domains. Youth in contact with the child welfare system are at higher risk for worse outcomes including mental health problems and home placement instability. A growing body of literature points to youth mental health problems as both a predictor and a consequence of home placement instability in this population; the present study aimed to expand our understanding of these phenomena by examining the interplay among the caregiver-child relationship, youth mental health symptoms, and placement change over time. Method: The sample consisted of 1,179 youths aged 11-16, from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, a nationally representative sample of children in contact with the child welfare system. We used bivariate correlations and autoregressive cross-lagged path analysis to examine how youths’ reports of their externalizing and internalizing symptoms, their relationship with their caregivers, and placement changes reciprocally influenced one another over three time points. Results: In the overall models, early internalizing symptoms significantly negatively predicted the quality of the caregiver-child relationship at the next time point, and early externalizing symptoms predicted subsequent placement change. In addition, later externalizing symptoms negatively predicted subsequent reports of relationship quality, and later placement changes predicted subsequent externalizing problems; these relationships were significant only at the trend level (p < .10). The quality of the relationship was significantly negatively correlated with externalizing and internalizing problems at all time points, and all variables demonstrated autoregressive stability over time. Conclusions: Our findings support the importance of comprehensive interventions for youth in contact with the child welfare system, which target not only youth symptoms in isolation, but also the caregiver-child relationship, as a way to improve social-emotional outcomes in this high-risk population.


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Background. Children of alcoholics are significantly more likely to experience high-risk environmental exposures, including prenatal substance exposure, and are more likely to exhibit externalizing problems [e.g. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)]. While there is evidence that genetic influences and prenatal nicotine and/or alcohol exposure play separate roles in determining risk of ADHD, little has been done on determining the joint roles that genetic risk associated with maternal alcohol use disorder (AUD) and prenatal risk factors play in determining risk of ADHD. Method. Using a children-of-twins design, diagnostic telephone interview data from high-risk families (female monozygotic and dizygotic twins concordant or discordant for AUD as parents) and control families targeted from a large Australian twin cohort were analyzed using logistic regression models. Results. Offspring of twins with a history of AUD, as well as offspring of non-AUD monozygotic twins whose co-twin had AUD, were significantly more likely to exhibit ADHD than offspring of controls. This pattern is consistent with a genetic explanation for the association between maternal AUD and increased offspring risk of ADHD. Adjustment for prenatal smoking, which remained significantly predictive, did not remove the significant genetic association between maternal AUD and offspring ADHD. Conclusions. While maternal smoking during pregnancy probably contributes to the association between maternal AUD and offspring ADHD risk, the evidence for a significant genetic correlation suggests: (i) pleiotropic genetic effects, with some genes that influence risk of AUD also influencing vulnerability to ADHD; or (ii) ADHD is a direct risk-factor for AUD.


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A cluster, stratified randomized design was used to evaluate the impact of universal, indicated, and combined universal plus indicated cognitive-behavioral approaches to the prevention of depression among 13- to 15-year-olds initially reporting elevated symptoms of depression. None of the intervention approaches differed significantly from a no-intervention condition or from each other on changes in depressive symptoms, anxiety, externalizing problems, coping skills, and social adjustment. All high-symptom students, irrespective of condition, showed a significant decline in depressive symptoms and improvement in emotional well-being over time although they still demonstrated elevated levels of psychopathology compared with the general population of peers at 12-month follow-up. There were also no significant intervention effects for the universal intervention in comparison with no intervention for the total sample of students in those conditions.


