955 resultados para Export by harvest


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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[EN] Diatom cell quantity and their biochemical composition vary among species and are greatly affected by harvest stage or culture conditions. Biometric parameters, growth, attachment capacity and variations in biochemical composition of four species of benthic diatoms (Amphora sp., Navicula incerta, Nitzschia sp. and Proschkinia sp.) were studied. For biochemical analysis the diatoms were harvested at different stages, in log and stationary phase of growth. The culture conditions were identical for all the experiments, benthic diatoms were cultured during 7 days in F/2 medium at 28.5 ± 1.4 ºC, at different original inoculating densities (50000, 100000, and 250000 cell mL-1), under continuous light of 5403 ± 649 Lux provided by cool white fluorescent lighting. The cultures were neither aerated nor agitated. These results show that the specific density of 10000 cell mL-1 was the best for weekly production: Proschkinia sp. reached the highest cell density of 5.81 x 106 cells mL-1 and Amphora sp. had the highest cell attachment capacity with 12000 cell mm-2, in stationary phase of growth. Protein and lipid content were higher in log phase than in stationary phase for the four diatoms. Amphora sp. in log phase of growth had the highest lipid content of 9.74% dry weight (DW). Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content ranged from 23.25% to 38.62% of the total fatty acids (TFA), and the four diatoms tested were richer in n-3 PUFA than in n-6 PUFA. All the diatoms had significant quantities of 20:5n-3 (EPA) ranging between 12.69% and 17.68% of TFA. Benthic diatoms play an important and critical role in abalone culture as they are the principal food source of abalone post-larvae. Therefore, it is necessary to improve diatom quantity and quality to optimize post-larval nutrition and the consistency of production, resulting in an increase in growth and survival of abalones.


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Das Humane Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) ist ein Erreger von großer klinischer Relevanz. Die HCMV-Infektion, die insbesondere bei immunsupprimierten Patienten mit hoher Morbidität und Mortalität assoziiert ist, wird vorwiegend durch CD8+-zytotoxische T-Lymphozyten (CTL) kontrolliert. Das Tegumentprotein pp65 und das immediate early 1-Protein (IE1) waren als die dominanten CTL-Antigene bekannt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die zur Immundominanz des pp65 führenden molekularen Mechanismen aufzuklären und die Grundlagen für die Analyse der IE1-spezifischen Immunantwort zu erarbeiten. Durch Peptidimmunisierung HLA-A2-transgener Mäuse wurden hochaffine pp65-spezifische CTL-Klone generiert. Für die Generierung ähnlicher CTL-Klone gegen IE1 konnte erstmals ein konserviertes HLA-A2-bindendes Peptid identifiziert werden. Mit Hilfe der pp65-spezifischen CTL-Klone konnte gezeigt werden, dass das durch Viruspartikel in die Zelle eingebrachte pp65 die Erkennung infizierter Zellen durch CD8+-CTL vermittelt. Durch den Nachweis der außergewöhnlichen Stabilität von pp65 in der Zelle gelang es, eine hohe metabolische Umsatzrate als eine Ursache von Immundominanz auszuschließen. Dagegen hob die Blockierung des CRM1-vermittelten nukleären Exportweges durch Zugabe von Hemmstoffen oder Zutransfektion kompetitiver Inhibitoren die Erkennung des pp65 nahezu auf. Hiermit wurde erstmalig eine Abhängigkeit der Präsentation eines immundominanten nukleären Proteins vom nukleozytoplasmatischen Transport nachgewiesen. Die Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit stellen die Grundlage für die detaillierte Analyse der Zusammenhänge zwischen nukleärem Export und Antigenpräsentation dar.


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The North Atlantic spring bloom is one of the main events that lead to carbon export to the deep ocean and drive oceanic uptake of CO(2) from the atmosphere. Here we use a suite of physical, bio-optical and chemical measurements made during the 2008 spring bloom to optimize and compare three different models of biological carbon export. The observations are from a Lagrangian float that operated south of Iceland from early April to late June, and were calibrated with ship-based measurements. The simplest model is representative of typical NPZD models used for the North Atlantic, while the most complex model explicitly includes diatoms and the formation of fast sinking diatom aggregates and cysts under silicate limitation. We carried out a variational optimization and error analysis for the biological parameters of all three models, and compared their ability to replicate the observations. The observations were sufficient to constrain most phytoplankton-related model parameters to accuracies of better than 15 %. However, the lack of zooplankton observations leads to large uncertainties in model parameters for grazing. The simulated vertical carbon flux at 100 m depth is similar between models and agrees well with available observations, but at 600 m the simulated flux is larger by a factor of 2.5 to 4.5 for the model with diatom aggregation. While none of the models can be formally rejected based on their misfit with the available observations, the model that includes export by diatom aggregation has a statistically significant better fit to the observations and more accurately represents the mechanisms and timing of carbon export based on observations not included in the optimization. Thus models that accurately simulate the upper 100 m do not necessarily accurately simulate export to deeper depths.


