949 resultados para Experimental test


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Fragmentation and vegetative regeneration from small fragments may contribute to population expansion, dispersal and establishment of new populations of introduced plants. However, no study has systematically tested whether a high capacity of vegetative regeneration is associated with a high degree of invasiveness. For small single-node fragments, the presence of internodes may increase regeneration capacity because internodes may store carbohydrates and proteins that can be used for regeneration. We conducted an experiment with 39 stoloniferous plant species to examine the regeneration capacity of small, single-node fragments with or without attached stolon internodes. We asked (1) whether the presence of stolon internodes increases regeneration from single-node fragments, (2) whether regeneration capacity differs between native and introduced species in China, and (3) whether regeneration capacity is positively associated with plant invasiveness at a regional scale (within China) and at a global scale. Most species could regenerate from single-node fragments, and the presence of internodes increased regeneration rate and subsequent growth and/or asexual reproduction. Regeneration capacity varied greatly among species, but showed no relationship to invasiveness, either in China or globally. High regeneration capacity from small fragments may contribute to performance of clonal plants in general, but it does not appear to explain differences in invasiveness among stoloniferous clonal species


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Independent transgene insertions differ in expression based on their location in the genome; these position effects are of interest because they reflect the influence of genome organization on gene regulation. Position effects also represent potentially insurmountable obstacles to the rigorous functional comparison of homologous genes from different species because (i) quantitative variation in expression of each gene across genomic positions (generalized position effects, or GPEs) may overwhelm differences between the genes of interest, or (ii) divergent genes may be differentially sensitive to position effects, reflecting unique interactions between each gene and its genomic milieu (lineage-specific position effects, or LSPEs). We have investigated both types of position-effect variation by applying our method of transgene coplacement, which allows comparisons of transgenes in the same position in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster. Here we report an experimental test for LSPE in Drosophila. The alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) genes of D. melanogaster and Drosophila affinidisjuncta differ in both tissue distribution and amounts of ADH activity. Despite this striking regulatory divergence, we found a very high correlation in overall ADH activity between the genes of the two species when placed in the same genomic position as assayed in otherwise Adh-null adults and larvae. These results argue against the influence of LSPE for these sequences, although the effects of GPE are significant. Our new findings validate the coplacement approach and show that it greatly magnifies the power to detect differences in expression between transgenes. Transgene coplacement thus dramatically extends the range of functional and evolutionary questions that can be addressed by transgenic technology.


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The data structure of an information system can significantly impact the ability of end users to efficiently and effectively retrieve the information they need. This research develops a methodology for evaluating, ex ante, the relative desirability of alternative data structures for end user queries. This research theorizes that the data structure that yields the lowest weighted average complexity for a representative sample of information requests is the most desirable data structure for end user queries. The theory was tested in an experiment that compared queries from two different relational database schemas. As theorized, end users querying the data structure associated with the less complex queries performed better Complexity was measured using three different Halstead metrics. Each of the three metrics provided excellent predictions of end user performance. This research supplies strong evidence that organizations can use complexity metrics to evaluate, ex ante, the desirability of alternate data structures. Organizations can use these evaluations to enhance the efficient and effective retrieval of information by creating data structures that minimize end user query complexity.


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Biological invasions are acknowledged among the main drivers of global changes in biodiversity. Despite compelling evidence of species interactions being strongly regulated by environmental conditions, there is a dearth of studies investi-gating how the effects of non-native species vary among areas exposed to different anthropogenic pressures. Focusing on marine macroalgae, we performed a meta-analysis to test whether and how the direction and magnitude of their effects on resident communities and species varies in relation to cumulative anthropogenic impact levels. The relationship between human impact levels and non-native species impact intensity emerged only for a reduced subset of the response variables examined. Yet, there was a trend for the effects of non-native species on community biomass and abundance and on species abundance to become less negative at heavily impacted sites. By contrast, the magnitude of negative effects of seaweed on community evenness tended to increase with human impact levels. The hypothesis of decreasing severity of invader’ impacts along a gradient of habitat degradation was also tested experimentally at a regional scale by comparing the effects of the removal of non-native alga,
Caulerpa cylindracea, on resident assemblages among rocky reefs exposed to different anthropogenic pressures. Assemblages at urban and pristine site did not differ when invaded, but did so when C. cylindracea was removed. Our results suggest that, despite the generally weak relationship between human impacts levels and non-native species impacts, more negative impacts can be expected in less stressful environments (i.e. less degraded or pristine sites), where competitive interactions are presumably the driving force structuring resident communities. Implementing strategies for controlling the establishment of non-native seaweeds should be, thus, considered a priority for preserving biodiversity in relatively pristine areas. On the other hand, control of invaders at degraded sites could be warranted to lessen their role as propagule sources


