955 resultados para Experimental dynamics


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Effects of stocking density on seston dynamics and filtering and biodeposition by the suspension-cultured Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri Jones et Preston in a eutrophic bay (Sishili Bay, northern China), were determined in a 3-month semi-field experiment with continuous flow-through seawater from the bay. Results showed that the presence of the scallops could strongly decrease seston and chlorophyll a concentrations in the water column. Moreover, in a limited water column, increasing scallop density could cause seston depletion due to scallop's filtering and biodeposition process, and impair scallop growth. Both filtration rate and biodeposition rate of C. farreri showed significant negative correlation with their density and positive relationship with seston concentration. Calculation predicts that the daily removal of suspended matter from water column by the scallops in Sishili Bay ecosystem can be as high as 45% of the total suspended matter; and the daily production of biodeposits by the scallops in early summer in farming zone may amount to 7.78 g m(-2), with daily C, N and P biodeposition rates of 3.06 x 10(-1), 3.86 x 10(-2) and 9.80 x 10(-3) g m(-2), respectively. The filtering and biodeposition by suspension-cultured scallops could substantially enhance the deposition of total suspended particulate material, suppress accumulation of particulate organic matter in water column, and increase the flux of C, N and P to benthos, strongly enhancing pelagic-benthic coupling. It was suggested that the filtering-biodeposition process by intensively suspension-cultured bivalve filter-feeders could exert strong top-down control on phytoplankton biomass and other suspended particulate material in coastal ecosystems. This study also indicated that commercially suspension-cultured bivalves may simultaneously and potentially aid in mitigating eutrophication pressures on coastal ecosystems subject to anthropogenic N and P loadings, serving as a eutrophic-environment bioremediator. The ecological services (e.g. filtering capacity, top-down control, and benthic-pelagic coupling) functioned by extractive bivalve aquaculture should be emphasized in coastal ecosystems. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Oceanic bubble plumes caused by ship wakes or breaking waves disrupt sonar communi- cation because of the dramatic change in sound speed and attenuation in the bubbly fluid. Experiments in bubbly fluids have suffered from the inability to quantitatively characterize the fluid because of continuous air bubble motion. Conversely, single bubble experiments, where the bubble is trapped by a pressure field or stabilizing object, are limited in usable frequency range, apparatus complexity, or the invasive nature of the stabilizing object (wire, plate, etc.). Suspension of a bubble in a viscoelastic Xanthan gel allows acoustically forced oscilla- tions with negligible translation over a broad frequency band. Assuming only linear, radial motion, laser scattering from a bubble oscillating below, through, and above its resonance is measured. As the bubble dissolves in the gel, different bubble sizes are measured in the range 240 – 470 μm radius, corresponding to the frequency range 6 – 14 kHz. Equalization of the cell response in the raw data isolates the frequency response of the bubble. Compari- son to theory for a bubble in water shows good agreement between the predicted resonance frequency and damping, such that the bubble behaves as if it were oscillating in water.


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We have conducted a broad survey of switching behavior in thin films of a range of ferroelectric materials, including some materials that are not typically considered for FeRAM applications, and are hence less studied. The materials studied include: strontium bismuth tantalate (SBT), barium strontium titanate (BST), lead zicronate titanate (PZT), and potassium nitrate (KNO3). Switching in ferroelectric thin films is typically considered to occur by domain nucleation and growth. We discuss two models of frequency dependence of coercive field, the Ishisbashi-Orihara theory where the limiting step is domain growth and the model of Du and Chen where the limiting step is nucleation. While both models fit the data fairly well the temperature dependence of our results on PZT and BST suggest that the nucleation model of Du and Chen is more appropriate for the experimental results that we have obtained.


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This paper presents novel advances on the deformation behaviour of polycrystalline and single crystal silicon using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and validation of the same via nanoindentation experiments. In order to unravel the mechanism of deformation, four simulations were performed: Indentation of polycrystalline silicon substrate with a (i) Berkovich pyramidal and a (ii) spherical (arc) indenter, and indentation of a single crystal silicon substrate with these two indenters. The simulation results reveal that high pressure phase transformation (HPPT) in silicon (Si-I to Si-II phase transformation) occurred in all cases, however, its extent and the manner in which it occurred differed significantly between polycrystalline silicon and single crystal silicon, and was the main driver of differences in nanoindentation deformation behaviour between the two types of silicon. An interesting observation was that in polycrystalline silicon, the HPPT was observed to occur preferentially along the grain boundaries than across the grain boundaries. An automated dislocation extraction algorithm (DXA) revealed no dislocations in the deformation zone, suggesting HPPT to be the primary mechanism in inducing plasticity in silicon.


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In a previous work, we carried out inelastic neutron scattering (INS) spectroscopy experiments and preliminary first principles calculations on alkali metal hydrides. The complete series of alkali metal hydrides, LiH, NaH, KH, RbH and CsH was measured in the high-resolution TOSCA INS spectrometer at ISIS. Here, we present the results of ab initio electronic structure calculations of the properties of the alkali metal hydrides using both the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), using the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) parameterization. Properties calculated were lattice parameters, bulk moduli, dielectric constants, effective charges, electronic densities and inelastic neutron scattering (INS) spectra. We took advantage of the currently available computer power to use full lattice dynamics theory to calculate thermodynamic properties for these materials. For the alkali metal hydrides (LiH, NaH, KH, RbH and CsH) using lattice dynamics, we found that the INS spectra calculated using LDA agreed better with the experimental data than the spectra calculated using GGA. Both zero-point effects and thermal contributions to free energies had an important effect on INS and several thermodynamic properties.