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The drift of 52 icebergs tagged with GPS buoys in the Weddell Sea since 1999 has been investigated with respect to prevalent drift tracks, sea ice/iceberg interaction, and freshwater fluxes. Buoys were deployed on small- to medium-sized icebergs (edge lengths ? 5 km) in the southwestern and eastern Weddell Sea. The basin-scale iceberg drift of this size class was established. In the western Weddell Sea, icebergs followed a northward course with little deviation and mean daily drift rates up to 9.5 ± 7.3 km/d. To the west of 40°W the drift of iceberg and sea ice was coherent. In the highly consolidated perennial sea ice cover of 95% the sea ice exerted a steering influence on the icebergs and was thus responsible for the coherence of the drift tracks. The northward drift of buoys to the east of 40°W was interrupted by large deviations due to the passage of low-pressure systems. Mean daily drift rates in this area were 11.5 ± 7.2 km/d. A lower threshold of 86% sea ice concentration for coherent sea ice/iceberg movement was determined by examining the sea ice concentration derived from Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E) satellite data. The length scale of coherent movement was estimated to be at least 200 km, about half the value found for the Arctic Ocean but twice as large as previously suggested. The freshwater fluxes estimated from three iceberg export scenarios deduced from the iceberg drift pattern were highly variable. Assuming a transit time in the Weddell Sea of 1 year, the iceberg meltwater input of 31 Gt which is about a third of the basal meltwater input from the Filchner Ronne Ice Shelf but spreads across the entire Weddell Sea. Iceberg meltwater export of 14.2 × 103 m3 s?1, if all icebergs are exported, is in the lower range of freshwater export by sea ice.


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Flux of siliceous plankton and taxonomic composition of diatom and silicoflagellate assemblages were determined from sediment trap samples collected in coastal upwelling-influenced waters off northern Chile (30°S, CH site) under "normal" or non-El Niño (1993-94) and El Niño conditions (1997-98). In addition, concentration of biogenic opal and siliceous plankton, and diatom and silicoflagellate assemblages preserved in surface sediments are provided for a wide area between 27° and 43°S off Chile. Regardless of the year, winter upwelling determines the maximum production pattern of siliceous microorganisms, with diatoms numerically dominating the biogenic opal flux. During the El Niño year the export is markedly lower: on an annual basis, total mass flux diminished by 60%, and diatom and silicoflagellate export by 75%. Major components of the diatom flora maintain much of their regular seasonal cycle of flux maxima and minima during both sampling periods. Neritic resting spores (RS) of Chaetoceros dominate the diatom flux, mirroring the influence of coastal-upwelled waters at the CH trap site. Occurrence of pelagic diatoms species Fragilariopsis doliolus, members of the Rhizosoleniaceae, Azpeitia spp. and Nitzschia interruptestriata, secondary components of the assemblage, reflects the intermingling of warmer waters of the Subtropical Gyre. Dictyocha messanensis dominates the silicoflagellate association almost year-around, but Distephanus pulchra delivers ca. 60% of its annual production in less than three weeks during the winter peak. The siliceous thanatocoenosis is largely dominated by diatoms, whose assemblage shows significant qualitative and quantitative variations from north to south. Between 27° and 35°S, the dominance of RS Chaetoceros, Thalassionema nitzschioides var. nitzschioides and Skeletonema costatum reflects strong export production associated with occurrence of coastal upwelling. Both highest biogenic opal content and diatom concentration at 35° and 41°-43°S coincide with highest pigment concentrations along the Chilean coast. Predominance of the diatom species Thalassiosira pacifica and T. poro-irregulata, and higher relative contribution of the silicoflagellate Distephanus speculum at 41°-43°S suggest the influence of more nutrient-rich waters and low sea surface temperatures, probably associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Water.


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The lack of extended dataset has so far prevented an inclusive understanding of the long-term relationships between primary production (PP) and vertical export in the Arctic Ocean. It is urgent to investigate these connections as Arctic ecosystems are on the verge of climate-related shifts, which could be caused by the combined effects of increase in Pacific and Atlantic inflow, climate warming, and sea ice decline. For a period of 6 years we investigated the degree of coupling between PP and export by making use of modelled PP rates and vertical particle fluxes collected with sediment traps moored at ~300 m depth in the eastern Fram Strait. Our analyses indicate that total and new simulated PP averaged for different areas centered on the mooring location (5-200 km radius) explain at best 20-44% of the observed biogenic particle fluxes at 300 m, when applying extended time-lags (55-90 days) between PP and vertical fluxes. Based on this phasing, we define a conceptual framework that presents the temporal dimension as a prime determinant of the maximum strength of the PP-export coupling at a given depth. Our results support that planktonic food webs in the Fram Strait process heavily biogenic material in the epipelagic zone, but we further suggest that Atlantic-Arctic water interactions induce a particular ecological setting responsible for the extended turn-over. In conclusion, we hypothesize that global warming could promote a transition toward a more retentive ecosystem in the Fram Strait region despite the likely increase of pelagic PP in the Arctic Ocean.