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This paper reveals new contributions to the analysis and development of mitigating harmonic distortion devices. Considering the variety of sequential distribution of harmonic current, in the use of passive filters, one can point out the electromagnetic blocking device, which have received particular attention due to its robustness and low cost of installation. In this context, aiming the evaluation of the reliability of the results obtained through mathematical modeling, experimental tests are carried out using a low-power prototype, highlighting particular aspects related to its function as a zero-sequence harmonic blocking. © 2011 IEEE.


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Rail joints are provided with a gap to account for thermal movement and to maintain electrical insulation for the control of signals and/or broken rail detection circuits. The gap in the rail joint is regarded as a source of significant problems for the rail industry since it leads to a very short rail service life compared with other track components due to the various, and difficult to predict, failure modes – thus increasing the risk for train operations. Many attempts to improve the life of rail joints have led to a large number of patents around the world; notable attempts include strengthening through larger-sized joint bars, an increased number of bolts and the use of high yield materials. Unfortunately, no design to date has shown the ability to prolong the life of the rail joints to values close to those for continuously welded rail (CWR). This paper reports the results of a fundamental study that has revealed that the wheel contact at the free edge of the railhead is a major problem since it generates a singularity in the contact pressure and railhead stresses. A design was therefore developed using an optimisation framework that prevents wheel contact at the railhead edge. Finite element modelling of the design has shown that the contact pressure and railhead stress singularities are eliminated, thus increasing the potential to work as effectively as a CWR that does not have a geometric gap. An experimental validation of the finite element results is presented through an innovative non-contact measurement of strains. Some practical issues related to grinding rails to the optimal design are also discussed.


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This book provides an in-depth treatment of the study of the stability of engineering structures. Contributions from internationally recognized leaders in the field ensure a wide coverage of engineering disciplines in which structural stability is of importance, in particular the analytical and numerical modelling of structural stability applied to aeronautical, civil, marine and offshore structures. The results from a number of comprehensive experimental test programs are also presented, thus enhancing our understanding of stability phenomena as well as validating the analytical and computational solution schemes presented. A variety of structural materials are investigated with special emphasis on carbon-fibre composites, which are being increasingly utilized in weight-critical structures. Instabilities at the meso- and micro-scales are also discussed. This book will be particularly relevant to professional engineers, graduate students and researchers interested in structural stability.


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Investigar la capacidad discriminativa de una prueba proyectiva, el test pata negra de Cormanen, en los trastornos de las conductas infantiles, planteando como hipótesis que, si el pata negra sirve para discriminar los trastornos de la conducta en los niños, debemos encontrar diferencias significativas entre el grupo de niños de conducta normal y el grupo de niños que presenta problemas de conducta de diferentes tipos. Aleatoria, compuesta por 60 niños-as de tercero, cuarto y quinto de EGB (8-9-10 años) de un colegio público de Murcia y niños-as con historial clínico de trastornos de conducta. El proceso de selección se hizo a partir de un cuestionario sobre buen rendimiento escolar, buena adaptación y buen nivel intelectual, deficiencias de rendimiento y conducta problemática. Los 30 sujetos del grupo control se eligieron al azar de la relación con los niños-as (15 y 15) del grupo de buen rendimiento y buena adaptación. El grupo experimental se formó con sujetos de mal rendimiento y mala adaptación con nivel intelectual normal y sujetos con historial clínico. Diseño experimental intersujetos teniendo en cuenta tres tipos de variables: conducta normal e inadaptada; sexo de los individuos; edad de los sujetos. Cuestionarios ad hoc para profesores con el fin de obtener características muy definidas de los grupos de buen rendimiento y buena adaptación y de mal rendimiento y mala adaptación. Pruebas de psicodiagnóstico para todos los niños-as del grupo experimental. Test proyectivo pata negra de Cormanen. Se calculó la razón crítica de la diferencia entre porcentajes de ambos grupos, para un nivel de significación del 5 valorando en una primera etapa las diferencias entre los sujetos del grupo control y experimental y posteriormente las diferencias de sexo en ambos grupos, para lo cual se partió de la hipótesis nula de que no había diferencias significativas entre los grupos estudiados en relación a los ítems propuestos. Para analizar estadísticamente la posible incidencia del factor edad en los resultados se aplicó la prueba de Chi cuadrado con la correción de Yates para muestras pequeñas. Resultado según nuestra investigación entre diecisiete láminas estudiadas destacan cinco como más discriminativas para explorar áreas concretas de la conducta infantil: 1. Frontispicio: problemática de la relación familiar. 2 y 3. Besos y noche: problemática edípica y curiosidad sexual. 4. Carro: culpabilidad y grave rivalidad fraterna. 5. Partida: conflicto de dependencia-independencia. La proyección de conflictos familiares se da con mayor frecuencia en el grupo experimental. La problemática edípica se expresa más desinhibidamente en el grupo experimental. Los mecanismos de defensa son más frecuentes en el grupo control. La agresividad y rivalidad fraterna, siempre que no sean extremas aparecen en todos los sujetos. Los sujetos del grupo experimental manifiestan una tendencia mayor a la evasión del entorno.