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Veel jongeren met gedragsproblemen in residentiële behandelcentra hebben daarnaast te maken met depressieve symptomen. Deze comorbiditeit van externaliserende problematiek en depressieve symptomen is geassocieerd met belemmeringen in het functioneren op vele gebieden. Het is bekend dat de manier van denken (denkstijl) en de manier van reageren (responsstijl) op stressvolle gebeurtenissen invloed hebben op het ontstaan en in stand houden van depressie bij jongeren. De vraag is welke invloed de denkstijl en de responsstijl hebben op de ernst van de depressieve symptomen bij jongeren met comorbide problematiek in residentiële behandelcentra. Het doel van het onderzoek is meer inzicht te verwerven in de cognities en het gedragsmatig handelen van jongeren met comorbiditeit van externaliserende problematiek en depressieve symptomen in residentiële behandelcentra. Jongeren en hun ouders van zeven leefgroepen van De Hoenderloo groep, acht leefgroepen van Jan Pieter Heije en vier leefgroepen van Karakter werden uitgenodigd voor deelname aan het onderzoek. Na een mondelinge toelichting gaven 90 jongeren (en hun ouders) toestemming. Bij alle deelnemende jongeren was er sprake van externaliserende problematiek. De onderzoeksgroep bevatte 60 jongens en 30 meisjes. De leeftijd van de jongeren varieerde van 9 jaar en 5 maanden tot 18 jaar en 1 maand (M = 169.79, SD = 19.29). Het totale IQ van de jongeren ligt tussen de 60 en 110 (M = 84.04, SD = 12.98). Er werd op de leefgroepen eenmalig, individueel en in interview-vorm een zelfrapportage vragenlijst afgenomen bij de jongeren. Om de ernst van de depressieve symptomen bij de jongeren te meten werd gebruik gemaakt van de Children´s Depression Inventory 2 (CDI 2; Kovacs, 2011). Cognitieve denkfouten werd gemeten met de Children’s Negative Cognitive Error Questionnaire- Revised (CNCEQ-R; Maric, Heyne, Widenfelt, & Westenberg, 2011) en de responsstijl werd gemeten met de Children’s Response Styles Questionnaire (CRSQ; Abela, Rochon, & Vanderbilt, 2000). De resultaten lieten zien dat er geen significant verband bestaat tussen het gebruik van afleiding zoeken en probleem oplossen enerzijds en depressieve symptomen anderzijds. Wel kwam uit de resultaten naar voren dat jongeren die meer rumineren in stressvolle situaties, meer last hebben van depressieve symptomen. Deze samenhang tussen rumineren en depressieve symptomen wordt voor een deel verklaard door overgeneralisatie. Selectieve abstractie bood geen verklaring voor de samenhang tussen rumineren en depressieve symptomen. Uit de bevindingen van dit onderzoek kan worden geconcludeerd dat rumineren en overgeneralisatie van invloed kunnen zijn op de ernst van de depressieve symptomen bij residentiële jongeren met externaliserende problematiek. Voor het uitblijven van verwachte verbanden worden mogelijke verklaringen besproken. Dit onderzoek kan, rekening houdend met de beperkingen van en aanbevelingen in dit onderzoek, worden gezien als een aanzet tot toekomstig onderzoek naar de denkstijl en responsstijl bij jongeren met comorbide problematiek in residentiële behandelcentra.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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Externalizing behavior problems of 124 adolescents were assessed across Grades 7-11. In Grade 9, participants were also assessed across social-cognitive domains after imagining themselves as the object of provocations portrayed in six videotaped vignettes. Participants responded to vignette-based questions representing multiple processes of the response decision step of social information processing. Phase 1 of our investigation supported a two-factor model of the response evaluation process of response decision (response valuation and outcome expectancy). Phase 2 showed significant relations between the set of these response decision processes, as well as response selection, measured in Grade 9 and (a) externalizing behavior in Grade 9 and (b) externalizing behavior in Grades 10-11, even after controlling externalizing behavior in Grades 7-8. These findings suggest that on-line behavioral judgments about aggression play a crucial role in the maintenance and growth of aggressive response tendencies in adolescence.


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Empirical research has shown that pubertal development is closely linked with adolescent externalizing (e.g., aggressive) and internalizing (e.g., anxiety) problems. In most studies, pubertal timing, pubertal status, or both, are used to examine this link. The present study adds to the existing literature by examining the link between puberty and adolescent behavior problems in a sample of predominantly urban African American adolescent girls. One hundred and seventeen adolescent girls of color, aged 11-18 (M = 14.72 SD = 1.44), and their primary caregiver participated in this study. Sixty-eight percent were African American, 22.2 % were Hispanic/Latina, and 9.4% were Haitian. Among the Hispanic/Latina girls, 9.4% were Black Hispanic/Latina. Results showed that pubertal status and perceived pubertal timing (breasts) are better predictors of externalizing behavior problems than chronological age and quality of relationship with peers. No significant findings were found with anxious/depressed symptoms.


