993 resultados para External auditor


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Resumen: Las redes de sensores inalámbricos han atraído mucha atención en los últimos años debido a la integración de tecnología inalámbrica, computación y tecnología de sensores. Estas redes consisten en una serie de nodos equipados con capacidades de procesamiento, comunicación y sensado. Utilizan protocolos especiales de radio para transmitir datos en un modo multisalto de operación. En este trabajo se propone utilizar una red de sensores para el monitoreo de las condiciones ambientales de Higiene y Seguridad en entornos industriales. Concretamente se monitorean Temperatura, Humedad, Ruido y Luminosidad. Se propone esta recolección de datos para dar soporte a la inspección anual de un auditor externo, por lo que no se considera esta recolección como crítica dado que no controlan ningún dispositivo. En primera instancia se aborda el problema utilizando una red de sensores con módulos que utilizan el protocolo 802.15 los cuales transmiten a un nodo maestro que sirve como gateway para enviar la información a un servidor que la almacena. La recolección de datos se realiza a través de una plataforma arduino como interface entre el módulo inalámbrico y los sensores. Esta primera propuesta es contrastada con un enfoque de Internet de las Cosas (IoT) utilizando módulos Arduino con WiFi embebido, denominados Wido, que permiten la comunicación de datos directamente al servidor de almacenaje. El trabajo comprende la caracterización del problema, elección del hardware, diseño de la red y la realización de pruebas para evaluar el funcionamiento de ambos enfoques.


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A cikk a belső ellenőrzésnek a hatékony társaságirányításhoz való hozzájárulását és ennek a versenyképességre gyakorolt hatását vizsgálja. A belső ellenőrzés és a társaságirányítás kölcsönös összefüggésben áll egymással. Nemcsak a belső ellenőrzés hat a társaságirányításra, hanem a releváns társaságirányítási struktúrák, emberi kapcsolatok és magatartásformák jelentős hatást gyakorolnak a belső ellenőrzés színvonalára és hatékonyságára. A cikk ezért különös figyelmet szentel a belső ellenőröknek az igazgatósággal, az auditbizottsággal/felügyelőbizottsággal, a menedzsmenttel és a könyvvizsgálóval való kapcsolatainak vizsgálatára. Rávilágít a belső ellenőrzés legfőbb funkciójára, amely objektív bizonyosságot nyújt az igazgatóság és a felső vezetők számára a kockázatok azonosítására, kezelésére és elfogadható szintre történő csökkentésére szolgáló kontrollfolyamatok megfelelőségéről és hatékonyságáról. A bemutatott belső ellenőrzési modell azt a szemléletet közvetíti, hogy a belső ellenőrzés által nyújtott objektív bizonyosság megszerzése nemcsak a jogszabályoknak vagy az ajánlásoknak való megfelelés, hanem a társaságok versenyképessége szempontjából is kiemelkedő jelentőségű. _________ The purpose of this paper is to consider the contribution of internal audit to the sound corporate governance and the impact of that on the competitiveness of the companies. There is a mutual dependency between internal audit and corporate governance. Not only the internal audit has impact on the corporate governance but the relevant governance structures, relationships and behaviour influence the level and effectiveness of the internal audit. Therefore the present paper is highly concerned with the internal auditors` relationships with the board, audit committee/supervisory board, senior management and the external auditor. It highlights the internal audit function, that provides objective assurance to the board and senior management about the adequacy and effectiveness of the processes by which risks are identified, managed, controlled and mitigated to acceptable levels. The internal audit model demonstrated represents an approach, according to that getting objective assurance provided by internal audit is important not only to be in line with laws and recommendations but to facilitate the corporate competitiveness.