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Nowadays there is great interest in structural damage detection in systems using nondestructive tests. Once the failure is detected, as for instance a crack, it is possible to take providences. There are several different approaches that can be used to obtain information about the existence, location and extension of the fault in the system by non-destructive tests. Among these methodologies, one can mention different optimization techniques, as for instance classical methods, genetic algorithms, neural networks, etc. Most of these techniques, which are based on element-byelement adjustments of a finite element (FE) model, take advantage of the dynamic behavior of the model. However, in practical situations, usually, is almost impossible to obtain an accuracy model. In this paper, it is proposed an experimental technique for damage location. This technique is based on H: norm to obtain the damage location. The dynamic properties of the structure were identified using experimental data by eigensystem realization algorithm (ERA). The experimental test was carried out in a beam structure through varying the mass of an element. For the output signal was used a piezoelectric sensor. The signal of input of sine form was generated through SignalCalc® software.


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This paper presents a general modeling approach to investigate and to predict measurement errors in active energy meters both induction and electronic types. The measurement error modeling is based on Generalized Additive Model (GAM), Ridge Regression method and experimental results of meter provided by a measurement system. The measurement system provides a database of 26 pairs of test waveforms captured in a real electrical distribution system, with different load characteristics (industrial, commercial, agricultural, and residential), covering different harmonic distortions, and balanced and unbalanced voltage conditions. In order to illustrate the proposed approach, the measurement error models are discussed and several results, which are derived from experimental tests, are presented in the form of three-dimensional graphs, and generalized as error equations. © 2009 IEEE.


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The rat exposure test (RET) is a prey (mouse)-predator (rat) situation that activates brain defensive areas and elicits hormonal and defensive behavior in the mouse. Here, we investigated possible correlations between the spatiotemporal [time spent in protected (home chamber and tunnel) and unprotected (surface) compartments and frequency of entries into the three compartments] and ethological [e.g., duration of protected and unprotected stretched-attend postures (SAP), duration of contact with the rat's compartment] measures (Experiment 1). Secondly, we investigated the effects of systemic treatment with pro- or anti-aversive drugs on the behavior that emerged from the factor analysis (Experiment 2). The effects of chronic (21 days) imipramine and fluoxetine on defensive behavior were also investigated (Experiment 3). Exp. 1 revealed that the time in the protected compartment, protected SAP and rat contacts loaded on factor 1 (defensive behavior), while the total entries and unprotected SAP loaded on factor 2 (locomotor activity). Exp. 2 showed that alprazolam (but not diazepam) selectively changed the defensive factor. Caffeine produced a mild proaversive-like effect, whereas yohimbine only decreased locomotor activity (total entries). Fluoxetine (but not imipramine) produced a weak proaversive-like effect. 5-HT1A/5-HT2 receptor ligands did not change any behavioral measure. In Exp. 3, chronic fluoxetine (but not imipramine) attenuated the defensive behavior factor without changing locomotion. Given that the defensive factor was sensitive to drugs known to attenuate (alprazolam and chronic fluoxetine) and induce (caffeine) panic attack, we suggest the RET as a useful test to assess the effects of panicolytic and panicogenic drugs. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.