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This paper presents a general systems that can be taken into account to control between elements in an antenna array. Because the digital phase shifter devices have become a strategic element and also some steps have been taken for their export by U.S. Government, this element has increased its price to the low supply in the market. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt some solutions that allow us to deal with the design and construction of antenna arrays. system based on a group of a staggered phase shift with external switching is shown, which is extrapolated array.


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This article presents a mass balance calculation of the sediment sources and sinks of the Laptev Sea. Sediment input into three regional sectors calculated on the basis of fluvial sediment discharge and coastal erosion sediment supply is compared with sediment output as estimated from sedimentation rates of well-dated marine sediment cores and data on sediment export to the central Arctic Ocean by sea ice and through bottom currents. Within the uncertainties of the calculations, input and output are very well balanced. The calculation reveals that the sediment budget of the Laptev Sea is mainly controlled by fluvial and coastal sediment input. The major fraction of the material is simply deposited on the Laptev Sea shelf. However, for the western Laptev Sea, where sedimentation rates are low due to the absence of large rivers, export by sea ice is the main output factor.


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Drought during grain filling is a common challenge for sorghum production in north-eastern Australia, central-western India, and sub-Saharan Africa. We show that the stay-green drought adaptation trait enhances sorghum grain yield under post-anthesis drought in these three regions. A positive relationship between stay-green and yield was generally found in breeding trials in north-eastern Australia that sampled 1668 unique hybrid combinations and 23 environments. Physiological studies in Australia also found that introgressing four individual stay-green (Stg1–4) quantitative trait loci (QTLs) into a senescent background reduced water demand before flowering and hence increased water supply during grain filling, resulting in higher grain yield relative to the senescent control. Studies in India found that various Stg QTLs affected both transpiration and transpiration efficiency, although these effects depended on the interaction between genetic background (S35 and R16) and individual QTLs. The yield variation unexplained by harvest index was related to transpiration efficiency in S35 (R2 = 0.29) and R16 (R2 = 0.72), and was related to total water extracted in S35 (R2 = 0.41) but not in R16. Finally, sixty-eight stay-green enriched lines were evaluated in six countries in sub-Saharan Africa during the 2013/14 season. Analysis of the data from Kenya indicates that stay-green and grain size were positively correlated at two sites: Kiboko (high yielding, r2=0.25) and Masongaleni (low yielding, r2=0.37). Together, these studies suggest that stay-green is a beneficial trait for sorghum production in the semi-arid tropics and is a consequence of traits altering the plant water budget.


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Nitrogen requirements at bulb initiation for production of intermediate-day onions Article in Acta horticulturae · October 2016 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1142.11 1st Rui Machado 16.44 · Universidade de Évora 2nd David R. Bryla 30.16 · United States Department of Agriculture Abstract Nitrogen requirements at bulb initiation for production of intermediate-day onions Authors: R.M.A. Machado, D.R. Bryla Keywords: Allium cepa, crop growth, nitrogen uptake, soil nitrate Abstract: The effect of nitrogen application on growth, nitrogen (N) uptake, yield, and quality of intermediate-day onion (Allium cepa 'Guimar') was evaluated in the field in southern Portugal. Plants were fertilized with 30 kg ha-1 N at transplanting, 10 kg ha-1 N at 29 days after transplanting (DAT) during early leaf growth, and with 0, 20, 40 and 60 kg ha-1 N at 51 DAT at the initiation of bulbing. The root system of plants in each treatment were concentrated in the top 0.1 m of soil and limited to 0.3 m depth but neither root length density nor rooting depth were affected by N application during later stages of bulb development. Leaf and bulb dry matter, on the other hand, increased linearly with N rate during bulb growth (85 DAT) and at harvest (114 DAT), respectively. Soil nitrate-N (NO3-N) at 0-0.3 m depth likewise increased linearly with N rate during bulb growth but declined from 15-30 mg kg-1 at bulbing to >10 mg kg-1 in each treatment by harvest. A substantial amount of N in the plants, which ranged from 302-525 mg, was taken up from the soil. Application of 60 kg ha-1 N resulted in luxury consumption. Yield (fresh bulb weight) increased from 0.19 kg plant-1 with no N at bulbing to as much as 0.28 kg plant-1 with 60 kg ha-1 N. Bulbs harvested from plants fertilized 40-60 kg ha-1 N averaged 8.2-8.5 cm in diameter, while those from plants with no N at bulbing averaged only 7.2 cm in diameter. Application of N fertilizer is thus recommended at bulbing to increase N uptake, yield, and bulb size of intermediate-day onions, particularly in dry Mediterranean climates where many onions are produced. Other components of quality, including neck diameter, bulb water content, total soluble solids, and juice pH, were not affect by N applied at bulbing.


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Identifying the stress factors imposed on mud crab to develop stress minimisation practices for improving survival, hence increasing revenue for the industry.