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In the National Health Service (NHS) in England and Wales an oversight body, the Audit Commission (AC), defines the scope of the external auditors’ work, appoints the auditors and has oversight of their fees and audit quality. This heavily regulated audit regime mitigates some of the deficiencies observed in high profile corporate failures. Independence, it has been argued, is influenced by the total auditor remuneration paid by the client. In this study we examine total auditor remuneration in a regulated market which seeks to ensure audit independence and audit quality. In particular we undertake rigorous analysis of auditor remuneration by the type of auditor: We place emphasis on the differentiation between private sector firms and the AC’s in-house auditors (District Audit). Individual private audit firms charge premiums (up to 16%) for particular audit work in identified locations, but no premiums were found when we examined total auditor remuneration. The regime appears to permit efficient operation of the audit market while safeguarding both audit independence and standards.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study whether auditor independence reforms introduced in 2004 led to an enhancement in earnings quality in the post-reform era. Design/methodology/approach – This study predicts that as the cost of compliance will vary based on a firm's existing corporate governance regime and the level of external scrutiny (monitoring) it faces, we compare the earnings quality of a sample of “established” (S&P/ASX 100) to a sample of “emerging” (S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Index) firms. The paper examines the reporting behaviour of the two groups of listed entities, covering the regulatory change period 2003-2006. The paper uses regression modelling to test the associations between increased audit independence, earnings quality and corporate governance mechanisms over the pre- and post-regulatory period. Findings – The paper's results confirm that earnings quality for the established firms was enhanced in the post-reform period; while this was not the case for emerging firms. The evidence also suggests that corporate governance mechanisms of board independence and board financial skill are associated with higher earnings quality; while the higher the concentration of insider firm ownership is associated with lower earnings quality. Practical implications – This study provides policy makers with evidence as to changes in reporting behaviour following law reform aimed at strengthening auditor independence. Originality/value – The studies on earnings quality are informed by the US market practices. Australia provides a unique setting through its auditor independence reforms to examine the impact of reform choices. This study also investigates two specific subsets of the market: established firms and emerging firms.


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Worldwide corporate collapses in the past have highlighted various weaknesses in corporate governance, which included auditor independence. This thesis advocates the use of private interest theory as a framework to evaluate proposals for law reform related to the independence of external company auditors. This study argues that the current regulation of auditor independence falls short of the 'ideal independence' required by the general public. This is because the regulation was developed, in some instances, to serve the private interests of powerful lobby groups rather than the public interest. This research concludes that there is a case for reform of the existing requirements in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) in respect of auditor independence.


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In this chapter, we look at the step beyond reporting, to the external audit or assurance function. The role of any audit engagement is to provide a professional opinion on a set of financial or non-financial assertions reported by an organization's management, based on an agreed evaluative framework. Any such opinion is not a guarantee that the underlying report is free from fraud or misstatement. Where an audit opinion on financial statements is incorrect, this is referred to as an audit failure. Specifically, the textbook definition of audit failure has two components: that the financial statements contain a serious error and that the auditor has failed to detect the error due to the auditor's failure during the audit process.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria Auditoria, sob orientação de Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade


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Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to examine the extent to which there is shared meaning of the concept of auditor independence between the three major groups of parties on the demand and supply sides of the audit services market – auditors, financial report preparers and financial report users.

Design/methodology/approach – The paper utilises the measurement of meaning framework (semantic differential analysis) originally proposed by Osgood et al. in 1957. The framework is used to investigate the extent to which there is shared meaning (agreement in interpretations) of the independence concept, in response to alternative audit engagement case contexts, between key parties to the financial reporting communication process. The study's research data was collected in the period March 2004-May 2005.

Findings – Findings indicate a robust and stable single-factor cognitive structure within which the research participants interpret the connotative meaning of the auditor independence concept. An analysis of the experimental cases finds similarities in connotations (interpretations) of an audit firm's independence for the participant groups for most cases, with the exception of cases involving the joint provision of audit and non-audit (taxation) services.

Research limitations/implications – The usual external validity threat that applies to experimental research generally applies to the study. That is, the results may not be generalisable to settings beyond those examined in the study. An important implication of the study is that it emphasises the continuing problematic nature of the joint provision of audit and non-audit services, even in situations where the non-audit services comprise only traditional taxation services.

Originality/value – The study is the first to examine the concept of auditor independence by means of the Osgood et al. measurement of meaning research framework using, as research participants, the three major groups on the demand and supply sides of the audit services market.