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The relationship between maternal beliefs about children's externalizing behaviors (EB) and the frequency of their children's EB was investigated. The sample of 71 consisted of two groups of mothers of children between 8-12 years of age. The Clinic group consisted of 35 mothers of children referred to a Children's Clinic due to externalizing behavior problems. The School group consisted of 36 mothers of children attending elementary school. Mothers completed questionnaires measuring parental beliefs and the frequency of their children's EB. Results showed that mothers' endorsement of authoritarian parenting was positively related to children's EB scores. A U-shaped relationship was found between mothers' relationship-centered goals and children's EB scores. Parent-centered goals and children's EB scores were positively correlated only in the clinic group. Mothers'-hostile attribution scores were positively related to their children's EB scores in both groups. Mothers with low perceived parenting scores were associated with higher children's EB scores in both groups. Overall, results revealed potential clinical implications. Parenting programs that change parenting goals, attributions, and ii Parental Beliefs sense of parenting control, which in turn influences parenting behavior, may influence the frequency of their children's externalizing behaviors.


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The development of emotional regulation capacities in children at high versus low risk for externalizing disorder was examined in a longitudinal study investigating: a) whether disturbances in emotion regulation precede and predict the emergence of externalizing symptoms; and b) whether sensitive maternal behavior is a significant influence on the development of child emotion regulation. Families experiencing high (n=58) and low (n=63) levels of psychosocial adversity were recruited to the study during pregnancy. Direct observational assessments of child emotion regulation capacities and maternal sensitivity were completed in early infancy, at 12 and 18-months, and at 5-years. Key findings were as follows. First, high risk children showed poorer emotion regulation capacities than their low risk counterparts at every stage of assessment. Second, from 12-months onwards, emotion regulation capacities showed a degree of stability, and were associated with behavioral problems, both concurrently and prospectively. Third, maternal sensitivity was related to child emotion regulation capacities throughout development, with poorer emotion regulation in the high risk group being associated with lower maternal sensitivity. The results are consistent with a causal role for problems in the regulation of negative emotions in the etiology of externalizing psychopathology, and highlight insensitive parenting as a potentially key developmental influence.


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Objective: Clinical studies of asthmatic children have found an association between lung disease and internalizing behavior problems. The causal direction of this association is, however, unclear. This article examines the nature of the relationship between behavior and asthma problems in childhood and adolescence. Methods: Data were analyzed on 5135 children from the Mater University Study of Pregnancy and its outcomes (MUSP), a large birth cohort of mothers and children started in Brisbane, Australia, in 1981. Lung disease was measured from maternal reports of asthma/bronchitis when the children were aged 5 and maternal reports of asthma symptoms when the children were aged 14. Symptoms of internalizing behaviors were obtained by maternal reports (Child Behavior Checklist) at 5 years and by maternal and children's reports at 14 years (Child Behavior Checklist and Youth Self Report). Results: Although there was no association between prevalence of asthma and externalizing symptoms, asthma and internalizing symptoms were significantly associated in cross-sectional analyses at 5 and 14 years. In prospective analyses, after excluding children with asthma at 5 years, internalizing symptoms at age 5 were not associated with the development of asthma symptoms at age 14. After excluding children with internalizing symptoms at 5 years, those who had asthma at 5 years had greater odds of developing internalizing symptoms at age 14. Conclusion: Children who have asthma/bronchitis by the age of 5 are at greater risk of having internalizing behavior problems in adolescence.


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Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are at increased risk for the development of depression and delinquent behavior. Children and adolescents with ADHD also experience difficulty creating/maintaining high quality friendships and parent-child relationships, and these difficulties may contribute to the development of co-morbid internalizing and externalizing symptoms in adolescence. However, there is limited research examining whether high quality friendships and parent-child relationships mediate the relation between ADHD and the emergence of these co-morbid symptoms at the transition to high school. This study examines the mediating role of relationship quality in the association between ADHD and depressive symptoms/delinquent behaviors at this developmentally significant transition point. Results revealed significant indirect effects of grade 6 attention problems on grade 9 depressive symptoms through friendship quality and quality of the mother-child relationship in grade 8. Interventions targeting parent and peer relationships may be valuable for youth with ADHD to promote successful transitions to high school.