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Taphonomic studies regularly employ animal analogues for human decomposition due to ethical restrictions relating to the use of human tissue. However, the validity of using animal analogues in soil decomposition studies is still questioned. This study compared the decomposition of skeletal muscle tissues (SMTs) from human (Homo sapiens), pork (Sus scrofa), beef (Bos taurus), and lamb (Ovis aries) interred in soil microcosms. Fixed interval samples were collected from the SMT for microbial activity and mass tissue loss determination; samples were also taken from the underlying soil for pH, electrical conductivity, and nutrient (potassium, phosphate, ammonium, and nitrate) analysis. The overall patterns of nutrient fluxes and chemical changes in nonhuman SMT and the underlying soil followed that of human SMT. Ovine tissue was the most similar to human tissue in many of the measured parameters. Although no single analogue was a precise predictor of human decomposition in soil, all models offered close approximations in decomposition dynamics.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The equilibrium dynamics of native and introduced blowflies is modelled using a density-dependent model of population growth that takes into account important features of the life-history in these flies. A theoretical analysis indicates that the product of maximum fecundity and survival is the primary determinant of the dynamics. Cochliomyia macellaria, a blowfly native to the Americas and the introduced Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya putoria, differ in their dynamics in that the first species shows a damping oscillatory behavior leading to a one-point equilibrium, whereas in the last two species population numbers show a two-point limit cycle. Simulations showed that variation in fecundity has a marked effect on the dynamics and indicates the possibility of transitions from one-point equilibrium to bounded oscillations and aperiodic behavior. Variation in survival has much less influence on the dynamics.


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Equilibrium dynamics in experimental populations of Chrysomya megacephala (F.) and C. putoria (Wiedemann), which have recently invaded the Americas, and the native species Cochliomyia macellaria (F.), were investigated using nonlinear difference equations. A theoretical analysis of the mathematical model using bifurcation theory established the combination of demographic parameters responsible for producing shifts in blowfly population dynamics from stable equilibria to bounded cycles and aperiodic behavior. Mathematical modeling shows that the populations of the 2 introduced Chrysomya species will form stable oscillations with numbers fluctuating 3-4 times in successive generations. However, in the native species C. macellaria, the dynamics is characterized by damping oscillations in population size, leading to a stable population level.


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Fluorene-based systems have shown great potential as components in organic electronics and optoelectronics (organic photovoltaics, OPVs, organic light emitting diodes, OLEDs, and organic transistors, OTFTs). These systems have drawn attention primarily because they exhibit strong blue emission associated with relatively good thermal stability. It is well-known that the electronic properties of polymers are directly related to the molecular conformations and chain packing of polymers. Here, we used three oligofluorenes (trimer, pentamer, and heptamer) as model systems to theoretically investigate the conformational properties of fluorene molecules, starting with the identification of preferred conformations. The hybrid exchange correlation functional, OPBE, and ZINDO/S-CI showed that each oligomer exhibits a tendency to adopt a specific chain arrangement, which could be distinguished by comparing their UV/vis electronic absorption and C-13 NMR spectra. This feature was used to identify the preferred conformation of the oligomer chains in chloroform-cast films by comparing experimental and theoretical UV/vis and C-13 NMR spectra. Moreover, the oligomer chain packing and dynamics in the films were studied by DSC and several solid state NMR techniques, which indicated that the phase behavior of the films may be influenced by the tendency that each oligomeric chain has to adopt a given conformation.


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This study examined effects of soil freezing on N dynamics in soil along an N processing gradient within a mixed hardwood dominated watershed at Fernow Experimental Forest, West Virginia. Sites were designated as LN (low rates of N processing), ML (moderately low), MH (moderately high), and HN (high). Soils underwent three 7-day freezing treatments (0, –20, or –80 °C) in the laboratory. Responses varied between temperature treatments and along the gradient. Initial effects differed among freezing treatments for net N mineralization, but not nitrification, in soils across the gradient, generally maintained at LN < ML ≤ MH < HN for all treatments. Net N mineralization potential was higher following freezing at –20 and –80 °C than control; all were higher than at 0 °C. Net nitrification potential exhibited similar patterns. LN was an exception, with net nitrification low regardless of treatment. Freezing response of N mineralization differed greatly from that of nitrification, suggesting that soil freezing may decouple two processes of the soil N cycle that are otherwise tightly linked at our site. Results also suggest that soil freezing at temperatures commonly experienced at this site can further increase net nitrification in soils already exhibiting high nitrification from N saturation.


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A theory is provided for a common experimental set up that is used to measure surface properties in surfactant monolayers. The set up consists of a surfactant monolayer (over a shallow liquid layer) that is compressed/expanded in a periodic fashion by moving in counter-phase two parallel, slightly immersed solid barriers, which vary the free surface area and thus the surfactant concentration. The simplest theory ignores the fluid dynamics in the bulk fluid, assuming spatially uniform surfactant concentration, which requires quite small forcing frequencies and provides reversible dynamics in the compression/expansion cycles. In this paper, we present a long-wave theory for not so slow oscillations that assumes local equilibrium but takes the fluid dynamics into account. This simple theory uncovers the physical mechanisms involved in the surfactant behavior and allows for extracting more information from each experimental run. The conclusion is that the fluid dynamics cannot be ignored, and that some irreversible dynamics could well have a fluid dynamic origin


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A one-dimensional inviscid slice model has been used to study numerically the influence of axial microgravity on the breaking of liquid bridges having a volume close to that of gravitationless minimum volume stability limit. Equilibrium shapes and stability limits have been obtained as well as the dependence of the volume of the two drops formed after breaking on both the length and the volume of the liquid bridge. The breaking process has also been studied experimentally. Good agreement has been found between theory and experiment for neutrally buoyant systems