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Comunicação apresentada no XVII Encuentro AECA, 22-23 de setembro 2016, Bragança, Portugal


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Based on prior studies which show that firms headquartered in high religiosity counties exhibit high level of business ethics, this study examines whether these firms are associated with low audit risk, and therefore low audit fees. In investigating this relationship, we draw a distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity of auditees. Using a sample of 25,872 U.S. observations from 2003 to 2012, we find that intrinsic religiosity of the auditees is associated with low audit fees after controlling for auditee extrinsic religiosity, social capital, firm-specific characteristics, and county-specific characteristics. Furthermore, we find that external monitoring (institutional ownership and leverage) weakens the negative relationship between auditee intrinsic religiosity and audit fees. Finally, we conclude that the effect of auditor religiosity on audit fees is a regional effect that may affect the relationship between audit fees and auditee intrinsic religiosity.


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We examine whether monitors are likely to compromise their monitoring objectivity in the face of economically important clients in international business settings. In the context of external auditing and assurance services, we measure monitor objectivity by whether auditors are more (or less) likely to issue to their important clients modified audit opinions, that is, audit opinions provided to outside investors about the firm that demotes explicit areas of concern. Using a large cross-country sample, we document that auditors are more likely to issue modified opinions to their economically important clients relative to other clients. Furthermore, we find that this association is stronger (1) for Big N auditors, (2) for multinational audit clients, and (3) in countries with stronger legal regimes. These results suggest that monitors prioritize the protection of their reputation over lucrative economic relationships, and such information certification function is more pronounced for international auditors, multinational client firms, and in strong legal regimes.


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No sentido de uma aprendizagem e de um conhecimento mais aprofundado sobre a actividade da auditoria na sua vertente interna e externa, áreas de significativo interesse para um profissional da administração pública, foi este Relatório de Estágio fectuado na Universidade de Évora, integrando a equipa de auditoria interna desta Instituição e acompanhando os trabalhos desenvolvidos pela mesma. Este trabalho visa, com particular ênfase chamar a atenção para a crescente importância da Auditoria Interna, e dos riscos associados a esta actividade, recorrendo-se ainda a práticas e procedimentos inerentes à Auditoria Externa, uma vez que entre as mesmas se encontram pontos comuns relevantes para fundamento das acções desenvolvidas. A Auditoria Interna, numa visão actual do seu funcionamento, centra a sua atenção nas actividades que a Organização exerce. É neste sentido que este trabalho de estágio deve proporcionar: - uma reflexão sobre a importância do planeamento dos trabalhos; - um levantamento e identificação dos riscos de um auditor; - uma definição dos riscos da auditoria e da materialidade. De forma a que no decorrer do mesmo seja possível interpretar as normas técnicas e directrizes de auditoria, aplicando-as na execução dos trabalhos. Estes irão desenvolver-se incidindo sobre as normas internacionais de auditoria (ISA), ISA315 - Compreensão da Entidade e do Seu Ambiente e Avaliar os Riscos de Distorção Material e ISA 330 - Os Procedimentos do Auditor em Resposta a Riscos Avaliados. /ABSTRACT: ln order to get a deeper knowledge about the activity of internal auditing, a topic of significant interest for a public administration professional, the output of this work is an Internship Report realized in the University of Évora, integrating the internal auditing team of this institution and observing the work developed by this team. This work aims to draw attention to the increasing importance of Internal Auditing and to the risks associated with this activity, using practices and procedures of External Auditing, since there are important common issues between the two types of auditing, which are relevant for the tasks under analysis. The current approach in Internal Auditing is centered in the activities that the Organization performs. It is in this sense that this internship intends to: provide a reflection on the importance of planning, identify the risks of an auditor, define auditing risks and materiality. It is also intended that during the internship there is the opportunity to interpret the technical auditing norms and directives and to apply them in the execution of auditing tasks. The work will be developed considering the international standard for Auditing (ISA), ISA 315 Obtaining and understanding of the entity and its environment and assessing the risks of material misstatement e ISA 330- Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit.